settingsinternalcrkeys.h File Reference

const TUid KCRUidNetworkSettings

const TUid KCRUidNetworkSettings

Network settings CR UID.

const TUint32 KSettingsServiceAlertNotes

const TUint32 KSettingsServiceAlertNotes

Determines whether the user see visual notifications when entering or leaving different cellular systems. Possible interger values: 0 = Off 1 = On

const TUint32 KSettingsServiceAlertTones

const TUint32 KSettingsServiceAlertTones

Determines whether the user will hear a service tone when entering or leaving different cellular systems. Possible interger values: 0 = Off 1 = On

const TUint32 KSettingsMcnDisplay

const TUint32 KSettingsMcnDisplay

Micro cellular network (Mcn) Display

Possible values: 0 = Off 1 = On

const TUid KCRUidSecuritySettings

const TUid KCRUidSecuritySettings

Security settings CR UID

const TUint32 KSettingsAutoLockTime

const TUint32 KSettingsAutoLockTime

Autolock time Possible values are: 0-999 minutes

const TUint32 KSettingsAutolockStatus

const TUint32 KSettingsAutolockStatus

Autolock status Possible values are: 0 = phone is not locked 1 = phone is locked

const TUint32 KSettingsLockOnPowerUp

const TUint32 KSettingsLockOnPowerUp

A CDMA Operator specific requirement, to be able to set the phone to "Lock On Power Up" in General Settings. When this key is set to 1 the device security will lock the system (using Autolock) after each phone reboot.

Possible values are: 0 = The phone doesn't get locked on Power Up 1 = The phone gets locked on Power Up

const TUint32 KSettingsTransactionTracking

const TUint32 KSettingsTransactionTracking

Transaction Tracking status Possible values are: 0 = disabled 1 = enabled

const TUint32 KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime

const TUint32 KSettingsAutomaticKeyguardTime

Automatic keyguard time in seconds Possible values are from 0 to 3600

const TUint32 KSettingsMaxAutomaticKeyguardTime

const TUint32 KSettingsMaxAutomaticKeyguardTime

Automatic keyguard maximum time Value in seconds

const TUid KCRUidCommunicationSettings

const TUid KCRUidCommunicationSettings

Communication (aka networking) related settings CR UID

const TUint32 KSettingsVPNImplementation

const TUint32 KSettingsVPNImplementation

Name of polymorphic DLL to be loaded for VPN management UI.

const TUint32 KSettingsVPNSupported

const TUint32 KSettingsVPNSupported

VPN tab in Connection settings UI to be displayed or hidden from the user.

Possible values are: 0 = Tab is hidden 1 = Tab is shown

const TUint32 KSettingsAPSettingsSupported

const TUint32 KSettingsAPSettingsSupported

Access Points item in Connection settings folder to be displayed or hidden from the user.

Possible values are: 0 = item is hidden 1 = item is shown

const TUid KCRUidPersonalizationSettings

const TUid KCRUidPersonalizationSettings

Terminal personalization settings CR UID

const TUint32 KSettingsDisplayOperatorLogo

const TUint32 KSettingsDisplayOperatorLogo

Is operator logo is shown to the user. 0 = Logo not shown 1 = Logo shown

const TUint32 KSettingsShowOperatorLogoSetting

const TUint32 KSettingsShowOperatorLogoSetting

Defines if the "Operator Logo" list item is to be made visible or hidden in General Settings.

const TUint32 KSettingsActiveIdleState

const TUint32 KSettingsActiveIdleState

Defines if Active Idle functionality is enabled. 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled

const TUint32 KSettingsConfirmSatOperationsSupported

const TUint32 KSettingsConfirmSatOperationsSupported

Hide/Unhide Confirm Sat operations item in UI 0 = Hide 1 = Show

const TUint32 KSettingsScreenSaverPeriod

const TUint32 KSettingsScreenSaverPeriod

Screen saver period. The value is an integer between 5 and 90. Default value is 15

const TUint32 KSettingsConfirmSatOperations

const TUint32 KSettingsConfirmSatOperations

Confirm Sat operations setting 0 = No 1 = Yes

const TUint32 KSettingsCustomBannerText

const TUint32 KSettingsCustomBannerText

Custom banner text for idle screen String value.

const TUint32 KSettingsDisplayTurnoffTimeout

const TUint32 KSettingsDisplayTurnoffTimeout

Power Save Led setting value Integer value.

const TUint32 KSettingsOperatorActiveIdle

const TUint32 KSettingsOperatorActiveIdle

Plugin UID of the operator specific full screen ActiveIdle. Integer value. Default value: 0

const TUint32 KSettingsWritingSpeed

const TUint32 KSettingsWritingSpeed

Pen writing speed for HWR Possible values are: 1-5 (very fast - very slow) Default value: 3

const TUint32 KSettingsPenWidth

const TUint32 KSettingsPenWidth

Pen trail width for HWR. Possible values are: 1-5 (very thin - very thick) Default value: 3

const TUint32 KSettingsPenColor

const TUint32 KSettingsPenColor

Pen trail color for HWR. 24-bit RGB colour value with 8 bits each for red, green and blue. The integer is of form 0xaabbggrr Default value: 0

const TUint32 KSettingsDefaultVkbPrc

const TUint32 KSettingsDefaultVkbPrc

Default input method of the Chinese PRC VKB. Possible values are: 1 - PinYin; 4 - Stroke Default value: 1

const TUint32 KSettingsDefaultVkbTw

const TUint32 KSettingsDefaultVkbTw

Default input method of the Chinese TaiWan VKB. Possible values are: 2 - ZhuYin; 4 - Stroke Default value: 2

const TUint32 KSettingsDefaultVkbHk

const TUint32 KSettingsDefaultVkbHk

Default input method of the Chinese HongKong VKB. Possible values are: 4 - Stroke; 8 - CangJie Default value: 4

const TUint32 KSettingsPenInputLang

const TUint32 KSettingsPenInputLang

Pen Input Language. Possible values defined in enum TLanguage Default value: 0

const TUint32 KSettingsHearingAidMode

const TUint32 KSettingsHearingAidMode

Indicates whether T-coil hearing aid mode is enabled or not. Integer value. Default value: 0 0 = disabled 1 = enabled

const TUint32 KSettingsPenInputGuideLine

const TUint32 KSettingsPenInputGuideLine

Guide line used in hand writing recognition box. If enabled, horizontal line will appear in the box. Default value: 1 0 = Guide Line Off 1 = Guide Line On

const TUint32 KSettingsOperatorVariantActiveIdleText

const TUint32 KSettingsOperatorVariantActiveIdleText

To Variate Operator Specific ActiveIdle Text. String value.

const TUint32 KSettingsScreensaverTimeoutItemVisibility

const TUint32 KSettingsScreensaverTimeoutItemVisibility

To variate screensaver timeout settings item visibility 0 = item is hidden (default) 1 = item is shown

const TUint32 KSettingRecognitionwithdictionary

const TUint32 KSettingRecognitionwithdictionary

Indicates whether the function (recognition with dictionary) is enabled or not. Boolean value. Default value: 0 0 = disabled 1 = enabled

const TUint32 KSettingsOpticalJoystickStatus

const TUint32 KSettingsOpticalJoystickStatus

To save the setting for enable / disable optical joystick Integer value. Default value: 1 0 = Guide Line Off 1 = Guide Line On

const TUid KCRUidTelephonySettings

const TUid KCRUidTelephonySettings

Telephony settings CR UID.

const TUint32 KSettingsAnyKeyAnswer

const TUint32 KSettingsAnyKeyAnswer

Any key answer

Possible values: 0 = Off 1 = On

const TUint32 KSettingsAutomaticRedial

const TUint32 KSettingsAutomaticRedial

Automatic redial

0 = Off 1 = On

const TUint32 KSettingsOneKeyDialling

const TUint32 KSettingsOneKeyDialling

One key dialling

0 = Off 1 = On

const TUint32 KSettingsDialPrefixChangeMode

const TUint32 KSettingsDialPrefixChangeMode

This key will include information whether the prefix change is active.

0 = Off 1 = On

const TUint32 KSettingsDialPrefixText

const TUint32 KSettingsDialPrefixText

This key will include the prefix set by user. Text string maximum 10 characters. Only dial related characters allowed.

const TUint32 KSettingsSoftRejectDefaultInUse

const TUint32 KSettingsSoftRejectDefaultInUse

Soft Reject default text used.

0 = Default in use 1 = User defined text in use

const TUint32 KSettingsSoftReject

const TUint32 KSettingsSoftReject

Soft Reject On/Off. Has the user enabled Soft Reject. 0 = Off 1 = On

const TUint32 KSettingsSoftRejectText

const TUint32 KSettingsSoftRejectText

User defined Soft Reject text. Any text up to 160 characters. No default value in CentRep (there is a default value, but it is localized).

const TUint32 KSettingsVTStillImage

const TUint32 KSettingsVTStillImage

Defines if still image for video calls (when camera is disabled) is in use. 0 = Off 1 = On

const TUint32 KSettingsVTStillImagePath

const TUint32 KSettingsVTStillImagePath

This keys is required for the Video Telephony still image feature in General Settings to store the still image path

const TUint32 KLogsLastCallTimerLineVoIP

const TUint32 KLogsLastCallTimerLineVoIP

This key is required for VoIP Last Call Timer

const TUint32 KLogsReceivedCallsTimerLineVoIP

const TUint32 KLogsReceivedCallsTimerLineVoIP

This key is required for VoIP Received Calls Timer

const TUint32 KLogsDialledCallsTimerLineVoIP

const TUint32 KLogsDialledCallsTimerLineVoIP

This key is required for VoIP Dialled Calls Timer

const TUint32 KSCCPinstallUpgrade

const TUint32 KSCCPinstallUpgrade

This key is required for SCCP stack installation indication

const TUint32 KDynamicVoIP

const TUint32 KDynamicVoIP

This key is required for dynamic VoIP

const TUint32 KSettingsUiLongCallKeyPress

const TUint32 KSettingsUiLongCallKeyPress

This key is required for Long Press of Call Key setting item Values: 0,1 --> Inactive 2 --> Video call (Default value is 1 and when Restore Fact. Settings is done value is 0)

const TUint32 KSettingsVTVideoSending

const TUint32 KSettingsVTVideoSending

This key is required for VT call answer mute status 0 = Ask first (default value) 1 = No 2 = Yes

const TUint32 KSettingsOpeningSlideAnswer

const TUint32 KSettingsOpeningSlideAnswer

key to define what to do when opening slide 0: Not answer call when opening slide 1: Answer call when opening slide (default)

const TUint32 KSettingsClosingSlideEnd

const TUint32 KSettingsClosingSlideEnd

key to define what to do when closing slide 0: Not end call when closing slide 1: End call when closing slide (default)

const TUint32 KSettingsShowSlideSettings

const TUint32 KSettingsShowSlideSettings

key to define whether to show or not show side settings 0: Not show slide settings (default) 1: Show slide settings

const TUid KCRUidCdmaTelephonySettings

const TUid KCRUidCdmaTelephonySettings

CDMA Telephony settings CR UID.

const TUid KCRUidLocaleSettings

const TUid KCRUidLocaleSettings

Locale settings CR UID.

const TUint32 KSettingsDefaultNumberMode

const TUint32 KSettingsDefaultNumberMode

Arabic & Hebrew default number mode - integer value.

const TUint32 KSettingsIndicDefaultNumberMode

const TUint32 KSettingsIndicDefaultNumberMode

Default Indic Number Mode for Hindi Digits - integer value.

const TUid KCRUidPeripheralSettings

const TUid KCRUidPeripheralSettings

Peripheral settings CR UID.

const TUint32 KSettingsDisplayLightsTimeout

const TUint32 KSettingsDisplayLightsTimeout

Timeout for setting off the display lights. Value is in seconds.

const TUid KCRUidCallForwarding

const TUid KCRUidCallForwarding

Call forwarding settings CR UID.

const TUint32 KSettingsCFDefaultNumber1

const TUint32 KSettingsCFDefaultNumber1

call forwarding "forwarded-to" number 1. String value

const TUint32 KSettingsCFDefaultNumber2

const TUint32 KSettingsCFDefaultNumber2

call forwarding "forwarded-to" number 2. String value

const TUint32 KSettingsCFDefaultNumber3

const TUint32 KSettingsCFDefaultNumber3

call forwarding "forwarded-to" number 3. String value

const TUint32 KSettingsCFDefaultNumberAls1

const TUint32 KSettingsCFDefaultNumberAls1

call forwarding "forwarded-to" number 1. Alternate line String value

const TUint32 KSettingsCFDefaultNumberAls2

const TUint32 KSettingsCFDefaultNumberAls2

call forwarding "forwarded-to" number 2. Alternate line String value

const TUint32 KSettingsCFDefaultNumberAls3

const TUint32 KSettingsCFDefaultNumberAls3

call forwarding "forwarded-to" number 3. Alternate line String value

const TUint32 KSettingsCFTimerValue

const TUint32 KSettingsCFTimerValue

"call forwarding when no reply"-timer value. Integer value.

const TUint32 KSettingsCFTimerValueAls

const TUint32 KSettingsCFTimerValueAls

"call forwarding when no reply"-timer value for alternate line. Integer value.

const TUint32 KSettingsCFUsedDataNumber

const TUint32 KSettingsCFUsedDataNumber

Last used number diverted data calls String value

const TUint32 KSettingsCFUsedFaxNumber

const TUint32 KSettingsCFUsedFaxNumber

Last used number diverted fax calls String value

const TUid KCRUidCommonTelephonySettings

const TUid KCRUidCommonTelephonySettings

Common Telephony Settings CR UID.

const TUint32 KSettingsSummaryAfterCall

const TUint32 KSettingsSummaryAfterCall

Summary after call

0 = Off 1 = On

const TUid KCRUidRichCallSettings

const TUid KCRUidRichCallSettings

Settings for Rich Call features

const TUint32 KRCSEClir

const TUint32 KRCSEClir

Calling Line Identification Restriction for PS calls

0 = KRCSEClirOff 1 = KRCSEClirOn 2 = KRCSEClirDefault

const TUint32 KRCSEWlanEarlyWarning

const TUint32 KRCSEWlanEarlyWarning

Determines whether warning is given to user, when WLAN signal strength drops too low.

0 = KRCSEEarlyWarningOff 1 = KRCSEEarlyWarningOn

const TUint32 KRCSECSCallWaiting

const TUint32 KRCSECSCallWaiting

Circuit Switched call waiting.

0 = KRCSECSCallWaitingOff 1 = KRCSECSCallWaitingOn

const TUint32 KRCSEPSLogin

const TUint32 KRCSEPSLogin

Determines whether the registeration of VoIP is automatic or manual.

0 = KRCSEAutomatic 1 = KRCSEManual

const TUint32 KRCSEAnonymousCallBlockRule

const TUint32 KRCSEAnonymousCallBlockRule

Determines whether the user wants to receive anonymous calls. Possible values are: 0 = KRCSEAnonymousCallsAllowed 1 = KRCSEAnonymousCallsBlocked

const TUint32 KRCSEPreferredTelephony

const TUint32 KRCSEPreferredTelephony

Determines call type preference. Possible values are: 0 = KRCSECSCallPreferred 1 = KRCSEInternetCallPreferred

const TUint32 KRCSEDoNotDisturb

const TUint32 KRCSEDoNotDisturb

Determines status of Do Not Disturb setting. Possible values are: 0 = KRCSEDoNoDisturbOff 1 = KRCSEDoNoDisturbOn

const TUint32 KRCSPSCallWaiting

const TUint32 KRCSPSCallWaiting

Determines status of PS (VoIP) call waiting setting. Possible values are: 0 = KRCSEPSCallWaitingOff 1 = KRCSEPSCallWaitingOn

const TUint32 KRCSPSPreferredService

const TUint32 KRCSPSPreferredService

Determines id of preferred VOIP service. 0 = Not set 1 = CS / Video service 2 = voip stub 3 = voip service 1 4 = voip service 2 n = voip service n

const TUid KCRUidMiscSettings

const TUid KCRUidMiscSettings

Miscelaneous Settings

const TUid KCRUidPhoneSettings

const TUid KCRUidPhoneSettings

Phone settings CR UID

const TUint32 KPSetCallWaiting

const TUint32 KPSetCallWaiting

Call waiting feature 0 = disabled 1 = Enabled

const TUid KCRUidDeviceManagementSettings

const TUid KCRUidDeviceManagementSettings

Device Management Settings CR UID.

const TUint32 KSettingsPowerSavingQuery

const TUint32 KSettingsPowerSavingQuery

Determines whether to show power saving query before entering power saving mode. 0: Off 1: On (Default)

const TUid KCRUidSlideSettings

const TUid KCRUidSlideSettings

Slide Settings CR UID.

const TUint32 KSlideCloseCover

const TUint32 KSlideCloseCover

Used to control which behavior is chosen when closing the cover. Possible values are 0=Off, 1=On

const TUint32 KSlideOpenCoverUri

const TUint32 KSlideOpenCoverUri

const TUint32 KSlideOpenCoverCaption

const TUint32 KSlideOpenCoverCaption

const TUint32 KSlideKeyguard

const TUint32 KSlideKeyguard

This setting defines whether keyguard is activated by closing the cover

Possible values: 0: Closing cover does not activate keyguard. 1: Closing the cover activates keyguard. 2: User is asked "Do you want to activate keyguard?". 3: Automatic - keyguard returns to the state before opening the cover.

const TUint32 KSlideAudioRouting

const TUint32 KSlideAudioRouting

Used to control if audio is routed when opening the slide. Possible values are 0=routing not changed, 1=routing changed

const TUint32 KSlideAutomaticAction

const TUint32 KSlideAutomaticAction

User setting for Intelligent Slide Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KSlideTerminology

const TUint32 KSlideTerminology

Defines which localisation to use for slide settings Possible values 0: Slide 1: Cover 2: Flip 3: Fold 4: Swivel 5: reserved

const TUint32 KSlideShowEventType

const TUint32 KSlideShowEventType

Slide Events to react to Depending on this value, different P/S keys in KPSUidHWRM are used for monitoring the slide state Possible values are 0: Grip 1: Flip 2: Twist

const TUint32 KSlideShowCallHandling

const TUint32 KSlideShowCallHandling

Perform call handling with slide Possible values 0: Disabled 1: Enabled

const TUint32 KSlideShowAudioRouting

const TUint32 KSlideShowAudioRouting

Perform audio routing with slide Possible values 0: Disabled 1: Enabled

const TUint32 KSlideShowKeypadlock

const TUint32 KSlideShowKeypadlock

Perform keypad lock handling with slide Possible values 0: Disabled 1: Enabled

const TUint32 KSlideShowAppLaunch

const TUint32 KSlideShowAppLaunch

Application launch when slide open in idle Possible values 0: Disabled 1: Enabled

const TUint32 KSlideShowGoToIdle

const TUint32 KSlideShowGoToIdle

Go to idle with slide close Possible values 0: Disabled 1: Enabled

const TUint32 KSlideShowDeviceLock

const TUint32 KSlideShowDeviceLock

Device lock with slide Possible values 0: Disabled 1: Enabled

const TUint32 KMessagingMainView

const TUint32 KMessagingMainView

Messaging Main View Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KMessagingMessageListView

const TUint32 KMessagingMessageListView

Messaging Message List View Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KMessagingOneRowMessageListView

const TUint32 KMessagingOneRowMessageListView

Messaging One Row Message List View Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KMessagingTextMessageViewer

const TUint32 KMessagingTextMessageViewer

Messaging Text Message Viewer Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KMessagingMultimediaMessageViewer

const TUint32 KMessagingMultimediaMessageViewer

Messaging Multimedia Message Viewer Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KMessagingUniEditor

const TUint32 KMessagingUniEditor

Messaging Uni Editor Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KEmailViewer

const TUint32 KEmailViewer

Email Viewer Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KEmailEditor

const TUint32 KEmailEditor

Email Editor Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KBrowserContentView

const TUint32 KBrowserContentView

Browser Content view Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KBrowserBookmarksView

const TUint32 KBrowserBookmarksView

Browser Bookmarks view Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KClockMainView

const TUint32 KClockMainView

Clock Main view Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KClockAlarmEditor

const TUint32 KClockAlarmEditor

Clock Alarm editor Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KClockMultiAlarmView

const TUint32 KClockMultiAlarmView

Clock MultiAlarm view Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KClockWorldClockView

const TUint32 KClockWorldClockView

Clock World clock view Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KClockCountDownView

const TUint32 KClockCountDownView

Clock World clock view Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KNotepadEditor

const TUint32 KNotepadEditor

Notepad Editor Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KNotepadListView

const TUint32 KNotepadListView

Notepad List view Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KPhoneIncomingCall

const TUint32 KPhoneIncomingCall

Phone Incoming call Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KFileManagerFolderView

const TUint32 KFileManagerFolderView

File Manager Folder view Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KCalendarMainView

const TUint32 KCalendarMainView

Calendar Main(Month/Week/Day/To-Do) view Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KCalendarEventView

const TUint32 KCalendarEventView

Calendar Event(Meeting/Memo/Anniversary/To-Do note) view Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KCalendarEventEditor

const TUint32 KCalendarEventEditor

Calendar Event(Meeting/Memo/Anniversary/To-Do note) editor Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KContactsGroupView

const TUint32 KContactsGroupView

Contacts Group view Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KContactsDetailsView

const TUint32 KContactsDetailsView

Contacts Details view Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KContactsEditor

const TUint32 KContactsEditor

Contacts Editor Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KContactsCommunicationLauncherView

const TUint32 KContactsCommunicationLauncherView

Contacts Communication Launcher view Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KLogsView

const TUint32 KLogsView

Logs view Possible values are listed in TSlideSetting

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutModifier1

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutModifier1

Modifier keys used for global shortcuts Possible values of scan codes are listed in e32keys.h For example EStdKeyLeftShift=0x12, EStdKeyLeftCtrl=0x16

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutModifier2

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutModifier2

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey00

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey00

Action key scancode Possible values of scan codes are listed in e32keys.h

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey01

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey01

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey02

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey02

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey03

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey03

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey04

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey04

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey05

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey05

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey06

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey06

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey07

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey07

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey08

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey08

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey09

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey09

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey10

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey10

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey11

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey11

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey12

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey12

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey13

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey13

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey14

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey14

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey15

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey15

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey16

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey16

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey17

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey17

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey18

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey18

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey19

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutKey19

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp00

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp00

Application UID that should be brought to foreground/background when corresponding action key is pressed

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp01

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp01

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp02

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp02

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp03

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp03

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp04

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp04

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp05

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp05

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp06

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp06

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp07

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp07

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp08

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp08

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp09

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp09

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp10

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp10

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp11

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp11

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp12

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp12

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp13

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp13

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp14

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp14

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp15

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp15

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp16

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp16

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp17

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp17

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp18

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp18

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp19

const TUint32 KGlobalShortcutApp19