Activating items in a list

This document describes the code changes required to activate items in a list on single-tap.

Replace the EEventItemDoubleClicked event with EEventItemSingleClicked . Remove the EEventItemClicked processing code if any.

The following code snippet illustrates the changes to the event handling code of a File Browser application.

       // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CFileBrowseBaseView::HandleListBoxEventL
// If single-tap is enabled, the touch related events must be handled here
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CFileBrowseBaseView::HandleListBoxEventL(CEikListBox* /*aListBox*/, TListBoxEvent aEventType)
    switch (aEventType)
        //case EEventItemDoubleClicked:
       ----- Remove this code--------------
        case EEventItemSingleClicked:
       //------- Include this new event for item activation---
        NavigateL(iListBox->CurrentItemIndex()); // user defined function for navigating to the selected folder
	     OpenFolderL(); // user defined function for opening the selected folder