Using TSwizzle operators

Using the conversion to T* operator

In the following code fragment, the compiler invokes the T*() operator (because a pointer is required) for the TSwizzle<CClassB> object iB , before calling delete .

    if (iB.IsPtr())
        delete iB;

Using the indirection operator

In the following code fragment, the *() operator returns a reference to the CClassB object represented by the swizzle TSwizzle<CClassB> object, iB .

       TStreamId CClassABC::StoreL()
    outstream  << *iB;

Using the indirect component selector

In the following code fragment, the operator -> gives access to the member iFixBuf of the CClassB object which is represented by the TSwizzle<CClassB> swizzle, iB .

       void CClassABC::ConstructB(...,...,...,...)
    iB->iFixBuf    = aData;