How to use literal descriptors

Explains how to generate constant literal descriptors.

Generate a constant literal as follows:

      _LIT(name, string);

where name is a C++ variable name and string is the literal text enclosed in a pair of double quotes.

All the code fragments use the build independent form but they are equally valid if replaced by the explicit 16 bit variant or the explicit 8 bit variant.

As name represents a constant variable, it is conventional for the variable name to start with a capital K , for example:


This generates the constant literal descriptor:

      const static TLitC<5> KTxtMatchString;

and this is initialised to contain the string Hello . Developers never need to code a TLitC class explicitly; it is always be constructed through the macro.

This constant literal descriptor can be passed directly to functions which are prototyped to take a const TDesC& type:

      TBufC<32> x;

The literal descriptor classes: TLitC16 , TLitC8 , TLitC16 , also provide a conversion operator so that they can be passed to functions which take a const TRefByValue<const TDesC> type. This means that they can be passed to functions such as TDes::Format() :

      _LIT(KFormat1,"Length is %d");
TBuf<256> x;

The & and the () operators acting on a constant literal return a const TDesC* and a const TDesC& type respectively:

_LIT(KFormat2,"Text is %S");
      TInt length;
length = KTxtMatchString().Length();
TBuf<256> x;