locationfwdomainpskeys.h File Reference

const TInt KPosIndicatorCategory

const TInt KPosIndicatorCategory

Defines value UID of Positioning Indicator P&S keys category.

const TUid KPosIndicatorCategoryUid

const TUid KPosIndicatorCategoryUid

Defines UID of Positioning Indicator P&S keys category.

const TInt KPosIntGpsHwStatus

const TInt KPosIntGpsHwStatus

ID of the Integrated GPS HW Status key. May contain values defined by TPosIntGpsHwIndicatorState .

Default value (i.e. when this key is not found) is EPosIntGpsHwIndicatorOff.

If it contains any other value than defined in TPosIntGpsHwState , such value shall be ignored and TPosIndicatorState::EPosIntGpsHwIndicatorOff shall be assumed.