HTTP Receive Buffer Size Property

By default, the HTTP Transport Framework uses the default receive buffer size of 6 KB for an HTTP session. The default receive buffer size value can be overridden by the client before the first HTTP transaction is submitted for a particular HTTP session. The default receive buffer size for a particular session can be set using the HTTP::ERecvBufferSize property. The following example code illustrates how to set the default receive buffer size for an HTTP session:

      RHTTPSession mySess;
THTTPHdrVal myHdrVal (10240); 
RHTTPConnectionInfo httpConnInfo = mySess.ConnectionInfo();
httpConnInfo.SetPropertyL (mySess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::ERecvBufferSize, RHTTPSession::GetTable()), myHdrVal);

In this example, the default receive buffer size value is overridden and the receive buffer size is set to 10240 bytes (10 KB).