TYuvToRgbCapabilities Class Reference

class TYuvToRgbCapabilities

Describes the YUV to RGB color conversion capabilities of a post-processor.

Member Data Documentation

TUint32 iCoefficients

TUint32 iCoefficients

YUV to RGB conversion coefficients supported, a bitfield combination of TYuvCoefficients.

TBool iContrastControl

TBool iContrastControl

True if contrast control is supported.

TUint32 iDitherTypes

TUint32 iDitherTypes

Dithering types supported, a bitfield combination of TDitherType.

TBool iGammaCorrection

TBool iGammaCorrection

True if gamma correction is supported.

TBool iLightnessControl

TBool iLightnessControl

True if lightness control is supported.

TUint32 iRgbFormats

TUint32 iRgbFormats

Output RGB formats supported, a bitfield combination of TRgbFormat.

TUint32 iSamplingPatterns

TUint32 iSamplingPatterns

Input YUV sampling patterns supported, a bitfield combination (bitwise OR) of TYuvSamplingPattern.

TBool iSaturationControl

TBool iSaturationControl

True if saturation control is supported.