mpxincrementalopendefs.h File Reference

const TInt KMPXCommandIdIncrementalOpenL

const TInt KMPXCommandIdIncrementalOpenL

Content ID for opening incrementally

const TMPXAttributeData KMPXCollectionCommandIdIncOpenLPath

const TMPXAttributeData KMPXCollectionCommandIdIncOpenLPath

Attributes supported for KMPXCommandIdIncrementalOpenL The collection path to open ( CMPXCollectionPath )

const TMPXAttributeData KMPXCollectionCommandIdIncOpenLOffset

const TMPXAttributeData KMPXCollectionCommandIdIncOpenLOffset

Offset to start reading from (TInt)

const TMPXAttributeData KMPXCollectionCommandIdIncOpenLNumItems

const TMPXAttributeData KMPXCollectionCommandIdIncOpenLNumItems

Number of items to read (TInt)

const TMPXAttributeData KMPXCollectionCommandIdIncOpenLAscDsc

const TMPXAttributeData KMPXCollectionCommandIdIncOpenLAscDsc

Read ascending or decending (EReadDescending for dsc, EReadAscending for asc)

Can use ascending read if a key item can be provided for faster access

const TMPXAttributeData KMPXCollectionCommandIdIncOpenLKeyItem

const TMPXAttributeData KMPXCollectionCommandIdIncOpenLKeyItem

Value of some key (TDesC) to accelerate open db

For example, KMPXMediaGeneralTitle can be used as a reference for plugins to quickly jump to the last retrieved item