
fc [ -e ename ] [ -nlrdDfEim ] [ old=new ... ] [ first [ last ] ]


fc -ARWI [ filename ]

Select a range of commands from first to last from the history list. The arguments first and last may be specified as a number or as a string. A negative number is used as an offset to the current history event number. A string specifies the most recent event beginning with the given string. All substitutions old=new , if any, are then performed on the commands.

Option Description


The resulting commands are listed on standard output.


The first argument is taken as a pattern (should be quoted) and only the history events matching this pattern will be shown.


The editor program ename is invoked on a file containing these history events. If ename is not given, the value of the parameter FCEDIT is used. If ename is not given, editor is invoked. When editing is complete, the edited command is executed.


Reverse the order of the commands.


Suppresses command numbers when listing.


Prints timestamps for each command.


Prints full time-date stamps.


Causes the dates to be printed as dd.mm.yyyy , instead of the default mm/dd/yyyy .


Causes the dates to be printed in ISO8601 yyyy-mm-dd format.


fc prints elapsed time.

  • fc -R : Reads the history from the given file.

  • fc -W : Writes the history out to the given file.

  • fc -A : Appends the history out to the given file.

If no filename is specified, the $HISTFILE is assumed. If the -I option is added to -R , only those events that are not already contained within the internal history list are added. If the -I option is added to -A or -W , only those events that are new since last incremental append/write to the history file are appended or written. In any case, the created file will have no more than $SAVEHIST entries.

If first is not specified, it will be set to -1 (the most recent event), or to -16 if the -l flag is given. If last is not specified, it will be set to first , or to -1 if the -l flag is given.