e32const.h File Reference

const TInt KDefaultJustifyWidth

const TInt KDefaultJustifyWidth

The default width value used when appending and justifying data in a descriptor.

TDes16::AppendJustify() TDes16::Justify() TDes8::AppendJustify() TDes8::Justify()

const TInt KMaxCheckedUid

const TInt KMaxCheckedUid

Defines the number of TUids that form a TUidType .

TUid TUidType

const TInt KNumTraceMaskWords

const TInt KNumTraceMaskWords

Defines the number of 32-bit debug trace mask words.

const TInt KMaxUidName

const TInt KMaxUidName

Defines the maximum length for the text form of a UID name.

TUidName TUid::Name()

const TInt KMaxModuleVersionName

const TInt KMaxModuleVersionName

Defines the maximum length of a module name.

const TInt KMaxName

const TInt KMaxName

Defines the maximum length of the name of a reference counted object.


const TInt KMaxKernelName

const TInt KMaxKernelName

Defines the maximum length of the name of a reference counted kernel-side object.

const TInt KMaxProcessName

const TInt KMaxProcessName

Defines the maximum size of a process name.

const TInt KMaxLibraryName

const TInt KMaxLibraryName

Defines the maximum size of a library name.

const TInt KMaxInfoName

const TInt KMaxInfoName

Defines the maximum length of a TInfoName object.

const TInt KMaxFullName

const TInt KMaxFullName

Defines the maximum length of the full name of a reference counted object.


const TInt KMaxPassword

const TInt KMaxPassword

The maximum length for a password buffer.


const TInt KMaxExitCategoryName

const TInt KMaxExitCategoryName

The maximum length of a category name.


const TInt KMaxDayName

const TInt KMaxDayName

The maximum length of the full text name for a day of the week.


const TInt KMaxDayNameAbb

const TInt KMaxDayNameAbb

The maximum length of the abbreviated text name for a day of the week.


const TInt KMaxDays

const TInt KMaxDays

Defines the maximum size of arrays or data structures required to hold the names of the days of the week.

const TInt KMaxMonthName

const TInt KMaxMonthName

The maximum length of the full text name for a month.


const TInt KMaxMonthNameAbb

const TInt KMaxMonthNameAbb

The maximum length of the abbreviated text name for a month.


const TInt KMaxMonths

const TInt KMaxMonths

Defines the maximum size of arrays or data structures required to hold the names of the months of the year.

const TInt KMaxSuffix

const TInt KMaxSuffix

The maximum length of the text for a date suffix.


const TInt KMaxSuffixes

const TInt KMaxSuffixes

Defines the maximum size of arrays and data structures required to hold date suffix strings.

const TInt KMaxAmPmName

const TInt KMaxAmPmName

The maximum length of the text for AM and PM.


const TInt KMaxAmPms

const TInt KMaxAmPms

Defines the maximum size of arrays and data structures required to hold am/pm strings.

const TInt KMaxDateSeparators

const TInt KMaxDateSeparators

Defines the maximum number of date separator characters in a date string.

const TInt KMaxTimeSeparators

const TInt KMaxTimeSeparators

Defines the maximum number of time separator characters in a time string.

const TInt KMaxTranslateTable

const TInt KMaxTranslateTable

Defines the maximum size of data structures to hold the translate tables for Western European alphabetic conversions.

const TInt KMaxCurrencySymbol

const TInt KMaxCurrencySymbol

The maximum length of the text for a currency symbol.


const TInt KMaxShortDateFormatSpec

const TInt KMaxShortDateFormatSpec

The maximum length of the short date format specification text.


const TInt KMaxLongDateFormatSpec

const TInt KMaxLongDateFormatSpec

The maximum length of the short date format specification text.


const TInt KMaxTimeFormatSpec

const TInt KMaxTimeFormatSpec

The maximum length of the time string formatting commands.


const TInt KMaxFileName

const TInt KMaxFileName

Defines the maximum length of a filename.

const TInt KMaxVersionName

const TInt KMaxVersionName

The maximum length of the character representation of version information.


const TInt KMaxPath

const TInt KMaxPath

Defines the maximum length of a path.


const TInt KMaxDeviceInfo

const TInt KMaxDeviceInfo

Defines the maximum length of a TDeviceInfo object.


const TInt KMaxMediaPassword

const TInt KMaxMediaPassword

The maximum size of the password required to unlock a media drive.

const TInt KMinHeapSize

const TInt KMinHeapSize

Defines the minimum size of a new heap.

Functions that require a new heap to be allocated will either panic, or will reset the required heap size to this value if a smaller heap size is specified.

UserHeap RThread::Create()

const TInt KDstHome

const TInt KDstHome

Not used by Symbian OS.

const TInt KDstEuropean

const TInt KDstEuropean

Not used by Symbian OS.

const TInt KDstNorthern

const TInt KDstNorthern

Not used by Symbian OS.

const TInt KDstSouthern

const TInt KDstSouthern

Not used by Symbian OS.

const TInt KDefaultStackSize

const TInt KDefaultStackSize

A default stack size that can be used when creating threads.

const TUint KNoChar

const TUint KNoChar

Indicates an undefined character, used internally when formatting text.

const TInt KIndexPtr

const TInt KIndexPtr

Defines an index value that is interpreted by the TKey class, and derived classes, as having a specific meaning.

TKey::SetPtr() TKey::At()

const TInt KHandleNoClose

const TInt KHandleNoClose

A flag used by the kernel to mark a handle as not being closable.

const TInt KHandleFlagLocal

const TInt KHandleFlagLocal

A flag used by the kernel to mark a handle as being local.

const TInt KCurrentProcessHandle

const TInt KCurrentProcessHandle

A flag used by the Kernel to indicate the current process.

const TInt KCurrentThreadHandle

const TInt KCurrentThreadHandle

A flag used by the Kernel to indicate the current thread.

const TInt KNullHandle

const TInt KNullHandle

Defines a handle number value of zero.


const TInt KDefaultUnit

const TInt KDefaultUnit

Defines a default unit. Not generally used by Symbian OS.

const TInt KNullUnit

const TInt KNullUnit

The device unit that must be passed in a call to RBusLogicalChannel::DoCreate() , if units are not permitted.


const TInt KMaxUnits

const TInt KMaxUnits

The maximum unit number that can be passed in a call to RBusLogicalChannel::DoCreate() .


const TInt KMaxMessageArguments

const TInt KMaxMessageArguments

Defines the maximum number of message arguments that can be passed across the user side/kernel side boundary.

const TInt KDefaultRealWidth

const TInt KDefaultRealWidth

The default width of the character representation of a real number, used by the default constructor of a TRealFormat object and the formatting functions of descriptors.

TRealFormat TDes16::AppendFormat() TDes8::AppendFormat()

const TInt KMinHeapGrowBy

const TInt KMinHeapGrowBy

The default value used by UserHeap::ChunkHeap() for defining increments to the size of a chunk, when no explicit value specified by the caller.


const TInt KMaxExponentConversion

const TInt KMaxExponentConversion

Not used by Symbian OS.

const TInt KNullUidValue

const TInt KNullUidValue

Defines a Null UID value.


const TInt KDeltaTimerDefaultGranularity

const TInt KDeltaTimerDefaultGranularity

The timer granularity used by a CDeltaTimer object is now the tick period and this constant is obsolete.


const TInt KMaxTInt8

const TInt KMaxTInt8

The largest possible value for a TInt8.

const TInt KMinTInt8

const TInt KMinTInt8

The smallest possible value for a TInt8.

const TUint KMaxTUint8

const TUint KMaxTUint8

The largest possible value for a TUint8.

const TInt KMaxTInt16

const TInt KMaxTInt16

The largest possible value for a TInt16.

const TInt KMinTInt16

const TInt KMinTInt16

The smallest possible value for a TInt16.

const TUint KMaxTUint16

const TUint KMaxTUint16

The largest possible value for a TUint16.

const TInt KMaxTInt32

const TInt KMaxTInt32

The largest possible value for a TInt32.

const TInt KMinTInt32

const TInt KMinTInt32

The smallest possible value for a TInt32.

const TUint KMaxTUint32

const TUint KMaxTUint32

The largest possible value for a TUint32.

const TInt KMaxTInt

const TInt KMaxTInt

The largest possible value for a TInt.

const TInt KMinTInt

const TInt KMinTInt

The smallest possible value for a TInt.

const TUint KMaxTUint

const TUint KMaxTUint

The largest possible value for a TUint.

const TInt64 KMaxTInt64

const TInt64 KMaxTInt64

The largest possible value for a TInt64.

const TInt64 KMinTInt64

const TInt64 KMinTInt64

The smallest possible value for a TInt64.

const TUint64 KMaxTUint64

const TUint64 KMaxTUint64

The largest possible value for a TUint64.

const TUint KMatchAny

const TUint KMatchAny

Defines the character *, and represents any number of characters in any part of a path component, filename or extension.

It is used in a TParse file specification.


const TUint KMatchOne

const TUint KMatchOne

Defines the character ?, and represents a single character in a path component, filename or extension.

It is used in a TParse file specification.


const TInt KMaxLocalDrives

const TInt KMaxLocalDrives

Defines the maximum number of local drives.

const TInt KMaxPBusSockets

const TInt KMaxPBusSockets

Defines the maximum number of peripheral bus sockets.

const TInt KNoCallEntryPoint

const TInt KNoCallEntryPoint

Not used by Symbian OS.

const TInt KRequestPending

const TInt KRequestPending

The value to which CActive::iStatus is set by an active object's service provider before the service provider initiates an asynchronous request.


const TUint KDriveAttLocal

const TUint KDriveAttLocal

Drive attribute - drive is local.

const TUint KDriveAttRom

const TUint KDriveAttRom

Drive attribute - ROM drive.

const TUint KDriveAttRedirected

const TUint KDriveAttRedirected

Drive attribute - output from a process on one drive is redirected to another drive.

const TUint KDriveAttSubsted

const TUint KDriveAttSubsted

Drive attribute - drive letter has been substituted (assigned a path).

const TUint KDriveAttInternal

const TUint KDriveAttInternal

Drive attribute - drive is internal (not removable).

const TUint KDriveAttRemovable

const TUint KDriveAttRemovable

Drive attribute - drive is removable.

const TUint KDriveAttRemote

const TUint KDriveAttRemote

Drive attribute - drive is remote.

const TUint KDriveAttTransaction

const TUint KDriveAttTransaction

Drive attribute -.

const TUint KDriveAttPageable

const TUint KDriveAttPageable

Drive attribute - drive is used for paging.

const TUint KDriveAttLogicallyRemovable

const TUint KDriveAttLogicallyRemovable

Drive attribute - drive is logically removable (can be taken offline from Symbian OS). If not logically removable then physically removable e.g. a card can be take out.

const TUint KDriveAttHidden

const TUint KDriveAttHidden

Drive attribute - drive is hidden. A drive which has its hidden attribute set would be excluded from the list of available drives.

const TUint KDriveAttExternal

const TUint KDriveAttExternal

Drive attribute - drive is external.

const TUint KDriveAttAll

const TUint KDriveAttAll

Drive attribute - It can be set in a search in order to instruct that all drives should be returned.

const TUint KDriveAttExclude

const TUint KDriveAttExclude

Drive attribute - It can be set in combination with other drive attributes in order to exclude during a drive search, drives with these attributes set.

const TUint KDriveAttExclusive

const TUint KDriveAttExclusive

Drive attribute - It can be set in combination with other drive attributes in order to search and return exclusively drives with these attributes set.

const TUint KDriveAttMatchedFlags

const TUint KDriveAttMatchedFlags

Used as a mask in order to extract the actual drive attributes.

const TUint KDriveAttMatchedAtt

const TUint KDriveAttMatchedAtt

Used as a mask in order to extract the extra(ex KDriveAttAll ,KDriveAttExclude, KDriveAttExclusive ,0) drive attributes.

const TUint KMediaAttVariableSize

const TUint KMediaAttVariableSize

Media attribute - the media capacity can change over time.

const TUint KMediaAttDualDensity

const TUint KMediaAttDualDensity

Media attribute - media is dual density.

const TUint KMediaAttFormattable

const TUint KMediaAttFormattable

Media attribute - media is formattable.

const TUint KMediaAttWriteProtected

const TUint KMediaAttWriteProtected

Media attribute - media is write-protected.

const TUint KMediaAttLockable

const TUint KMediaAttLockable

Media attribute - media is lockable; this is provided for lockable multi-media cards

const TUint KMediaAttLocked

const TUint KMediaAttLocked

Media attribute - media is locked; this is provided for lockable multi-media cards

const TUint KMediaAttHasPassword

const TUint KMediaAttHasPassword

Media attribute - media has password.

const TUint KMediaAttReadWhileWrite

const TUint KMediaAttReadWhileWrite

const TUint KMediaAttDeleteNotify

const TUint KMediaAttDeleteNotify

Media attribute - media supports TBusLocalDrive::DeleteNotify()

const TUint KMediaAttPageable

const TUint KMediaAttPageable

Media attribute - media supports paging

const TUint KDriveFileSysFAT

const TUint KDriveFileSysFAT

Identifies a FAT file system

const TUint KDriveFileSysROM

const TUint KDriveFileSysROM

Identifies a ROM file system.

const TUint KDriveFileSysLFFS

const TUint KDriveFileSysLFFS

Identifies an LFFS file system.

const TUint KDriveFileSysROFS

const TUint KDriveFileSysROFS

Identifies a read-only file system.

const TUint KDriveFileNone

const TUint KDriveFileNone

Identifies a non-file system. That is a partition without any file system layer.

const TUint KDialectMask

const TUint KDialectMask

The mask for the dialect bits

const TInt KCreateProtectedObject

const TInt KCreateProtectedObject

const TInt KRealFormatTypesMask

const TInt KRealFormatTypesMask

A mask for the set of flags that govern the general format of the character representation of a real number.

These are the flags with symbols starting KRealFormat...

const TInt KRealFormatFixed

const TInt KRealFormatFixed

Defines the general format of the character representation of a real number. The TRealFormat::iType data member is set to one of these.

The real number is converted to fixed format which has the general pattern: "nnn.ddd", where nnn is the integer portion and ddd is the decimal portion. A negative value is prefixed by a minus sign.

The number of decimal places generated is defined by the value of TRealFormat::iPlaces . Trailing zeroes are generated as required. If necessary, the decimal portion is rounded to fit the specification. If this value is zero, no decimal point and no decimal portion is generated.

Triad separation is available, defined by TRealFormat::iTriad and TRealFormat::iTriLen .

Note that a zero value is converted either to the form "0.000..." with iPlaces '0' characters after the decimal point, if iPlaces is greater than zero, or to "0" if iPlaces is zero.


const TInt KRealFormatExponent

const TInt KRealFormatExponent

Defines the general format of the character representation of a real number. The TRealFormat::iType data member is set to one of these.

The real number is converted to scientific format with one non-zero digit before the decimal point and a number of digits after the decimal point. Hence the number has the general pattern: "n.dddE+ee" or "n.dddE-ee", or "n.dddE+eee" or "n.dddE-eee".

The decimal portion is followed by the character 'E', a sign ('+' or '-') and the exponent as two digits, including leading zeroes, if necessary. If necessary, the decimal portion is rounded.

A negative value is prefixed by a minus sign.

If the flag KUseSigFigs is not set, TRealFormat::iPlaces defines the number of digits which follow the decimal point. If the flag KUseSigFigs is set, iPlaces defines the maximum number of significant digits to be generated.

Note that, by default, exponents are limited to two digits. Those numbers that require three digits must have the flag KAllowThreeDigitExp set. If iPlaces is zero, the value is rounded to one digit of precision and no decimal point is included.

Triad separation is not available.

Note that a zero value is converted either to the form "0.000...E+00" with iPlaces '0' characters after the decimal point, if iPlaces is greater than zero, or to "0E+00" if iPlaces is zero.


const TInt KRealFormatGeneral

const TInt KRealFormatGeneral

Defines the general format of the character representation of a real number. The TRealFormat::iType data member is set to one of these.

The real number is converted either to fixed or scientific format. The format chosen is the one which can present the greater number of significant digits. Where both formats can present the same number of significant digits, fixed format is used.

The number of decimal places generated depends only on the value of TRealFormat::iWidth ; the value of the iPlaces member is ignored.

Trailing zeroes in the decimal portion are discarded.

Triad separation is not available.

Note that a zero value is converted to "0".


const TInt KRealFormatNoExponent

const TInt KRealFormatNoExponent

Defines the general format of the character representation of a real number. The TRealFormat::iType data member is set to one of these.

The same as KRealFormatFixed but the TRealFormat::iPlaces is interpreted as specifying the maximum number of significant digits.

Trailing zeroes in the decimal portion are discarded.


const TInt KRealFormatCalculator

const TInt KRealFormatCalculator

Defines the general format of the character representation of a real number. The TRealFormat::iType data member is set to one of these.

The same as KRealFormatGeneral but TRealFormat::iPlaces is interpreted as specifying the maximum number of significant digits, and the number is displayed without an exponent whenever possible.

Trailing zeroes in the decimal portion are discarded.


const TInt KRealFormatTypeFlagsMask

const TInt KRealFormatTypeFlagsMask

A bitmask for all flags except those with symbols starting KRealFormat...

const TInt KExtraSpaceForSign

const TInt KExtraSpaceForSign

A flag that modifies the format of the character representation of a real number.

It reduces the effective width by one character. This forces a large enough value for TRealFormat::iWidth to be chosen to guarantee that positive and negative numbers can be shown to the same precision.

It applies when TRealFormat::iType is set to KRealFormatFixed or KRealFormatGeneral, and should be ORed into TRealFormat::iType after one of these types has been set.

const TInt KAllowThreeDigitExp

const TInt KAllowThreeDigitExp

A flag that modifies the format of the character representation of a real number.

It allows an exponent to be formatted whose magnitude is greater than 100. If this flag is not set, an attempt to format such a number fails.

If set, three digit exponents are allowed. If not set, only two digit exponents are allowed.

Applies when TRealFormat::iType is set to KRealFormatExponent or KRealFormatGeneral, and should be ORed into TRealFormat::iType after one of these types has been set.

const TInt KUseSigFigs

const TInt KUseSigFigs

A flag that modifies the format of the character representation of a real number.

If set, the TRealFormat::iPlaces member is interpreted as the maximum number of significant digits to be generated.

Applies when TRealFormat::iType is set to KRealFormatExponent, and should be ORed into TRealFormat::iType after this type has been set.

const TInt KDoNotUseTriads

const TInt KDoNotUseTriads

A flag that modifies the format of the character representation of a real number.

It disables triad separation.

Applies when TRealFormat::iType is set to KRealFormatFixed or KRealFormatNoExponent, and should be ORed into TRealFormat::iType after one of these types has been set.

const TInt KGeneralLimit

const TInt KGeneralLimit

A flag that modifies the format of the character representation of a real number.

If set, this flag limits the precision to KPrecisionLimit digits. If not set, the precision defaults to KMaxPrecision digits.

This flag should be ORed into TRealFormat::iType .

const TInt KRealInjectiveLimit

const TInt KRealInjectiveLimit

A flag that modifies the format of the character representation of a real number.

If set, this flag allows enough digits of precision such that the mapping from numeric to string form is injective. For a TReal (=double) input argument this means KIEEEDoubleInjectivePrecision digits. This flag overrides the KGeneralLimit flag if both are set.

This flag should be ORed into TRealFormat::iType .

Typedef TThreadFunction

typedef TInt (* TThreadFunction

Defines a pointer to a thread function which takes a pointer of type TAny and returns a TInt.

A function of this type is passed as parameter to RThread::Create() when creating a thread. Control passes to this function when the thread is first scheduled for execution.


Typedef TLibraryFunction

typedef TInt (* TLibraryFunction

Defines a function that takes no arguments but returns a TInt.

This is a type which is returned from a call to RLibrary::Lookup() .


Typedef TLibraryEntry

typedef TInt (* TLibraryEntry

Defines a function that takes a single argument of type TInt and returns a TInt.

This is a type which is returned from a call to RLibrary::EntryPoint().


Typedef TExceptionHandler

typedef void(* TExceptionHandler

Defines an exception handler function which takes a TExcType as an argument, and returns void.

A function of this type is an exception handler used by member functions of a thread handle, RThread .

RThread TExcType

const TUint KExceptionAbort

const TUint KExceptionAbort

One of a set of flags that categorizes exceptions - associated with the abort exception only.

RThread::SetExceptionHandler() RThread::ModifyExceptionMask()

const TUint KExceptionKill

const TUint KExceptionKill

One of a set of flags that categorizes exceptions - associated with the kill exception only.

RThread::SetExceptionHandler() RThread::ModifyExceptionMask()

const TUint KExceptionUserInterrupt

const TUint KExceptionUserInterrupt

One of a set of flags that categorizes exceptions - general and user exceptions.

RThread::SetExceptionHandler() RThread::ModifyExceptionMask()

const TUint KExceptionFpe

const TUint KExceptionFpe

One of a set of flags that categorizes exceptions - exceptions caused by illegal floating point operations. This exception is not guaranteed to be raised when a hardware floating point implementation is in use.

RThread::SetExceptionHandler() RThread::ModifyExceptionMask()

const TUint KExceptionFault

const TUint KExceptionFault

One of a set of flags that categorizes exceptions - exceptions associated with executing instructions; includes protection faults, illegal instruction codes, page faults etc

RThread::SetExceptionHandler() RThread::ModifyExceptionMask()

const TUint KExceptionInteger

const TUint KExceptionInteger

One of a set of flags that categorizes exceptions - exceptions caused by illegal operations on integer values.

const TUint KExceptionDebug

const TUint KExceptionDebug

One of a set of flags that categorizes exceptions - exceptions raised when debugging code.

RThread::SetExceptionHandler() RThread::ModifyExceptionMask()

const TUint32 KBit0

const TUint32 KBit0

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit1

const TUint32 KBit1

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit2

const TUint32 KBit2

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit3

const TUint32 KBit3

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit4

const TUint32 KBit4

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit5

const TUint32 KBit5

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit6

const TUint32 KBit6

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit7

const TUint32 KBit7

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit8

const TUint32 KBit8

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit9

const TUint32 KBit9

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit10

const TUint32 KBit10

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit11

const TUint32 KBit11

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit12

const TUint32 KBit12

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit13

const TUint32 KBit13

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit14

const TUint32 KBit14

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit15

const TUint32 KBit15

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit16

const TUint32 KBit16

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit17

const TUint32 KBit17

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit18

const TUint32 KBit18

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit19

const TUint32 KBit19

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit20

const TUint32 KBit20

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit21

const TUint32 KBit21

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit22

const TUint32 KBit22

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit23

const TUint32 KBit23

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit24

const TUint32 KBit24

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit25

const TUint32 KBit25

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit26

const TUint32 KBit26

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit27

const TUint32 KBit27

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit28

const TUint32 KBit28

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit29

const TUint32 KBit29

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit30

const TUint32 KBit30

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KBit31

const TUint32 KBit31

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

const TUint32 KSet32

const TUint32 KSet32

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

This is often used as a bit mask.

const TUint32 KClear32

const TUint32 KClear32

Constant that defines the specified bit value.

This is often used as a bit mask.

const TInt KKilo

const TInt KKilo

Constant that defines the specified value.

const TInt KMega

const TInt KMega

Constant that defines the specified value.

const TInt KNullDebugPort

const TInt KNullDebugPort

const TUint KNullThreadId

const TUint KNullThreadId

A constant which represents a thread ID which will never be assigned to a thread. I.e. The following statement is always true; RThread::Id() !=KNullThreadId TThreadId

const TUint KNullProcessId

const TUint KNullProcessId

A constant which represents a process ID which will never be assigned to a process. I.e. The following statement is always true; RProcess::Id() !=KNullProcessId TProcessId