Removed APIs

All the APIs removed from Symbian^3 are listed with changes required for the existing applications to work on Symbian^3.

The following list summarizes the removed APIs:

APIs Affected headers and libraries Description
CDMA Support etelcdma.dll , etelcdmautils.dll , and cdmau.dll . All APIs related to CDMA are removed. Device manufacturers who want to have Symbian-based CDMA products, must have their own CDMA implementation.
CFontStore::RemoveLinkedFont() , CFontStore::IsValidLinkedFontSpecification() , CBitmapFont::FontWithCharacter() , CBitmapFont::IsLinkedFont() , CBitmapFont::LinkedFontInformation() , CBitmapFont::NextFontClientSpace() , CLinkedFontInformation , CLinkedFontSpecification , CLinkedFontForCache , and COpenFontForCache . openfont.h and fntstr.dll All these linked font APIs have been removed. Remove all references to these APIs and rebuild the applications.
Application Engines
  • Word Engine ( wngmodel.h , wngmodel.inl , and wngdoor.h )

  • Sheet Engine ( shgapi.h , shgerr.h , shgpanic.h , shgcoord.h , shgtoken.h , shgfmlex.h , shgfmevl.h , and shgfmvwr.h )

  • Chart Engine ( chtstd.h and chtstd.inl )

  • Text to Word Converter Engine

  • Data Model Engine

wpeng.dll , sheng.dll , chart.dll , and txtword.dll . All these application engines are removed. Remove all references to the relevant APIs and rebuild the applications.
CCHFContentHandler , CCHFDataSupplier , CCHFTopParent , CCHFContentLoader , CCHFProxySessionObject , CCHFSession , CCHFDiscoveryService , CCHFEventMappingService , RAbstractEventArray , MCHFContentLoaderObserver , MCHFDataSupplierObserver , MCHFDiscoveryService , MCHFEventMappingService , and MCHFParent;CFileDataSupplier . chf.dll , filedatasupplier.dll , and filedatasupplier_shared.dll . All Content Handling Framework APIs are removed. Remove all references to these APIs and rebuild the applications.
MContactBackupObserver cntmodel.lib This API has been removed. Remove implementations of this API and rebuild applications.
CClkDateTimeView and MClkModelObserver   These APIs have been removed as they were deprecated in the earlier platform releases.
CVibraControl , TVibraCtrlPanic , MVibraControlObserver , and VibraFactory . VibraCtrl.DLL This API has been removed as it was deprecated in earlier platform release. Use the HWRM Vibra API instead.
Calendar Interim Utils API CalenInterimUtils.h and CalenInterimUtils.lib This API has been replaced with Calendar Interim Utils2 API in Symbian^3. So replace all your references to CalenInterimUtils.h and CalenInterimUtils.lib with CalenInterimUtils2.h and CalenInterimUtils2.lib , and build the application binaries.