MIDI control

Member Data Documentation

OMX_U16 nChannelMuteMask

OMX_U16 nChannelMuteMask

16 bit mask for channel mute status

OMX_U16 nChannelSoloMask

OMX_U16 nChannelSoloMask

16 bit mask for channel solo status

OMX_U32 nMaxPolyphony

OMX_U32 nMaxPolyphony

Specifies the maximum simultaneous polyphonic voices. A value of zero indicates that the default polyphony of the device is used

OMX_U32 nNumRepeat

OMX_U32 nNumRepeat

Number of times to repeat playback

OMX_U32 nPortIndex

OMX_U32 nPortIndex

port that this structure applies to

OMX_U32 nSize

OMX_U32 nSize

size of the structure in bytes

OMX_U32 nStopTime

OMX_U32 nStopTime

Time in milliseconds to indicate when playback will stop automatically. Set to zero if not used

OMX_U32 nTrack0031MuteMask

OMX_U32 nTrack0031MuteMask

32 bit mask for track mute status. Note: This is for tracks 0-31

OMX_U32 nTrack0031SoloMask

OMX_U32 nTrack0031SoloMask

32 bit mask for track solo status. Note: This is for tracks 0-31

OMX_U32 nTrack3263MuteMask

OMX_U32 nTrack3263MuteMask

32 bit mask for track mute status. Note: This is for tracks 32-63

OMX_U32 nTrack3263SoloMask

OMX_U32 nTrack3263SoloMask

32 bit mask for track solo status. Note: This is for tracks 32-63



OMX specification version information

OMX_BS32 sPitchTransposition

OMX_BS32 sPitchTransposition

Pitch transposition in semitones, stored as Q22.10 format based on JAVA MMAPI (JSR-135) requirement

OMX_BU32 sPlayBackRate

OMX_BU32 sPlayBackRate

Relative playback rate, stored as Q14.17 fixed-point number based on JSR-135 requirement

OMX_BU32 sTempo

OMX_BU32 sTempo

Tempo in beats per minute (BPM), stored as Q22.10 fixed-point number based on JSR-135 requirement