How to externalise and internalise

For a class TX defined as:

      class TX
      void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
      void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);

an instance of TX can be externalised to the stream outstream , by calling the ExternalizeL() member function of TX :

    TX object;

An alternative, and better way, is to use the templated stream operator<< . The Store framework implements this by calling TX::ExternalizeL() . The syntax is simply:

    outstream << object; // externalise object

Similarly, the TX object can be internalised from the stream instream , by calling the InternalizeL() member function of TX :

      TX object;

The templated stream operator>> can also be used. The Store framework implements this by calling TX::InternalizeL() . The syntax is simply:

      instream >> object; // internalise object