Extracting URI Components

This tutorials describe the steps to extract URI components.


URI components can be extracted from an URI using TUriC8::Extract() and passing a TUriComponent flag. For example, EUriQuery or EUriPath .

Extracting a scheme component

The following code fragment illustrates how to extract a scheme component. Parse the URI before the component is extracted calling TUriParser8::Parse() .

       _LIT8( KUri,"http://web.intra/Dev/Sysdoc/devlib.htm" );
TUriParser8 parser;                      // URI parser object
TInt result = parser.Parse( KUri );      // parse the URI descriptor     

//Extract the scheme component from the parsed URI
const TDesC8& des = parser.Extract( EUriScheme );

where des is a descriptor that contains the extracted scheme component. Other components such as userinfo, host, port and so on defined in TUriComponent can be extracted in a similar way.

Extracting an authority component

To retrieve a specific authority component from the URI, call TAuthority8::Extract() . The following code fragment illustrates how to extract a authority component.

       _LIT8( KAuthorityDesc,    "http://user:pass@www.mypage.com" );
TAuthorityParser8 authorityParser;        //Authority parser object 

authorityParser.Parse( KAuthorityDesc );  //Parse the authority descriptor    
//extract the user infomation from the authority component
const TDesC8& des = authorityParser.Extract( EAuthorityUserinfo );

where, des contains the user info that is extracted from the authority component. EAuthorityUserinfo is an enum value of TAuthorityComponent . Similarly, host and port can be extracted using EAuthorityHost and EAuthorityPort respectively, which are defined in TAuthorityComponent .

Displaying the URI

To create a new descriptor containing the desired component or the full URI, call TUriC8::DisplayFormL() .

This converts a component into a new descriptor. The component to be converted can take any value between EUriScheme and EUriFragment or EUriComplete (for the full URI). This method is used to obtain a pointer to a 16 bit descriptor for GUI display of URI.

       HBufC16* uri = parsedUri->DisplayFormL( EUriComplete );

where EUriComplete indicates that all the components in the URI are displayed.

To fetch the URI, call TUriC8::UriDes() . This returns a pointer to 8 bit descriptor( TDesC8 ) containing the URI, which is used for HTTP requests.

Displaying authority

To create a new descriptor containing a specific component or the full authority component, call TAuthority8::DisplayFormL() .

This converts a component into a new descriptor. The component to be converted can take any value between EAuthorityUserinfo and EAuthorityPort or the full authority, EAuthorityComplete .

       HBufC authority = parsedUri->DisplayFormL( EAuthorityComplete );

where EAuthorityComplete means that the complete authority is displayed.

See also

For related information, see:

HTTP Utilities Library Overview