MLtsyDispatchCallControlQueryIsEmergencyNumber Class Reference

class MLtsyDispatchCallControlQueryIsEmergencyNumber : public MLtsyDispatchInterface

Inherits from

Member Functions Documentation

HandleQueryIsEmergencyNumberSyncL(const TDesC &, TBool &)

TInt HandleQueryIsEmergencyNumberSyncL ( const TDesC & aNumber,
TBool & aIsEmergencyNumber
) [pure virtual]

The CTSY Dispatcher shall invoke this function on receiving the ECustomCheckEmergencyNumberIPC request from the CTSY.

It is a sync call where the output data arguments should be completed before returning.

Implementation of this interface should check whether the specified number is an emergency number and return the result back to the caller via the output parameter.


const TDesC & aNumber Input parameter. The phone number being queried to see if it is an emergency number or not.
TBool & aIsEmergencyNumber Output parameter used to indicate whether the aNumber parameter is an emergency number. ETrue if it is, EFalse otherwise.

Member Data Documentation

const TInt KLtsyDispatchCallControlQueryIsEmergencyNumberApiId

const TInt KLtsyDispatchCallControlQueryIsEmergencyNumberApiId [static]