mmtsy_defaults.h File Reference

const RTelServer::TNetworkType KMmTsyNetworkType

const RTelServer::TNetworkType KMmTsyNetworkType

Defines network type

const TUint KPhoneCoreCaps

const TUint KPhoneCoreCaps

Phone core capabilities

const TUint8 KEmergencyNumberTransactionId

const TUint8 KEmergencyNumberTransactionId

This is always the Emergency call transaction id. Do not change this.

const TInt KMaxCallIdValue

const TInt KMaxCallIdValue

Maximum Call ID value

const TUint8 KMaxNumberOfCalls

const TUint8 KMaxNumberOfCalls

Maximum number of active calls

const TInt KDtmfStringMaxLength

const TInt KDtmfStringMaxLength

Maximum length of DTMF string (defined in call server specification)

const TInt KMmTsyMaxLengthOfSSPassword

const TInt KMmTsyMaxLengthOfSSPassword

Maximum length of call barring password

const TUint32 KMultimodeTsyGsmCallServiceCaps

const TUint32 KMultimodeTsyGsmCallServiceCaps

Initial call service capabilities

const TInt32 KMmTsyNITZCaps

const TInt32 KMmTsyNITZCaps

NITZ Capabilities

const TInt32 KMmTsySignalCaps

const TInt32 KMmTsySignalCaps

Signal Capabilities

const TInt KMmTsyMaxLengthOfSecChangeData

const TInt KMmTsyMaxLengthOfSecChangeData

Data buffer length of code changing msg

const TInt KMmTsyMaxLengthOfSecStateData

const TInt KMmTsyMaxLengthOfSecStateData

Data buffer length of sec state setting and query msg

const TInt KMmTsyMaxLengthOfSecCancelData

const TInt KMmTsyMaxLengthOfSecCancelData

Data buffer length of code cancelation msg

const TInt KMmTsyMaxPinLength

const TInt KMmTsyMaxPinLength

Maximum length of PIN and PIN2 codes

const TInt KMmTsyMinPinLength

const TInt KMmTsyMinPinLength

Minimum length of PIN and PIN2 codes

const TInt KMmTsyPukLength

const TInt KMmTsyPukLength

Length of PUK and PUK2 codes

const TInt KMmTsyMaxSecCodeLength

const TInt KMmTsyMaxSecCodeLength

Maximum length of security code

const TInt KMmTsyMinSecCodeLength

const TInt KMmTsyMinSecCodeLength

Minimum length of security code

const TUint32 KMultimodeTsyGsmSecurityInitCaps

const TUint32 KMultimodeTsyGsmSecurityInitCaps

Initial security caps

const TUint32 KPBTypeADNCaps

const TUint32 KPBTypeADNCaps

ADN Phonebook Caps

const TUint32 KPBTypeVMBXCaps

const TUint32 KPBTypeVMBXCaps

VMBX Phonebook Caps

const TUint32 KPBTypeFDNCaps

const TUint32 KPBTypeFDNCaps

FDN Phonebook Caps

const TUint32 KPBTypeSDNCaps

const TUint32 KPBTypeSDNCaps

SDN Phonebook Caps

const TUint32 KPBTypeBDNCaps

const TUint32 KPBTypeBDNCaps

BDN Phonebook Caps

const TUint32 KPBTypeMBDNCaps

const TUint32 KPBTypeMBDNCaps

MBDN Phonebook Caps

const TUint32 KONStoreCaps

const TUint32 KONStoreCaps

ONStore caps

const TUint32 KENStoreCaps

const TUint32 KENStoreCaps

ENStore caps

const TUint16 KBatteryMinVoltage

const TUint16 KBatteryMinVoltage

Minimum voltage for batteries used with phone. Value is used in CMmPhoneTsy::CompleteBatteryInfo()

const TUint16 KBatteryMaxVoltage

const TUint16 KBatteryMaxVoltage

Maximum voltage for batteries used with phone. Value is used in CMmPhoneTsy::CompleteBatteryInfo()

const TUint16 KBatteryType4v1LithiumMaxVoltage

const TUint16 KBatteryType4v1LithiumMaxVoltage

Maximum voltage for Lithium phone batteries. Value is used in CMmPhoneTsy::CompleteBatteryInfo()

const TUint32 KBatteryCaps

const TUint32 KBatteryCaps

Supported battery information capabilities. The supported capabilities are returned to the client when it requests them by calling CMmPhoneTsy::GetBatteryCaps()

const TUint8 KSerialNumberLength

const TUint8 KSerialNumberLength

const TUint8 KManufacturerDataLength

const TUint8 KManufacturerDataLength

const TUint8 KProductCodeLength

const TUint8 KProductCodeLength

const TUint32 KIdentityCaps

const TUint32 KIdentityCaps

Supported identity information capabilities of the phone. The supported capabilities are returned to the client when it requests them by using the CMmPhoneTsy::GetIdentityCaps() method.

const TInt KMmMaxNumberOfContexts

const TInt KMmMaxNumberOfContexts

Maximum number of simultaneous contexts supported by the phone

const RPacketService::TMSClass KMaxMsClass

const RPacketService::TMSClass KMaxMsClass

Maximum Mobile Station Class supported by the phone

const TInt KMaxAuthenticationInfoLength

const TInt KMaxAuthenticationInfoLength

Max total length of context authentication information (username + password)

const TUint KMmPacketServiceStaticCaps

const TUint KMmPacketServiceStaticCaps

Initial packet service static capabilities

const TInt KMaxLengthOfUssdMessage

const TInt KMaxLengthOfUssdMessage

const TUint8 KMaxSimSmsLocations

const TUint8 KMaxSimSmsLocations

Maximum size of SMS location buffers