MDiagNetworkRegStatusObserver Class Reference

class MDiagNetworkRegStatusObserver

Diagnostics Plugin Network registration status observer interface

This is an abstract class which plugins must derive and implement to receive call-backs from the Diagnostics Network registration status observer.

Member Functions Documentation

InitialNetworkRegistrationStatusL(const TBool &)

void InitialNetworkRegistrationStatusL ( const TBool & aRegistered ) [pure virtual]

This function is used to inform the intial network registration status


const TBool & aRegistered

NetworkRegistrationStatusChangeL(const TBool &)

void NetworkRegistrationStatusChangeL ( const TBool & aRegistered ) [pure virtual]

This interface is used to inform the clients of any changes in the network registration status


const TBool & aRegistered ETrue :The device has now changed to registered status. EFalse:The device has now lost network coverage.