crashflash.h File Reference

const TUint KMaxCrashLogSize

const TUint KMaxCrashLogSize

Maximum size of a crash log.

const TUint KCrashLogSignatureBytes

const TUint KCrashLogSignatureBytes

The size in bytes of the Crash Log Signature

const TUint KCrashLogSizeFieldBytes

const TUint KCrashLogSizeFieldBytes

The size in bytes of the total size of the crash log (including itself and the crash log signature)

const TLitC8< sizeof("Symbian Crash Logger")> KCrashLogSignature

const TLitC8 < sizeof("Symbian Crash Logger")> KCrashLogSignature [static]

const TUint KCrashLogUncompSizeFieldBytes

const TUint KCrashLogUncompSizeFieldBytes

The size in bytes of the total size of the crash log once it has been uncompressed

const TUint KCrashLogFlagsFieldBytes

const TUint KCrashLogFlagsFieldBytes

The flags to indicate to the crash reader the data format of the log and if it was truncated or not. 16 MSBs used to indicate the offset of the start of the log data from the signature, required for NAND flash implementations where signarture occupyies a whole flash sector/page filling unused space with white space

const TUint8 KCrashLogFlagUncompr

const TUint8 KCrashLogFlagUncompr

const TUint8 KCrashLogFlagGzip

const TUint8 KCrashLogFlagGzip

No compression performed on log

const TUint8 KCrashLogFlagTypeBits

const TUint8 KCrashLogFlagTypeBits

Log compressed using Gzip compatible output

const TUint8 KCrashLogFlagTruncated

const TUint8 KCrashLogFlagTruncated

No. of bits for the type

const TUint32 KCrashLogFlagOffShift

const TUint32 KCrashLogFlagOffShift

The log had to be truncated

const TUint KCrashLogHeaderSize

const TUint KCrashLogHeaderSize

place offset in 16 MSBs of flags field Total size of the crash log header in bytes. Must be less than the size of a single NAND flash sector/page for current crashflashnand implementations

const TLitC8< sizeof("\r\nLog truncated due to end of crash log partition")> KCrashLogTruncated

const TLitC8 < sizeof("\r\nLog truncated due to end of crash log partition")> KCrashLogTruncated [static]

The string to output when the log had to be truncated