SWInstallerInternalCRKeys.h File Reference

const TUid KCRUidSWInstallerSettings

const TUid KCRUidSWInstallerSettings

Sowftware Installer settings

const TUint32 KSWInstallerOcspProcedure

const TUint32 KSWInstallerOcspProcedure
KSWInstallerOcspProcedure Define the policy for the online certificate validation procedure
  • Off = 0

  • On = 1

  • Must be passed = 2

const TUint32 KSWInstallerOcspDefaultURL

const TUint32 KSWInstallerOcspDefaultURL

KSWInstallerOcspDefaultURL Defines the default URL to OCSP server

const TUint32 KSWInstallerAllowUntrusted

const TUint32 KSWInstallerAllowUntrusted
Defines UI level policy that defines SW Installer behaviour when user tries to install untrusted SW.
  • Allow = 1 (Untrusted SW can be installed)

  • Not Allow = 0 (Untrusted SW cannot be installed) Note: The key does not override swipolicy.ini AllowUnsigned key.

const TUid KCRUidSWInstallerLV

const TUid KCRUidSWInstallerLV

Software Installer Local Variation Keys

const TUint32 KSWInstallerPackageFolder

const TUint32 KSWInstallerPackageFolder

KSWInstallerPackageFolder Defines the folder used by the Application Manager UI to search the installation packages, which can be installed on the device. The key is a string value must specify the path. The Application Manager UI searches through all avalible device drives if the key does not specify the drive: C:\S60\Installs - looks for the packages on C: drive only; \S60\Installs - looks for the packages on all avalible drives)

const TUint32 KSWInstallerHideUntrustedIns

const TUint32 KSWInstallerHideUntrustedIns

This key is used to hide the 'allow installation of untrusted SW' setting from the UI. If this key has value 1 then the UI setting is not visible. Even if the setting is hidden from the UI, it affects on the behavior of Installer UI as defined in KSWInstallerAllowUntrusted. 0 : UI setting is visible. 1 : UI setting is NOT visible.