hidinterfaces.h File Reference

const TInt KErrHidBase

const TInt KErrHidBase

const TInt KErrHidNoDriver

const TInt KErrHidNoDriver

No driver could be found to handle the request

const TInt KErrHidSuspended

const TInt KErrHidSuspended

Command not handled - driver is suspended

const TInt KErrHidUnrecognised

const TInt KErrHidUnrecognised

Driver could not understand the data

const TInt KErrHidUnexpected

const TInt KErrHidUnexpected

Unsolicited data from the device

const TInt KErrHidBadChannel

const TInt KErrHidBadChannel

Channel was not Int or Ctrl type

const TInt KErrHidPartialSupported

const TInt KErrHidPartialSupported

Partil supported hid device

const TInt KErrUsageNotFound

const TInt KErrUsageNotFound

const TInt KErrValueOutOfRange

const TInt KErrValueOutOfRange

const TInt KErrNoSpaceInArray

const TInt KErrNoSpaceInArray

const TInt KErrBadControlIndex

const TInt KErrBadControlIndex

const TInt KErrCommandAckBase

const TInt KErrCommandAckBase

const TInt KErrAckInvalidReportID

const TInt KErrAckInvalidReportID

Invalid report ID

const TInt KErrAckInvalidParameter

const TInt KErrAckInvalidParameter

Invalid or out of range param

const TInt KErrAckUnknown

const TInt KErrAckUnknown

Command failed, but the device can't determine why

const TInt KErrAckFatal

const TInt KErrAckFatal

The device is in an unrecoverable state and must be restarted

const TUid KHidDriverPluginInterfaceUid

const TUid KHidDriverPluginInterfaceUid