wlandevicesettingsinternalcrkeys.h File Reference

const TUid KCRUidWlanDeviceSettingsRegistryId

const TUid KCRUidWlanDeviceSettingsRegistryId

Repository Id

const TUint32 KWlanBeacon

const TUint32 KWlanBeacon

The beacon interval in milliseconds to be used when creating an IBSS network.

const TUint32 KWlanScanRate

const TUint32 KWlanScanRate

The data rate used for sending probe requests. The value is determined by multiplying the data rate by two; 1MB/s = 2, 2MB/s = 4 and so forth.

const TUint32 KWlanRcpiTrigger

const TUint32 KWlanRcpiTrigger

The RCPI threshold after which roaming to a better AP is attempted.

const TUint32 KWlanMinActiveChannelTime

const TUint32 KWlanMinActiveChannelTime

The minimum channel time for active scan in milliseconds.

const TUint32 KWlanMaxActiveChannelTime

const TUint32 KWlanMaxActiveChannelTime

The maximum channel time for active scan in milliseconds.

const TUint32 KWlanMaxTxMSDULifeTime

const TUint32 KWlanMaxTxMSDULifeTime

The maximum amount of time allowed to transmit a packet before it is discarded. The value is in milliseconds.

const TUint32 KWlanScanExpirationTimer

const TUint32 KWlanScanExpirationTimer

Defines how many seconds the cached broadcast scan results are valid.

const TUint32 KWlanUnloadDriverTimer

const TUint32 KWlanUnloadDriverTimer

The activity timeout value after which the WLAN drivers are unloaded. Note that this setting applies only when the terminal is not connected to a network. The value is in seconds.

const TUint32 KWlanRoamTimer

const TUint32 KWlanRoamTimer

Defines how often roaming to better AP is attempted when the threshold set in KWlanRcpiTrigger has been crossed. The value is in microseconds.

const TUint32 KWlanRcpiDifference

const TUint32 KWlanRcpiDifference

Defines the how much better an AP has to be than the current AP before roaming is attempted.

const TUint32 KWlanConnRegainTimer

const TUint32 KWlanConnRegainTimer

The amount of time to wait after a BSS lost indication before attempting to roam. The value is in microseconds.

const TUint32 KWlanMaxTriesToFindNw

const TUint32 KWlanMaxTriesToFindNw

The number of attempts to find suitable network during initial connect.

const TUint32 KWlanDelayBetweenFindNw

const TUint32 KWlanDelayBetweenFindNw

KWlanDelayBetweenFindNw Defines the delay between attempts to find network. (microseconds)

const TUint32 KWlanMTU

const TUint32 KWlanMTU

Maximum transfer unit (MTU) size

const TUint32 KWlanMinPassiveChannelTime

const TUint32 KWlanMinPassiveChannelTime

KWlanMinPassiveChannelTime Minimum channel time for passive scan.

const TUint32 KWlanMaxPassiveChannelTime

const TUint32 KWlanMaxPassiveChannelTime

KWlanMaxPassiveChannelTime Maximum channel time for passive scan.

const TUint32 KWlanMaxApFailureCount

const TUint32 KWlanMaxApFailureCount

KWlanMaxApFailureCount Maximum amount of association failures.

const TUint32 KWlanLongBeaconFindCount

const TUint32 KWlanLongBeaconFindCount

KWlanLongBeaconFindCount Long beacon interval AP detection.

const TUint32 KWlanQosNullFrameInterval

const TUint32 KWlanQosNullFrameInterval

KWlanQosNullFrameInterval QoS NULL data frame send interval.

const TUint32 KWlanQosNullFrameTimeout

const TUint32 KWlanQosNullFrameTimeout

KWlanQosNullFrameTimeout QoS NULL data frame send timeout.

const TUint32 KWlanKeepAliveInterval

const TUint32 KWlanKeepAliveInterval

NULL data frame sending interval when no transmission in microseconds.

const TUint32 KWlanScanStopRcpiThreshold

const TUint32 KWlanScanStopRcpiThreshold

RCPI threshold for direct scan stop in BSS lost.

const TUint32 KWlanMinRcpiForIapAvailability

const TUint32 KWlanMinRcpiForIapAvailability

Minimum RCPI for available IAP.

const TUint32 KWlanQoSNullFrameEntryTimeout

const TUint32 KWlanQoSNullFrameEntryTimeout

Entry timeout for QoS NULL frame sending in microseconds.

const TUint32 KWlanMaxApDeauthenticationCount

const TUint32 KWlanMaxApDeauthenticationCount

Deauthentications per AP before blacklisting.

const TUint32 KWlanApDeauthenticationTimeout

const TUint32 KWlanApDeauthenticationTimeout

Deauthentication timeout for calculating AP's deauthentication count (in microseconds).

const TUint32 KWlanDefaultBGScanInterval

const TUint32 KWlanDefaultBGScanInterval

Default value in seconds for BackGround Scan Interval

const TUint32 KWlanMaxDtimSkipInterval

const TUint32 KWlanMaxDtimSkipInterval

Maximum amount of microseconds to sleep when waking up on DTIMs.

const TUint32 KWlanPsActiveToLightTimeout

const TUint32 KWlanPsActiveToLightTimeout

Time interval in microseconds after which transition from Active mode to Light PS mode is considered.

const TUint32 KWlanPsActiveToLightThreshold

const TUint32 KWlanPsActiveToLightThreshold

Frame count threshold used when considering transition from Active to Light PS mode.

const TUint32 KWlanPsLightToActiveTimeout

const TUint32 KWlanPsLightToActiveTimeout

Time interval in microseconds after which the frame counter used when considering transition from Light PS to Active mode is reset.

const TUint32 KWlanPsLightToActiveThreshold

const TUint32 KWlanPsLightToActiveThreshold

Frame count threshold used when considering transition from Light PS to Active mode.

const TUint32 KWlanPsLightToDeepTimeout

const TUint32 KWlanPsLightToDeepTimeout

Time interval in microseconds after which transition from Light PS mode to Deep PS mode is considered.

const TUint32 KWlanPsLightToDeepThreshold

const TUint32 KWlanPsLightToDeepThreshold

Frame count threshold used when considering transition from Light PS to Deep PS mode.

const TUint32 KWlanPsUapsdRxFrameLengthThreshold

const TUint32 KWlanPsUapsdRxFrameLengthThreshold

Received frame payload length (in bytes) threshold in U-APSD network for Best Effort Access Category.

const TUint32 KWlanRcpiRoamMinInterval

const TUint32 KWlanRcpiRoamMinInterval

The minimum delay between RCPI roam checks (in microseconds).

const TUint32 KWlanRcpiRoamMaxInterval

const TUint32 KWlanRcpiRoamMaxInterval

The maximum delay between RCPI roam checks (in microseconds).

const TUint32 KWlanRcpiRoamAttemptsPerInterval

const TUint32 KWlanRcpiRoamAttemptsPerInterval

Defines how many times an RCPI roam check interval value is used until the next interval value is calculated.

const TUint32 KWlanRcpiRoamNextIntervalFactor

const TUint32 KWlanRcpiRoamNextIntervalFactor

The factor the current interval value is multiplied by to get the next interval value.

const TUint32 KWlanRcpiRoamNextIntervalAddition

const TUint32 KWlanRcpiRoamNextIntervalAddition

The value that is added to the interval value that has been multiplied by KWlanRcpiRoamNextIntervalFactor.

const TUint32 KWlanScanListExpirationTime

const TUint32 KWlanScanListExpirationTime

Defines how long beacons/probe responses are stored in the internal scan list (in microseconds).

const TUint32 KWlanQoSNullFrameEntryTxCount

const TUint32 KWlanQoSNullFrameEntryTxCount

Defines how many Voice AC packets must be sent during a certain period before QoS NULL data frame sending is started.

const TUint32 KWlanSpRcpiTarget

const TUint32 KWlanSpRcpiTarget

The signal predictor algorithm target RCPI value for roam indication.

const TUint32 KWlanSpTimeTarget

const TUint32 KWlanSpTimeTarget

The signal predictor algorithm target time for roam indication (in microseconds).

const TUint32 KWlanSpMinIndicationInterval

const TUint32 KWlanSpMinIndicationInterval

The minimum time interval for consecutive roam indications from the signal predictor algorithm (in microseconds).

const TUint32 KWlanBssLostRoamMinInterval

const TUint32 KWlanBssLostRoamMinInterval

The minimum delay between BSS lost roam attempts (in microseconds).

const TUint32 KWlanBssLostRoamMaxInterval

const TUint32 KWlanBssLostRoamMaxInterval

The maximum delay between BSS lost roam attempts (in microseconds).

const TUint32 KWlanBssLostRoamAttemptsPerInterval

const TUint32 KWlanBssLostRoamAttemptsPerInterval

Defines how many times a BSS lost roam interval value is used until the next interval value is calculated.

const TUint32 KWlanBssLostRoamNextIntervalFactor

const TUint32 KWlanBssLostRoamNextIntervalFactor

The factor the current interval value is multiplied by to get the next interval value.

const TUint32 KWlanBssLostRoamNextIntervalAddition

const TUint32 KWlanBssLostRoamNextIntervalAddition

The value that is added to the interval value that has been multiplied by KWlanBssLostRoamNextIntervalFactor.

const TUint32 KWlanBssLostRoamMaxTriesToFindNw

const TUint32 KWlanBssLostRoamMaxTriesToFindNw

Defines how many attempts are made to find a suitable AP before giving up during BSS lost.

const TUint32 KWlanTrafficStreamCreationTimeout

const TUint32 KWlanTrafficStreamCreationTimeout

Defines how many microseconds to wait for traffic stream request response.

const TUint32 KWlanBeaconLostThreshold

const TUint32 KWlanBeaconLostThreshold

The number of lost consecutive beacons after which beacon lost event is indicated.

const TUint32 KWlanBtBeaconLostThreshold

const TUint32 KWlanBtBeaconLostThreshold

The number of lost consecutive beacons after which beacon lost event is indicated during an active Bluetooth connection.

const TUint32 KWlanTxFailThreshold

const TUint32 KWlanTxFailThreshold

The number of lost consecutive packets after which TX failure event is indicated.

const TUint32 KWlanBtTxFailThreshold

const TUint32 KWlanBtTxFailThreshold

The number of lost consecutive packets after which TX failure event is indicated during an active Bluetooth connection.

const TUint32 KWlanPowerSaveDelay

const TUint32 KWlanPowerSaveDelay

The number of seconds after which power save is enabled during the initial association.

const TUint32 KWlanRegionExpirationTime

const TUint32 KWlanRegionExpirationTime

The amount of seconds region information is valid.

const TUint32 KWlanRrmMinMeasurementInterval

const TUint32 KWlanRrmMinMeasurementInterval

Minimum interval for accepting subsequent RRM Beacon Requests (in microseconds).

const TUint32 KWlanPsmSrvMode

const TUint32 KWlanPsmSrvMode

Current PSM server mode where possible values are: 0 = Normal mode 1 = Power save 2 = Partial power save

const TUint32 KWlanBgScanPeakPeriodStart

const TUint32 KWlanBgScanPeakPeriodStart

Peak start time for WLAN background scan specifying hours and minutes. Valid range is 0 to 2359 meaning 00:00 o'clock to 23:59 o'clock.

const TUint32 KWlanBgScanPeakPeriodEnd

const TUint32 KWlanBgScanPeakPeriodEnd

Peak end time for WLAN background scan specifying hours and minutes. Valid range is 0 to 2359 meaning 00:00 o'clock to 23:59 o'clock.

const TUint32 KWlanBgScanIntervalPeakPeriod

const TUint32 KWlanBgScanIntervalPeakPeriod

WLAN background scan interval in seconds for peak period.

const TUint32 KWlanBgScanIntervalOffPeakPeriod

const TUint32 KWlanBgScanIntervalOffPeakPeriod

WLAN background scan interval in seconds for off-peak period.

const TUint32 KWlanAutomaticTrafficStreamMgmt

const TUint32 KWlanAutomaticTrafficStreamMgmt

Whether admission control traffic stream management is done automatically.

const TUint32 KWlanMinActiveBroadcastChannelTime

const TUint32 KWlanMinActiveBroadcastChannelTime

The minimum channel time for active broadcast scan in milliseconds.

const TUint32 KWlanMaxActiveBroadcastChannelTime

const TUint32 KWlanMaxActiveBroadcastChannelTime

The maximum channel time for active broadcast scan in milliseconds.

const TUint32 KWlanEnabledFeatures

const TUint32 KWlanEnabledFeatures

Bitmask of enabled WLAN features.

const TUint32 KWlanRegion

const TUint32 KWlanRegion

Cached WLAN region where possible values are: 0 = Region is unknown 1 = Region is ETSI 2 = Region is FCC.

const TInt32 KWlanRegionTimestamp

const TInt32 KWlanRegionTimestamp

Timestamp for cached WLAN region (minutes from 0AD nominal Gregorian).