TXIMPObjectPacker Class Reference

class TXIMPObjectPacker

Templated object packer.

Object type must support: NewLC(), ExternalizeL() and InternalizeL() .

S60 v3.2
Public Member Functions
HBufC8 * PackArrayL (const RPointerArray < T > &)
HBufC8 * PackL (const T &)
void UnPackArrayL ( RPointerArray < T > &, const TDesC8 &)
void UnPackL (T &, const TDesC8 &)
Private Member Functions
TXIMPObjectPacker ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


TXIMPObjectPacker ( ) [private]

Member Functions Documentation

PackArrayL(const RPointerArray< T > &)

HBufC8 * PackArrayL ( const RPointerArray < T > & aObjs ) [static, inline]

Templated method to pack object array.

Packs given object array data to flat buffer and returns buffer to caller.


const RPointerArray < T > & aObjs Array of templated objects to pack. Concrete object type must support ExternalizeL() method.

PackL(const T &)

HBufC8 * PackL ( const T & aObj ) [static, inline]

Templated method to pack object.

Packs given object data to flat buffer and returns buffer to caller.


const T & aObj Templated object to pack. Object type must support ExternalizeL() method.

UnPackArrayL(RPointerArray< T > &, const TDesC8 &)

void UnPackArrayL ( RPointerArray < T > & aObjs,
const TDesC8 & aPack
) [static, inline]

Templated method to unpack object array.

Instantiates needed amount of new objects, extracts their data from given flat buffer and returns objects ownership to caller.

aPack Buffer containing object data.


RPointerArray < T > & aObjs Array where to store extracted objects. Concrete object type must support NewLC() and InternalizeL() methods. Array contents are not reseted during unpack.
const TDesC8 & aPack

UnPackL(T &, const TDesC8 &)

void UnPackL ( T & aObj,
const TDesC8 & aPack
) [static]

Templated method to unpack object.

Extracts object data from given flat buffer and returns objects ownership to caller.

aPack Buffer containing object data.


T & aObj Object which data to internalize from package. Concrete object type must support InternalizeL() method.
const TDesC8 & aPack