TCommCapsV01 Class Reference

class TCommCapsV01

Comms capability structure. Class to query the capability settings for serial comm port device. Members of this class are filled with the capabilities of the comm port device.

Member Data Documentation

TUint iDataBits

TUint iDataBits

Character widths supported, in bits. The value is a bitmask made by OR-ing a combination of KCapsData5, KCapsData6, KCapsData7 and KCapsData8 values. Each set bit corresponds to a supported character width.

TUint iFifo

TUint iFifo

Whether Fifo is enabled or disabled. Value is KCapsHasFifo if enabled, 0 otherwise

TUint iHandshake

TUint iHandshake

Type of Handshaking protocols supported by the device. The value is a bitmask made by OR-ing a combination of KCapsObeyXXX, KCapsSendXXX, KCapsFailXXX and KCapsFreeXXX values. Each set bit corresponds to a supported handshaking protocol.

TUint iParity

TUint iParity

Parity types supported. The value is a bitmask made by OR-ing a combination of KCapsParityNone, KCapsParityEven, KCapsParityOdd, KCapsParityMark and KCapsParitySpace values. Each set bit corresponds to a supported parity type.

TUint iRate

TUint iRate

Data rates supported, in bits per second. The value is a bitmask made by OR-ing KCapsBpsXXX values. Each set bit corresponds to a supported bit rate.

TUint iSIR

TUint iSIR

Capabilities of the SIR encoding hardware. The value is a bitmask made by OR-ing a combination of KCapsSIR115kbps, KCapsSIR2400bpsOnly and KCapsSIR4Mbps values. Each set bit corresponds to a supported SIR capability.

TUint iSignals

TUint iSignals

Type of Signals supported by the device. The value is a bitmask made by OR-ing a combination of KCapsSignalXXX values. Each set bit corresponds to a supported signal.

TUint iStopBits

TUint iStopBits

Number of stop bits supported. The value is one of KCapsStop1, KCapsStop2 or KCapsStop1|KCapsStop2. Each set bit corresponds to a supported number of stop bit.