RMMFVideoPlaySubtitleSupportCustomCommands Class Reference

class RMMFVideoPlaySubtitleSupportCustomCommands : public RMMFCustomCommandsBase

Client class to access functionality specific to a subtitle supported playback controller. The class uses the custom command function of the controller plugin, and removes the necessity for the client to formulate the custom commands.

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RMMFVideoPlaySubtitleSupportCustomCommands(RMMFController &)

IMPORT_C RMMFVideoPlaySubtitleSupportCustomCommands ( RMMFController & aController )



RMMFController & aController The client side controller object to be used by this custom command interface.

Member Functions Documentation

AddSubtitleConfig(const TMMFSubtitleWindowConfig &)

IMPORT_C TInt AddSubtitleConfig ( const TMMFSubtitleWindowConfig & aConfig )

Adds subtitle configuration data for a window.


const TMMFSubtitleWindowConfig & aConfig Subtitle configuration data for a window.


IMPORT_C TInt DisableSubtitles ( )

Disables subtitles during video playback.


IMPORT_C TInt EnableSubtitles ( )

Enables subtitles during video playback.

GetCrpParameters(TInt, TWsGraphicId &, TRect &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetCrpParameters ( TInt aWindowId,
TWsGraphicId & aId,
TRect & aCrpRect

Gets the CRP parameters associated with a display


TInt aWindowId The window id used in the query.
TWsGraphicId & aId Return the CRP id associated with the given display id
TRect & aCrpRect Return the subtitle region for drawing the CRP

GetSubtitleLanguage(TLanguage &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetSubtitleLanguage ( TLanguage & aLanguage )

Gets the current subtitle language


TLanguage & aLanguage On return, set the the current language.

GetSubtitlesAvailable(TBool &)

IMPORT_C TInt GetSubtitlesAvailable ( TBool & aAvailable )

Checks if subtitles are available in the current video stream.


TBool & aAvailable When this function returns, this is set to ETrue if the controller supports subtitle extensions and subtitles are available in the current video stream.

GetSupportedSubtitleLanguagesL(RArray< TLanguage > &)

IMPORT_C void GetSupportedSubtitleLanguagesL ( RArray < TLanguage > & aSubtitleLanguages )

Gets a list of all available languages.

KErrNotSupported If the current controller does not support subtitles.
KErrNotFound If the controller cannot find subtitle data.
Otherwise leaves with any of the system wide error codes.


RArray < TLanguage > & aSubtitleLanguages


IMPORT_C TInt RemoveSubtitleConfig ( TInt aWindowId )

Removes the subtitle configuration data associated with the given window.


TInt aWindowId Unique identifier of the window associated with the configuration data being removed.


IMPORT_C TInt SetSubtitleLanguage ( TLanguage aSubtitleLanguage )

Sets the current subtitle language


TLanguage aSubtitleLanguage Language to be used for subtitle stream.

UpdateSubtitleConfig(const TMMFSubtitleWindowConfig &)

IMPORT_C TInt UpdateSubtitleConfig ( const TMMFSubtitleWindowConfig & aConfig )

Reconfigures subtitle configuration.


const TMMFSubtitleWindowConfig & aConfig Subtitle configuration data for a window.