AknDef.h File Reference

const TInt KEikMessageWindowsFadeChange

const TInt KEikMessageWindowsFadeChange

Resource change message that is passed to applications when all the windows become faded or unfaded.

const TInt KEikMessageCaptionedControlEditableStateChange

const TInt KEikMessageCaptionedControlEditableStateChange

Resource change message indicating a change of state to edit mode. This message is used by CEikCaptionedControl to handle situations where the control becomes editable.

const TInt KEikMessageCaptionedControlNotEditableStateChange

const TInt KEikMessageCaptionedControlNotEditableStateChange

Resource change message indicating a change of state to view mode. This message is used by CEikCaptionedControl to handle situations where the control becomes non-editable.

const TInt KEikMessageCaptionedControlEditableStateChangeWideWithGraphic

const TInt KEikMessageCaptionedControlEditableStateChangeWideWithGraphic

Resource change message indicating a change of state to edit mode with graphic. This message is used by popup fields to handle situations where the control becomes editable with graphic.

const TInt KEikMessageCaptionedControlEditableStateChangeWideWithoutGraphic

const TInt KEikMessageCaptionedControlEditableStateChangeWideWithoutGraphic

Resource change message indicating a change of state to edit mode without graphic. This message is used by popup fields to handle situations where the control becomes editable without graphic.

const TInt KEikMessageCaptionedControlNotEditableStateChangeWideWithGraphic

const TInt KEikMessageCaptionedControlNotEditableStateChangeWideWithGraphic

Resource change message indicating a change of state to view mode with graphic. This message is used by popup fields to handle situations where the control becomes non-editable with graphic.

const TInt KEikMessageCaptionedControlNotEditableStateChangeWideWithoutGraphic

const TInt KEikMessageCaptionedControlNotEditableStateChangeWideWithoutGraphic

Resource change message indicating a change of state to view mode without graphic. This message is used by popup fields to handle situations where the control becomes non-editable without graphic.

const TInt KEikClearPartialForegroundState

const TInt KEikClearPartialForegroundState

Window server event for clearing partial foreground state.

const TInt KEikPartialForeground

const TInt KEikPartialForeground

Window server event for partial foreground state.

const TInt KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch

const TInt KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch

Resource change message used to inform applications of layout change.

const TInt KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch_APAC

const TInt KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch_APAC

const TInt KEikInputLanguageChange

const TInt KEikInputLanguageChange

Resource change message that is sent by FEP when the input language changes.

const TInt KAknHardwareLayoutSwitch

const TInt KAknHardwareLayoutSwitch

Window server event used when layout changes. This event is not passed to applications, they should use the KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch event instead.

const TInt KAknDelayedLayoutSwitch

const TInt KAknDelayedLayoutSwitch

const TInt KAknLocalZoomLayoutSwitch

const TInt KAknLocalZoomLayoutSwitch

Window server event used to inform applications about change in local zoom setting.

const TInt KAknILDInstallationLayoutSwitch

const TInt KAknILDInstallationLayoutSwitch

Window server event used to inform applications that a new ILD (Independent Layout Delivery) layout DLL has been installed. This event is not passed to applications, they should use the KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch event instead.

const TInt KAknAppOomMonitor_FreeRam

const TInt KAknAppOomMonitor_FreeRam

const TInt KAknAppOomMonitor_MemoryGood

const TInt KAknAppOomMonitor_MemoryGood

const TInt KAknFullOrPartialForegroundGained

const TInt KAknFullOrPartialForegroundGained

Resource change message used to inform a window group that it has gained full or partial foreground.

const TInt KAknFullOrPartialForegroundLost

const TInt KAknFullOrPartialForegroundLost

Resource change message used to inform a window group that it has lost full or partial foreground.

const TInt KAknShutOrHideApp

const TInt KAknShutOrHideApp

Instruct an app to either exit or hide itself, according to its configuration