TWlanRoamMetrics Struct Reference

struct TWlanRoamMetrics

Data structure for storing roaming metrics information.

Member Data Documentation

TUint32 connectionAttemptTotalCount

TUint32 connectionAttemptTotalCount

Connection attempt total counter.

TUint32 coverageLossCount

TUint32 coverageLossCount

Coverage loss counter.

TUint32 lastRoamDataPathBrokenDuration

TUint32 lastRoamDataPathBrokenDuration

The duration (ms) how long the data path was broken during the last roaming.

TWlanRoamReason lastRoamReason

TWlanRoamReason lastRoamReason

The cause for the last roaming.

TUint32 lastRoamTotalDuration

TUint32 lastRoamTotalDuration

The total duration (ms) of the last roaming (= data path broken time + scanning time).

TUint32 roamingCounter

TUint32 roamingCounter

Roaming counter.

TUint32 unsuccesfullConnectionAttemptCount

TUint32 unsuccesfullConnectionAttemptCount

Unsuccesfull connection attempt counter.