featureinfoplugin.h File Reference

const TUid KFeatureInfoPluginInterfaceUid

const TUid KFeatureInfoPluginInterfaceUid

This constant holds the ECOM Instantiation Interface UID. This interface UID identifies plug-in implementations that derive from CFeatureInfoPlugin . This interface is used by the Feature Manager server when it is started up. CFeatureInfoPlugin

Typedef TFeatureInfoRespPckg

typedef TPckgBuf < TFeatureInfo > TFeatureInfoRespPckg

Data package for ELoadFeatureInfoCmdId response structure

Typedef TEnhancedFeatureInfoRespPckg

typedef TPckgBuf < TEnhancedFeatureInfo > TEnhancedFeatureInfoRespPckg

Data package for ELoadEnhancedFeatureInfoCmdId response structure