Names and fullnames

A reference counting object can be identified by a name . A name consists of a string of characters whose length must not be greater than KMaxName , a symbol defined in e32std.h.

A name can contain any character except: *, ? and :, i.e. the characters asterisk, question mark and single colon. The system static function User::ValidateName() is available to do this.

A reference counting object can also be identified by its full name . This is descriptive of the reference counting object's ownership hierarchy, i.e. it is a name that identifies the reference counting object in the context of its owning reference counting object.

The full name is a concatenation of:

  • the name of the owning reference counting object,

  • a double colon :: ,

  • the name of the reference counting object.

For example, given the three CObject derived objects: x , y and z with names: one , two and three respectively, where x is owned by y and y , in turn, is owned by z :


class CSomeClass : public CObject

CSomeClass* x;
CSomeClass* y;
CSomeClass* z;
x = new(ELeave) CSomeClass;
y = new(ELeave) CSomeClass;
z = new(ELeave) CSomeClass;
  • the full name of x is, three::two::one .

  • the full name of y is, three::two .

  • the full name of z is three , the same as its name.

Names give reference counting objects an identity and are used when searching for a specific object or a group of related objects.

See also: