SymbianBluetoothAV::ConvertToSymbianError Class Reference

class SymbianBluetoothAV::ConvertToSymbianError

Class used for converting signalling error codes stored in the local namespace into standard system-wide error codes. The values used locally are the same as the error codes set out in the various Bluetooth Profile specifications.

Marked NONSHARABLE and therefore cannot be derived outside the dll.

Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C TInt A2dpError ( TA2dpSignallingErrorCode )
IMPORT_C TInt AvdtpError ( TAvdtpSignallingErrorCode )
IMPORT_C TInt GavdpError ( TGavdpSignallingErrorCode )
IMPORT_C TInt VdpError ( TVdpSignallingErrorCode )
Private Member Functions
TInt DoConvertError ( TBluetoothAvDistributionError )

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C TInt A2dpError ( TA2dpSignallingErrorCode aA2dpError ) [static]

Converts an enumeration value corresponding to an A2DP Signalling error into a system-wide error code. The A2DP Signalling error codes are mapped into the concrete profile error code range which is shared with other profiles that sit on top of the GAVDP, such as VDP.

Mappings into this range of values are done locally by each profile and will typically cover the same subsets of the error code space. These error codes are therefore not globally unique and any value within this range requires the context of the profile it originated from in order for it to be fully defined.

The concrete profile signalling error range: -18300 to -18237 (inclusive)


TA2dpSignallingErrorCode aA2dpError The locally defined error value.


IMPORT_C TInt AvdtpError ( TAvdtpSignallingErrorCode aAvdtpError ) [static]

Converts an enumeration value corresponding to an AVDTP Signalling error into a system-wide error code.

The AVDTP Signalling error range: -18172 to -18045 (inclusive)


TAvdtpSignallingErrorCode aAvdtpError The locally defined error value.


TInt DoConvertError ( TBluetoothAvDistributionError aError ) [private, static]

Takes the local signalling error code (which is a relative offset from the Bluetooth Audio/Visual base signalling error code) of any A/V profile type and calculates the corresponding system-wide error code. This function is called by a profile specific error conversion function. For full documentation of what the error code corresponds to refer to the relevant profile's conversion function.

A Bluetooth A/V Signalling error code will exist within the range -18045 to -18300 (inclusive).


TBluetoothAvDistributionError aError The value of the error enumeration object.


IMPORT_C TInt GavdpError ( TGavdpSignallingErrorCode aGavdpError ) [static]

Converts an enumeration value corresponding to a GAVDP Signalling error into a system-wide error code.

The GAVDP Signalling error range: -18236 to -18173 (inclusive)


TGavdpSignallingErrorCode aGavdpError The locally defined error value.


IMPORT_C TInt VdpError ( TVdpSignallingErrorCode aVdpError ) [static]

Converts an enumeration value corresponding to a VDP Signalling error into a system-wide error code. The VDP Signalling error codes are mapped into the concrete profile error code range which is shared with other profiles that sit on top of the GAVDP, such as A2DP.

Mappings into this range of values are done locally by each profile and will typically cover the same subsets of the error code space. These error codes are therefore not globally unique and any value within this range requires the context of the profile it originated from in order for it to be fully defined.

The concrete profile signalling error range: -18300 to -18237 (inclusive)


TVdpSignallingErrorCode aVdpError The locally defined error value.