
00001 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
00002 // All rights reserved.
00003 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
00004 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
00005 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
00006 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
00007 //
00008 // Initial Contributors:
00009 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
00010 //
00011 // Contributors:
00012 //
00013 // Description:
00014 //
00016 #include <w32std.h>
00017 #include "Base.h"
00018 #include "Ordinal.h"
00020 _LIT(KString1,"1");
00021 _LIT(KString2,"2");
00022 _LIT(KString3,"3");
00023 _LIT(KString4,"4");
00024 _LIT(KString5,"5");
00027 //                                       CNumberedWindow implementation
00030 /****************************************************************************\
00031 |       Function:       Constructor/Destructor for CNumberedWindow
00032 |       Input:          aClient         Client application that owns the window
00033 \****************************************************************************/
00034 CNumberedWindow::CNumberedWindow (CWsClient* aClient, TInt aNum)
00035 : CWindow (aClient), iNumber(aNum), iOldPos(0,0)
00036         {
00037         }
00040 CNumberedWindow::~CNumberedWindow ()
00041         {
00042         }
00045 /****************************************************************************\
00046 |       Function:       CNumberedWindow::Draw
00047 |       Purpose:        Redraws the contents of CNumberedWindow within a given
00048 |                               rectangle.  CNumberedWindow displays a number in the window.
00049 |       Input:          aRect   Rectangle that needs redrawing
00050 |       Output:         None
00051 \****************************************************************************/
00052 void CNumberedWindow::Draw(const TRect& aRect)
00053         {
00054         const TBufC<1> strings[5] = { *&KString1,
00055                                                           *&KString2,
00056                                                           *&KString3,
00057                                                           *&KString4,
00058                                                           *&KString5
00059                                                         };
00061         CWindowGc* gc=SystemGc(); // get a graphics context
00062         gc->SetClippingRect(aRect); // clip outside the redraw area
00063         gc->Clear(aRect); // clear the redraw area
00064         TSize size=iWindow.Size();
00065         TInt height=size.iHeight; // Need window height to calculate vertical text offset
00066         TInt ascent = Font()->AscentInPixels();
00067         TInt descent = Font()->DescentInPixels();
00068         TInt offset = (height + (ascent + descent)) / 2; // Calculate vertical text offset
00069         gc->SetPenColor(TRgb(0,0,0)); // Set pen to black
00070         gc->UseFont(Font());
00071         gc->DrawText(strings[iNumber], TRect(TPoint(0,0), size), offset, CGraphicsContext::ECenter);
00072         gc->DiscardFont();
00073         }
00075 /****************************************************************************\
00076 |       Function:       CNumberedWindow::HandlePointerEvent
00077 |       Purpose:        Handles pointer events for CNumberedWindow.
00078 |       Input:          aPointerEvent   The pointer event
00079 |       Output:         None
00080 \****************************************************************************/
00081 void CNumberedWindow::HandlePointerEvent (TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
00082         {       
00083         switch (aPointerEvent.iType)
00084                 {
00085                 case TPointerEvent::EDrag:
00086                         {
00087                         // Move the window position as the pointer is dragged.
00088                         TPoint point = aPointerEvent.iParentPosition;
00089                         TPoint distToMove = point - iOldPos;
00090                         TPoint position = Window().Position();
00091                         Window().SetPosition (position + distToMove);
00092                         iOldPos = point;
00093                         break;
00094                         }
00095                 case TPointerEvent::EButton1Down:
00096                         {
00097                         // Move window to front
00098                         Window().SetOrdinalPosition (0);
00099                         // Request drag events 
00100                         Window().PointerFilter (EPointerFilterDrag,     0);
00101                         // Initialize starting point for dragging
00102                         iOldPos = aPointerEvent.iParentPosition;
00103                         break;
00104                         }
00105                 case TPointerEvent::EButton1Up:
00106                         {
00107                         // Cancel the request for drag events.
00108                         Window().PointerFilter (EPointerFilterDrag,     EPointerFilterDrag);
00109                         break;
00110                         }
00111                 case TPointerEvent::EButton3Down:
00112                         {
00113                         // Cascade windows in top left corner.
00114                         // Window at the front should be cascaded last.
00115                         // The window at the front (ordinal position 0) is given by Child(), and 
00116                         // each window behind it is given by NextSibling(). We need to go down
00117                         // the sibling list till we get to the last sibling, and move this to 
00118                         // the top left corner. Then go back up the list and move each previous 
00119                         // sibling on top of the last, displaced by an offset (of TPoint(10,10)).
00120                         TPoint point (0,0);
00121                         TUint32 nextSib, prevSib;
00122                         CWindow* childWindow;
00123                         TInt    numChildren = 0;
00124                         TUint32 child = Window().Child();
00125                         if (child)
00126                                 {
00127                                 childWindow = (CWindow*)child;
00128                                 numChildren++;
00129                                 nextSib = childWindow->Window().NextSibling();
00130                                 while (nextSib)
00131                                         {
00132                                         numChildren++;
00133                                         childWindow = (CWindow*)nextSib;
00134                                         nextSib = childWindow->Window().NextSibling();
00135                                         }
00136                                 for (TInt i=numChildren; i>0; i--)
00137                                         {
00138                                         childWindow->Window().SetPosition (point);
00139                                         prevSib = childWindow->Window().PrevSibling();
00140                                         if (prevSib)
00141                                                 {
00142                                                 childWindow = (CWindow*)prevSib;
00143                                                 point += TPoint(10,10);
00144                                                 }
00145                                         }
00146                                 }
00147                         break;
00148                         }
00149                 default:
00150                         break;
00151                 }
00152         }
00156 //                                       CMainWindow implementation
00160 /****************************************************************************\
00161 |       Function:       Constructor/Destructor for CMainWindow
00162 |       Input:          aClient         Client application that owns the window
00163 \****************************************************************************/
00164 CMainWindow::CMainWindow (CWsClient* aClient)
00165 : CWindow (aClient)
00166         {
00167         }
00170 CMainWindow::~CMainWindow ()
00171         {
00172         iWindow.Close();
00173         }
00175 /****************************************************************************\
00176 |       Function:       CMainWindow::Draw
00177 |       Purpose:        Redraws the contents of CMainWindow within a given
00178 |                               rectangle.
00179 |       Input:          aRect   Rectangle that needs redrawing
00180 |       Output:         None
00181 \****************************************************************************/
00183 void CMainWindow::Draw(const TRect& aRect)
00184         {
00185         CWindowGc* gc=SystemGc(); // get a gc
00186         gc->SetClippingRect(aRect); // clip outside this rect
00187         gc->Clear(aRect); // clear
00188         }
00191 /****************************************************************************\
00192 |       Function:       CMainWindow::HandlePointerEvent
00193 |       Purpose:        Handles pointer events for CMainWindow.
00194 |       Input:          aPointerEvent   The pointer event!
00195 |       Output:         None
00196 \****************************************************************************/
00198 void CMainWindow::HandlePointerEvent (TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
00199         {       
00200         switch (aPointerEvent.iType)
00201                 {
00202                 case TPointerEvent::EButton3Down:
00203                         {
00204                         // Cascade windows in top left corner
00205                         // Window at the front should be cascaded last.
00206                         // The window at the front (ordinal position 0) is given by Child(), and 
00207                         // each window behind it is given by NextSibling(). We need to go down
00208                         // the sibling list till we get to the last sibling, and move this to 
00209                         // the top left corner. Then go back up the list and move each previous 
00210                         // sibling on top of the last, displaced by an offset (of TPoint(10,10)).
00211                         TPoint point (0,0);
00212                         TUint32 nextSib, prevSib;
00213                         CWindow* childWindow;
00214                         TInt    numChildren = 0;
00215                         TUint32 child = Window().Child();
00216                         if (child)
00217                                 {
00218                                 childWindow = (CWindow*)child;
00219                                 numChildren++;
00220                                 nextSib = childWindow->Window().NextSibling();
00221                                 while (nextSib)
00222                                         {
00223                                         numChildren++;
00224                                         childWindow = (CWindow*)nextSib;
00225                                         nextSib = childWindow->Window().NextSibling();
00226                                         }
00227                                 for (TInt i=numChildren; i>0; i--)
00228                                         {
00229                                         childWindow->Window().SetPosition (point);
00230                                         prevSib = childWindow->Window().PrevSibling();
00231                                         if (prevSib)
00232                                                 {
00233                                                 childWindow = (CWindow*)prevSib;
00234                                                 point += TPoint(10,10);
00235                                                 }
00236                                         }
00237                                 }
00238                         break;
00239                         }
00240                 default:
00241                         break;
00242                 }
00243         }
00247 //                                       CExampleWsClient implementation
00250 CExampleWsClient* CExampleWsClient::NewL(const TRect& aRect)
00251         {
00252         // make new client
00253         CExampleWsClient* client=new (ELeave) CExampleWsClient(aRect); 
00254         CleanupStack::PushL(client); // push, just in case
00255         client->ConstructL(); // construct and run
00256         CleanupStack::Pop();
00257         return client;
00258         }
00260 /****************************************************************************\
00261 |       Function:       Constructor/Destructor for CExampleWsClient
00262 |                               Destructor deletes everything that was allocated by
00263 |                               ConstructMainWindowL()
00264 \****************************************************************************/
00266 CExampleWsClient::CExampleWsClient(const TRect& aRect)
00267 :iRect(aRect)
00268         {
00269         }
00271 CExampleWsClient::~CExampleWsClient ()
00272         {
00273         delete iWindow1;
00274         delete iWindow2;
00275         delete iWindow3;
00276         delete iWindow4;
00277         delete iWindow5;
00278         delete iMainWindow;
00279         }
00282 /****************************************************************************\
00283 |       Function:       CExampleWsClient::ConstructMainWindowL()
00284 |                               Called by base class's ConstructL
00285 |       Purpose:        Allocates and creates all the windows owned by this client
00286 |                               (See list of windows in CExampleWsCLient declaration).
00287 \****************************************************************************/
00289 void CExampleWsClient::ConstructMainWindowL()
00290         {
00291         // Resources allocated in this function are freed in the CExampleWsClient destructor
00293         iMainWindow=new (ELeave) CMainWindow(this);
00294         iMainWindow->ConstructL(iRect, TRgb (255,255,255));
00295         TInt count=0;
00296         TRect rect(0,0,40,40);
00297         iWindow1  = new (ELeave) CNumberedWindow (this, count++);
00298         iWindow1->ConstructL (rect, TRgb (50, 50, 50),iMainWindow);
00299         iWindow2  = new (ELeave) CNumberedWindow (this, count++);
00300         iWindow2->ConstructL (rect, TRgb (100, 100, 100),iMainWindow);
00301         iWindow3  = new (ELeave) CNumberedWindow (this, count++);
00302         iWindow3->ConstructL (rect, TRgb (150, 150, 150),iMainWindow);
00303         iWindow4  = new (ELeave) CNumberedWindow (this, count++);
00304         rect.Shrink(10,10);
00305         iWindow4->ConstructL (rect, TRgb (200, 200, 200),iWindow1);
00306         iWindow5  = new (ELeave) CNumberedWindow (this, count++);
00307         iWindow5->ConstructL (rect, TRgb (150, 150, 150),iWindow1);
00308         }
00311 /****************************************************************************\
00312 |       Function:       CExampleWsClient::RunL()
00313 |                               Called by active scheduler when an even occurs
00314 |       Purpose:        Processes events according to their type
00315 |                               For key events: calls HandleKeyEventL() (global to client)
00316 |                               For pointer event: calls HandlePointerEvent() for window
00317 |                                  event occurred in.
00318 \****************************************************************************/
00319 void CExampleWsClient::RunL()
00320         {
00321         // get the event
00322         iWs.GetEvent(iWsEvent);
00323         TInt eventType=iWsEvent.Type();
00324         // take action on it
00325         switch (eventType)
00326                 {
00327         // events global within window group
00328         case EEventNull:
00329                 break;
00330         case EEventKey:
00331                 {
00332                 TKeyEvent& keyEvent=*iWsEvent.Key(); // get key event
00333                 HandleKeyEventL (keyEvent);
00334                 break;
00335                 }
00336         case EEventKeyUp:
00337         case EEventModifiersChanged:
00338         case EEventKeyDown:
00339         case EEventFocusLost:
00340         case EEventFocusGained:
00341         case EEventSwitchOn:
00342         case EEventPassword:
00343         case EEventWindowGroupsChanged:
00344         case EEventErrorMessage:
00345                 break;
00346         // events local to specific windows
00347         case EEventPointer:
00348                 {
00349                 CWindow* window=(CWindow*)(iWsEvent.Handle()); // get window
00350                 TPointerEvent& pointerEvent=*iWsEvent.Pointer();
00351                 window->HandlePointerEvent (pointerEvent);
00352                 break;
00353                 }
00354         case EEventPointerExit:
00355         case EEventPointerEnter:
00356         case EEventPointerBufferReady:
00357                 break;
00358         case EEventDragDrop:
00359                 break;
00360         default:
00361                 break;
00362                 }
00363         IssueRequest(); // maintain outstanding request
00364         }
00366 /****************************************************************************\
00367 |       Function:       CExampleWsClient::HandleKeyEventL()
00368 |       Purpose:        Processes key events for CExampleWsClient
00369 |                               Gets the key code from the key event.  Exits on 'Escape'
00370 \****************************************************************************/
00371 void CExampleWsClient::HandleKeyEventL (TKeyEvent& /*aKeyEvent*/)
00372         {
00373         }

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