
00001 // TXTSCPMV.H
00002 //
00003 // Copyright (c) 1999 Symbian Ltd.  All rights reserved.
00004 //
00006 #ifndef _TXTSCPMV_H_
00007 #define _TXTSCPMV_H_
00009 #if !defined(__MSVSTD_H__)
00010 #include <msvstd.h> 
00011 #endif
00012 #if !defined(__MSVENTRY_H__)
00013 #include <msventry.h>
00014 #endif
00016 #if !defined(__TXUT_H__)
00017 #include "txut.h" //for TTxtProgress
00018 #endif
00020 #define ETxtRetrievingMessage  1
00021 #define ETxtFinished               0
00024 const TInt KMsgTxtRefreshMailboxPriority = 1;
00026 class CParaFormatLayer;
00027 class CCharFormatLayer;
00028 class CMsvServerEntry;
00029 class CTxtCopyMoveBase;
00031 // 
00032 // CTxtActiveOper: performs an operation on exactly one Msv Entry.
00033 // Derive from this for the several move/copy/delete operations
00034 //
00035 // The methods have a RFs at their disposal, for access to the current
00036 // folder for the operation in the file system.
00037 //
00039 class CTxtActiveOper : public CActive
00040         {
00041 public:
00042         CTxtActiveOper(RFs& aFs, CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry);
00043         virtual ~CTxtActiveOper();
00044         void Start(TMsvId& aSourceId, TMsvId& aDestId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
00045         void SetCurrentCaller(CTxtCopyMoveBase* aCurrentCaller);
00046 public:
00047         virtual CTxtActiveOper* CopyConstructL()=0;
00048         // CopiedHeader reports whether messages are copied and entries need to be created.
00049         // the destination entry id will then be passed on in the Start method
00050         virtual TBool CopiedHeader() const = 0;
00051         // DeleteSourceAfterwards specifies whether the source entry needs to be deleted
00052         // afterwards. This will then be done automatically also.
00053         virtual TBool DeleteSourceAfterwards() const = 0;
00054         // MoveIsToService specifies whether the messages that are moved are moved to the service.
00055         // Some additional operations need to be done to make the entry a valid entry, 
00056         // the flag iServiceId has to be set, and the correctness of the iDetails has
00057         // to be assured. Also the file name has to be altered if it already exists.
00058         virtual TBool MoveIsToService() const = 0;
00059 protected:
00060         // RunL will then do the actual transfer. It should call ReportFinished when the operation
00061         // has completed.
00062         void RunL();
00063         virtual void DoRunL()=0;
00064         virtual void DoCancel();
00065 protected:
00066         TRequestStatus*         iReportStatus;
00067         CMsvServerEntry&        iServerEntry;
00068         RFs                                     &iFs;
00069         TMsvId                          iSourceId;
00070         TMsvId                          iDestId;
00071         CTxtCopyMoveBase*       iCurrentCaller;   // Currently being called from. 
00072         TFileName iFileName;                              // Current source entry info
00073         };
00075 //
00076 // CTxtCopyMoveBase: defines some base functionality for transferring
00077 // between the server and the local file system. It needs a CTxtActiveOper
00078 // class at construction, that will actually copy the body text over asynchronously.
00079 //
00081 class CTxtCopyMoveBase : public  CActive
00082         {
00083 public:
00084         static CTxtCopyMoveBase* NewL(CTxtActiveOper* aActiveOperation, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSource, 
00085                 CMsvServerEntry& aDestination, TMsvId& aServiceEntryId, TParse& aParse);
00086         CTxtCopyMoveBase* CopyConstructL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSource);
00087         ~CTxtCopyMoveBase();
00088         void Start(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
00089         TTxtProgress& Progress();
00090 protected:
00091         CTxtCopyMoveBase(CTxtActiveOper* aActiveOperation, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSource, 
00092                 CMsvServerEntry& aDestination, TMsvId& aServiceEntryId, TParse& aParse);
00093         void ConstructL();
00094         void DoCancel();
00095         void RunL();
00096         void DoRunL();
00097 private:
00098         void CheckDeleteSource();
00099         void SetupNewEntryL(TMsvId& SourceMsgId, TMsvId& newDestMsvId);
00100 private: 
00101         TInt iTxtCopyMoveState;
00102         CTxtActiveOper*                         iActiveOperation;
00103         const CMsvEntrySelection&       iSource;
00104         CMsvServerEntry&                        iDestination;
00105         TMsvId                                          iServiceEntryId;
00106         TMsvId                                          iDestId;
00107         TInt                                            iMsgCounter;
00108         TTxtProgress                            iProgress;
00109         TRequestStatus*                         iReportStatus;
00110 public: 
00111         // iServiceDestinationpath is used as a current folder, when transferring to the RFs
00112         TParse& iServiceDestinationpath;
00113         };
00115 //
00116 // CTxtActiveOper-derived classes, defining the actual moving around of 
00117 // body texts.
00118 //
00120 //
00121 // CTxtCopyToLocalOp, CTxtCopyFromLocalOp, CTxtCopyWithinServiceOp:
00122 // The copy operations
00123 //
00125 class CTxtCopyToLocalOp : public CTxtActiveOper
00126         {
00127 public:
00128         CTxtActiveOper* CopyConstructL();
00129         CTxtCopyToLocalOp(RFs& aFs, CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry) 
00130                 : CTxtActiveOper(aFs, aServerEntry) {};
00131         TBool CopiedHeader() const;
00132         virtual TBool DeleteSourceAfterwards() const;
00133         TBool MoveIsToService() const;
00134 protected:
00135         void DoRunL();
00136 private:
00137         void DoMessageCopyToLocalL();
00138         };
00140 class CTxtCopyFromLocalOp : public CTxtActiveOper
00141         {
00142 public:
00143         CTxtActiveOper* CopyConstructL();
00144         CTxtCopyFromLocalOp(RFs& aFs, CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry) 
00145                 : CTxtActiveOper(aFs, aServerEntry) {};
00146         TBool CopiedHeader() const;
00147         virtual TBool DeleteSourceAfterwards() const;
00148         TBool MoveIsToService() const;
00149 protected:
00150         void DoRunL();
00151 private:
00152         void DoMessageCopyFromLocalL(const TMsvEntry& aEntry);
00153         };
00155 class CTxtCopyWithinServiceOp : public CTxtActiveOper
00156         {
00157 public:
00158         CTxtActiveOper* CopyConstructL();
00159         CTxtCopyWithinServiceOp(RFs& aFs, CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry) 
00160                 : CTxtActiveOper(aFs, aServerEntry) {};
00161         TBool CopiedHeader() const;
00162         virtual TBool DeleteSourceAfterwards() const;
00163         TBool MoveIsToService() const ;
00164 protected:
00165         void DoRunL();
00166 private:
00167         void DoMessageCopyWithinServiceL();
00168         };
00170 //
00171 // CTxtMoveToLocalOp, CTxtMoveFromLocalOp, CTxtMoveWithinServiceOp:
00172 // The move operations: these are only a special case of copying, 
00173 // where the original needs to be deleted.
00174 //
00176 class CTxtMoveToLocalOp : public CTxtCopyToLocalOp
00177         {
00178 public:
00179         CTxtActiveOper* CopyConstructL();
00180         CTxtMoveToLocalOp(RFs& aFs, CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry) 
00181                 : CTxtCopyToLocalOp(aFs, aServerEntry) {};
00182         TBool DeleteSourceAfterwards() const;
00183         };
00185 class CTxtMoveFromLocalOp : public CTxtCopyFromLocalOp
00186         {
00187 public:
00188         CTxtActiveOper* CopyConstructL();
00189         CTxtMoveFromLocalOp(RFs& aFs, CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry) 
00190                 : CTxtCopyFromLocalOp(aFs, aServerEntry) {};
00191         TBool DeleteSourceAfterwards() const;
00192         };
00194 class CTxtMoveWithinServiceOp : public CTxtCopyWithinServiceOp
00195         {
00196 public:
00197         CTxtActiveOper* CopyConstructL();
00198         CTxtMoveWithinServiceOp(RFs& aFs, CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry) 
00199                 : CTxtCopyWithinServiceOp(aFs, aServerEntry) {};
00200         TBool DeleteSourceAfterwards() const;
00201         };
00203 //
00204 // CTxtDeleteOp: Delete operation
00205 //
00207 class CTxtDeleteOp : public CTxtActiveOper
00208         {
00209 public:
00210         CTxtActiveOper* CopyConstructL();
00211         CTxtDeleteOp(RFs& aFs, CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry) 
00212                 : CTxtActiveOper(aFs, aServerEntry) {};
00213         TBool CopiedHeader() const;
00214         TBool DeleteSourceAfterwards() const;
00215         TBool MoveIsToService() const;
00216 protected:
00217         void DoRunL();
00218         };
00221 inline void CTxtActiveOper::SetCurrentCaller(CTxtCopyMoveBase* aCurrentCaller)
00222         {
00223         iCurrentCaller = aCurrentCaller;
00224         }
00227 #endif

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