changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
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     1 // Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // e32\include\d32comm.h
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 //#define _DEBUG_DEVCOMM
    20 /**
    21 @file
    22 @publishedPartner
    23 @released
    24 */
    26 #ifndef __D32COMM_H__
    27 #define __D32COMM_H__
    28 #include <e32cmn.h>
    29 #include <e32ver.h>
    31 /**
    32  Enumeration of number of data bits for serial port configuration.
    33  Typically, these values are used to initialize the iDataBits of 
    34  TCommConfigV01 before calling DComm::Configure() or any other serial
    35  comm API to configure the serial port's databits size.
    36  */
    37 enum TDataBits {EData5,EData6,EData7,EData8};
    38 /**
    39  Enumeration of number of stop bits for serial port configuration.
    40  Typically, these values are used to initialize the iStopBits of 
    41  TCommConfigV01 before calling DComm::Configure() or any other serial
    42  comm API to configure the serial port's stopbits.
    43  */
    44 enum TStopBits {EStop1,EStop2};
    45 /**
    46  Enumeration of types of parity for serial port configuration.
    47  Typically, these values are used to initialize the iParity of 
    48  TCommConfigV01 before calling DComm::Configure() or any other serial
    49  comm API to configure the serial port's parity setting.
    50  */
    51 enum TParity {EParityNone,EParityEven,EParityOdd,EParityMark,EParitySpace};
    52 /**
    53  Enumeration of baud rates in bits per second for serial port configuration.
    54  * e.g EBps115200 is for 115200Bps data rate  
    55  Typically, these values are used to initialize the iRate of TCommConfigV01 
    56  before calling DComm::Configure() or any other serial comm API to configure
    57  the serial port's baud rate.
    58  */
    59 enum TBps
    60 	{
    61 	EBps50,
    62 	EBps75,
    63 	EBps110,
    64 	EBps134,
    65 	EBps150,
    66 	EBps300,
    67 	EBps600,
    68 	EBps1200,
    69 	EBps1800,
    70 	EBps2000,
    71 	EBps2400,
    72 	EBps3600,
    73 	EBps4800,
    74 	EBps7200,
    75 	EBps9600,
    76 	EBps19200,
    77 	EBps38400,
    78 	EBps57600,
    79 	EBps115200,
    80 	EBps230400,
    81 	EBps460800,
    82 	EBps576000,
    83 	EBps1152000,
    84 	EBps4000000,
    85 	EBps921600,
    86 	EBpsAutobaud=0x40000000,
    87 	EBpsSpecial=0x80000000,
    88 	};
    89 /**
    90  Enumeration of Fifo status (enable and disable) for serial port configuration.
    91  Typically, these values are used to initialize the iFifo of TCommConfigV01 
    92  before calling DComm::Configure() or any other serial comm API to configure
    93  the serial port's fifo.
    94  */
    95 enum TFifo
    96 	{
    97 	EFifoEnable,EFifoDisable,
    98 	};
    99 /**
   100  Enumeration of SIR status (enable and disable) for serial comm configuration.
   101  Typically, these values are used to initialize the iSIREnable of TCommConfigV01 
   102  before calling DComm::Configure() or any other serial comm API to configure
   103  the serial port's SIR (infrared) settings.
   104  */
   105 enum TSir 
   106 	{
   107 	ESIREnable,ESIRDisable,
   108 	};
   110 enum TFlowControl
   111 	{
   112 	EFlowControlOn,EFlowControlOff
   113 	};
   114 //
   116 const TInt KConfigMaxTerminators=4;
   117 // DTE Constants
   118 const TUint KConfigObeyXoff=0x01;
   119 const TUint KConfigSendXoff=0x02;
   120 const TUint KConfigObeyCTS=0x04;
   121 const TUint KConfigFailCTS=0x08;
   122 const TUint KConfigObeyDSR=0x10;
   123 const TUint KConfigFailDSR=0x20;
   124 const TUint KConfigObeyDCD=0x40;
   125 const TUint KConfigFailDCD=0x80;
   126 const TUint KConfigFreeRTS=0x100;
   127 const TUint KConfigFreeDTR=0x200;
   128 // DCE Constants
   129 const TUint KConfigObeyDTR=0x400;
   130 const TUint KConfigFailDTR=0x800;
   131 const TUint KConfigObeyRTS=0x1000;
   132 const TUint KConfigFailRTS=0x2000;
   133 const TUint KConfigFreeDSR=0x4000;
   134 const TUint KConfigFreeCTS=0x8000;
   135 const TUint KConfigFreeDCD=0x10000;
   136 const TUint KConfigFreeRI=0x20000;
   137 const TUint KConfigWriteBufferedComplete=0x80000000;
   138 //
   139 const TUint KConfigParityErrorFail=0;
   140 const TUint KConfigParityErrorIgnore=0x01;
   141 const TUint KConfigParityErrorReplaceChar=0x02;
   142 const TUint KConfigXonXoffDebug=0x80000000;
   143 //
   144 const TUint KSignalCTS=0x01;
   145 const TUint KSignalDSR=0x02;
   146 const TUint KSignalDCD=0x04;
   147 const TUint KSignalRNG=0x08;
   148 const TUint KSignalRTS=0x10; 
   149 const TUint KSignalDTR=0x20;
   150 const TUint KSignalBreak=0x40;
   152 const TUint KSignalChanged=0x1000;
   153 const TUint KCTSChanged=KSignalCTS*KSignalChanged;
   154 const TUint KDSRChanged=KSignalDSR*KSignalChanged;
   155 const TUint KDCDChanged=KSignalDCD*KSignalChanged;
   156 const TUint KRNGChanged=KSignalRNG*KSignalChanged;
   157 const TUint KRTSChanged=KSignalRTS*KSignalChanged;
   158 const TUint KDTRChanged=KSignalDTR*KSignalChanged;
   159 const TUint KBreakChanged=KSignalBreak*KSignalChanged;
   161 const TUint KSignalDTEOutputs=KSignalRTS|KSignalDTR;
   162 const TUint KSignalDTEInputs=KSignalCTS|KSignalDSR|KSignalDCD|KSignalRNG;
   163 const TUint KSignalDCEInputs=KSignalDTEOutputs;
   164 const TUint KSignalDCEOutputs=KSignalDTEInputs;
   166 const TUint KConfigSIRPulseWidthMaximum=0x01;
   167 const TUint KConfigSIRPulseWidthMinimum=0x02;
   169 // more SIRSettings for selecting the IR range
   170 const TUint KConfigSIRShutDown=0x10;
   171 const TUint KConfigSIRMinimumRange=0x20;
   172 const TUint KConfigSIRMediumRange=0x40;
   173 const TUint KConfigSIRMaximumRange=0x80;
   175 /**
   176  Comms configuration structure.
   177  Class to hold the configuration settings for serial comm port
   179  This class provides the serial port configuration block interface of serial comms (c32).
   180  A serial comm client sets up a serial port before use, by providing a configuration block. 
   181  TCommConfigV01 is initialized with settings for serial port and used to configure the 
   182  serial port by calling DComm::Configure(TCommConfigV01 &aConfig) or any other serial comm 
   183  API to configure the serial port.
   184  */
   185 class TCommConfigV01
   186     {
   187 public:
   188 	/** 
   189 	 Data rate in bits per second.
   190 	 @see TBps 	
   191 	 */
   192 	TBps iRate;
   193 	/** 
   194 	 Character width in bits.
   195 	 @see TDataBits
   196 	 */	
   197 	TDataBits iDataBits;
   198 	/**
   199 	 Number of stop bits.
   200 	 @see TStopBits
   201 	 */
   202 	TStopBits iStopBits;
   203 	/**
   204 	 Type of parity.
   205 	 @see TParity 
   206 	 */
   207 	TParity iParity;
   208 	/**
   209 	 Type of Handshaking control.
   210 	 Possible values can be KConfigObeyXXX or KConfigSendXXX or KConfigFailXXX or KConfigFreeXXX
   211 	 */
   212 	TUint iHandshake;
   213 	/**
   214 	 Type of error to generate on a parity failure.
   215 	 Possible values can be KConfigParityErrorFail or KConfigParityErrorIgnore or KConfigParityErrorReplaceChar
   216 	 */
   217 	TUint iParityError;
   218 	/**
   219 	 FIFO status, enabled or disabled.
   220 	 @see TFifo 
   221 	 */
   222 	TUint iFifo;
   223 	/**
   224 	 Special data rate, not listed under TBps. Use this, when iRate is set to EBpsSpecial 
   225 	 */
   226 	TInt iSpecialRate;
   227 	/**
   228 	 Count of number of special characters used as terminators (<=KConfigMaxTerminators) 
   229 	 */				
   230 	TInt iTerminatorCount;
   231 	/**
   232 	 Array of special characters which can be used as terminators 
   233 	 */
   234 	TText8 iTerminator[KConfigMaxTerminators];
   235 	/**
   236 	 Character used to signal the transmitter to resume sending when using XON/XOFF handshaking
   237 	 i.e character used as XON - software flow control
   238 	 */
   239 	TText8 iXonChar;
   240 	/**
   241 	 Character used to signal the transmitter to suspend sending when using XON/XOFF handshaking
   242 	 i.e character used as XOFF - software flow control
   243 	 */
   244 	TText8 iXoffChar;
   245 	/**
   246 	 Character used to replace the characters received with a parity error.
   247 	 This is used when iParityError is set to KConfigParityErrorReplaceChar 
   248 	 */	
   249 	TText8 iParityErrorChar;
   250 	/**
   251 	 Switch the SIR encoding hardware on and off.
   252 	 @see TSir
   253 	 */
   254 	TSir iSIREnable;
   255 	/**
   256 	 SIR hardware control setting. Possible value can be one of KConfigSIRXXX
   257 	 */
   258 	TUint iSIRSettings;
   259 	};
   260 /** 
   261  Package buffer for a TCommConfigV01 object.
   263  TCommConfig packages the comms configuration structure TCommConfigV01 to a buffer. 
   264  This is used with API of serial comms like RComm::Config(TDes8 &aConfig) and 
   265  RComm::SetConfig(TDesC8 &aConfig) where config structure is passed as buffer.
   267  @see TCommConfigV01
   268  */		
   269 typedef TPckgBuf<TCommConfigV01> TCommConfig;
   271 // TCommConfigV02 is deprecated.
   272 //
   273 class TCommConfigV02: public TCommConfigV01
   274 	{
   275 public:		
   276 	TInt iTxShutdownTimeout;
   277 	};
   279 // TCommConfig2 is deprecated
   280 // 
   281 typedef TPckgBuf<TCommConfigV02> TCommConfig2;
   283 //
   284 const TUint KCapsBps50=0x00000001;
   285 const TUint KCapsBps75=0x00000002;
   286 const TUint KCapsBps110=0x00000004;
   287 const TUint KCapsBps134=0x00000008;
   288 const TUint KCapsBps150=0x00000010;
   289 const TUint KCapsBps300=0x00000020;
   290 const TUint KCapsBps600=0x00000040;
   291 const TUint KCapsBps1200=0x00000080;
   292 const TUint KCapsBps1800=0x00000100;
   293 const TUint KCapsBps2000=0x00000200;
   294 const TUint KCapsBps2400=0x00000400;
   295 const TUint KCapsBps3600=0x00000800;
   296 const TUint KCapsBps4800=0x00001000;
   297 const TUint KCapsBps7200=0x00002000;
   298 const TUint KCapsBps9600=0x00004000;
   299 const TUint KCapsBps19200=0x00008000;
   300 const TUint KCapsBps38400=0x00010000;
   301 const TUint KCapsBps57600=0x00020000;
   302 const TUint KCapsBps115200=0x00040000;
   303 const TUint KCapsBps230400=0x00080000;
   304 const TUint KCapsBps460800=0x00100000;
   305 const TUint KCapsBps576000 =0x00200000;
   306 const TUint KCapsBps1152000=0x00400000;
   307 const TUint KCapsBps4000000=0x00800000;
   308 const TUint KCapsBps921600=0x01000000;
   309 const TUint KCapsBpsAutobaud=0x40000000;
   310 const TUint KCapsBpsSpecial=0x80000000;
   311 //
   312 const TUint KCapsData5=0x01;
   313 const TUint KCapsData6=0x02;
   314 const TUint KCapsData7=0x04;
   315 const TUint KCapsData8=0x08;
   316 //
   317 const TUint KCapsStop1=0x01;
   318 const TUint KCapsStop2=0x02;
   319 //
   320 const TUint KCapsParityNone=0x01;
   321 const TUint KCapsParityEven=0x02;
   322 const TUint KCapsParityOdd=0x04;
   323 const TUint KCapsParityMark=0x08;
   324 const TUint KCapsParitySpace=0x10;
   325 //
   326 const TUint KCapsSignalCTSSupported=0x01;
   327 const TUint KCapsSignalDSRSupported=0x02;
   328 const TUint KCapsSignalDCDSupported=0x04;
   329 const TUint KCapsSignalRNGSupported=0x08;
   330 const TUint KCapsSignalRTSSupported=0x10;
   331 const TUint KCapsSignalDTRSupported=0x20;
   332 //
   333 const TUint KCapsObeyXoffSupported=0x01;
   334 const TUint KCapsSendXoffSupported=0x02;
   335 const TUint KCapsObeyCTSSupported=0x04;
   336 const TUint KCapsFailCTSSupported=0x08;
   337 const TUint KCapsObeyDSRSupported=0x10;
   338 const TUint KCapsFailDSRSupported=0x20;
   339 const TUint KCapsObeyDCDSupported=0x40;
   340 const TUint KCapsFailDCDSupported=0x80;
   341 const TUint KCapsFreeRTSSupported=0x100;
   342 const TUint KCapsFreeDTRSupported=0x200;
   343 // DCE Constants
   344 const TUint KCapsObeyRTSSupported=0x400;
   345 const TUint KCapsObeyDTRSupported=0x800;
   346 //
   347 const TUint KCapsHasFifo=0x01;
   348 //
   349 const TUint KCapsSIR115kbps=0x01;
   350 const TUint KCapsSIR2400bpsOnly=0x02;
   351 const TUint KCapsSIR4Mbs=0x04;
   352 //
   353 const TUint KNotifySignalsChangeSupported=0x01;
   354 const TUint KNotifyRateChangeSupported=0x02;
   355 const TUint KNotifyDataFormatChangeSupported=0x04;
   356 const TUint KNotifyHandshakeChangeSupported=0x08;
   357 const TUint KNotifyBreakSupported=0x10;
   358 const TUint KNotifyFlowControlChangeSupported=0x20;
   359 const TUint KNotifyDataAvailableSupported=0x40;
   360 const TUint KNotifyOutputEmptySupported=0x80;
   361 //
   362 const TUint KCapsRoleSwitchSupported=0x01;
   363 //
   364 const TUint KCapsFlowControlStatusSupported=0x01;
   365 //
   366 const TUint KRateChanged=0x01;
   367 const TUint KDataFormatChanged=0x02;
   368 const TUint KHandshakeChanged=0x04;
   369 //
   370 class TCommCapsV01
   371 	{
   372 public:
   373 	TUint iRate;
   374 	TUint iDataBits;
   375 	TUint iStopBits;
   376 	TUint iParity;
   377 	TUint iHandshake;
   378 	TUint iSignals;
   379 	TUint iFifo;
   380 	TUint iSIR;
   381 	};
   382 typedef TPckgBuf<TCommCapsV01> TCommCaps;
   384 class TCommCapsV02 : public TCommCapsV01
   385 	{
   386 public:
   387 	TUint iNotificationCaps;
   388 	TUint iRoleCaps;
   389 	TUint iFlowControlCaps;
   390 	};
   391 typedef TPckgBuf<TCommCapsV02> TCommCaps2;
   393 class TCommCapsV03 : public TCommCapsV02
   394 	{
   395 public:
   396 	TBool iBreakSupported;
   397 	};
   398 typedef TPckgBuf<TCommCapsV03> TCommCaps3;
   400 //
   401 class TCapsDevCommV01
   402 	{
   403 public:
   404 	TVersion version;
   405 	};
   407 class TCommNotificationV01
   408 	{
   409 public:
   410 	TUint iChangedMembers;
   411 	TBps iRate;
   412 	TDataBits iDataBits;
   413 	TStopBits iStopBits;
   414 	TParity iParity;
   415 	TUint iHandshake;
   416 	};
   417 typedef TPckgBuf<TCommNotificationV01> TCommNotificationPckg;
   418 //
   419 const TUint KDataAvailableNotifyFlag=0x80000000;
   420 //
   421 #ifdef _DEBUG_DEVCOMM
   422 class TCommDebugInfo
   423 	{
   424 public:
   425 	TBool iRxBusy;
   426 	TBool iRxHeld;
   427 	TInt iRxLength;
   428 	TInt iRxOffset;
   429 	TInt iRxIntCount;
   430 	TInt iRxErrCount;
   431 	TInt iRxBufCount;
   432 	TBool iTxBusy;
   433 	TBool iTxHeld;
   434 	TInt iTxLength;
   435 	TInt iTxOffset;
   436 	TInt iTxIntCount;
   437 	TInt iTxErrCount;
   438 	TInt iTxBufCount;
   439 	TBool iDrainingRxBuf;
   440 	TBool iFillingTxBuf;
   441 	TBool iRunningDfc;
   442 	TInt iDfcCount;
   443 	TInt iDfcReqSeq;
   444 	TInt iDfcHandlerSeq;
   445 	TInt iDoDrainSeq;
   446 	TBool iTxDfcPend;
   447 	TBool iRxDfcPend;
   448 	TInt iTxChars, iRxChars;
   449 	TInt iTxXon, iTxXoff, iRxXon, iRxXoff;
   450 	};
   451 typedef TPckgBuf<TCommDebugInfo> TCommDebugInfoPckg;
   452 #endif
   453 //
   454 class RBusDevComm : public RBusLogicalChannel
   455 	{
   456 public:
   457 	enum TVer {EMajorVersionNumber=1,EMinorVersionNumber=0,EBuildVersionNumber=KE32BuildVersionNumber};
   458 	enum TRequest
   459 		{
   460 		ERequestRead=0x0,ERequestReadCancel=0x1,
   461 		ERequestWrite=0x1,ERequestWriteCancel=0x2,
   462 		ERequestBreak=0x2,ERequestBreakCancel=0x4,
   463 		ERequestNotifySignalChange=0x3,ERequestNotifySignalChangeCancel=0x8,
   464 		};
   465 	enum TControl
   466 		{
   467 		EControlConfig,EControlSetConfig,EControlCaps,
   468 		EControlSignals,EControlSetSignals,
   469 		EControlQueryReceiveBuffer,EControlResetBuffers,
   470 		EControlReceiveBufferLength,EControlSetReceiveBufferLength,
   471 		EControlMinTurnaroundTime,EControlSetMinTurnaroundTime,
   472 #ifdef _DEBUG_DEVCOMM
   473 		EControlDebugInfo
   474 #endif
   475 		};
   476 public:
   477 #ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
   478 	inline TInt Open(TInt aUnit);
   479 	inline TVersion VersionRequired() const;
   480 	inline void Read(TRequestStatus &aStatus,TDes8 &aDes);
   481 	inline void Read(TRequestStatus &aStatus,TDes8 &aDes,TInt aLength);
   482 	inline void ReadOneOrMore(TRequestStatus &aStatus,TDes8 &aDes);
   483 	inline void ReadCancel();
   484 	inline void Write(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC8 &aDes);
   485 	inline void Write(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC8 &aDes,TInt aLength);
   486 	inline void WriteCancel();
   487 	inline void Break(TRequestStatus &aStatus,TInt aTime);
   488 	inline void BreakCancel();
   489 	inline void Config(TDes8 &aConfig);
   490 	inline TInt SetConfig(const TDesC8 &aConfig);
   491 	inline void Caps(TDes8 &aCaps);
   492 	inline TUint Signals();
   493 	inline void SetSignals(TUint aSetMask,TUint aClearMask);
   494 	inline TInt QueryReceiveBuffer();
   495 	inline void ResetBuffers();
   496 	inline TInt ReceiveBufferLength();
   497 	inline TInt SetReceiveBufferLength(TInt aLength);
   498 	inline void NotifySignalChange(TRequestStatus& aStatus,TUint& aSignals,TUint aSignalMask=0x3F);
   499 	inline void NotifySignalChangeCancel();
   500 	inline void NotifyReceiveDataAvailable(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   501 	inline void NotifyReceiveDataAvailableCancel();
   502 	inline TUint MinTurnaroundTime();
   503 	inline TInt SetMinTurnaroundTime(TUint aMicroSeconds);
   504 #ifdef _DEBUG_DEVCOMM
   505 	inline void DebugInfo(TDes8 &aInfo);
   506 #endif
   507 #endif
   508 	};
   510 class RBusDevCommDCE : public RBusLogicalChannel
   511 	{
   512 public:
   513 	enum TVer {EMajorVersionNumber=1,EMinorVersionNumber=0,EBuildVersionNumber=KE32BuildVersionNumber};
   514 	enum TRequest
   515 		{
   516 		ERequestRead=0x0,ERequestReadCancel=0x1,
   517 		ERequestWrite=0x1,ERequestWriteCancel=0x2,
   518 		ERequestBreak=0x2,ERequestBreakCancel=0x4,
   519 		ERequestNotifySignalChange=0x3,ERequestNotifySignalChangeCancel=0x8,
   520 		ERequestNotifyFlowControlChange=0x4,ERequestNotifyFlowControlChangeCancel=0x10,
   521 		ERequestNotifyConfigChange=0x5,ERequestNotifyConfigChangeCancel=0x20
   522 		};
   523 	enum TControl
   524 		{
   525 		EControlConfig,EControlSetConfig,EControlCaps,
   526 		EControlSignals,EControlSetSignals,
   527 		EControlQueryReceiveBuffer,EControlResetBuffers,
   528 		EControlReceiveBufferLength,EControlSetReceiveBufferLength,
   529 		EControlFlowControlStatus,
   530 #ifdef _DEBUG_DEVCOMM
   531 		EControlDebugInfo
   532 #endif
   533 		};
   534 public:
   535 #ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
   536 	inline TInt Open(TInt aUnit);
   537 	inline TVersion VersionRequired() const;
   538 	inline void Read(TRequestStatus &aStatus,TDes8 &aDes);
   539 	inline void Read(TRequestStatus &aStatus,TDes8 &aDes,TInt aLength);
   540 	inline void ReadOneOrMore(TRequestStatus &aStatus,TDes8 &aDes);
   541 	inline void ReadCancel();
   542 	inline void Write(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC8 &aDes);
   543 	inline void Write(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC8 &aDes,TInt aLength);
   544 	inline void WriteCancel();
   545 	inline void Break(TRequestStatus &aStatus,TInt aTime);
   546 	inline void BreakCancel();
   547 	inline void Config(TDes8 &aConfig);
   548 	inline TInt SetConfig(const TDesC8 &aConfig);
   549 	inline void Caps(TDes8 &aCaps);
   550 	inline TUint Signals();
   551 	inline void SetSignals(TUint aSetMask,TUint aClearMask);
   552 	inline TInt QueryReceiveBuffer();
   553 	inline void ResetBuffers();
   554 	inline TInt ReceiveBufferLength();
   555 	inline TInt SetReceiveBufferLength(TInt aLength);
   556 	inline void NotifySignalChange(TRequestStatus& aStatus,TUint& aSignals,TUint aSignalMask=0x3F);
   557 	inline void NotifySignalChangeCancel();
   558 	inline void NotifyReceiveDataAvailable(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   559 	inline void NotifyReceiveDataAvailableCancel();
   560 	inline void NotifyFlowControlChange(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   561 	inline void NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel();
   562 	inline void GetFlowControlStatus(TFlowControl& aFlowControl);
   563 	inline void NotifyConfigChange(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TDes8& aNewConfig);
   564 	inline void NotifyConfigChangeCancel();
   565 #ifdef _DEBUG_DEVCOMM
   566 	inline void DebugInfo(TDes8 &aInfo);
   567 #endif
   568 #endif
   569 	};
   571 #include <d32comm.inl>
   572 #endif