changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
parent 0 061f57f2323e
child 4 837f303aceeb
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:666f914201fb 2:2fe1408b6811
     1 gdi.inl
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // TRgb
    15 // 
    16 //
    19 inline TRgb::TRgb():
    20 	iValue(0xffffffff)
    21 	/**  Constructs a TRgb initialised to KRgbWhite.*/
    22 	{}
    25 inline TRgb::TRgb(TUint32 aValue):
    26 	iValue(((aValue & 0xff0000) >> 16) | (aValue & 0x00ff00) | ((aValue & 0x0000ff) << 16) | (0xff000000 - (aValue & 0xff000000)))
    27 /** Constructs a TRgb directly from a single 32-bit integer.
    29 The integer is of the form 0xaabbggrr, where bb is the hex number of blue, 
    30 gg is the hex number for green, and rr is the hex number for red, aa is the hex number of 
    31 alpha (0 means opaque, 255 means transparent). 
    33 For example, TRgb(2,4,8) using the 3 colour constructor is equal to TRgb(0x00080402) using 
    34 this constructor.
    36 The constructor is deprecated. Use others constructor or SetInternal() instead.
    38 @param aValue Integer representing colour value. Takes form 0x00bbggrr. 
    39 @deprecated  */
    40 	{}
    42 inline TRgb::TRgb(TUint32 aInternalValue, TInt aAlpha) :
    43 	iValue((aInternalValue & 0x00ffffff) | (aAlpha << 24))
    44 /** Constructs a TRgb from a 32-bit integer (which corresponds to a colour) and from an alpha value.
    46 The first parameter is of the form 0x00rrggbb, where rr is the hex number for red, 
    47 gg is the hex number for green, and bb is the hex number of blue. 
    49 The second parameter corresponds to an alpha channel (0 means transparent, 255 means opaque).
    51 For example, TRgb(2,4,8,255) using the 3 colour constructor is equal to TRgb(0x00020408, 255) using 
    52 this constructor.
    54 The constructor is a replacement for TRgb(TUint32 aValue).
    56 @param aInternalValue	Integer representing a colour value, which takes the form 0x00rrggbb.
    57 @param aAlpha		Alpha component of the colour (0 - 255).*/
    58 	{
    59 	}
    61 inline TRgb::TRgb(TInt aRed,TInt aGreen,TInt aBlue):
    62 	iValue(aRed<<16|aGreen<<8|aBlue|0xff000000)
    63 /** Constructs a TRgb from its three component colours.
    65 Each colour has a value between 0 and 255.
    67 @param aRed Red component of the colour (0 - 255). 
    68 @param aGreen Green component of the colour (0 -  255). 
    69 @param aBlue Blue component of the colour (0 - 255). */
    70 	{}
    72 /** Constructs a TRgb from its three colour components and alpha component.
    74 Each component has a value between 0 and 255.
    75 The fourth parameter corresponds to an alpha channel (0 means transparent, 255 means opaque).
    77 @param aRed Red component of the colour (0 - 255). 
    78 @param aGreen Green component of the colour (0 -  255). 
    79 @param aBlue Blue component of the colour (0 - 255).
    80 @param aAlpha Alpha component of the colour (0 - 255).*/
    81 inline TRgb::TRgb(TInt aRed,TInt aGreen,TInt aBlue, TInt aAlpha):
    82 	iValue(aRed<<16|aGreen<<8|aBlue|aAlpha<<24)
    83 	{}
    86 inline TInt TRgb::Red() const
    87 /** Gets the red component.
    89 @return The red component (0 - 255). */
    90 	{return((iValue&0xff0000)>>16);}
    93 inline TInt TRgb::Green() const
    94 /** Gets the green component.
    96 @return The green component (0 - 255). */
    97 	{return((iValue&0xff00)>>8);}
   100 inline TInt TRgb::Blue() const
   101 /** Gets the blue component.
   103 @return The blue component (0 - 255). */
   104 	{return(iValue&0xff);}
   107 inline TBool TRgb::operator==(const TRgb& aColor) const
   108 /** Compares this colour with the specified colour for equality.
   110 For two colours to be equal, their red, green and blue components must all 
   111 be equal.
   113 @param aColor Colour to be compared. 
   114 @return ETrue. if the colours are equal; EFalse, otherwise. */
   116 	{return(iValue==aColor.iValue);}
   119 inline TBool TRgb::operator!=(const TRgb& aColor) const
   120 /** Compares this colour with the specified colour for inequality.
   122 Two colours are unequal if one at least one of their red, green and blue components 
   123 are unequal.
   125 @param aColor Colour to be compared. 
   126 @return ETrue, if the colours are not equal; EFalse, otherwise.
   127  */
   128 	{return(!(*this==aColor));}
   130 inline TRgb& TRgb::operator&=(const TRgb& aColor)
   131 /** Logical AND assignment operator.
   133 The operator ANDs the first operand with the second and then assigns the result 
   134 back to the first operand.
   136 Note:
   138 This operates in the TRgb domain. Graphics defines logical operations for 
   139 drawing primitives which operate in the device colour domain.
   141 @param aColor Colour to be compared. 
   142 @return First operand-contains result of logical AND. */
   143 	{iValue&=aColor.iValue;return(*this);}
   145 inline TRgb& TRgb::operator|=(const TRgb& aColor)
   146 /** Logical OR assignment operator.
   148 The operator ORs the first operand with the second and then assigns the result 
   149 back to the first operand.
   151 Note:
   153 This operates in the TRgb domain. Graphics defines logical operations for 
   154 drawing primitives which operate in the device colour domain.
   156 @param aColor Colour to be compared. 
   157 @return First operand- contains result of logical OR. */
   158 	{iValue|=aColor.iValue;return(*this);}
   161 inline TRgb& TRgb::operator^=(const TRgb& aColor)
   162 /** Logical EXCLUSIVE OR assignment operator.
   164 The operator Exclusive ORs the first operand with the second and then assigns 
   165 the result back to the first operand.
   167 Note:
   169 This operates in the TRgb domain. Graphics defines logical operations for 
   170 drawing primitives which operate in the device colour domain.
   172 @param aColor Colour to be compared. 
   173 @return First operand  contains result of logical Exclusive OR. */
   174 	{iValue^=aColor.iValue;iValue^=0xff000000; return(*this);}
   177 inline TUint32 TRgb::Value() const
   178 /** Gets the 32-bit value of the TRgb as an integer. 
   179 This function is deprecated. Use Internal() instead.
   181 @return The 32 bit value of the TRgb. Has the form 0xaabbggrr, where bb is the hex number of blue, 
   182 gg is the hex number for green, rr is the hex number for red and aa is the hex number of 
   183 alpha (0 means opaque, 255 means transparent). 
   184 @deprecated */			
   185 		//					rr							gg						bb								aa
   186 		{return (((iValue & 0xff0000) >> 16) | (iValue & 0x00ff00) | ((iValue & 0x0000ff) << 16) | (0xff000000 - (iValue & 0xff000000)));}
   188 inline TUint32 TRgb::Internal() const
   189 /** Gets the 32-bit value of the TRgb as an integer. 
   191 @return The 32 bit value of the TRgb. Has the form 0xaarrggbb. */
   192 		{return (iValue);}
   194 inline void TRgb::SetInternal(TUint32 aInternal)
   195 /** Sets the 32-bit value of the TRgb as a 32-bit integer.
   196 @param aInternal Colour internal representation. Has the form 0xaarrggbb. 
   197 */
   198 		{iValue = aInternal;}
   200 inline TRgb TRgb::operator~() const
   201 /** Bitwise logical inversion operator.
   203 @return Contains results of logical inversion. */
   204 	{TRgb rgb; rgb.SetInternal(iValue^0x00ffffff); return rgb;}
   207 inline TRgb TRgb::operator&(const TRgb& aColor)
   208 /** Bitwise logical AND operator.
   210 @param aColor Colour to be compared. 
   211 @return Contains results of logical AND. */
   212 	{TRgb rgb; rgb.SetInternal(iValue&aColor.iValue); return rgb;}
   215 inline TRgb TRgb::operator|(const TRgb& aColor)
   216 /** Bitwise logical OR operator.
   218 @param aColor Colour to be compared. 
   219 @return Contains results of logical OR. */
   220 	{TRgb rgb; rgb.SetInternal(iValue|aColor.iValue); return rgb;}
   223 inline TRgb TRgb::operator^(const TRgb& aColor)
   224 /** Bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR operator
   226 @param aColor Colour to be compared. 
   227 @return Contains results of logical EXCLUSIVE OR. */
   228 	{TRgb rgb; rgb.SetInternal(iValue^aColor.iValue); return rgb;}
   231 /** Gets TRgb from 2 level grayscale. 
   233 The function takes a grayscale argument and return a TRgb whose red, green 
   234 and blue values are set to an appropriate level. 
   236 @param aGray2 Grayscale value to be converted. 
   237 @return Equivalent 24 bit colour. Gray2 has only 2 levels (black and white), 
   238 the function returns r=g=b=0 or r=g=b=255. */
   239 inline TRgb TRgb::_Gray2(TInt aGray2)
   240 	{
   241 	if(aGray2) return(TRgb(0xffffff, 0xff));
   242 	return(TRgb(0, 0xff));
   243 	}
   245 /** Gets TRgb from 4 level grayscale. 
   247 The function takes a grayscale argument and return a TRgb whose red, green 
   248 and blue values are set to an appropriate level.
   250 @param aGray4 Grayscale value to be converted. 
   251 @return Equivalent 24 bit colour. Gray4 has 4 levels-  the function returns 
   252 r=g=b=85*c, where c=0,1,2, or 3. */
   253 inline TRgb TRgb::_Gray4(TInt aGray4)
   254 	{
   255 	aGray4&=3;
   256 	aGray4|=aGray4<<2;
   257 	aGray4|=aGray4<<4;
   258 	return(TRgb(aGray4,aGray4,aGray4));
   259 	}
   261 /** Gets TRgb from 16 level grayscale. 
   263 The function takes a grayscale argument and return a TRgb whose red, green 
   264 and blue values are set to an appropriate level.
   266 @param aGray16 Grayscale value to be converted. 
   267 @return Equivalent 24 bit colour. Gray16 has 16 levels - the function returns 
   268 r=g=b=17*c, where c=0, 1, ... 15. */
   269 inline TRgb TRgb::_Gray16(TInt aGray16)
   270 	{
   271 	aGray16&=0xf;
   272 	aGray16|=aGray16<<4;
   273 	return(TRgb(aGray16,aGray16,aGray16));
   274 	}
   276 /** Gets TRgb from 256 level grayscale. 
   278 The function takes a grayscale argument and return a TRgb whose red, green 
   279 and blue values are set to an appropriate level.
   281 @param aGray256 Grayscale value to be converted. 
   282 @return Equivalent 24 bit colour. Gray256 has 256 levels- the function 
   283 returns r=g=b=c, where c=0, 1, ... 255. */
   284 inline TRgb TRgb::_Gray256(TInt aGray256)
   285 	{
   286 	aGray256&=0xff;
   287 	return(TRgb(aGray256,aGray256,aGray256));
   288 	}
   290 /** Gets TRgb from 4K colour index.
   292 The function takes a 12 bit index into a colour palette and returns a TRgb 
   293 whose red, green and blue values are set to an appropriate level.
   295 @param aColor4K 12 bit index into a colour palette 
   296 @return Equivalent 24 bit colour. */
   297 inline TRgb TRgb::_Color4K(TInt aColor4K)
   298 	{
   299 	TUint32 value = (aColor4K & 0xf00) << 8;
   300 	value |= (aColor4K & 0x0f0) << 4;
   301 	value |= (aColor4K & 0x00f);
   302 	return TRgb(value | (value << 4), 0xff);
   303 	}
   305 /** Gets TRgb from 64K colour index.
   307 The function takes a 16 bit index into a colour palette and returns a TRgb 
   308 whose red, green and blue values are set to an appropriate level.
   310 @param aColor64K 16 bit index into a colour palette 
   311 @return Equivalent 24 bit colour. */
   312 inline TRgb TRgb::_Color64K(TInt aColor64K)
   313 	{
   314 	TInt red = (aColor64K&0xF800)>>8;
   315 	red += red>>5;
   316 	TInt green = (aColor64K&0x07E0)>>3;
   317 	green += green>>6;
   318 	TInt blue = (aColor64K&0x001F)<<3;
   319 	blue += blue>>5;
   320 	return TRgb(red,green,blue);
   321 	}
   323 /** Gets TRgb from 16M colour index.
   325 The function takes a 24 bit index into a colour palette and returns the TRgb 
   326 whose red, green and blue values represent it exactly.
   328 @param a0RGB 24 bit index into a colour palette 
   329 @return The TRgb which represents the index exactly. */
   330 inline TRgb TRgb::_Color16M(TInt a0RGB)
   331 	{
   332 	return TRgb(a0RGB, 0xff);
   333 	}
   335 /** Gets TRgb from 16MU colour index.
   336 The function takes a 24 bit colour value with eight bits for each
   337 component, blue in the low byte, and returns the TRgb
   338 whose red, green and blue values represent it exactly.
   339 @param     a0RGB The color - 0, R, G, B bytes. / BGR0 - little endian format /
   340 @return    The TRgb which represents the index exactly. */
   341 inline TRgb TRgb::_Color16MU(TInt a0RGB)
   342 	{
   343 	return TRgb(a0RGB, 0xff);
   344 	}
   346 /** Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this,
   347 based on the matching display mode.
   349 @return    The index (0 - 1) representing the nearest TRgb. */	
   350 inline TInt TRgb::_Gray2() const
   351 	{
   352 	return(Gray256()>>7);
   353 	}
   355 /**Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this,
   356 based on the matching display mode.
   358 @return     The index (0 - 3) representing the nearest TRgb. */	
   359 inline TInt TRgb::_Gray4() const
   360 	{
   361 	return(Gray256()>>6);
   362 	}
   364 /** Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this,
   365 based on the matching display mode.
   367 @return     The index (0 - 15) representing the nearest TRgb.*/	
   368 inline TInt TRgb::_Gray16() const
   369 	{
   370 	return(Gray256()>>4);
   371 	}
   373 /** Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this,
   374 based on the matching display mode.
   376 @return     The index (0 - 255) representing the nearest TRgb.*/	
   377 inline TInt TRgb::_Gray256() const
   378 	{
   379 	return(((Red()<<1)+Green()+(Green()<<2)+Blue())>>3);
   380 	}
   382 /** Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this,
   383 based on the matching display mode.
   385 @return The index (0 - 4095) representing the nearest TRgb. */	
   386 inline TInt TRgb::_Color4K() const
   387 	{
   388 	TInt color4K = (iValue & 0x0000f0) >> 4;
   389 	color4K |= (iValue & 0x00f000) >> 8;
   390 	color4K |= (iValue & 0xf00000) >> 12;
   391 	return color4K;
   392 	} //0RGB
   394 /**  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this,
   395 based on the matching display mode.
   397 @return The index (0 - 65535) representing the nearest TRgb.*/	
   398 inline TInt TRgb::_Color64K() const
   399 	{
   400 	TInt color64K = (iValue & 0x0000f8) >> 3;
   401 	color64K |= (iValue & 0x00fc00) >> 5;
   402 	color64K |= (iValue & 0xf80000) >> 8;
   403 	return color64K;
   404 	}
   406 /** Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this,
   407 based on the matching display mode.
   409 @return The index (0 - 16777215) representing the nearest TRgb.*/	
   410 inline TInt TRgb::_Color16M() const
   411 	{
   412 	return (iValue & 0xffffff);
   413 	// 0RGB
   414 	}
   416 /** Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
   417 @return   The index (0 - 16777215) representing the nearest TRgb. */
   418 inline TInt TRgb::_Color16MU() const
   419 	{
   420 	return (iValue & 0xffffff);
   421 	// 0RGB
   422 	}
   425 /** Gets the alpha component.
   426 @return The alpha component (0 - 255). */
   427 inline TInt TRgb::Alpha() const
   428 	{return (iValue >> 24);}
   431 /** Gets TRgb from 16MA colour index.
   432 The function takes a 32 bit colour value with eight bits for each
   433 component, blue in the low byte, and returns the TRgb
   434 whose red, green, blue and alpha values represent it exactly.
   435 @param     aARGB The color - A, R, G, B bytes. / BGR0 - little endian format /
   436 @return    The TRgb which represents the index exactly. */
   437 inline TRgb TRgb::_Color16MA(TUint aARGB)
   438 	{
   439 	TRgb col; col.SetInternal(aARGB); 
   440 	return col;
   441 	}
   443 /** Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
   444 @return   The index (0 - 16777215) representing the nearest TRgb. */
   445 inline TUint TRgb::_Color16MA() const
   446 	{
   447 	return (iValue);
   448 	// ARGB
   449 	}
   450 //
   451 // CPalette
   452 //
   455 inline TInt CPalette::Entries() const
   456 /** Gets the number of entries in the palette
   458 @return The number of entries in the palette. */
   459 	{return(iNumEntries);}
   461 //
   462 // TColor256Utils
   463 //
   466 inline TRgb TColor256Util::Color256(TInt aColor256) const
   467 /** Gets the TRgb value of the entry at the specified index in the colour lookup 
   468 table.
   470 @param aColor256 The index into the colour lookup table.
   471 @return The TRgb value of the entry at the specified index. */
   472 	{ return TRgb(iColorTable[aColor256]); }
   474 //
   475 // TFontStyle
   476 //
   477 inline TGlyphBitmapType TFontStyle::BitmapType() const
   478 /** Gets the anti-aliasing setting for the font, as set by SetBitmapType().
   480 @return Indicates whether or not this font should be drawn using anti-aliasing. */
   481 	{
   482 	return (TGlyphBitmapType)(iFlags >> 16);
   483 	}
   486 inline void TFontStyle::SetBitmapType(TGlyphBitmapType aBitmapType)
   487 /** Sets whether the font should be drawn using anti-aliasing. If set, this value 
   488 overrides the default setting (set by CFbsTypefaceStore::SetDefaultBitmapType()) 
   489 for this font.
   491 Anti-aliasing can only be used for scalable fonts. There is currently no anti-aliasing 
   492 support for bitmapped fonts.
   494 @param aBitmapType Indicates whether or not this font should be drawn using 
   495 anti-aliasing. */
   496 	{
   497 	iFlags &= 0xFFFF;
   498 	iFlags |= (aBitmapType << 16);
   499 	}
   501 //
   502 // CBitmapDevice
   503 //
   506 inline TInt CBitmapDevice::CreateBitmapContext(CBitmapContext*& aGC)
   507 /** Creates a bitmap context for this bitmap device.
   509 @param aGC On return, holds a pointer to the created bitmap context. 
   510 @return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise, another of the system-wide error 
   511 codes. */
   512 	{return(CreateContext((CGraphicsContext*&)aGC));} // relies on CBitmapContext deriving _only_ from CGraphicsContext
   514 //
   515 // TPictureCapability
   516 //
   518 inline TPictureCapability::TPictureCapability(TScalingType aScalingType,TBool aCroppable):
   519 	iScalingType(aScalingType),iIsCroppable(aCroppable)
   520 /** Constructs the object setting the scaling-type and croppability properties.
   522 @param aScalingType Whether or not the picture is scalable. 
   523 @param aCroppable Whether or not the picture is croppable. */
   524 	{}
   526 //
   527 // TZoomFactor
   528 //
   531 inline TZoomFactor::TZoomFactor(const MGraphicsDeviceMap* aDevice):
   532 	iZoomFactor(TZoomFactor::EZoomOneToOne),
   533 	iDevice(aDevice)
   534 /** Constructs a zoom factor object for a specific graphics device map.
   536 The graphics map is either directly associated with a particular graphics 
   537 device itself, or is associated with a hierarchy of device maps whose root 
   538 map is associated with a particular graphics device.
   540 @param aDevice The graphics device map with which the zoom factor is associated. */
   541 	{}
   543 inline TZoomFactor::TZoomFactor(const TZoomFactor* aDevice):
   544 	iDevice(aDevice)
   545 	{ 
   546 	iZoomFactor=aDevice->iZoomFactor; 
   547 	}
   550 inline void TZoomFactor::SetGraphicsDeviceMap(const MGraphicsDeviceMap* aDevice)
   551 /** Sets the graphics device map for this zoom factor object.
   553 @param aDevice The graphics device map for this TZoomFactor. */
   554 	{iDevice=aDevice;}
   557 inline const MGraphicsDeviceMap* TZoomFactor::GraphicsDeviceMap() const
   558 /** Gets the graphics device map of this zoom factor object.
   560 @return The graphics device map of the TZoomFactor. */
   561 	{return(iDevice);}
   565 /** Gets the ascent of an ANSI capital letter in the font whether or not
   566 there are any ANSI capitals in the font.
   567 @return The positive distance from the font baseline to the top of a
   568 standard ANSI capital letter
   569 @publishedAll
   570 @released
   571 */
   572 inline TInt CFont::FontCapitalAscent() const
   573 	{
   574 	return ExtendedFunction(KFontCapitalAscent);
   575 	}
   577 /** Gets the max ascent of any pre-composed glyph in the font. This will
   578 include accents or diacritics that form part of pre-composed glyphs. It is
   579 not guaranteed to cover the max ascent of composite glyphs that have to be
   580 created by a layout engine. This is also the recommended distance between
   581 the top of a text box and the baseline of the first line of text. 
   582 @return The positive distance from the font baseline to the top of the
   583 highest pre-composed glyph (including accents) above the baseline
   584 @publishedAll
   585 @released
   586 */
   587 inline TInt CFont::FontMaxAscent() const
   588 	{
   589 	return ExtendedFunction(KFontMaxAscent);
   590 	}
   592 /** Gets the descent of an ANSI descending character in the font.
   593 Whether or not there are any ANSI descenders in the font.
   594 @return The positive distance from the font baseline to the bottom of the
   595 lowest ANSI descender
   596 @publishedAll
   597 @released
   598 */
   599 inline TInt CFont::FontStandardDescent() const
   600 	{
   601 	return ExtendedFunction(KFontStandardDescent);
   602 	}
   604 /** Gets the max descent of any pre-composed glyph in the font. This will
   605 include accents or diacritics that form part of pre-composed glyphs. It is
   606 not guaranteed to cover the max descent of composite glyphs that have to be
   607 created by a layout engine.
   608 @return The positive distance from the font baseline to the bottom of the
   609 lowest pre-composed glyph (including accents) below the baseline
   610 @publishedAll
   611 @released
   612 */
   613 inline TInt CFont::FontMaxDescent() const
   614 	{
   615 	return ExtendedFunction(KFontMaxDescent);
   616 	}
   618 /** Gets the suggested line gap for the font. This is the recommended
   619 baseline to baseline distance between successive lines of text in the font.
   620 @return The positive recommended gap between successive lines
   621 @publishedAll
   622 @released
   623 */
   624 inline TInt CFont::FontLineGap() const
   625 	{
   626 	return ExtendedFunction(KFontLineGap);
   627 	}
   629 /**
   630 Gets the (positive) maximum height in pixels of the font.
   631 This may differ from the design height.
   633 @return The maximum height of the font.
   634 @publishedAll
   635 @released
   636 */
   637 inline TInt CFont::FontMaxHeight() const
   638 	{
   639 	return FontMaxAscent() + FontMaxDescent();
   640 	}
   642 /** Utility function to check if a display mode has Alpha channel information
   643 @param aDisplayMode - the display mode being queried
   644 @return ETrue if display mode contains Alpha information.
   645 @internalTechnology
   646 @released
   647 */
   648 inline TBool IsAlphaChannel(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode)
   649 	{
   650 	if(aDisplayMode == EColor16MAP || aDisplayMode == EColor16MA) 
   651 		return ETrue;
   652 	else
   653 		return EFalse;
   654 	}
   656 /**
   657 @internalTechnology
   658 @released
   659 */
   660 inline TUint QuoteOrBracketPair(TUint code)
   661 	{
   662 	// given the opening/closing quote or bracket, return the corresponding closing/opening quote or bracket
   663 	switch(code)
   664 		{
   665 		case 0x0022: return 0x0022; // "..."
   666 		case 0x0027: return 0x0027; // '...'
   667 		case 0x0028: return 0x0029; // (...)
   668 		case 0x003c: return 0x003e; // <...>
   669 		case 0x005b: return 0x005d; // [...]
   670 		case 0x007b: return 0x007d; // {...}
   671 		case 0x2018: return 0x2019; // Single quotation marks
   672 		case 0x201b: return 0x2019; // Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark
   673 		case 0x201c: return 0x201d; // Double quotation marks
   674 		case 0x201f: return 0x201d; // Double high-reversed-9 quotation mark
   675 		case 0x2035: return 0x2032; // Single primes
   676 		case 0x2036: return 0x2033; // Double primes
   677 		case 0x2037: return 0x2034; // Triple primes
   678 		case 0x2039: return 0x203a; // Single left/right-pointing angle quotation marks
   679 		case 0x2045: return 0x2046; // Square brackets with quill
   681 		case 0x0029: return 0x0028; // (...)
   682 		case 0x003e: return 0x003c; // <...>
   683 		case 0x005d: return 0x005b; // [...]
   684 		case 0x007d: return 0x007b; // {...}
   685 		case 0x2019: return 0x2018; // Single quotation marks
   686 		case 0x201d: return 0x201c; // Double quotation marks
   687 		case 0x2032: return 0x2035; // Single primes
   688 		case 0x2033: return 0x2036; // Double primes
   689 		case 0x2034: return 0x2037; // Triple primes
   690 		case 0x203a: return 0x2039; // Single left/right-pointing angle quotation marks
   691 		case 0x2046: return 0x2045; // Square brackets with quill
   693 		default: return 0;
   694 		}
   695 	}
   697 /**
   698 @internalTechnology
   699 @released
   700 */	
   701 inline TBool IsIgnoredCharacterForLocalisedProcFunc(TChar aCode)
   702 	{
   703 	// All Devanagari characters should be ignored until DrawTextWithContext is implemented
   704 	// The current GDI only implementation for localised punctuation only works for some
   705 	// Devanagari characters. Hence this function 'blocks' all Devanagari characters, for now.
   706 	if (aCode >= 0x0900 && aCode <= 0x0965)
   707 		return ETrue;
   709 	TChar::TBdCategory cat = aCode.GetBdCategory();
   711 	if ((cat == TChar::ELeftToRight ||
   712 		cat == TChar::ERightToLeft ||
   713 		cat == TChar::ERightToLeftArabic))
   714 		return EFalse;
   716 	return ETrue;
   718 	}