changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
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child 4 837f303aceeb
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:666f914201fb 2:2fe1408b6811
     1 hwrmlight.h
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  This file contains the header of the 
    15 *                CHWRMLight class.
    16 *
    17 */
    20 #ifndef HWRMLIGHT_H
    21 #define HWRMLIGHT_H
    23 // INCLUDES
    24 #include <e32base.h>
    26 // CONSTANTS
    28 /**
    29 * Minimum allowed intensity setting for Light.
    30 */
    31 const TInt KHWRMLightMinIntensity = 1;
    33 /**
    34 * Maximum allowed intensity setting for Light.
    35 */
    36 const TInt KHWRMLightMaxIntensity = 100;
    38 /**
    39 * Indicates default intensity in various methods.
    40 */
    41 const TInt KHWRMDefaultIntensity = 0;
    43 /**
    44 * Maximum allowed duration value.
    45 */
    46 const TInt KHWRMLightMaxDuration = (KMaxTInt / 1000) - 1;
    48 /**
    49 * Infinite duration value.
    50 */
    51 const TInt KHWRMInfiniteDuration = 0;
    53 /**
    54 * Indicates device default Blink cycle time.
    55 */
    56 const TInt KHWRMDefaultCycleTime = 0;
    60 class MHWRMLightObserver;
    64 /**
    65 * The class used to control the device lights.
    66 *
    67 * The HW Resource Manager Light API is a library API providing the ability 
    68 * to control the various light targets of the device. The API provides also
    69 * methods to retrieve the current light status and the supported light targets
    70 * of the device. The API is meant for all applications which need to control 
    71 * lights of the device.
    72 *
    73 * Type of the HW Resource Manager Light API is a synchronous method call meaning 
    74 * the method call will block the client application. Every new call of the light
    75 * API method stops all ongoing light control orders. Light state after duration
    76 * based orders expire is the state specified by the last non-duration based order. 
    77 *
    78 * The API consist of the classes CHWRMLight and MHWRMLightObserver. If the client
    79 * requires up-to-date status information, it should also provide callback pointer
    80 * of the MHWRMLightObserver implementing class for the NewL-method.
    81 *
    82 * Usage:
    83 *
    84 * @code
    85 * #include <HWRMLight.h>  // link against HWRMLightClient.lib
    86 *
    87 * // A CHWRMLight instance can be created by using NewL() or NewLC() methods. 
    88 * // Up-to-date status information not required, no callbacks.
    89 * CHWRMLight* light = CHWRMLight::NewL();
    90 *
    91 * // After this, lights can be directly controlled via the provided class methods. 
    92 * light-> LightOnL (EPrimaryDisplay, 5000); // Turn display lights on for five seconds.
    93 * light->LightOffL(EPrimaryDisplay); // Turn display lights off indefinitely.
    94 *
    95 * // To clean up, delete the created object:
    96 * delete light;
    97 * @endcode
    98 *
   100 * @since S60 3.0
   101 */
   102 class CHWRMLight : public CBase
   103     {
   104     public:
   106 		/**
   107 		* Possible light states that can be get for the different light targets
   108 		*/
   109 		enum TLightStatus
   110 			{
   111 			ELightStatusUnknown = 0, ///< For debugging/development and signaling an error conditions.
   112 			ELightOn,                ///< Light state switch to light on.
   113 			ELightOff,               ///< Light state switch to light off.
   114 			ELightBlink            ///< Light state switch to light blinking.
   115 			};
   117         /**
   118         * Possible light targets. 
   119         * Targets can be used as bitmask. Some common masks are provided as enum.
   120         * 
   121         * Note that all targets are not supported by all devices.
   122         * Attempting to use unsupported target will result in
   123         * KErrNotSupported.
   124         *
   125         * At least one target must be defined.
   126         */
   127         enum TLightTarget
   128             {
   129             ENoTarget                    = 0x0,     ///< No target. Not a valid target value, used only
   130                                                     ///< for error checking.
   132             EPrimaryDisplay              = 0x1,     ///< Primary display of the device.
   133             EPrimaryKeyboard             = 0x2,     ///< Primary keyboard of the device. 
   134             EPrimaryDisplayAndKeyboard   = 0x3,     ///< Both primary display and the 
   135                                                     ///< primary keyboard of the device.  
   137             ESecondaryDisplay            = 0x4,     ///< Secondary display of the device.
   138             ESecondaryKeyboard           = 0x8,     ///< Secondary keyboard of the device. 
   139             ESecondaryDisplayAndKeyboard = 0xC,     ///< Both secondary display and the 
   140                                                     ///< secondary keyboard of the device.  
   142             ECustomTarget1               = 0x10,    ///< Device specific custom target 1.
   143             ECustomTarget2               = 0x20,    ///< Device specific custom target 2.
   144             ECustomTarget3               = 0x40,    ///< Device specific custom target 3.
   145             ECustomTarget4               = 0x80,    ///< Device specific custom target 4.
   147             /**
   148             * Special target used to control all currently available system lights.
   149             *
   150             * System lights normally include all displays and keyboards, 
   151             * but not custom lights. This is however device dependent.
   152             *
   153             * A target mask including this target is 
   154             * always changed to a device state specific target mask. 
   155             * Note that the  system target with any other target is not supported. 
   156             *
   157             * This target is always supported but it is never
   158             * included in supported targets mask.
   159             *
   160             * @see CHWRMLight::SupportedTargets()
   161             */
   162             ESystemTarget                = 0x80000000  
   163             };
   165     public:  // Constructors
   167         /**
   168         * Two-phased constructor.
   169         *
   170         * @return A pointer to a new instance of the CHWRMLight class.
   171         *
   172         * @leave KErrNotSupported Device doesn't support Light feature.
   173         * @leave KErrNoMemory There is a memory allocation failure. 
   174         */
   175         IMPORT_C static CHWRMLight* NewL();
   177         /**
   178         * Two-phased constructor. 
   179         * Leaves instance to cleanup stack.
   180         *
   181         * @return A pointer to a new instance of the CHWRMLight class.
   182         *
   183         * @leave KErrNotSupported Device doesn't support Light feature.
   184         * @leave KErrNoMemory There is a memory allocation failure. 
   185         */
   186         IMPORT_C static CHWRMLight* NewLC();
   188         /**
   189         * Two-phased constructor.
   190         * Use this method for creating a Light client with callbacks.
   191         *
   192         * @param aCallback Pointer to the callback instance.
   193         * @return A pointer to a new instance of the CHWRMLight class.
   194         *
   195         * @leave KErrNotSupported Device doesn't support Light feature.
   196         * @leave KErrNoMemory There is a memory allocation failure. 
   197         */
   198         IMPORT_C static CHWRMLight* NewL(MHWRMLightObserver* aCallback);
   200         /**
   201         * Two-phased constructor. 
   202         * Use this method for creating a Light client with callbacks.
   203         * Leaves instance to cleanup stack.
   204         *
   205         * @param aCallback Pointer to the callback instance
   206         * @return A pointer to a new instance of the CHWRMLight class.
   207         *
   208         * @leave KErrNotSupported Device doesn't support Light feature.
   209         * @leave KErrNoMemory There is a memory allocation failure. 
   210         */
   211         IMPORT_C static CHWRMLight* NewLC(MHWRMLightObserver* aCallback);
   213     public: // New functions
   216     	/**
   217     	* Reserves light target exclusively for this client.
   218     	* A higher priority client may cause lower priority client reservation
   219     	* to be temporarily suspended. Commands can still be issued in suspended 
   220     	* state, but they will not be acted upon unless suspension is lifted
   221     	* within specified duration.
   222     	* The suspended client will not get any notification about suspension.
   223     	* If light target is already reserved by a higher or equal priority application, 
   224     	* reserving will still succeeds, but reservation is immediately suspended.
   225     	*
   226     	* Calling this method is equal to calling ReserveLightL( aTarget, EFalse, EFalse),
   227     	* i.e. any previously frozen state will not be restored and CCoeEnv
   228     	* background/foreground status is always used to control further reservations.
   229     	*
   230 		* @param aTarget Defines which light should be reserved. Multiple lights can
   231 		*                be specified with using bitwise-or.
   232     	*
   233     	* @leave KErrNotSupported One or more of specified targets are not supported.
   234     	* @leave KErrAccessDenied No CCoeEnv present.
   235     	* @leave KErrNotReady Trying to reserve while on background.
   236         * @leave KErrNoMemory There is a memory allocation failure. 
   237 		*
   238 	 	* @see TLightTarget
   239     	*/
   240     	virtual void ReserveLightL(TInt aTarget)=0;
   242     	/**
   243     	* Reserves light target exclusively for this client.
   244     	* A higher priority client may cause lower priority client reservation
   245     	* to be temporarily suspended. Commands can still be issued in suspended 
   246     	* state, but they will not be acted upon unless suspension is lifted
   247     	* within specified duration.
   248     	* The suspended client will not get any notification about suspension.
   249     	* If light target is already reserved by a higher or equal priority application, 
   250     	* reserving will still succeeds, but reservation is immediately suspended.
   251     	*
   252     	*
   253 		* @param aTarget Defines which light should be reserved. Multiple lights can
   254 		*                be specified with using bitwise-or.
   255     	* @param aRestoreState If ETrue, the state frozen on last release will be
   256     	*                      restored upon successful reservation.
   257     	*                      I.e. if light was blinking when it was released by this
   258         *                      client the last time, it would start blinking again upon
   259         *                      successful reservation.
   260     	*                      For the first reservation of each session this parameter 
   261         *                      is always considered EFalse regardless of what is supplied,
   262         *                      as there is no previous frozen state to restore.
   263     	* @param aForceNoCCoeEnv If EFalse, then reservation requires that this client is
   264         *                        on the foreground at the time of reservation and light
   265         *                        target will be automatically released and re-reserved based
   266         *                        on background/foreground status of the this client. This 
   267         *                        also implies that CCoeEnv::Static() != NULL is required.
   268     	*                        If ETrue, the client will not require CCoeEnv to be present
   269         *                        nor does it automatically reserve/release light by depending
   270         *                        on foreground/background status of the client.
   271         *                        Only trusted clients are allowed to set this flag to ETrue.
   272     	*                        A client is considered trusted if it has nonstandard
   273         *                        priority defined in the internal lights policy of the 
   274         *                        HW Resource Manager. A client can be defined trusted
   275         *                        only by S60 or a product.
   276     	*
   277     	* @leave KErrNotSupported One or more of specified targets are not supported.
   278     	* @leave KErrAccessDenied Paramenter aForceNoCCoeEnv is ETrue and client is not trusted.
   279     	* @leave KErrBadHandle Parameter ForceNoCCoeEnv is EFalse and no CCoeEnv present.
   280     	* @leave KErrNotReady Trying to reserve while on background and parameter 
   281         *                     aForceNoCCoeEnv is EFalse.
   282         * @leave KErrNoMemory There is a memory allocation failure. 
   283 		*
   284 	 	* @see TLightTarget
   285     	*/
   286     	virtual void ReserveLightL(TInt aTarget, TBool aRestoreState, TBool aForceNoCCoeEnv)=0;
   288     	/**
   289     	* Releases light target if it was previously reserved for this client.
   290     	* If this client has not reserved any of the specified lights, 
   291     	* this method does nothing.
   292     	* Any reserved light targets that are released and have no other suspended
   293     	* clients will be reset to default state, which is either lights on or lights off, 
   294     	* depending on system inactivity time.
   295     	*
   296 		* @param aTarget Defines which light should be released. Multiple lights can
   297 		*                be specified with using bitwise-or.
   298 		*
   299 	 	* @see TLightTarget
   300     	*/
   301     	virtual void ReleaseLight(TInt aTarget)=0;
   304 	    /** 
   305 	    * The LightOnL method switches the specified target light on
   306 	    * for infinite duration using default intensity. Lights will use fade-in.
   307         *
   308         * Calling this method is equal to calling 
   309         * LightOnL(aTarget, KHWRMInfiniteDuration, KHWRMDefaultIntensity, ETrue).
   310 	    *
   311 		* @param aTarget Defines which light should be controlled. Multiple lights can
   312 		*                be specified with using bitwise-or.
   313 		*
   314     	* @leave KErrNotSupported One or more of specified targets are not supported.
   315         * @leave KErrBadHandle Light session has been invalidated.
   316         * @leave KErrTimedOut Timeout occurred in controlling light.
   317         * @leave KErrInUse One or more of specified targets are not reserved for
   318         *                  this client but are reserved for others.
   319         * @leave KErrNoMemory There is a memory allocation failure. 
   320         * @leave KErrGeneral There is a hardware error.
   321 		*
   322 	 	* @see TLightTarget
   323 		*/
   324 		virtual void LightOnL(TInt aTarget) = 0;
   326 	    /** 
   327 	    * The LightOnL method switches the specified target light on
   328 	    * for the specified duration using default intensity. Lights will use fade-in.
   329         *
   330         * Calling this method is equal to call 
   331         * LightOnL(aTarget, aDuration, KHWRMDefaultIntensity, ETrue).
   332 	    *
   333 		* @param aTarget Defines which light should be controlled. Multiple lights can
   334 		*                be specified with using bitwise-or.
   335 		* @param aDuration Duration of the time the light is switched on measured in milliseconds.
   336 		*                  After the duration expires, the light state for target will be changed 
   337 		*                  to whatever state was caused by the last infinite time duration call, or
   338 		*                  default state determined by inactivity timer, in case there has not 
   339 		*                  been a previous infinite time duration call in this session.
   340 		*                  If the aDuration time is KHWRMInfiniteDuration then it means an 
   341         *                  infinite value that has to be stopped by calling of any of the other
   342         '                  light control methods.
   343 		*                  Duration can have maximum value of KHWRMLightMaxDuration.
   344 		*
   345         * @leave KErrArgument Parameter aDuration is out of range.
   346         * @leave KErrNotSupported One or more of specified targets are not supported.
   347         * @leave KErrBadHandle Light session has been invalidated.
   348         * @leave KErrTimedOut Timeout occurred in controlling light.
   349         * @leave KErrInUse One or more of specified targets are not reserved for
   350         *                  this client but are reserved for others.
   351         * @leave KErrNoMemory There is a memory allocation failure. 
   352         * @leave KErrGeneral There is a hardware error.
   353 		*
   354 	 	* @see TLightTarget
   355 		*/
   356 		virtual void LightOnL(TInt aTarget, 
   357 		                      TInt aDuration) = 0;
   359 	    /** 
   360 	    * The LightOnL method switches the specified target light on
   361 	    * for the specified duration using specified intensity. Fade-in can also be controlled.
   362 	    *
   363 		* @param aTarget Defines which light should be controlled. Multiple lights can
   364 		*                be specified with using bitwise-or.
   365 		* @param aDuration Duration of the time the light is switched on measured in milliseconds.
   366 		*                  After the duration expires, the light state for target will be changed 
   367 		*                  to whatever state was caused by the last infinite time duration call, or
   368 		*                  default state determined by inactivity timer, in case there has not 
   369 		*                  been a previous infinite time duration call in this session.
   370 		*                  If the aDuration time is KHWRMInfiniteDuration then it means 
   371         *                  an infinite value that has to be stopped by calling of any of 
   372         *                  the other light control methods.
   373 		*                  Duration can have maximum value of KHWRMLightMaxDuration.
   374 		* @param aIntensity Intensity of the light. If aIntensity is KHWRMDefaultIntensity, device default 
   375 		*                   intensity will be used. 
   376 		*                   Note: All devices might not support user defined intensity, in which case
   377 		*                   device will behave in its default fashion.
   378 		* @param aFadeIn If ETrue, lights will not turn on instantly but instead smoothly fade-in.
   379 		*                Note: All devices will not support fade-in, in which case device will
   380 		*                behave in its default fashion.
   381 		*
   382         * @leave KErrArgument One of the parameters is out of range.
   383         * @leave KErrNotSupported One or more of specified targets are not supported.
   384         * @leave KErrBadHandle Light session has been invalidated.
   385         * @leave KErrTimedOut Timeout occurred in controlling light.
   386         * @leave KErrInUse One or more of specified targets are not reserved for
   387         *                  this client but are reserved for others.
   388         * @leave KErrNoMemory There is a memory allocation failure. 
   389         * @leave KErrGeneral There is a hardware error.
   390 		*
   391 	 	* @see TLightTarget
   392 		*/
   393 		virtual void LightOnL(TInt aTarget, 
   394 		                      TInt aDuration, 
   395 		                      TInt aIntensity,
   396 		                      TBool aFadeIn) = 0;
   398 	    /** 
   399 	    * The LightBlinkL method blinks the target light(s) of the device for infinite duration
   400 	    * using default intensity.
   401         *
   402         * Calling this method is equal to call 
   403         * LightBlinkL(aTarget, KHWRMInfiniteDuration, KHWRMDefaultCycleTime, 
   404         *             KHWRMDefaultCycleTime, KHWRMDefaultIntensity).
   405 	   	*
   406 		* @param aTarget Defines which light should be controlled. Multiple lights can
   407 		*                be specified with using bitwise-or.
   408 	   	*
   409         * @leave KErrNotSupported One or more of specified targets are not supported.
   410         * @leave KErrBadHandle Light session has been invalidated.
   411         * @leave KErrTimedOut Timeout occurred in controlling light.
   412         * @leave KErrInUse One or more of specified targets are not reserved for
   413         *                  this client but are reserved for others.
   414         * @leave KErrNoMemory There is a memory allocation failure. 
   415         * @leave KErrGeneral There is a hardware error.
   416 		*
   417 	 	* @see TLightTarget
   418 		*/
   419 		virtual void LightBlinkL(TInt aTarget) = 0;
   421 	    /** 
   422 	    * The LightBlinkL method blinks the target light(s) of the device for specified duration
   423 	    * using default intensity.
   424         *
   425         * Calling this method is equal to calling
   426         * LightBlinkL(aTarget, aDuration, KHWRMDefaultCycleTime, 
   427         *             KHWRMDefaultCycleTime, KHWRMDefaultIntensity).
   428 	   	*
   429 		* @param aTarget Defines which light should be controlled. Multiple lights can
   430 		*                be specified with using bitwise-or.
   431 		* @param aDuration Duration of the time the light is set to blink measured in milliseconds.
   432 		*                  After the duration expires, the light state for target will be changed 
   433 		*                  to whatever state was caused by the last infinite time duration call, or
   434 		*                  default state determined by inactivity timer, in case there has not 
   435 		*                  been a previous infinite time duration call in this session.
   436 		*                  If the aTotalDuration time is KHWRMInfiniteDuration then it
   437 		*                  means an infinite value that has to be
   438 		*                  stopped by calling of any of the other light control methods.
   439 		*                  Duration can have maximum value of KHWRMLightMaxDuration.
   440 	   	*
   441         * @leave KErrArgument Parameter aDuration is out of range.
   442         * @leave KErrNotSupported One or more of specified targets are not supported.
   443         * @leave KErrBadHandle Light session has been invalidated.
   444         * @leave KErrTimedOut Timeout occurred in controlling light.
   445         * @leave KErrInUse One or more of specified targets are not reserved for
   446         *                  this client but are reserved for others.
   447         * @leave KErrNoMemory There is a memory allocation failure. 
   448         * @leave KErrGeneral There is a hardware error.
   449 		*
   450 	 	* @see TLightTarget
   451 		*/
   452 		virtual void LightBlinkL(TInt aTarget, 
   453 		                         TInt aDuration) = 0;
   455 	    /** 
   456 	    * The LightBlinkL method blinks the target light(s) of the device for specified duration
   457 	    * using specified intensity. On- and Off-cycle times of the blinking can also be controlled.
   458 	   	*
   459 		* @param aTarget Defines which light should be controlled. Multiple lights can
   460 		*                be specified with using bitwise-or.
   461 		* @param aDuration Duration of the time the light is set to blink measured in milliseconds.
   462 		*                  After the duration expires, the light state for target will be changed 
   463 		*                  to whatever state was caused by the last infinite time duration call, or
   464 		*                  default state determined by inactivity timer, in case there has not 
   465 		*                  been a previous infinite time duration call in this session.
   466 		*                  If the aTotalDuration time is KHWRMInfiniteDuration then it
   467 		*                  means an infinite value that has to be
   468 		*                  stopped by calling of any of the other light control methods.
   469 		*                  Duration can have maximum value of KHWRMLightMaxDuration.
   470 	   	* @param aOnDuration Duration time, measured in milliseconds, of how long the Light is
   471 	   	*                    switched on in every Blink cycle.
   472 		*                    Duration can have maximum value of KHWRMLightMaxDuration.
   473 		*                    For device default cycle duration, use value KHWRMDefaultCycleTime.
   474 		*                    If either of aOnDuration or aOffDuration is KHWRMDefaultCycleTime,
   475 		*                    both must be KHWRMDefaultCycleTime.
   476 		*                    Some devices might not support variable blink cycle times, in which
   477 		*                    case default value will be substituted.
   478 	   	* @param aOffDuration Duration time, measured in milliseconds, of how long the Light
   479 	   	*                     is switched off in every Blink cycle.
   480 		*                     Duration can have maximum value of KHWRMLightMaxDuration.
   481         *                     For device default cycle duration, use value KHWRMDefaultCycleTime.
   482         *                     If either of aOnDuration or aOffDuration is KHWRMDefaultCycleTime,
   483 		*                     both must be KHWRMDefaultCycleTime.
   484 		*                     Some devices might not support variable blink cycle times, in which
   485 		*                     case default value will be substituted.
   486 		* @param aIntensity Intensity of the light. If aIntensity is KHWRMDefaultIntensity, device default 
   487 		*                   intensity will be used.
   488 		*                   Note: All devices might not support user defined intensity, in which case
   489 		*                   device will behave in its default fashion.
   490 	   	*
   491         * @leave KErrArgument One of the parameters is out of range or otherwise invalid.
   492         * @leave KErrNotSupported One or more of specified targets are not supported.
   493         * @leave KErrBadHandle Light session has been invalidated.
   494         * @leave KErrTimedOut Timeout occurred in controlling light.
   495         * @leave KErrInUse One or more of specified targets are not reserved for
   496         *                  this client but are reserved for others.
   497         * @leave KErrNoMemory There is a memory allocation failure. 
   498         * @leave KErrGeneral There is a hardware error.
   499 		*
   500 	 	* @see TLightTarget
   501 		*/
   502 		virtual void LightBlinkL(TInt aTarget, 
   503 		                         TInt aDuration, 
   504 		                         TInt aOnDuration, 
   505 		                         TInt aOffDuration, 
   506 		                         TInt aIntensity) = 0;
   508    	    /**
   509 	    * The LightOffL method switches the device light off for the specified target for
   510 	    * infinite duration. Lights will be switched off with fade-out. 
   511         *
   512         * Calling this method is equal to call 
   513         * LightOffL(aTarget, KHWRMInfiniteDuration, ETrue).
   514 		*
   515 		* @param aTarget Defines which light should be controlled. Multiple lights can
   516 		*                be specified with using bitwise-or.
   517 		*
   518         * @leave KErrNotSupported One or more of specified targets are not supported.
   519         * @leave KErrBadHandle Light session has been invalidated.
   520         * @leave KErrTimedOut Timeout occurred in controlling light.
   521         * @leave KErrInUse One or more of specified targets are not reserved for
   522         *                  this client but are reserved for others.
   523         * @leave KErrNoMemory There is a memory allocation failure. 
   524         * @leave KErrGeneral There is a hardware error.
   525 		*
   526 	 	* @see TLightTarget
   527 		*/
   528 		virtual void LightOffL(TInt aTarget) = 0;
   530    	    /**
   531 	    * The LightOffL method switches the device light off for the specified target for
   532 	    * the specified duration time. Lights will be switched off with fade-out.
   533         *
   534         * Calling this method is equal to call LightOffL(aTarget, aDuration, ETrue).
   535 		*
   536 		* @param aTarget Defines which light should be controlled. Multiple lights can
   537 		*                be specified with using bitwise-or.
   538 		* @param aDuration Duration of the time the light is switched off measured in milliseconds.
   539 		*                  After the duration expires, the light state for target will be changed 
   540 		*                  to whatever state was caused by the last infinite time duration call, or
   541 		*                  default state determined by inactivity timer, in case there has not 
   542 		*                  been a previous infinite time duration call in this session.
   543 		*                  If the aDuration time is KHWRMInfiniteDuration then it 
   544 		*                  means an infinite value that has to be
   545 		*                  stopped by calling of any of the other light control methods.
   546 		*                  Duration can have maximum value of KHWRMLightMaxDuration.
   547 		*
   548         * @leave KErrArgument Parameter aDuration is out of range.
   549         * @leave KErrNotSupported One or more of specified targets are not supported.
   550         * @leave KErrBadHandle Light session has been invalidated.
   551         * @leave KErrTimedOut Timeout occurred in controlling light.
   552         * @leave KErrInUse One or more of specified targets are not reserved for
   553         *                  this client but are reserved for others.
   554         * @leave KErrNoMemory There is a memory allocation failure. 
   555         * @leave KErrGeneral There is a hardware error.
   556 		*
   557 	 	* @see TLightTarget
   558 		*/
   559 		virtual void LightOffL(TInt aTarget, 
   560 		                       TInt aDuration) = 0;
   562    	    /**
   563 	    * The LightOffL method switches the device light off for the specified target for
   564 	    * the specified duration time. Lights fade-out can also be controlled.
   565 		*
   566 		* @param aTarget Defines which light should be controlled. Multiple lights can
   567 		*                be specified with using bitwise-or.
   568 		* @param aDuration Duration of the time the light is switched off measured in milliseconds.
   569 		*                  After the duration expires, the light state for target will be changed 
   570 		*                  to whatever state was caused by the last infinite time duration call, or
   571 		*                  default state determined by inactivity timer, in case there has not 
   572 		*                  been a previous infinite time duration call in this session.
   573 		*                  If the aDuration time is KHWRMInfiniteDuration then it 
   574 		*                  means an infinite value that has to be
   575 		*                  stopped by calling of any of the other light control methods.
   576 		*                  Duration can have maximum value of KHWRMLightMaxDuration.
   577 		* @param aFadeOut If ETrue, lights will not turn off instantly but instead smoothly fade-out
   578 		*                 Note: All devices will not support fade-out, in which case device will
   579 		*                 behave in its default fashion.
   580 		*
   581         * @leave KErrArgument aDuration is out of range.
   582         * @leave KErrNotSupported One or more of specified targets are not supported.
   583         * @leave KErrBadHandle Light session has been invalidated.
   584         * @leave KErrTimedOut Timeout occurred in controlling light.
   585         * @leave KErrInUse One or more of specified targets are not reserved for
   586         *                  this client but are reserved for others.
   587         * @leave KErrNoMemory There is a memory allocation failure. 
   588         * @leave KErrGeneral There is a hardware error.
   589 		*
   590 	 	* @see TLightTarget
   591 		*/
   592 		virtual void LightOffL(TInt aTarget, 
   593 		                       TInt aDuration, 
   594 		                       TBool aFadeOut) = 0;
   596         /**
   597         * This method retrieves the current light status. 
   598         *
   599 		* @param aTarget Defines which light status is returned. 
   600 		*                This method only supports single target, as different
   601 		*                targets might have different statuses.
   602         * @return TLightStatus indicating the current light status. If there is a problem or
   603         *         multiple targets were specified, CHWRMLight::ELightStatusUnknown is returned.
   604         * 
   605         * @see MHWRMLightObserver
   606 	 	* @see TLightTarget
   607         */
   608         virtual TLightStatus LightStatus(TInt aTarget) const = 0;
   610         /**
   611         * This method retrieves the supported light targets of the device.
   612         * Any attempt to use or reserve unsupported targets will fail with
   613         * KErrNotSupported.
   614         *
   615         * @return Bitmask containing supported light targets.
   616         *
   617         * @see TLightTarget
   618         */
   619         virtual TInt SupportedTargets() const = 0;
   620     };
   622 /**
   623 * A callback interface for light status reporting.
   624 *
   625 * If the client requires up-to-date status information, the client needs 
   626 * to derive a class from the MHWRMlightObserver interface and implement 
   627 * the LightStatusChanged() method. 
   628 * 
   629 * A callback object header example:
   630 *
   631 * @code 
   632 * // INCLUDES
   633 * #include <HWRMLight.h> // Link against HWRMLightClient.lib.
   634 *
   635 * class CTests : public CBase,
   636 *                public MHWRMLightObserver
   637 *     {
   638 *     public:
   639 *         CTests();
   640 *         ~CTests();
   641 *                           
   642 *         void ConstructL();
   643 *         static CTests* NewL();
   644 *                
   645 *         // from MHWRMLightObserver
   646 *         virtual void LightStatusChanged(TInt aTarget, 
   647 *                                         CHWRMLight::TLightStatus aStatus);
   648 *
   649 *    private:
   650 *         CHWRMLight* iLight;
   651 *    };
   652 *
   653 * @endcode
   654 *
   655 * A callback method implementation example:
   656 *
   657 * @code
   658 * void CTests::LightStatusChanged(TInt aTarget, 
   659 *                          CHWRMLight::TLightStatus aStatus)
   660 *     {
   661 *     RDebug::Print(_L("### Light state changed for target: 0x%x"), aTarget);
   662 *     switch ( aStatus )
   663 *         {
   664 *         case CHWRMLight::ELightOn:
   665 *             RDebug::Print(_L("### Light state changed: ELightOn"));
   666 *             break;
   667 *         case CHWRMLight::ELightOff:
   668 *             RDebug::Print(_L("### Light state changed: ELightOff"));
   669 *             break;
   670 *         case CHWRMLight::ELightBlink:
   671 *             RDebug::Print(_L("### Light state changed: ELightBlink"));
   672 *             break;
   673 *         case CHWRMLight::ELightStatusUnknown:
   674 *             RDebug::Print(_L("### Light state changed: ELightStatusUnknown"));
   675 *             break;
   676 *         default:
   677 *             RDebug::Print(_L("### Light state changed: UNDEFINED !"));
   678 *             break;
   679 *         }
   680 *     }
   681 *
   682 * @endcode
   683 *
   684 * @since S60 3.0
   685 */
   686 class MHWRMLightObserver
   687     {    
   688     public:
   690         /** 
   691         * Called when the device light status changes.
   692         * Note that if the light status for certain target changes
   693         * very rapidly, some state transitions might be missed.
   694         * It is however guaranteed that latest state is always obtained.
   695         *
   696         * @param aTarget Indicates target(s) the new status applies to.
   697         * @param aStatus Indicates light request status.
   698 		*
   699 	 	* @see CHWRMLight::TLightTarget
   700 	 	* @see CHWRMLight::TLightStatus
   701 		*/
   702         virtual void LightStatusChanged(TInt aTarget, 
   703                                         CHWRMLight::TLightStatus aStatus) = 0;
   704 	};
   707 #endif      // HWRMLIGHT_H   
   709 // End of File