changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/epoc32/include/cdmasmsaddr.h	Tue Mar 16 16:12:26 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Declares the cdmau address classes and constants.
+ @file 
+ @publishedAll
+ @interim
+#if !(defined __CDMASMSADDR_H__)
+#define __CDMASMSADDR_H__
+#include <smsuaddr.h>
+#include "tia637.h"
+// CDMA SMS PROT public constants start 
+_LIT(KCdmaSmsDatagram,"CDMA SMS Datagram");
+/** Cdma SMS sockets family identifier. */
+const TUint KCdmaSMSAddrFamily = 0x012;
+/** Cdmd SMS sockets protocol ID. */
+const TUint KCdmaSMSDatagramProtocol = KSMSDatagramProtocol;
+// Followings are the Ioctl commands used in cdmssmsprot
+// Ioctl commands that are supported in both cdma and gsm include the following from smsuaddr.h:
+// KIoctlDeleteSmsMessage        = 0x0300; 
+// KIoctlEnumerateSmsMessages    = 0x0301;
+// KIoctlReadMessageSucceeded    = 0x0304; 
+// KIoctlReadMessageFailed       = 0x0305; 
+// KIoctlSendSmsMessage          = 0x0306; 
+// KIoctlWriteSmsMessage         = 0x0307; 
+// Gsm Ioctl commands 0x0308-0x0310 are not supported for cdma
+/** Ioctl command for retrieving message identifier token object
+@capability NetworkServices
+@see RSocket::Ioctl(TUint aLevel,TUint aName,TDes8* aOption)
+const TUint KIoctlGetMsgId=0x0311;
+/** Ioctl command for retrieving the last transport layer acknowledgement cause code
+This command is valid only after a KIoctlSendSmsMessage ioctl command and
+	aReqestStatus return one of the KErrCdmaSms extended errors and
+	bearer reply option parameter was present in the previous sent message.
+Otherwise the cause error received will be meaningless
+@capability NetworkServices
+@see RSocket::Ioctl(TUint aLevel,TUint aName,TDes8* aOption)
+const TUint KIoctlGetLastSendError=0x0312;
+/** Value that aOptions could take when client demand traffic channel to stay open.
+	Used only for KIoctlSendSmsMessage Ioctl command */
+const TUint KKeepChannelOpen=0x01;
+/** Maximum size of storage location */
+const TInt KCdmaMaxLocationStorageSize=256;
+typedef TBuf8<KCdmaMaxLocationStorageSize>	TCdmaSmsStorageLocation;
+// CDMA SMS PROT public constants end
+Sockets for CDMA SMS messages must be bound to an address.  The 'address' 
+provides a rule that tells the CDMA SMS stack which received messages should 
+be given to the socket; see TCdmaSmsAddr for a more detailed explanation.
+Each address must belong to a family.  The family must be one of the values 
+listed below.
+enum TCdmaSmsAddrFamily
+	{
+	// as in GSMU
+	/** This indicates that the address's family has not been set
+	*/
+	ECdmaSmsAddrUnbound=ESmsAddrUnbound,
+	/** Sockets bound to a ECdmaSmsAddrSendOnly address can only be for 
+	sending CDMA SMS messages; they will not receive any messages until they 
+	are bound to a different address.
+	Note that a socket bound to any address family except for 
+	ECdmaSmsAddrLocalOperation can be used to send messages; not just 
+	ECdmaSmsAddrSendOnly
+	*/
+	ECdmaSmsAddrSendOnly=ESmsAddrSendOnly,
+	/** Sockets bound to a ECdmaSmsAddrLocalOperation address can only be used 
+	for local protocol operations such as enumerating, writing and deleting 
+	messages.  These sockets cannot be used for sending or receiving messages 
+	until they are bound to a different address.
+	Any socket kind of binded address and be used for writing and deleting messages.
+	Only LocalOperation can be used for enumerating messages.
+	*/
+	ECdmaSmsAddrLocalOperation=ESmsAddrLocalOperation,
+	/** 
+	Sockets bound to a ECdmaSmsWemtAddrMatchIEI address will receive messages 
+	on the WEMT teleservice that have a particular Information Element 
+	Identifier (IEI). 
+	As well as setting the address's family to ECdmaSmsWemtAddrMatchIEI, set 
+	the address's 'port'to one of the IEIs in TSmsInformationElementIdentifier;
+	 see CSmsInformationElement..  
+	The following example binds a socket so that it will receive messages on 
+	the WEMT teleservice that have the IEI "Special SMS Message Indication":
+	@code
+	smsaddr.SetCdmaSmsAddrFamily(ECdmaSmsWemtAddrMatchIEI);	
+	smsaddr.SetPort(CSmsInformationElement::ESmsIEISpecialSMSMessageIndication);
+	ret=socket.Bind(smsaddr);
+	@endcode
+	*/
+	ECdmaSmsWemtAddrMatchIEI=ESmsAddrMatchIEI,
+	/** 
+	Sockets bound to a ECdmaSmsAddrMatchText address will receive messages 
+	whose user data matches contains particular text.  The messages 
+	teleservice does not matter.
+	As well as setting the address's family to ECdmaSmsAddrMatchText, use 
+	TCdmaSmsAddr::SetTextMatch to specify an ASCII string.  This string is 
+	compared to the user data in the message.  If the two match then the 
+	message is delivered to the socket.  The string can contain the wildcards 
+	'?' to match one instance of any character and '*' to match any number of 
+	characters.
+	@code
+	// match messages that start with 12345 
+	smsaddr.SetCdmaSmsAddrFamily(ECdmaSmsAddrMatchText);
+	smsaddr.SetTextMatch(_L8("12345"));
+	ret=socketMatchText.Bind(smsaddr);
+	// match messages that end with 12345
+	smsaddr.SetCdmaSmsAddrFamily(ECdmaSmsAddrMatchText);
+	smsaddr.SetTextMatch(_L8("*12345"));
+	ret=socketMatchText.Bind(smsaddr);
+	// match message that contain 12345
+	smsaddr.SetCdmaSmsAddrFamily(ECdmaSmsAddrMatchText);
+	smsaddr.SetTextMatch(_L8("*12345*"));
+	ret=socketMatchText.Bind(smsaddr);
+	@endcode
+	*/
+	ECdmaSmsAddrMatchText=ESmsAddrMatchText,
+	/**
+	Sockets bound to a ECdmaSmsWemtAddrApplication8BitPort address will 
+	receive messages on the WEMT teleservice that are from a particular 8 bit 
+	application port. 
+	As well as setting the address's family to ECdmaSmsWemtAddrMatchIEI, set 
+	the address's 'port' to an 8-bit  number.
+	The following example binds a socket so that it will receive messages on 
+	the WEMT teleservice that are on the port 83:
+	@code
+	smsaddr.SetCdmaSmsAddrFamily(ECdmaSmsWemtAddrApplication8BitPort);	
+	smsaddr.SetPort(83);
+	ret=socket.Bind(smsaddr);
+	@endcode
+	*/
+	ECdmaSmsWemtAddrApplication8BitPort=ESmsAddrApplication8BitPort,
+	/**
+	This is similar to ECdmaSmsWemtAddrApplication8BitPort, except that the 
+	WEMT message must be from a particular 16 bit application port.  The 
+	address's port must be set to a 16-bit number.  For example:
+	@code
+	smsaddr.SetCdmaSmsAddrFamily(ECdmaSmsWemtAddrApplication16BitPort);	
+	smsaddr.SetPort(1000);
+	ret=socket.Bind(smsaddr);
+	@endcode
+	*/
+  	ECdmaSmsWemtAddrApplication16BitPort=ESmsAddrApplication16BitPort,
+	// new values
+	/** 
+	Sockets bound to a ECdmaSmsAddrTeleservice address will receive messages 
+	on a particular teleservice.
+	As well as setting the address's family to ECdmaSmsAddrTeleservice, use 
+	TCdmaSmsAddr::SetTeleserviceId to set the required teleservice.  For 
+	example, to receive messages on the WEMT teleservice:
+	@code
+	smsaddr.SetCdmaSmsAddrFamily(ECdmaSmsAddrTeleservice);
+	smsaddr.SetTeleserviceId(KTeleserviceWEMT);
+	ret=socket.Bind(smsaddr);
+	@endcode
+	*/
+	ECdmaSmsAddrTeleservice =10,
+	/**
+	Sockets bound to a ECdmaSmsWemtAddrWdp address will receive messages on 
+	the WAP teleservice that are for a particular WDP port.
+	As well as setting the address's family to ECdmaSmsWemtAddrWdp, set the 
+	address's 'port' to a WDP port.  For example:
+	@code
+	smsaddr.SetCdmaSmsAddrFamily(ECdmaSmsAddrWdp);
+	smsaddr.SetPort(wdpPort);
+	ret=socket.Bind(smsaddr);
+	@endcode
+	*/
+	ECdmaSmsAddrWdp =11,
+	/** 
+	Sockets bound to a ECdmaSmsAddrBroadcast address will receive broadcast 
+	messages.  Note that broadcast messages cannot be received using other 
+	address family.
+	Broadcast messages belong to a service category. A socket can 
+	be bound so that it receives broadcast messages from a specified service 
+	category. Alternatively it can receive all broadcast messages, whatever 
+	the service category.
+	As well as setting the address's family to ECdmaSmsAddrBroadcast, use 
+	TCdmaSmsAddr::SetPort to set the required service category from those in 
+	tia637::TServiceCategory.
+	@code
+	// Receive messages from the Emergency Broadcast service catagory
+	smsaddr.SetCdmaSmsAddrFamily(ECdmaSmsAddrBroadcast);
+	smsaddr.SetPort(KEmergencyBroadcasts);
+	ret=broadcastSocket.Bind(smsaddr);
+	// Receive messages from any service category by setting the port to zero
+	smsaddr.SetCdmaSmsAddrFamily(ECdmaSmsAddrBroadcast);
+	smsaddr.SetPort(0);
+	ret=broadcastSocket2.Bind(smsaddr);
+	@endcode
+	*/
+	ECdmaSmsAddrBroadcast=12
+	};
+Sockets for CDMA SMS messages must be bound to an address. A 
+socket's address can be thought of as a rule that tells the sockets server 
+which messages should be delivered to the socket. When the CDMA SMS stack 
+receives a message, it compares the message to the address (or rule) of each 
+of the CDMA SMS sockets.  If the message's contents match one of the rules, 
+the SMS stack uses Symbian OS's sockets server to pass the message to an 
+appropriate socket.
+The address is an instance of TCdmaSmsAddr.  Create an instance then use its 
+setter methods to configure up the address.  Before receiving SMS messages, 
+RSocket::Bind must be called to bind a socket to a appropriate address.
+Each address must belong to a family. This broadly defines the type of rule 
+used to match messages to socket.   Set an address's family with 
+SetCdmaSmsAddrFamily.  Depending upon the family, call methods to set further 
+address variables, thus refining the rule further. To understand address 
+better, see the descriptions of the address families in TCdmaSmsAddrFamily.
+Two sockets cannot be bound to the same address - the second attempt to bind a 
+socket will fail.
+Sometimes, a message is received matches several addresses, and so could 
+be sent to more than one socket.  The messages are compared to address in a 
+particular order; see CdmaSmsAddressPriority below for more information.
+class TCdmaSmsAddr : public TSockAddr
+	{
+	/** Maximum length of the text pattern used to match the incoming text. */
+	enum { EMaxTextMatchLength = 24 };
+	IMPORT_C TCdmaSmsAddr();
+	IMPORT_C TCdmaSmsAddrFamily CdmaSmsAddrFamily() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetCdmaSmsAddrFamily(TCdmaSmsAddrFamily aFamily);		
+	IMPORT_C TPtrC8 TextMatch() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetTextMatch(const TDesC8& aText);
+	IMPORT_C TInt NumTextMatchChar() const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool operator==(const TCdmaSmsAddr& aAddr) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt CdmaSmsAddressPriority()const;
+	IMPORT_C tia637::TTeleserviceId TeleserviceId() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetTeleserviceId(tia637::TTeleserviceId aTeleserviceId);
+	};
+#endif //__CDMASMSADDR_H__