changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
parent 0 061f57f2323e
child 4 837f303aceeb
--- a/epoc32/include/charconv.h	Tue Nov 24 13:55:44 2009 +0000
+++ b/epoc32/include/charconv.h	Tue Mar 16 16:12:26 2010 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,610 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#if !defined(__CHARCONV_H__)
+#define __CHARCONV_H__
+#if !defined(__E32STD_H__)
+#include <e32std.h>
+#if !defined(__E32BASE_H__)
+#include <e32base.h>
+The maximum length in bytes of the replacement text for unconvertible Unicode 
+characters (=50) (see CCnvCharacterSetConverter::SetReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharactersL()). 
+const TInt KMaximumLengthOfReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters=50;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierUtf7=0x1000582c;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierUtf8=0x1000582d;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierImapUtf7=0x1000582e;
+Java UTF-8 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierJavaConformantUtf8=0x1000582f;
+Code Page 1252 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierCodePage1252=0x100012b6;
+ISO 8859-1 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88591=0x10003b10;
+ISO 8859-2 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88592=0x1000507e;
+ISO 8859-3 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88593=0x10008a28;
+ISO 8859-4 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88594=0x1000507f;
+ISO 8859-5 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88595=0x10005080;
+ISO 8859-6 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88596=0x10008a29;
+ISO 8859-7 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88597=0x10005081;
+ISO 8859-8 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88598=0x10008a2a;
+ISO 8859-9 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88599=0x10005082;
+ISO 8859-10 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierIso885910=0x10008a2b;
+ISO 8859-13 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierIso885913=0x10008a2c;
+ISO 8859-14 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierIso885914=0x10008a2d;
+ISO 8859-15 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierIso885915=0x10008a2e;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierAscii=0x10004cc6;
+SMS 7-bit 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierSms7Bit=0x100053ab;
+GB 2312 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierGb2312=0x10000fbe;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierHz=0x10006065;
+GB 12345 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierGb12345=0x1000401a;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierGbk=0x10003ecb;
+Big 5 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierBig5=0x10000fbf;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierShiftJis=0x10000fbd;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierIso2022Jp=0x100066a0;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierIso2022Jp1=0x100066a3;
+JIS Encoding 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierJis=0x10006066;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierEucJpPacked=0x10006067;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierJ5=0x1020D408;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierCP850=0x102825AD;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierUnicodeLittle=0x101f3fae;  //Little Endian Unicode
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierUnicodeBig=0x101f4052; // Big Endian Unicode 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierUcs2=0x101ff492;
+Extended SMS 7-bit (not supported before v9.5) 
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierExtendedSms7Bit=0x102863FD;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierTurkishSingleSms7Bit=0x102863FE;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierTurkishLockingSms7Bit=0x102863FF;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierTurkishLockingAndSingleSms7Bit=0x10286400;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierPortugueseSingleSms7Bit=0x10286407;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierPortugueseLockingSms7Bit=0x10286408;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierPortugueseLockingAndSingleSms7Bit=0x10286409;
+const TUint KCharacterSetIdentifierSpanishSingleSms7Bit=0x1028640A;
+// note that other character sets than those listed above may be available at run-time, and also that none of the above are necessarily available at run-time
+struct SCnvConversionData;
+class CDeepDestructingArrayOfCharactersSets;
+class CFileReader;
+class CStandardNamesAndMibEnums;
+class RFs;
+class CCharsetCnvCache;
+Converts text between Unicode and other character sets. 
+The first stage of the conversion is to specify the non-Unicode character 
+set being converted to or from. This is done by calling one of the overloads 
+of PrepareToConvertToOrFromL().
+The second stage is to convert the text, using one of the overloads of 
+ConvertFromUnicode() or ConvertToUnicode().
+Where possible the first documented overload of PrepareToConvertToOrFromL() 
+should be used because the second overload panics if the specified character 
+set is not available: the first overload simply returns whether the character 
+set is available or not available. However if the conversions are to be 
+performed often, or if the user must select the character set for the 
+conversion from a list, the second overload may be more appropriate.
+The first overload is less efficient than the second, because it searches 
+through the file system for the selected character set every time it is invoked. 
+The second overload searches through an array of all available character sets. 
+In this method, the file system need only be searched once - when 
+CreateArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailableLC() or 
+CreateArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailableL() is used to create the array.
+The conversion functions allow users of this class to perform partial 
+conversions on an input descriptor, handling the situation where the input 
+descriptor is truncated mid way through a multi-byte character. This means 
+that you do not have to guess how big to make the output descriptor for a 
+given input descriptor, you can simply do the conversion in a loop using a 
+small output descriptor. The ability to handle truncated descriptors also 
+allows users of the class to convert information received in chunks from an 
+external source.
+The class also provides a number of utility functions. 
+class CCnvCharacterSetConverter : public CBase
+	{
+	/** Indicates whether a character set is available or unavailable 
+	for conversion. Used by the second overload of 
+	PrepareToConvertToOrFromL(). */
+	enum TAvailability
+		{
+		/** The requested character set can be converted. */
+		EAvailable,
+		/** The requested character set cannot be converted. */
+		ENotAvailable
+		};
+	/** Conversion error flags. At this stage there is only one error 
+	flag- others may be added in the future. */
+	enum TError
+		{
+		/** The input descriptor contains a single corrupt character. This 
+		might occur when the input descriptor only contains some of the bytes 
+		of a single multi-byte character. */
+		EErrorIllFormedInput=KErrCorrupt
+		};
+	/** Specifies the default endian-ness of the current character set. 
+	Used by SetDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters(). */
+	enum TEndianness
+		{
+		/** The character set is big-endian. */
+		ELittleEndian,
+		/** The character set is little-endian. */
+		EBigEndian
+		};
+	/** Downgrade for line and paragraph separators */
+	enum TDowngradeForExoticLineTerminatingCharacters
+		{
+		/** Paragraph/line separators should be downgraded (if necessary) 
+		into carriage return and line feed pairs. */
+		EDowngradeExoticLineTerminatingCharactersToCarriageReturnLineFeed,
+		/** Paragraph/line separators should be downgraded (if necessary) 
+		into a line feed only. */
+		EDowngradeExoticLineTerminatingCharactersToJustLineFeed
+		};
+	/** Output flag used to indicate whether or not a character in the source
+	descriptor is the first half of a surrogate pair, but is the last
+	character in the descriptor to convert.
+	Note: This enumeration can be used in the DoConvertToUnicode() and
+	DoConvertFromUnicode() functions. These are part of the
+	Character Conversion Plug-in Provider API and are for use by plug-in
+	conversion libraries only.
+	@since 6.0 */
+	enum
+		{
+		/** Appends the converted text to the output descriptor.*/
+		EInputConversionFlagAppend	=0x00010000,
+		/** By default, when the input descriptor passed to DoConvertFromUnicode()
+		or DoConvertToUnicode() consists of nothing but a truncated sequence, 
+		the error-code EErrorIllFormedInput is returned. 
+		If this behaviour is undesirable, the input flag  
+		EInputConversionFlagAllowTruncatedInputNotEvenPartlyConsumable
+		should be set. */
+		EInputConversionFlagAllowTruncatedInputNotEvenPartlyConsumable	=0x00020000,
+		/** Stops converting when the first unconvertible character is reached. */
+		EInputConversionFlagStopAtFirstUnconvertibleCharacter			=0x00040000,
+		/** Appends the default character set Escape sequence at end of converted text */
+		EInputConversionFlagMustEndInDefaultCharacterSet				=0x00080000,
+		/*defect fix: INC053609; According to RFC1468 we can assume the line starts 
+		in ASCII so there is no need to always insert an escape sequence*/
+		EInputConversionFlagAssumeStartInDefaultCharacterSet			=0x00100000
+		};
+	enum
+		{
+		/** Indicates whether or not the source descriptor ends in a truncated
+		sequence, e.g. the first half only of a surrogate pair. */
+		EOutputConversionFlagInputIsTruncated							=0x01000000
+		};
+		/** Initial value for the state argument in a set of related calls to
+		ConvertToUnicode(). */
+	enum {KStateDefault=0};
+	enum 
+		{
+		/** The lowest confidence value for a character set accepted by 
+		Autodetect*/
+		ELowestThreshold = 25
+		};
+	/** Stores information about a non-Unicode character set. The information 
+	is used	to locate the conversion information required by 
+	ConvertFromUnicode() and ConvertToUnicode().
+	An array of these structs that contain all available character sets 
+	can be generated by CreateArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailableLC() and 
+	CreateArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailableL(), and is used by one of the 
+	overloads of PrepareToConvertToOrFromL(). */
+	struct SCharacterSet
+		{
+		/** Gets the character sets UID.
+		@return The UID of the character set. */
+		inline TUint Identifier() const {return iIdentifier;}
+		/** Tests whether a filename given by the function SCharacterSet::Name() 
+		is a real file name (i.e. conversion is provided by a plug in DLL), or 
+		just the character set name (i.e. conversion is built into Symbian OS).
+		Note: If the function returns ETrue then the path and filename can be 
+		parsed using TParse or TParsePtrC functions to obtain just the filename.
+		@return ETrue if the name is a real filename. EFalse if it is just the 
+		character set name. */
+		inline TBool NameIsFileName() const {return iFlags&EFlagNameIsFileName;}
+		/** Gets the full path and filename of the DLL which implements 
+		conversion for the character set. 
+		If the character set is one for which conversion is built into Symbian 
+		OS rather than implemented by a plug in DLL, the function just returns 
+		the name of the character set. The NameIsFileName() function can be 
+		used to determine whether or not it is legal to create a TParsePtrC 
+		object over the descriptor 	returned by Name().
+		Notes:
+		The name returned cannot be treated as an Internet-standard name, it 
+		is locale-independent and should be mapped to the locale-dependent name 
+		by software at a higher level before being shown to the user. Conversion 
+		from Internet-standard names of character sets to the UID identifiers 
+		is provided by the member function 
+		ConvertStandardNameOfCharacterSetToIdentifierL().
+		Typically, to find the user-displayable name (as opposed to the 
+		internet-standard name) of a character set, you would do something 
+		like this:
+		@code
+		const CCnvCharacterSetConverter::SCharacterSet& characterSet=...;
+		const TPtrC userDisplayable(characterSet.NameIsFileName()? TParsePtrC(characterSet.Name()).Name(): 
+		characterSet.Name()); 
+		@endcode
+		@return Full path and filename of the character set converter plug in 
+		DLL, or just the name of the character set. */
+		inline TPtrC Name() const {return *iName;}
+	private:
+		enum
+			{
+			EFlagNameIsFileName					=0x00000001,
+			EFlagFileIsConversionPlugInLibrary	=0x00000002
+			};
+	private:
+		inline TBool FileIsConversionPlugInLibrary() const {return iFlags&EFlagFileIsConversionPlugInLibrary;}
+	private:
+		TUint iIdentifier;
+		TUint iFlags;
+		HBufC* iName;
+	private:
+		friend class CCnvCharacterSetConverter;
+		friend class CDeepDestructingArrayOfCharactersSets;
+		}; //SCharacterSet
+	/** 
+	Holds an ascending array of the indices of the characters in the 
+	source Unicode text which could not be converted by 
+	CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertFromUnicode() into the foreign 
+	character set 
+	@publishedAll
+	@released
+	*/
+	class TArrayOfAscendingIndices
+		{
+	public:
+		/** The return value of CCnvCharacterSetConverter::AppendIndex(). */
+		enum TAppendResult
+			{
+			/** The append failed. */
+			EAppendFailed,
+			/** The append succeeded. */
+			EAppendSuccessful
+			};
+	public:
+		/** C++ constructor. The array is initialised to be of length zero. */
+		inline TArrayOfAscendingIndices() :iArrayOfIndices(0) {}
+		IMPORT_C TAppendResult AppendIndex(TInt aIndex);
+		/** Deletes a single index from the array.
+		@param aIndexOfIndex The index of the index to delete. Must not be 
+		negative and must not be greater than the length of the array, or a 
+		panic occurs. */
+		inline void Remove(TInt aIndexOfIndex) {iArrayOfIndices.Delete(aIndexOfIndex, 1);}
+		/** Deletes all indices from the array. */
+		inline void RemoveAll() {iArrayOfIndices.SetLength(0);}
+		/** Returns the number of indices in the array.
+		@return The number of indices in the array. */
+		inline TInt NumberOfIndices() const {return iArrayOfIndices.Length();}
+		/** Gets the value of the specified index.
+		@param aIndexOfIndex Index into the array.
+		@return The value of the index. */
+		inline TInt operator[](TInt aIndexOfIndex) const {return iArrayOfIndices[aIndexOfIndex];}
+	private:
+		enum {KMaximumNumberOfIndices=25};
+	private:
+		TBuf16<KMaximumNumberOfIndices> iArrayOfIndices;
+		};
+	IMPORT_C static CCnvCharacterSetConverter* NewL();
+	IMPORT_C static CCnvCharacterSetConverter* NewLC();
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CCnvCharacterSetConverter();
+	IMPORT_C static CArrayFix<SCharacterSet>* CreateArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailableL(RFs& aFileServerSession);
+	IMPORT_C static CArrayFix<SCharacterSet>* CreateArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailableLC(RFs& aFileServerSession);
+	IMPORT_C TUint ConvertStandardNameOfCharacterSetToIdentifierL(const TDesC8& aStandardNameOfCharacterSet, RFs& aFileServerSession);
+	IMPORT_C HBufC8* ConvertCharacterSetIdentifierToStandardNameL(TUint aCharacterSetIdentifier, RFs& aFileServerSession);
+	IMPORT_C TUint ConvertMibEnumOfCharacterSetToIdentifierL(TInt aMibEnumOfCharacterSet, RFs& aFileServerSession);
+	IMPORT_C TInt ConvertCharacterSetIdentifierToMibEnumL(TUint aCharacterSetIdentifier, RFs& aFileServerSession);
+	IMPORT_C void PrepareToConvertToOrFromL(TUint aCharacterSetIdentifier, const CArrayFix<SCharacterSet>& aArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailable, RFs& aFileServerSession);
+	IMPORT_C TAvailability PrepareToConvertToOrFromL(TUint aCharacterSetIdentifier, RFs& aFileServerSession);
+	// the following attribute-setting functions should be called (if at all) after calling PrepareToConvertToOrFromL and before calling ConvertFromUnicode and/or ConvertToUnicode
+	IMPORT_C void SetDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters(TEndianness aEndianness);
+	IMPORT_C void SetDowngradeForExoticLineTerminatingCharacters(TDowngradeForExoticLineTerminatingCharacters aDowngradeForExoticLineTerminatingCharacters); // by default this attribute is set to EDowngradeExoticLineTerminatingCharactersToCarriageReturnLineFeed
+	IMPORT_C void SetReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharactersL(const TDesC8& aReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters); // must be a single character preceded by its escape sequence (if any), and must be little-endian if the endianness of the character-set is unspecified, otherwise in the same endianness as the character-set
+	// the conversion functions return either one of the TError values above, or the number of unconverted elements left at the end of the input descriptor
+	IMPORT_C TInt ConvertFromUnicode(TDes8& aForeign, const TDesC16& aUnicode) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt ConvertFromUnicode(TDes8& aForeign, const TDesC16& aUnicode, TInt& aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt ConvertFromUnicode(TDes8& aForeign, const TDesC16& aUnicode, TInt& aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters, TInt& aIndexOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt ConvertFromUnicode(TDes8& aForeign, const TDesC16& aUnicode, TArrayOfAscendingIndices& aIndicesOfUnconvertibleCharacters) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt ConvertToUnicode(TDes16& aUnicode, const TDesC8& aForeign, TInt& aState) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt ConvertToUnicode(TDes16& aUnicode, const TDesC8& aForeign, TInt& aState, TInt& aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt ConvertToUnicode(TDes16& aUnicode, const TDesC8& aForeign, TInt& aState, TInt& aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters, TInt& aIndexOfFirstByteOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter) const;
+	IMPORT_C static void AutoDetectCharacterSetL(TInt& aConfidenceLevel, TUint& aCharacterSetIdentifier, const CArrayFix<SCharacterSet>& aArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailable, const TDesC8& aSample);
+	IMPORT_C void AutoDetectCharSetL(TInt& aConfidenceLevel, TUint& aCharacterSetIdentifier, const CArrayFix<SCharacterSet>& aArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailable, const TDesC8& aSample);
+	IMPORT_C static void ConvertibleToCharacterSetL(TInt& aConfidenceLevel, const TUint aCharacterSetIdentifier,const CArrayFix<SCharacterSet>& aArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailable, const TDesC8& aSample);
+    IMPORT_C void ConvertibleToCharSetL(TInt& aConfidenceLevel, const TUint aCharacterSetIdentifier,const CArrayFix<SCharacterSet>& aArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailable, const TDesC8& aSample);
+	IMPORT_C void SetMaxCacheSize(TInt aSize);
+	// the following functions are only to be called by conversion plug-in libraries
+	IMPORT_C static TInt DoConvertFromUnicode(const SCnvConversionData& aConversionData, TEndianness aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters, const TDesC8& aReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters, TDes8& aForeign, const TDesC16& aUnicode, TArrayOfAscendingIndices& aIndicesOfUnconvertibleCharacters);
+	IMPORT_C static TInt DoConvertFromUnicode(const SCnvConversionData& aConversionData, TEndianness aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters, const TDesC8& aReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters, TDes8& aForeign, const TDesC16& aUnicode, TArrayOfAscendingIndices& aIndicesOfUnconvertibleCharacters, TUint& aOutputConversionFlags, TUint aInputConversionFlags);
+	IMPORT_C static TInt DoConvertToUnicode(const SCnvConversionData& aConversionData, TEndianness aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters, TDes16& aUnicode, const TDesC8& aForeign, TInt& aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters, TInt& aIndexOfFirstByteOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter);
+	IMPORT_C static TInt DoConvertToUnicode(const SCnvConversionData& aConversionData, TEndianness aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters, TDes16& aUnicode, const TDesC8& aForeign, TInt& aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters, TInt& aIndexOfFirstByteOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter, TUint& aOutputConversionFlags, TUint aInputConversionFlags);
+	IMPORT_C static const SCnvConversionData& AsciiConversionData();
+	inline TDowngradeForExoticLineTerminatingCharacters GetDowngradeForExoticLineTerminatingCharacters () 
+		{
+		return iDowngradeForExoticLineTerminatingCharacters ;
+		} ; 
+	enum
+		{
+		EStoredFlagOwnsConversionData				=0x00000001,
+		EStoredFlagConversionPlugInLibraryIsLoaded	=0x00000002
+		};
+	enum TCharacterSetSearch
+		{
+		EStopCharacterSetSearch,
+		EContinueCharacterSetSearch
+		};
+	enum TConversionPlugInFunctionOrdinals
+		{
+		EReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters=1,
+		EConvertFromUnicode=2,
+		EConvertToUnicode=3,
+		EIsInThisCharacterSet=4
+		};
+	CCnvCharacterSetConverter();
+	void ConstructL();
+	static CArrayFix<SCharacterSet>* DoCreateArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailableLC(RFs& aFileServerSession, TUint aIdentifierOfOnlyCharacterSetOfInterest);
+	static TCharacterSetSearch AppendHardCodedCharacterSetIfRequiredL(CArrayFix<SCharacterSet>& aArrayOfCharacterSets, TUint aIdentifierOfOnlyCharacterSetOfInterest, TUint aIdentifierOfHardCodedCharacterSet, const TDesC& aNameOfHardCodedCharacterSet);
+	void ScanForStandardNamesAndMibEnumsL(RFs& aFileServerSession);
+	void ScanForStandardNamesAndMibEnumsROMOnlyL(RFs& aFileServerSession);
+	TAvailability DoPrepareToConvertToOrFromL(TUint aCharacterSetIdentifier, const CArrayFix<SCharacterSet>* aArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailable, RFs& aFileServerSession);
+	static void DeleteConversionData(const SCnvConversionData* aConversionData);
+	static void DeleteConversionData(TAny* aConversionData);
+	static TEndianness EndiannessOfForeignCharacters(const SCnvConversionData& aConversionData, TEndianness aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters);
+	TUint iStoredFlags;
+	TUint iCharacterSetIdentifierOfLoadedConversionData; // 0 or a UID of the loaded plugin
+	const SCnvConversionData* iConversionData;
+	TEndianness iDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters;
+	TDowngradeForExoticLineTerminatingCharacters iDowngradeForExoticLineTerminatingCharacters;
+	TBuf8<KMaximumLengthOfReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters> iReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters;
+	CStandardNamesAndMibEnums* iStandardNamesAndMibEnums;
+	TBool iFullyConstructed;
+	CCharsetCnvCache* iCharsetCnvCache;
+	TBool iIsSystemStandardNamesAndMibEnumsScanned;
+	};