--- a/epoc32/include/e32cmn.inl Tue Nov 24 13:55:44 2009 +0000
+++ b/epoc32/include/e32cmn.inl Tue Mar 16 16:12:26 2010 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,7192 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1994-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\include\e32cmn.inl
+// Global placement operator new
+inline TAny* operator new(TUint /*aSize*/, TAny* aBase) __NO_THROW
+ {return aBase;}
+// Global placement operator delete
+inline void operator delete(TAny* /*aPtr*/, TAny* /*aBase*/) __NO_THROW
+ {}
+// Global placement operator new[]
+inline TAny* operator new[](TUint /*aSize*/, TAny* aBase) __NO_THROW
+ {return aBase;}
+// Global placement operator delete[]
+inline void operator delete[](TAny* /*aPtr*/, TAny* /*aBase*/) __NO_THROW
+ {}
+// class RAllocator
+inline RAllocator::RAllocator()
+ {
+ iAccessCount=1;
+ iHandleCount=0;
+ iHandles=0;
+ iFlags=0;
+ iCellCount=0;
+ iTotalAllocSize=0;
+ }
+inline void RAllocator::__DbgMarkCheck(TBool aCountAll, TInt aCount, const TUint8* aFileName, TInt aLineNum)
+ {__DbgMarkCheck(aCountAll, aCount, TPtrC8(aFileName), aLineNum);}
+// Class RHeap
+inline RHeap::RHeap()
+ {}
+@return The maximum length to which the heap can grow.
+inline TInt RHeap::MaxLength() const
+ {return iMaxLength;}
+inline void RHeap::operator delete(TAny*, TAny*)
+Called if constructor issued by operator new(TUint aSize, TAny* aBase) throws exception.
+This is dummy as corresponding new operator does not allocate memory.
+ {}
+inline TUint8* RHeap::Base() const
+Gets a pointer to the start of the heap.
+Note that because of the small space overhead incurred by all allocated cells,
+no cell will have the same address as that returned by this function.
+@return A pointer to the base of the heap.
+ {return iBase;}
+inline TInt RHeap::Size() const
+Gets the current size of the heap.
+This is the total number of bytes committed by the host chunk.
+It is the requested size rounded up by page size minus the size of RHeap object(116 bytes)
+minus the cell alignment overhead as shown:
+Size = (Rounded committed size - Size of RHeap - Cell Alignment Overhead).
+The cell alignment overhead varies between release builds and debug builds.
+Note that this value is always greater than the total space available across all allocated cells.
+@return The size of the heap.
+@see Rheap::Available( )
+ {return iTop-iBase;}
+inline TInt RHeap::Align(TInt a) const
+ {return _ALIGN_UP(a, iAlign);}
+inline const TAny* RHeap::Align(const TAny* a) const
+ {return (const TAny*)_ALIGN_UP((TLinAddr)a, iAlign);}
+inline TBool RHeap::IsLastCell(const SCell* aCell) const
+ {return (((TUint8*)aCell) + aCell->len) == iTop;}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+inline void RHeap::Lock() const
+ {((RFastLock&)iLock).Wait();}
+inline void RHeap::Unlock() const
+ {((RFastLock&)iLock).Signal();}
+inline TInt RHeap::ChunkHandle() const
+ {
+ return iChunkHandle;
+ }
+// Class TRefByValue
+template <class T>
+inline TRefByValue<T>::TRefByValue(T &aRef)
+ : iRef(aRef)
+Constructs this value reference for the specified referenced object.
+@param aRef The referenced object.
+ {}
+template <class T>
+inline TRefByValue<T>::operator T &()
+Gets a reference to the object encapsulated inside this value reference.
+ {return(iRef);}
+Creates the logical channel.
+@param aDevice The name of the logical device for which the channel
+ is to be constructed. This is the name by which
+ the LDD factory object, i.e. the instance of
+ the DLogicalDevice derived class, is known.
+@param aVer The required version of the logical device. The driver
+ normally checks this against the version of the logical
+ channel, returning KErrNotSupported if the logical channel
+ is not compatible.
+@param aUnit A unit of the device. This argument only has meaning if
+ the flag KDeviceAllowUnit is set in the iParseMask data
+ member of the LDD factory object.
+@param aDriver A pointer to a descriptor containing the name of
+ a physical device. This is the name by which the PDD
+ factory object, i.e. the instance of the DPhysicalDevice
+ derived class, is known.
+ This is NULL, if no explicit name is to be supplied, or
+ the logical device does not require an accompanying physical
+ device.
+@param aInfo A pointer to an explicit 8-bit descriptor containing extra
+ information for the physical device. This argument only has
+ meaning if the KDeviceAllowInfo flag is set in the iParseMask
+ data member of the LDD factory object.
+@param aType An enumeration whose enumerators define the ownership of
+ this handle. If not explicitly specified, EOwnerProcess is
+ taken as default.
+@param aTransferable If false, the channel is created as an object which is
+ local/private to the current process.
+ If true, the channel is an object which may be shared with
+ other processes using the IPC mechanisms for handle passing.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system wide
+ error codes.
+inline TInt RBusLogicalChannel::DoCreate(const TDesC& aDevice, const TVersion& aVer, TInt aUnit, const TDesC* aDriver, const TDesC8* aInfo, TOwnerType aType, TBool aTransferable)
+ { return DoCreate(aDevice, aVer, aUnit, aDriver, aInfo, (TInt)aType | (aTransferable?KCreateProtectedObject:0) ); }
+// Class TChar
+inline TChar::TChar()
+Default constructor.
+Constructs this character object with an undefined value.
+ {}
+inline TChar::TChar(TUint aChar)
+ : iChar(aChar)
+Constructs this character object and initialises it with the specified value.
+@param aChar The initialisation value.
+ {}
+inline TChar& TChar::operator-=(TUint aChar)
+Subtracts an unsigned integer value from this character object.
+This character object is changed by the operation.
+@param aChar The value to be subtracted.
+@return A reference to this character object.
+ {iChar-=aChar;return(*this);}
+inline TChar& TChar::operator+=(TUint aChar)
+Adds an unsigned integer value to this character object.
+This character object is changed by the operation.
+@param aChar The value to be added.
+@return A reference to this character object.
+ {iChar+=aChar;return(*this);}
+inline TChar TChar::operator-(TUint aChar)
+Gets the result of subtracting an unsigned integer value from this character
+This character object is not changed.
+@param aChar The value to be subtracted.
+@return A character object whose value is the result of the subtraction
+ operation.
+ {return(iChar-aChar);}
+inline TChar TChar::operator+(TUint aChar)
+Gets the result of adding an unsigned integer value to this character object.
+This character object is not changed.
+@param aChar The value to be added.
+@return A character object whose value is the result of the addition operation.
+ {return(iChar+aChar);}
+inline TChar::operator TUint() const
+Gets the value of the character as an unsigned integer.
+The operator casts a TChar to a TUint, returning the TUint value wrapped by
+this character object.
+ {return(iChar);}
+// Class TDesC8
+inline TBool TDesC8::operator<(const TDesC8 &aDes) const
+Determines whether this descriptor's data is less than the specified
+descriptor's data.
+The comparison is implemented using the Compare() member function.
+@param aDes The 8-bit non-modifable descriptor whose data is to be compared
+ with this descriptor's data.
+@return True if greater than or equal, false otherwise.
+@see TDesC8::Compare
+ {return(Compare(aDes)<0);}
+inline TBool TDesC8::operator<=(const TDesC8 &aDes) const
+Determines whether this descriptor's data is less than or equal to the
+specified descriptor's data.
+The comparison is implemented using the Compare() member function.
+@param aDes The 8-bit non-modifable descriptor whose data is to be compared
+ with this descriptor's data.
+@return True if less than or equal, false otherwise.
+@see TDesC8::Compare
+ {return(Compare(aDes)<=0);}
+inline TBool TDesC8::operator>(const TDesC8 &aDes) const
+Determines whether this descriptor's data is greater than the specified
+descriptor's data.
+The comparison is implemented using the Compare() member function.
+@param aDes The 8-bit non-modifable descriptor whose data is to be compared
+ with this descriptor's data.
+@return True if greater than, false otherwise.
+@see TDesC8::Compare
+ {return(Compare(aDes)>0);}
+inline TBool TDesC8::operator>=(const TDesC8 &aDes) const
+Determines whether this descriptor's data is greater than or equal to the
+specified descriptor's data.
+The comparison is implemented using the Compare() member function.
+@param aDes The 8-bit non-modifable descriptor whose data is to be compared
+ with this descriptor's data.
+@return True if greater than, false otherwise.
+@see TDesC8::Compare
+ {return(Compare(aDes)>=0);}
+inline TBool TDesC8::operator==(const TDesC8 &aDes) const
+Determines whether this descriptor's data is equal to the specified
+descriptor's data.
+The comparison is implemented using the Compare() member function.
+@param aDes The 8-bit non-modifable descriptor whose data is to be compared
+ with this descriptor's data.
+@return True if equal, false otherwise.
+@see TDesC8::Compare
+ {return(Compare(aDes)==0);}
+inline TBool TDesC8::operator!=(const TDesC8 &aDes) const
+Determines whether this descriptor's data is not equal to the specified
+descriptor's data.
+The comparison is implemented using the Compare() member function.
+@param aDes The 8-bit non-modifable descriptor whose data is to be compared
+ with this descriptor's data.
+@return True if not equal, false otherwise.
+@see TDesC8::Compare
+ {return(Compare(aDes)!=0);}
+inline const TUint8 &TDesC8::operator[](TInt anIndex) const
+Gets a reference to a single data item within this descriptor's data.
+@param anIndex The position of the individual data item within the descriptor's
+ data. This is an offset value; a zero value refers to the
+ leftmost data position.
+@return A reference to the data item.
+@panic USER 21, if anIndex is negative or greater than or equal to the current
+ length of the descriptor.
+ {return(AtC(anIndex));}
+inline TInt TDesC8::Length() const
+Gets the length of the data.
+This is the number of 8-bit values or data items represented by the descriptor.
+@return The length of the data represented by the descriptor.
+ {return(iLength&KMaskDesLength8);}
+inline TInt TDesC8::Size() const
+Gets the size of the data.
+This is the number of bytes occupied by the data represented by the descriptor.
+@return The size of the data represented by the descriptor.
+ {return(Length());}
+inline void TDesC8::DoSetLength(TInt aLength)
+ {iLength=(iLength&(~KMaskDesLength8))|aLength;}
+// Class TPtrC8
+inline void TPtrC8::Set(const TUint8 *aBuf,TInt aLength)
+Sets the 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the specified
+location in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.
+The length of the descriptor is set to the specified length.
+@param aBuf A pointer to the location that the descriptor is to represent.
+@param aLength The length of the descriptor. This value must be non-negative.
+@panic USER 29, if aLength is negative.
+ {new(this) TPtrC8(aBuf,aLength);}
+inline void TPtrC8::Set(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Sets the 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor from the specified descriptor.
+It is set to point to the same data and is given the same length.
+@param aDes A reference to an 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+ {new(this) TPtrC8(aDes);}
+inline void TPtrC8::Set(const TPtrC8& aPtr)
+Sets the 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor from the specified
+non-modifiable pointer descriptor.
+It is set to point to the same data and is given the same length.
+@param aPtr A reference to an 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor.
+ {new(this) TPtrC8(aPtr);}
+// class TBufCBase8
+inline TPtr8 TBufCBase8::DoDes(TInt aMaxLength)
+ {return TPtr8(*this,aMaxLength);}
+// Template class TBufC8
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC8<S>::TBufC8()
+ : TBufCBase8()
+Constructs an empty 8-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
+It contains no data.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area which
+is created as part of the buffer descriptor object.
+Data can, subsequently, be assigned into this buffer descriptor using the
+assignment operators.
+@see TBufC8::operator=
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC8<S>::TBufC8(const TUint8 *aString)
+ : TBufCBase8(aString,S)
+Constructs the 8-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor from a zero terminated
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area which
+is created as part of this object.
+The string, excluding the zero terminator, is copied into this buffer descriptor's
+data area. The length of this buffer descriptor is set to the length of the
+string, excluding the zero terminator.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero terminated string.
+@panic USER 20, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator, is
+ greater than the value of the integer template parameter.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC8<S>::TBufC8(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+ : TBufCBase8(aDes,S)
+Constructs the 8-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor from any
+existing descriptor.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area which
+is created as part of this object.
+Data is copied from the source descriptor into this buffer descriptor and
+the length of this buffer descriptor is set to the length of the
+source descriptor.
+@param aDes The source 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@panic USER 20, if the length of the source descriptor is
+ greater than the value of the integer template parameter.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC8<S> &TBufC8<S>::operator=(const TUint8 *aString)
+Copies data into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero-terminated string.
+@return A reference to this descriptor.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator, is
+ greater than the maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aString,S);return(*this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC8<S> &TBufC8<S>::operator=(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Copies data into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes An 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@return A reference to this descriptor.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the descriptor aDes is
+ greater than the maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes,S);return(*this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TPtr8 TBufC8<S>::Des()
+Creates and returns an 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor for the data
+represented by this 8-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
+The content of a non-modifiable buffer descriptor normally cannot be altered,
+other than by complete replacement of the data. Creating a modifiable pointer
+descriptor provides a way of changing the data.
+The modifiable pointer descriptor is set to point to this non-modifiable buffer
+descriptor's data.
+The length of the modifiable pointer descriptor is set to the length of this
+non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
+The maximum length of the modifiable pointer descriptor is set to the value
+of the integer template parameter.
+When data is modified through this new pointer descriptor, the lengths of
+both it and this constant buffer descriptor are changed.
+@return An 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor representing the data in this
+ 8-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
+ {return DoDes(S);}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+// Class HBufC8
+inline HBufC8 &HBufC8::operator=(const HBufC8 &aLcb)
+Copies data into this 8-bit heap descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+Note that the maximum length of this (target) descriptor is the length
+of the descriptor buffer in the allocated host heap cell; this may be greater
+than the maximum length specified when this descriptor was created or
+last re-allocated.
+@param aLcb The source 8-bit heap descriptor.
+@return A reference to this 8-bit heap descriptor.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the descriptor aLcb is greater than the
+ maximum length of this (target) descriptor
+ {return *this=static_cast<const TDesC8&>(aLcb);}
+// Class RBuf8
+inline RBuf8& RBuf8::operator=(const TUint8* aString)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero-terminated string.
+@return A reference to this, the target descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator, is
+ greater than the maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aString);return(*this);}
+inline RBuf8& RBuf8::operator=(const TDesC8& aDes)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes An 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@return A reference to this, the target descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the descriptor aDes is greater than the
+ maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes);return(*this);}
+inline RBuf8& RBuf8::operator=(const RBuf8& aDes)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes A 8-bit buffer descriptor.
+@return A reference to this, the target descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the descriptor aDes is greater than the
+ maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes);return(*this);}
+Creates an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor that has been initialised with
+data from the specified read stream; leaves on failure.
+Data is assigned to the new descriptor from the specified stream.
+This variant assumes that the stream contains the length of the data followed
+by the data itself.
+The function is implemented by calling the HBufC8::NewL(RReadStream&,TInt)
+variant and then assigning the resulting heap descriptor using
+the RBuf8::Assign(HBufC8*) variant. The comments that describe
+the HBufC8::NewL() variant also apply to this RBuf8::CreateL() function.
+The function may leave with one of the system-wide error codes, specifically
+KErrOverflow, if the length of the data as read from the stream is greater than
+the upper limit as specified by the aMaxLength parameter.
+@param aStream The stream from which the data length and the data to be
+ assigned to the new descriptor, are taken.
+@param aMaxLength The upper limit on the length of data that the descriptor is
+ to represent. The value of this parameter must be non-negative
+ otherwise the underlying function will panic.
+inline void RBuf8::CreateL(RReadStream &aStream,TInt aMaxLength)
+ {
+ Assign(HBufC8::NewL(aStream,aMaxLength));
+ }
+// Class TDes8
+inline TDes8 &TDes8::operator=(const TUint8 *aString)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero-terminated string.
+@return A reference to this, the target descriptor.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator, is
+ greater than the maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aString);return(*this);}
+inline TDes8 &TDes8::operator=(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes An 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@return A reference to this, the target descriptor.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the descriptor aDes is greater than the
+ maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes);return(*this);}
+inline TDes8 &TDes8::operator=(const TDes8 &aDes)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes An 8-bit modifiable descriptor.
+@return A reference to this, the target descriptor.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the descriptor aDes is greater than the
+ maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes);return(*this);}
+inline TDes8 &TDes8::operator+=(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data and returns a reference
+to this descriptor.
+The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.
+@param aDes An-8 bit non-modifiable descriptor whose data is to be appended.
+@return A reference to this descriptor.
+@panic USER 23, if the resulting length of this descriptor is greater than its
+ maximum length.
+ {Append(aDes);return(*this);}
+inline const TUint8 &TDes8::operator[](TInt anIndex) const
+Gets a const reference to a single data item within this descriptor's data.
+@param anIndex The position of the data item within this descriptor's data.
+ This is an offset value; a zero value refers to the leftmost
+ data position.
+@return A const reference to the data item at the specified position.
+@panic USER 21, if anIndex is negative or is greater than or equal to the
+ current length of this descriptor.
+ {return(AtC(anIndex));}
+inline TUint8 &TDes8::operator[](TInt anIndex)
+Gets a non-const reference to a single data item within this descriptor's
+@param anIndex The position of the data item within this descriptor's data.
+ This is an offset value; a zero value refers to the leftmost
+ data position.
+@return A non-const reference to the data item at the specified position.
+@panic USER 21, if anIndex is negative or is greater than or equal to the
+ current length of this descriptor.
+ {return((TUint8 &)AtC(anIndex));}
+inline TInt TDes8::MaxLength() const
+Gets the maximum length of the descriptor.
+This is the upper limit for the number of 8-bit values or data items that
+the descriptor can represent.
+@return The maximum length of data that the descriptor can represent.
+ {return(iMaxLength);}
+inline TInt TDes8::MaxSize() const
+Gets the maximum size of the descriptor.
+This is the upper limit for the number of bytes which the data represented by
+the descriptor can occupy.
+@return The maximum size of the descriptor data.
+ {return(iMaxLength);}
+inline TUint8 * TDes8::WPtr() const
+ {return((TUint8 *)Ptr());}
+// Class TPtr8
+inline TPtr8 &TPtr8::operator=(const TUint8 *aString)
+Copies data into this 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor replacing any
+existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero-terminated string.
+@return A reference to this 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator, is
+ greater than the maximum length of this descriptor.
+ {Copy(aString);return(*this);}
+inline TPtr8 &TPtr8::operator=(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Copies data into this 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor replacing any
+existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes An 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor whose data is to be copied
+ into this descriptor.
+@return A reference to this 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of aDes is greater than the maximum
+ length of this descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes);return(*this);}
+inline TPtr8 &TPtr8::operator=(const TPtr8 &aDes)
+Copies data into this 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor replacing any
+existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes An 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor whose data is to be copied
+ into this descriptor.
+@return A reference to this 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of aDes is greater than the maximum
+ length of this descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes);return(*this);}
+inline void TPtr8::Set(TUint8 *aBuf,TInt aLength,TInt aMaxLength)
+Sets the 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the specified location
+in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.
+The length of the descriptor and its maximum length are set to the specified
+@param aBuf A pointer to the location that the descriptor is to represent.
+@param aLength The length of the descriptor.
+@param aMaxLength The maximum length of the descriptor.
+@panic USER 20, if aLength is negative or is greater than the maximum length of
+ this descriptor.
+@panic USER 30, if aMaxLength is negative.
+ {new(this) TPtr8(aBuf,aLength,aMaxLength);}
+inline void TPtr8::Set(const TPtr8 &aPtr)
+Sets the 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor from an existing 8-bit modifiable
+pointer descriptor.
+It is set to point to the same data, is given the same length and the same
+maximum length as the source pointer descriptor.
+@param aPtr The source 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor.
+ {new(this) TPtr8(aPtr);}
+// Template class TBuf8
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf8<S>::TBuf8()
+ : TBufBase8(S)
+Constructs an empty 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor.
+It contains no data.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area that is created
+as part of the object, and defines the descriptor's maximum length.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf8<S>::TBuf8(TInt aLength)
+ : TBufBase8(aLength,S)
+Constructs an empty 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor and sets the its length
+to the specified value.
+No data is assigned to the descriptor.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area that is created
+as part of the object, and defines the descriptor's maximum length.
+@param aLength The length of this modifiable buffer descriptor.
+@panic USER 20, if aLength is negative or is greater than the
+ value of the integer template parameter.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf8<S>::TBuf8(const TUint8 *aString)
+ : TBufBase8(aString,S)
+Constructs the 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor from a
+zero terminated string.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area that
+is created as part of the object, and defines the descriptor's maximum length.
+The string, excluding the zero terminator, is copied into this buffer
+descriptor's data area. The length of this buffer descriptor is set to the
+length of the string, excluding the zero terminator.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero terminated string.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator,
+ is greater than the value of the integer template parameter.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf8<S>::TBuf8(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+ : TBufBase8(aDes,S)
+Constructs the 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor from any existing
+8-bit descriptor.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area created
+as part of this object and defines the descriptor's maximum length.
+Data is copied from the source descriptor into this modifiable buffer
+descriptor and the length of this modifiable buffer descriptor is set to
+the length of the source descriptor.
+@param aDes The source 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the source descriptor is greater than the
+ value of the integer template parameter.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf8<S> &TBuf8<S>::operator=(const TUint8 *aString)
+Copies data into this 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor, replacing any
+existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero-terminated string.
+@return A reference to this 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator,
+ is greater than the maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aString);return(*this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf8<S> &TBuf8<S>::operator=(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Copies data into this 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor, replacing any
+existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes An 8 bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@return A reference to this 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the descriptor aDes is greater than the
+ maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes);return(*this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf8<S>& TBuf8<S>::operator=(const TBuf8<S>& aBuf)
+Copies data into this 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor replacing any
+existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aBuf The source 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor with the same
+ template value.
+@return A reference to this 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor.
+ {Copy(aBuf);return *this;}
+// Template class TAlignedBuf8
+template <TInt S>
+inline TAlignedBuf8<S>::TAlignedBuf8()
+ : TBufBase8(S)
+Constructs an empty 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor.
+It contains no data.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area that is created
+as part of the object, and defines the descriptor's maximum length.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TAlignedBuf8<S>::TAlignedBuf8(TInt aLength)
+ : TBufBase8(aLength,S)
+Constructs an empty 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor and sets the its length
+to the specified value.
+No data is assigned to the descriptor.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area that is created
+as part of the object, and defines the descriptor's maximum length.
+@param aLength The length of this modifiable buffer descriptor.
+@panic USER 20, if aLength is negative or is greater than the
+ value of the integer template parameter.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TAlignedBuf8<S>::TAlignedBuf8(const TUint8 *aString)
+ : TBufBase8(aString,S)
+Constructs the 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor from a
+zero terminated string.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area that
+is created as part of the object, and defines the descriptor's maximum length.
+The string, excluding the zero terminator, is copied into this buffer
+descriptor's data area. The length of this buffer descriptor is set to the
+length of the string, excluding the zero terminator.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero terminated string.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator,
+ is greater than the value of the integer template parameter.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TAlignedBuf8<S>::TAlignedBuf8(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+ : TBufBase8(aDes,S)
+Constructs the 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor from any existing
+8-bit descriptor.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area created
+as part of this object and defines the descriptor's maximum length.
+Data is copied from the source descriptor into this modifiable buffer
+descriptor and the length of this modifiable buffer descriptor is set to
+the length of the source descriptor.
+@param aDes The source 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the source descriptor is greater than the
+ value of the integer template parameter.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TAlignedBuf8<S> &TAlignedBuf8<S>::operator=(const TUint8 *aString)
+Copies data into this 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor, replacing any
+existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero-terminated string.
+@return A reference to this 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator,
+ is greater than the maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aString);return(*this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TAlignedBuf8<S> &TAlignedBuf8<S>::operator=(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Copies data into this 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor, replacing any
+existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes An 8 bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@return A reference to this 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the descriptor aDes is greater than the
+ maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes);return(*this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TAlignedBuf8<S>& TAlignedBuf8<S>::operator=(const TAlignedBuf8<S>& aBuf)
+Copies data into this 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor replacing any
+existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aBuf The source 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor with the same
+ template value.
+@return A reference to this 8-bit modifiable buffer descriptor.
+ {Copy(aBuf);return *this;}
+// Template class TLitC8
+template <TInt S>
+inline const TDesC8* TLitC8<S>::operator&() const
+Returns a const TDesC8 type pointer.
+@return A descriptor type pointer to this literal.
+ {return REINTERPRET_CAST(const TDesC8*,this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline const TDesC8& TLitC8<S>::operator()() const
+Returns a const TDesC8 type reference.
+@return A descriptor type reference to this literal
+ {return *operator&();}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TLitC8<S>::operator const TDesC8&() const
+Invoked by the compiler when a TLitC8<TInt> type is passed to a function
+which is prototyped to take a const TDesC8& type.
+ {return *operator&();}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TLitC8<S>::operator const __TRefDesC8() const
+Invoked by the compiler when a TLitC8<TInt> type is passed to a function
+which is prototyped to take a const TRefByValue<const TDesC8> type.
+@see __TRefDesC8
+ {return *operator&();}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+// Class TDesC16
+inline TBool TDesC16::operator<(const TDesC16 &aDes) const
+Determines whether this descriptor's data is less than the specified descriptor's
+The comparison is implemented using the Compare() member function.
+@param aDes The 16-bit non-modifable descriptor whose data is to be compared
+ with this descriptor's data.
+@return True if less than, false otherwise.
+@see TDesC16::Compare
+ {return(Compare(aDes)<0);}
+inline TBool TDesC16::operator<=(const TDesC16 &aDes) const
+Determines whether this descriptor's data is less than or equal
+to the specified descriptor's data.
+The comparison is implemented using the Compare() member function.
+@param aDes The 16-bit non- modifiable descriptor whose data is to be compared
+ with this descriptor's data.
+@return True if less than or equal, false otherwise.
+@see TDesC16::Compare
+ {return(Compare(aDes)<=0);}
+inline TBool TDesC16::operator>(const TDesC16 &aDes) const
+Determines whether this descriptor's data is greater than the specified
+descriptor's data.
+The comparison is implemented using the Compare() member function.
+@param aDes The 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor whose data is to be compared
+ with this descriptor's data.
+@return True if greater than, false otherwise.
+@see TDesC16::Compare
+ {return(Compare(aDes)>0);}
+inline TBool TDesC16::operator>=(const TDesC16 &aDes) const
+Determines whether this descriptor's data is greater than or equal to the
+specified descriptor's data.
+The comparison is implemented using the Compare() member function.
+@param aDes The 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor whose data is to be compared
+ with this descriptor's data.
+@return True if greater than or equal, false otherwise.
+@see TDesC16::Compare
+ {return(Compare(aDes)>=0);}
+inline TBool TDesC16::operator==(const TDesC16 &aDes) const
+Determines whether this descriptor's data is equal to the specified
+descriptor's data.
+The comparison is implemented using the Compare() member function.
+@param aDes The 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor whose data is to be compared
+ with this descriptor's data.
+@return True if equal, false otherwise.
+@see TDesC16::Compare
+ {return(Compare(aDes)==0);}
+inline TBool TDesC16::operator!=(const TDesC16 &aDes) const
+Determines whether this descriptor's data is not equal to the specified
+descriptor's data.
+The comparison is implemented using the Compare() member function.
+@param aDes The 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor whose data is to be compared
+ with this descriptor's data.
+@return True if not equal, false otherwise.
+@see TDesC16::Compare
+ {return(Compare(aDes)!=0);}
+inline const TUint16 &TDesC16::operator[](TInt anIndex) const
+Gets a reference to a single data item within this descriptor's data.
+@param anIndex The position of the individual data item within the descriptor's
+ data. This is an offset value; a zero value refers to the
+ leftmost data position.
+@return A reference to the data item.
+@panic USER 9, if anIndex is negative or greater than or equal to the current
+ length of the descriptor.
+ {return(AtC(anIndex));}
+inline TInt TDesC16::Length() const
+Gets the length of the data.
+This is the number of 16-bit values or data items represented by the descriptor.
+@return The length of the data represented by the descriptor.
+ {return(iLength&KMaskDesLength16);}
+inline TInt TDesC16::Size() const
+Gets the size of the data.
+This is the number of bytes occupied by the data represented by the descriptor.
+@return The size of the data represented by the descriptor. This is always
+ twice the length.
+ */
+ {return(Length()<<1);}
+inline void TDesC16::DoSetLength(TInt aLength)
+ {iLength=(iLength&(~KMaskDesLength16))|aLength;}
+// Class TPtrC16
+inline void TPtrC16::Set(const TUint16 *aBuf,TInt aLength)
+Sets the 16-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the specified
+location in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.
+The length of the descriptor is set to the specified length.
+@param aBuf A pointer to the location that the descriptor is to represent.
+@param aLength The length of the descriptor. This value must be non-negative
+@panic USER 17, if aLength is negative.
+ {new(this) TPtrC16(aBuf,aLength);}
+inline void TPtrC16::Set(const TDesC16 &aDes)
+Sets the 16-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor from the specified descriptor.
+It is set to point to the same data and is given the same length.
+@param aDes A reference to a 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor
+ {new(this) TPtrC16(aDes);}
+inline void TPtrC16::Set(const TPtrC16& aPtr)
+ {new(this) TPtrC16(aPtr);}
+// class TBufCBase16
+inline TPtr16 TBufCBase16::DoDes(TInt aMaxLength)
+ {return TPtr16(*this,aMaxLength);}
+// Template class TBufC16
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC16<S>::TBufC16()
+ : TBufCBase16()
+Constructs an empty 16-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
+It contains no data.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area which
+is created as part of the buffer descriptor object.
+Data can, subsequently, be assigned into this buffer descriptor using the
+assignment operators.
+@see TBufC16::operator=
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC16<S>::TBufC16(const TUint16 *aString)
+ : TBufCBase16(aString,S)
+Constructs the 16-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor from a zero terminated
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area which
+is created as part of this object.
+The string, excluding the zero terminator, is copied into this buffer descriptor's
+data area. The length of this buffer descriptor is set to the length of the
+string, excluding the zero terminator.
+@panic USER 8, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator, is
+ greater than the value of the integer template parameter.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero terminated string.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC16<S>::TBufC16(const TDesC16 &aDes)
+ : TBufCBase16(aDes,S)
+Constructs the 16-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor from any
+existing descriptor.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area which
+is created as part of this object.
+Data is copied from the source descriptor into this buffer descriptor and
+the length of this buffer descriptor is set to the length of the
+source descriptor.
+@param aDes The source 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@panic USER 8, if the length of the source descriptor is
+ greater than the value of the integer template parameter.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC16<S> &TBufC16<S>::operator=(const TUint16 *aString)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero-terminated string.
+@return A reference to this descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator, is
+ greater than the maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aString,S);return(*this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC16<S> &TBufC16<S>::operator=(const TDesC16 &aDes)
+Copies data into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes A 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the descriptor aDes is
+ greater than the maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+@return A reference to this descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes,S);return(*this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TPtr16 TBufC16<S>::Des()
+Creates and returns a 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor for the data
+represented by this 16-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
+The content of a non-modifiable buffer descriptor normally cannot be altered,
+other than by complete replacement of the data. Creating a modifiable pointer
+descriptor provides a way of changing the data.
+The modifiable pointer descriptor is set to point to this non-modifiable buffer
+descriptor's data.
+The length of the modifiable pointer descriptor is set to the length of this
+non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
+The maximum length of the modifiable pointer descriptor is set to the value
+of the integer template parameter.
+When data is modified through this new pointer descriptor, the lengths of
+both it and this constant buffer descriptor are changed.
+@return A 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor representing the data in this
+ 16-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
+ {return(DoDes(S));}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+// Class HBufC16
+inline HBufC16 &HBufC16::operator=(const HBufC16 &aLcb)
+Copies data into this 16-bit heap descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+Note that the maximum length of this (target) descriptor is the length
+of the descriptor buffer in the allocated host heap cell; this may be greater
+than the maximum length specified when this descriptor was created or
+last re-allocated.
+@param aLcb The source 16-bit heap descriptor.
+@return A reference to this 16-bit heap descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the descriptor aLcb is greater than the
+ maximum length of this (target) descriptor
+ {return *this=static_cast<const TDesC16&>(aLcb);}
+// Class TDes16
+inline TDes16 &TDes16::operator=(const TUint16 *aString)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero-terminated string.
+@return A reference to this, the target descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator, is
+ greater than the maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aString);return(*this);}
+inline TDes16 &TDes16::operator=(const TDesC16 &aDes)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes A 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@return A reference to this, the target descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the descriptor aDes is greater than the
+ maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes);return(*this);}
+inline TDes16 &TDes16::operator=(const TDes16 &aDes)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes A 16-bit modifiable descriptor.
+@return A reference to this, the target descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the descriptor aDes is greater than the
+ maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes);return(*this);}
+inline TDes16 &TDes16::operator+=(const TDesC16 &aDes)
+Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data and returns a reference
+to this descriptor.
+The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.
+@param aDes A 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor whose data is to be appended.
+@return A reference to this descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the resulting length of this descriptor is greater than its
+ maximum length.
+ {Append(aDes);return(*this);}
+inline const TUint16 &TDes16::operator[](TInt anIndex) const
+Gets a const reference to a single data item within this descriptor's data.
+@param anIndex The position the data item within this descriptor's data. This
+is an offset value; a zero value refers to the leftmost data position.
+@return A const reference to the data item at the specified position.
+@panic USER 9, if anIndex is negative or is greater than or equal to the
+ current length of this descriptor.
+ {return(AtC(anIndex));}
+inline TUint16 &TDes16::operator[](TInt anIndex)
+Gets a non-const reference to a single data item within this descriptor's
+@param anIndex The position of the data item within this descriptor's data.
+ This is an offset value; a zero value refers to the leftmost
+ data position.
+@return A non-const reference to the data item at the specified position.
+@panic USER 9, if anIndex is negative or is greater than or equal to the
+ current length of this descriptor.
+ {return((TUint16 &)AtC(anIndex));}
+inline TInt TDes16::MaxLength() const
+Gets the maximum length of the descriptor.
+This is the upper limit for the number of 16-bit values or data items that
+the descriptor can represent.
+@return The maximum length of data that the descriptor can represent.
+ {return(iMaxLength);}
+inline TInt TDes16::MaxSize() const
+Gets the maximum size of the descriptor.
+This is the upper limit for the number of bytes which the data represented by
+the descriptor can occupy.
+@return The maximum size of the descriptor data.
+ {return(iMaxLength<<1);}
+inline TUint16 * TDes16::WPtr() const
+ {return((TUint16 *)Ptr());}
+// Class TPtr16
+inline TPtr16 &TPtr16::operator=(const TUint16 *aString)
+Copies data into this 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor replacing
+any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero-terminated string.
+@return A reference to this 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator, is
+ greater than the maximum length of this descriptor.
+ {Copy(aString);return(*this);}
+inline TPtr16 &TPtr16::operator=(const TDesC16 &aDes)
+Copies data into this 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor replacing any
+existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes A 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor whose data is to be copied
+ into this descriptor.
+@return A reference to this 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of aDes is greater than the maximum
+ length of this descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes);return(*this);}
+inline TPtr16 &TPtr16::operator=(const TPtr16 &aDes)
+Copies data into this 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor replacing any
+existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes A 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor whose data is to be copied
+ into this descriptor.
+@return A reference to this 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of aDes is greater than the maximum
+ length of this descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes);return(*this);}
+inline void TPtr16::Set(TUint16 *aBuf,TInt aLength,TInt aMaxLength)
+Sets the 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the specified location
+in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.
+The length of the descriptor and its maximum length are set to the specified
+@param aBuf A pointer to the location that the descriptor is to represent.
+@param aLength The length of the descriptor.
+@param aMaxLength The maximum length of the descriptor.
+@panic USER 8, if aLength is negative or is greater than the maximum length of
+ this descriptor.
+@panic USER 18, if aMaxLength is negative.
+ {new(this) TPtr16(aBuf,aLength,aMaxLength);}
+inline void TPtr16::Set(const TPtr16 &aPtr)
+Sets the 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor from an existing
+16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor.
+It is set to point to the same data, is given the same length and the same
+maximum length as the source pointer descriptor.
+@param aPtr The source 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor.
+ {new(this) TPtr16(aPtr);}
+// Template class TBuf16
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf16<S>::TBuf16()
+ : TBufBase16(S)
+Constructs an empty 16-bit modifiable buffer descriptor.
+It contains no data.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area created
+as part of the object and defines the descriptor's maximum length.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf16<S>::TBuf16(TInt aLength)
+ : TBufBase16(aLength,S)
+Constructs an empty 16-bit modifiable buffer descriptor and sets the its length
+to the specified value.
+No data is assigned to the descriptor.
+The integer template parameter defines the size of the data area created as
+part of the object and defines the descriptor's maximum length.
+@param aLength The length of this modifiable buffer descriptor.
+@panic USER 8, if aLength is negative or is greater than the
+ value of the integer template parameter.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf16<S>::TBuf16(const TUint16 *aString)
+ : TBufBase16(aString,S)
+Constructs the 16-bit modifiable buffer descriptor from
+a zero terminated string.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area that is
+created as part of this object, and defines the descriptor's maximum length.
+The string, excluding the zero terminator, is copied into this buffer
+descriptor's data area. The length of this buffer descriptor is set to the
+length of the string, excluding the zero terminator.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero terminated string.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator,
+ is greater than the value of the integer template parameter.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf16<S>::TBuf16(const TDesC16 &aDes)
+ : TBufBase16(aDes,S)
+Constructs the 16-bit modifiable buffer descriptor from any existing
+16-bit descriptor.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area created
+as part of this object and defines the descriptor's maximum length.
+Data is copied from the source descriptor into this modifiable buffer descriptor
+and the length of this modifiable buffer descriptor is set to the length of
+the source descriptor.
+@param aDes The source 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the source descriptor is greater than the
+ value of the integer template parameter.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf16<S> &TBuf16<S>::operator=(const TUint16 *aString)
+Copies data into this 16-bit modifiable buffer descriptor, replacing any
+existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero-terminated string.
+@return A reference to this descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator,
+ is greater than the maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aString);return(*this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf16<S> &TBuf16<S>::operator=(const TDesC16 &aDes)
+Copies data into this 16-bit modifiable descriptor, replacing any
+existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes A 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@return A reference to this descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the descriptor aDes is greater than the
+ maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes);return(*this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf16<S>& TBuf16<S>::operator=(const TBuf16<S>& aBuf)
+Copies data into this 16-bit modifiable buffer descriptor replacing any
+existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aBuf The source 16-bit modifiable buffer descriptor with the same
+ template value.
+@return A reference to this 16-bit modifiable buffer descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the descriptor aDes is greater than the
+ maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aBuf);return *this;}
+// Class RBuf16
+inline RBuf16& RBuf16::operator=(const TUint16* aString)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero-terminated string.
+@return A reference to this, the target descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator, is
+ greater than the maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aString);return(*this);}
+inline RBuf16& RBuf16::operator=(const TDesC16& aDes)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes A 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@return A reference to this, the target descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the descriptor aDes is greater than the
+ maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes);return(*this);}
+inline RBuf16& RBuf16::operator=(const RBuf16& aDes)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes A 16-bit buffer descriptor.
+@return A reference to this, the target descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the descriptor aDes is greater than the
+ maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+ {Copy(aDes);return(*this);}
+Creates a 16-bit resizable buffer descriptor that has been initialised with
+data from the specified read stream; leaves on failure.
+Data is assigned to the new descriptor from the specified stream.
+This variant assumes that the stream contains the length of the data followed
+by the data itself.
+The function is implemented by calling the HBufC16::NewL(RReadStream&,TInt)
+variant and then assigning the resulting heap descriptor using
+the RBuf16::Assign(HBufC16*) variant. The comments that describe
+the HBufC16::NewL() variant also apply to this RBuf16::CreateL() function.
+The function may leave with one of the system-wide error codes, specifically
+KErrOverflow, if the length of the data as read from the stream is greater than
+the upper limit as specified by the aMaxLength parameter.
+@param aStream The stream from which the data length and the data to be
+ assigned to the new descriptor, are taken.
+@param aMaxLength The upper limit on the length of data that the descriptor is
+ to represent. The value of this parameter must be non-negative
+ otherwise the underlying function will panic.
+inline void RBuf16::CreateL(RReadStream &aStream,TInt aMaxLength)
+ {
+ Assign(HBufC16::NewL(aStream,aMaxLength));
+ }
+// Template class TLitC16
+template <TInt S>
+inline const TDesC16* TLitC16<S>::operator&() const
+Returns a const TDesC16 type pointer.
+@return A descriptor type pointer to this literal.
+ {return REINTERPRET_CAST(const TDesC16*,this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline const TDesC16& TLitC16<S>::operator()() const
+Returns a const TDesC16 type reference.
+@return A descriptor type reference to this literal
+ {return *operator&();}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TLitC16<S>::operator const TDesC16&() const
+Invoked by the compiler when a TLitC16<TInt> type is passed to a function
+which is prototyped to take a const TDesC16& type.
+ {return *operator&();}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TLitC16<S>::operator const __TRefDesC16() const
+Invoked by the compiler when a TLitC16<TInt> type is passed to a function
+which is prototyped to take a const TRefByValue<const TDesC16> type.
+@see __TRefDesC16
+ {return *operator&();}
+#endif //__KERNEL_MODE__
+// Template class TBufC
+#if defined(_UNICODE) && !defined(__KERNEL_MODE__)
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC<S>::TBufC()
+ : TBufCBase16()
+Constructs an empty build independent non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
+It contains no data.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area which
+is created as part of the buffer descriptor object.
+Data can, subsequently, be assigned into this buffer descriptor using the
+assignment operators.
+@see TBufC::operator=
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC<S>::TBufC(const TText *aString)
+ : TBufCBase16(aString,S)
+Constructs a build independent non-modifiable
+buffer descriptor from a zero terminated string.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area which
+is created as part of this object.
+The string, excluding the zero terminator, is copied into this buffer descriptor's
+data area. The length of this buffer descriptor is set to the length of the
+string, excluding the zero terminator.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero terminated string.
+@panic USER 8, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator, is
+ greater than the value of the integer template parameter for
+ the 16-bit build variant.
+@panic USER 20, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator, is
+ greater than the value of the integer template parameter for
+ the 8-bit build variant.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC<S>::TBufC(const TDesC &aDes)
+ : TBufCBase16(aDes,S)
+Constructs a build-independent non-modifiable buffer descriptor from any
+existing build independent descriptor.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area which
+is created as part of this object.
+Data is copied from the source descriptor into this buffer descriptor and
+the length of this buffer descriptor is set to the length of the source descriptor.
+The length of the source descriptor must not be greater than the value of
+the integer template parameter, otherwise the constructor raises a USER 20
+panic for an 8 bit build variant or a USER 8 panic for a 16 bit (Unicode)
+build variant.
+@param aDes The source build independent non-modifiable descriptor.
+@panic USER 8, if the length of the source descriptor is
+ greater than the value of the integer template parameter for
+ the 16-bit build variant.
+@panic USER 20, if the length of the source descriptor is
+ greater than the value of the integer template parameter for
+ the 8-bit build variant.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC<S>::TBufC()
+ : TBufCBase8()
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC<S>::TBufC(const TText *aString)
+ : TBufCBase8(aString,S)
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC<S>::TBufC(const TDesC &aDes)
+ : TBufCBase8(aDes,S)
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC<S> &TBufC<S>::operator=(const TText *aString)
+Copies data into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero-terminated string.
+@return A reference to this descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator,
+ is greater than the maximum length of this (target) descriptor
+ for the 16-bit build variant.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator,
+ is greater than the maximum length of this (target) descriptor
+ for the 8-bit build variant.
+ {Copy(aString,S);return(*this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBufC<S> &TBufC<S>::operator=(const TDesC &aDes)
+Copies data into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes A build independent non-modifiable descriptor.
+@return A reference to this descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the descriptor aDes is greater than the
+ maximum length of this (target) descriptor for the 16-bit
+ build variant.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the descriptor aDes is greater than the
+ maximum length of this (target) descriptor for the 8-bit
+ build variant.
+ {Copy(aDes,S);return(*this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TPtr TBufC<S>::Des()
+Creates and returns a build-independent modifiable pointer descriptor for
+the data represented by this build-independent non-modifiable buffer
+The content of a non-modifiable buffer descriptor normally cannot be altered,
+other than by complete replacement of the data. Creating a modifiable pointer
+descriptor provides a way of changing the data.
+The modifiable pointer descriptor is set to point to this non-modifiable buffer
+descriptor's data.
+The length of the modifiable pointer descriptor is set to the length of this
+non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
+The maximum length of the modifiable pointer descriptor is set to the value
+of the integer template parameter.
+When data is modified through this new pointer descriptor, the lengths of
+both it and this constant buffer descriptor are changed.
+@return A build independent modifiable pointer descriptor representing the
+ data in this build independent non-modifiable buffer descriptor.
+ {return(DoDes(S));}
+// Template class TBuf
+#if defined(_UNICODE) && !defined(__KERNEL_MODE__)
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf<S>::TBuf()
+ : TBufBase16(S)
+Creates a build-independent modifiable buffer descriptor which
+contains no data.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area that is created
+as part of the object, and defines the descriptor's maximum length.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf<S>::TBuf(TInt aLength)
+ : TBufBase16(aLength,S)
+Constructs an empty build independent modifiable buffer descriptor and
+sets its length to the specified value.
+No data is assigned to the descriptor.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area created
+as part of the object and defines the descriptor's maximum length.
+@param aLength The length of this modifiable buffer descriptor.
+@panic USER 8, if aLength is negative and is greater than the value of the
+ integer template parameter for a 16-bit build variant.
+@panic USER 20, if aLength is negative and is greater than the value of the
+ integer template parameter for a 8-bit build variant.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf<S>::TBuf(const TText *aString)
+ : TBufBase16(aString,S)
+Constructs the build-independent modifiable buffer descriptor from
+a zero terminated string.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area which
+is created as part of this object.
+The string, excluding the zero terminator, is copied into this buffer
+descriptor's data area. The length of this buffer descriptor is set to
+the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero terminated string.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator,
+ is greater than the value of the integer template parameter
+ for a 16-bit build variant.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator,
+ is greater than the value of the integer template parameter
+ for a 8-bit build variant.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf<S>::TBuf(const TDesC &aDes)
+ : TBufBase16(aDes,S)
+Constructs the build-independent modifiable buffer descriptor from any
+existing build-independent descriptor.
+The integer template parameter determines the size of the data area created
+as part of this object, and defines the descriptor's maximum length.
+Data is copied from the source descriptor into this modifiable buffer descriptor
+and the length of this modifiable buffer descriptor is set to the length of
+the source descriptor.
+@param aDes The source build independent non-modifiable descriptor.
+@panic USER 11, if the length of the source descriptor is greater than the
+ value of the integer template parameter for a 16-bit
+ build variant.
+@panic USER 23, if the length of the source descriptor is greater than the
+ value of the integer template parameter for an 8-bit
+ build variant.
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf<S>::TBuf()
+ : TBufBase8(S)
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf<S>::TBuf(TInt aLength)
+ : TBufBase8(aLength,S)
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf<S>::TBuf(const TText *aString)
+ : TBufBase8(aString,S)
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf<S>::TBuf(const TDesC &aDes)
+ : TBufBase8(aDes,S)
+ {}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf<S> &TBuf<S>::operator=(const TText *aString)
+ {Copy(aString);return(*this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf<S> &TBuf<S>::operator=(const TDesC &aDes)
+ {Copy(aDes);return(*this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TBuf<S> &TBuf<S>::operator=(const TBuf<S> &aBuf)
+ {Copy(aBuf);return(*this);}
+// Template class TLitC
+template <TInt S>
+inline const TDesC* TLitC<S>::operator&() const
+Returns a const TDesC type pointer.
+@return A descriptor type pointer to this literal.
+ {return REINTERPRET_CAST(const TDesC*,this);}
+template <TInt S>
+inline const TDesC& TLitC<S>::operator()() const
+Returns a const TDesC type reference.
+@return A descriptor type reference to this literal
+ {return *operator&();}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TLitC<S>::operator const TDesC&() const
+Invoked by the compiler when a TLitC<TInt> type is passed to a function
+which is prototyped to take a const TDesC& type.
+ {return *operator&();}
+template <TInt S>
+inline TLitC<S>::operator const __TRefDesC() const
+Invoked by the compiler when a TLitC<TInt> type is passed to a function
+which is prototyped to take a const TRefByValue<const TDesC> type.
+@see __TRefDesC.
+ {return *operator&();}
+// Template class TPckgC
+template <class T>
+inline TPckgC<T>::TPckgC(const T &aRef)
+ : TPtrC8((const TUint8 *)&aRef,sizeof(T))
+Constructs a packaged non-modifiable pointer descriptor to represent
+the specified object whose type is defined by the template parameter.
+@param aRef The object to be represented by this packaged non-modifiable
+ pointer descriptor.
+ {}
+template <class T>
+inline const T &TPckgC<T>::operator()() const
+Gets a reference to the object represented by this packaged non-modifiable
+pointer descriptor.
+@return The packaged object
+ {return(*((const T *)iPtr));}
+// Template class TPckg
+template <class T>
+inline TPckg<T>::TPckg(const T &aRef)
+ : TPtr8((TUint8 *)&aRef,sizeof(T),sizeof(T))
+Constructs a packaged modifiable pointer descriptor to represent the specified
+object whose type is defined by the template parameter.
+@param aRef The object to be represented by this packaged modifiable pointer
+ descriptor.
+ {}
+template <class T>
+inline T &TPckg<T>::operator()()
+Gets a reference to the object represented by this packaged
+modifiable pointer descriptor.
+@return The packaged object.
+ {return(*((T *)iPtr));}
+// Template class TPckgBuf
+template <class T>
+inline TPckgBuf<T>::TPckgBuf()
+ : TAlignedBuf8<sizeof(T)>(sizeof(T))
+Constructs a packaged modifiable buffer descriptor for an object whose type
+is defined by the template parameter.
+The length of the packaged descriptor is set to the length of the templated
+class but no data is assigned into the descriptor.
+ {new(&this->iBuf[0]) T;}
+template <class T>
+inline TPckgBuf<T>::TPckgBuf(const T &aRef)
+ : TAlignedBuf8<sizeof(T)>(sizeof(T))
+Constructs a packaged modifiable buffer descriptor for an object whose type
+is defined by the template parameter and copies the supplied object into the
+The length of the packaged descriptor is set to the length of the templated
+@param aRef The source object to be copied into the packaged modifiable buffer
+ descriptor.
+ {new(&this->iBuf[0]) T(aRef);}
+template <class T>
+inline TPckgBuf<T> &TPckgBuf<T>::operator=(const TPckgBuf<T> &aRef)
+Copies data from the specified packaged modifiable buffer descriptor into this
+packaged modifiable buffer descriptor, replacing any existing data.
+@param aRef The source packaged modifiable buffer descriptor.
+@return A reference to this packaged modifiable descriptor.
+ {this->Copy(aRef);return(*this);}
+template <class T>
+inline T &TPckgBuf<T>::operator=(const T &aRef)
+Copies data from the specified object into this packaged modifiable buffer
+descriptor, replacing any existing data.
+@param aRef The source object.
+@return A reference to the copy of the source object in the packaged modifiable
+ buffer descriptor.
+ {this->Copy((TUint8 *)&aRef,sizeof(T));return(*((T *)&this->iBuf[0]));}
+template <class T>
+inline T &TPckgBuf<T>::operator()()
+Gets a reference to the object contained by this packaged modifiable
+buffer descriptor.
+@return The packaged object.
+ {return(*((T *)&this->iBuf[0]));}
+template <class T>
+inline const T &TPckgBuf<T>::operator()() const
+Gets a const reference to the object contained by this packaged modifiable
+buffer descriptor.
+@return The (const) packaged object.
+ {return(*((T *)&this->iBuf[0]));}
+// Class TRequestStatus
+inline TRequestStatus::TRequestStatus()
+Default constructor.
+: iFlags(0)
+ {}
+inline TRequestStatus::TRequestStatus(TInt aVal)
+Constructs an asynchronous request status object and assigns a completion value
+to it.
+@param aVal The completion value to be assigned to the constructed request
+ status object.
+ : iStatus(aVal),
+ iFlags(aVal==KRequestPending ? TRequestStatus::ERequestPending : 0)
+ {}
+inline TInt TRequestStatus::operator=(TInt aVal)
+Assigns the specified completion code to the request status object.
+@param aVal The value to be assigned.
+@return The value assigned.
+ {
+ if(aVal==KRequestPending)
+ iFlags|=TRequestStatus::ERequestPending;
+ else
+ iFlags&=~TRequestStatus::ERequestPending;
+ return (iStatus=aVal);
+ }
+inline TBool TRequestStatus::operator==(TInt aVal) const
+Tests whether the request status object's completion code is the same as
+the specified value.
+@param aVal The value to be compared.
+@return True, if the values are equal; false otherwise.
+ {return(iStatus==aVal);}
+inline TBool TRequestStatus::operator!=(TInt aVal) const
+Tests whether the request status object's completion code is not equal to
+the specified value.
+@param aVal The value to be compared.
+@return True, if the values are unequal; false otherwise.
+ {return(iStatus!=aVal);}
+inline TBool TRequestStatus::operator>=(TInt aVal) const
+Tests whether the request status object's completion code is greater than
+or equal to the specified value.
+@param aVal The value to be compared.
+@return True, if the request status object's value is greater than or equal
+ to the specified value; false, otherwise.
+ {return(iStatus>=aVal);}
+inline TBool TRequestStatus::operator<=(TInt aVal) const
+Tests whether the request status object's completion code is less than or
+equal to the specified value.
+@param aVal The value to be compared.
+@return True, if the request status object's value is less than or equal
+ to the specified value; false, otherwise.
+ {return(iStatus<=aVal);}
+inline TBool TRequestStatus::operator>(TInt aVal) const
+Tests whether the request status object's completion code is greater than
+the specified value.
+@param aVal The value to be compared.
+@return True, if the request status object's value is greater than
+ the specified value; false, otherwise.
+ {return(iStatus>aVal);}
+inline TBool TRequestStatus::operator<(TInt aVal) const
+Tests whether the request status object's completion code is less than the
+specified value.
+@param aVal The value to be compared.
+@return True, if the request status object's value is less than the specified
+ value; false, otherwise.
+ {return(iStatus<aVal);}
+inline TInt TRequestStatus::Int() const
+Gets this request status object's completion code value.
+@return The completion code.
+ {return(iStatus);}
+// Class TPoint
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+inline TPoint::TPoint()
+ : iX(0),iY(0)
+Constructs default point, initialising its iX and iY members to zero.
+ {}
+inline TPoint::TPoint(TInt aX,TInt aY)
+ : iX(aX),iY(aY)
+Constructs a point with the specified x and y co-ordinates.
+@param aX The x co-ordinate value.
+@param aY The y co-ordinate value.
+ {}
+// Class TSize
+inline TSize::TSize()
+ : iWidth(0),iHeight(0)
+Constructs the size object with its iWidth and iHeight members set to zero.
+ {}
+inline TSize::TSize(TInt aWidth,TInt aHeight)
+ : iWidth(aWidth),iHeight(aHeight)
+Constructs the size object with the specified width and height values.
+@param aWidth The width value.
+@param aHeight The height value .
+ {}
+// Class TFindHandle
+inline TFindHandle::TFindHandle()
+ : iHandle(0), iSpare1(0), iObjectIdLow(0), iObjectIdHigh(0)
+ {}
+inline TInt TFindHandle::Handle() const
+Gets the find-handle number associated with the Kernel object.
+The find-handle number identifies the kernel object with respect to
+its container.
+Note that setting the find-handle number into a TFindHandle object is not
+implemented by this class; it is implemented by derived classes, typically by
+their Next() member functions. The class TFindSemaphore is a good example.
+@return The find-handle number.
+ {return iHandle;}
+#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
+const TInt KFindHandleUniqueIdShift=16; ///< @internalComponent
+const TInt KFindHandleUniqueIdMask=0x7fff; ///< @internalComponent
+const TInt KFindHandleIndexMask=0x7fff; ///< @internalComponent
+Gets the index into its container at which the kernel object was last seen.
+@return The object's index in its container.
+inline TInt TFindHandle::Index() const
+ {return(iHandle&KFindHandleIndexMask);}
+Gets the unique ID of the kernel container this object resides in.
+@return The ID of this object's container.
+inline TInt TFindHandle::UniqueID() const
+ {return((iHandle>>KFindHandleUniqueIdShift)&KFindHandleUniqueIdMask);}
+Gets the unique ID of the kernel object itself.
+@return The ID of the object.
+inline TUint64 TFindHandle::ObjectID() const
+ {return MAKE_TUINT64(iObjectIdHigh, iObjectIdLow);}
+Sets the find handle to refer to a specific object.
+@oaram aIndex The current index of the object in its container.
+@param aUniqueId The unique ID of the container object.
+@param aObjectId The unique ID of the object iteself.
+inline void TFindHandle::Set(TInt aIndex, TInt aUniqueId, TUint64 aObjectId)
+ {
+ iHandle=(TInt)((aUniqueId<<KFindHandleUniqueIdShift)|aIndex);
+ iObjectIdLow=I64LOW(aObjectId);
+ iObjectIdHigh=I64HIGH(aObjectId);
+ }
+Resets the find handle to its initial state.
+inline void TFindHandle::Reset()
+ {
+ iHandle=iSpare1=iObjectIdLow=iObjectIdHigh=0;
+ }
+// Class RHandleBase
+inline RHandleBase::RHandleBase()
+ : iHandle(0)
+Default constructor.
+ {}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+inline RHandleBase::RHandleBase(TInt aHandle)
+ : iHandle(aHandle)
+Copy constructor.
+It constructs this handle from an existing one. Specifically, the handle-number
+encapsulated by the specified handle is copied to this handle.
+@param aHandle The existing handle to be copied.
+ {}
+inline void RHandleBase::SetHandle(TInt aHandle)
+Sets the handle-number of this handle to the specified
+@param aHandle The handle-number to be set.
+ { iHandle=aHandle; }
+inline TInt RHandleBase::Handle() const
+Retrieves the handle-number of the object associated with this handle.
+@return The handle number
+ {return(iHandle);}
+inline TInt RHandleBase::SetReturnedHandle(TInt aHandleOrError)
+Sets the handle-number of this handle to the specified
+The function can take a (zero or positive) handle-number,
+or a (negative) error number.
+If aHandleOrError represents a handle-number, then the handle-number of this handle
+is set to that value.
+If aHandleOrError represents an error number, then the handle-number of this handle is set to zero
+and the negative value is returned.
+@param aHandleOrError A handle-number, if zero or positive; an error value, if negative.
+@return KErrNone, if aHandle is a handle-number; the value of aHandleOrError, otherwise.
+ {
+ if(aHandleOrError>=0)
+ {
+ iHandle = aHandleOrError;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ iHandle = 0;
+ return aHandleOrError;
+ }
+// Class RSemaphore
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+inline TInt RSemaphore::Open(const TFindSemaphore& aFind,TOwnerType aType)
+Opens a handle to the global semaphore found using a TFindSemaphore object.
+A TFindSemaphore object is used to find all global semaphores whose full names
+match a specified pattern.
+By default, any thread in the process can use this instance of RSemaphore
+to access the semaphore. However, specifying EOwnerThread as the second parameter
+to this function, means that only the opening thread can use this instance
+of RSemaphore to access the semaphore; any other thread in this process that
+wants to access the semaphore must either duplicate the handle or use OpenGlobal()
+@param aFind A reference to the TFindSemaphore object used to find the semaphore.
+@param aType An enumeration whose enumerators define the ownership of this
+ semaphore handle. If not explicitly specified, EOwnerProcess is
+ taken as default.
+@return KErrNone if successful otherwise another of the system wide error codes.
+ {return(RHandleBase::Open((const TFindHandleBase&)aFind,aType));}
+// Class RFastLock
+Default constructor.
+inline RFastLock::RFastLock()
+ : iCount(0)
+ {}
+// Class RMessagePtr2
+Default constructor
+inline RMessagePtr2::RMessagePtr2()
+ : iHandle(0)
+ {}
+Tests whether this message handle is empty.
+@return True, if this message handle is empty, false, otherwise.
+inline TBool RMessagePtr2::IsNull() const
+ {return iHandle==0;}
+Gets the message handle value.
+@return The message handle value.
+inline TInt RMessagePtr2::Handle() const
+ {return iHandle;}
+inline TBool operator==(RMessagePtr2 aLeft,RMessagePtr2 aRight)
+ {return aLeft.Handle()==aRight.Handle();}
+inline TBool operator!=(RMessagePtr2 aLeft,RMessagePtr2 aRight)
+ {return aLeft.Handle()!=aRight.Handle();}
+// Class RMessage
+Default constructor
+inline RMessage2::RMessage2()
+ {}
+Gets the the number of the function requested by the client.
+@return The function number.
+inline TInt RMessage2::Function() const
+ {return(iFunction);}
+Gets the first message argument as an integer value.
+@return The first message argument.
+inline TInt RMessage2::Int0() const
+ {return(iArgs[0]);}
+Gets the second message argument as an integer value.
+@return The second message argument.
+inline TInt RMessage2::Int1() const
+ {return(iArgs[1]);}
+Gets the third message argument as an integer value.
+@return The third message argument.
+inline TInt RMessage2::Int2() const
+ {return(iArgs[2]);}
+Gets the fourth message argument as an integer value.
+@return The fourth message argument.
+inline TInt RMessage2::Int3() const
+ {return(iArgs[3]);}
+Gets the first message argument as a pointer type.
+@return The first message argument.
+inline const TAny *RMessage2::Ptr0() const
+ {return((const TAny *)iArgs[0]);}
+Gets the second message argument as a pointer type.
+@return The second message argument.
+inline const TAny *RMessage2::Ptr1() const
+ {return((const TAny *)iArgs[1]);}
+Gets the third message argument as a pointer type.
+@return The third message argument.
+inline const TAny *RMessage2::Ptr2() const
+ {return((const TAny *)iArgs[2]);}
+Gets the fourth message argument as a pointer type.
+@return The fourth message argument.
+inline const TAny *RMessage2::Ptr3() const
+ {return((const TAny *)iArgs[3]);}
+Gets a pointer to the session.
+@return A pointer to the session object.
+inline CSession2* RMessage2::Session() const
+ {return (CSession2*)iSessionPtr; }
+// Class TUid
+inline TUid TUid::Uid(TInt aUid)
+Constructs the TUid object from a 32-bit integer.
+@param aUid The 32-bit integer value from which the TUid object is to be
+ constructed.
+@return The constructed TUid object.
+ {TUid uid={aUid};return uid;}
+inline TUid TUid::Null()
+Constructs a Null-valued TUid object.
+@return The constructed Null-valued TUid object.
+ {TUid uid={KNullUidValue};return uid;}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+// Template class TArray
+template <class T>
+inline TArray<T>::TArray(TInt (*aCount)(const CBase *aPtr),const TAny *(*anAt)(const CBase *aPtr,TInt anIndex),const CBase *aPtr)
+ : iPtr(aPtr),iCount(aCount),iAt(anAt)
+A TArray object is not intended to be instantiated explicitly. An object of
+this type is instantiated as a result of a call to to the Array() member
+function of a concrete array class
+@param aCount A pointer to a function which takes a
+ @code
+ const CBase*
+ @endcode
+ argument and returns a
+ @code
+ TInt
+ @endcode
+ aCount must point to the member function which returns the
+ current number of elements of type class T contained in the
+ array at aPtr, for which this TArray is being constructed.
+ This argument is supplied by the Array() member function of the
+ array class.
+@param anAt A pointer to a function which takes a
+ @code
+ const CBase*
+ @endcode
+ and a
+ @code
+ TInt
+ @endcode
+ argument, and returns a pointer to
+ @code
+ TAny
+ @endcode
+ anAt must point to the member function which returns a reference
+ to the element located at position anIndex within the array at
+ aPtr, for which this TArray is being constructed.
+ This argument is supplied by the Array() member function of the
+ array class.
+@param aPtr A pointer to the array for which this TArray is being
+ constructed. This argument is supplied by the Array() member
+ function of the array class.
+@see CArrayFixFlat::Array
+@see CArrayFixSeg::Array
+@see CArrayVarFlat::Array
+@see CArrayVarSeg::Array
+@see CArrayPakFlat::Array
+@see RArray::Array
+@see RPointerArray::Array
+@see RArray<TInt>::Array
+@see RArray<TUint>::Array
+ {}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt TArray<T>::Count() const
+Gets the number of elements currently held in the array for which this generic
+array has been constructed.
+@return The number of array elements.
+ {return((*iCount)(iPtr));}
+template <class T>
+inline const T &TArray<T>::operator[](TInt anIndex) const
+Gets a reference to the element located at the specified position.
+The returned reference is const and cannot be used to change the element.
+Any member function of the referenced template class T must be declared
+as const if that function is to be accessed through this operator.
+@param anIndex The position of the element within the array for which this
+ TArray has been constructed. The position is relative to zero;
+ i.e. zero implies the first element in the array.
+@return A const reference to the element located at position anIndex within
+ the array for which this TArray has been constructed.
+@panic E32USER-CBase 21, if anIndex is negative, or greater than or equal to
+ the number of objects currently within the array.
+ {return(*((const T *)(*iAt)(iPtr,anIndex)));}
+// Class TIdentityRelation<T>
+template <class T>
+inline TIdentityRelation<T>::TIdentityRelation( TBool (*anIdentity)(const T&, const T&) )
+Constructs the object taking the specified function as an argument.
+The specified function should implement an algorithm for determining whether
+two class T type objects match. It should return:
+1. true, if the two objects match.
+2. false, if the two objects do not match.
+@param anIdentity A pointer to a function that takes constant references to two
+ class T objects and returns a TInt value.
+ { iIdentity=(TGeneralIdentityRelation)anIdentity; }
+template <class T>
+inline TIdentityRelation<T>::operator TGeneralIdentityRelation() const
+Operator that gets the function that determines whether two
+objects of a given class type match.
+ { return iIdentity; }
+// Class TLinearOrder<T>
+template <class T>
+inline TLinearOrder<T>::TLinearOrder( TInt(*anOrder)(const T&, const T&) )
+Constructs the object taking the specified function as an argument.
+The specified function should implement an algorithm that determines the
+order of two class T type objects. It should return:
+1. zero, if the two objects are equal.
+2. a negative value, if the first object is less than the second.
+3. a positive value, if the first object is greater than the second.
+@param anOrder A pointer to a function that takes constant references to two
+ class T objects and returns a TInt value.
+ { iOrder=(TGeneralLinearOrder)anOrder; }
+template <class T>
+inline TLinearOrder<T>::operator TGeneralLinearOrder() const
+Operator that gets the function that determines the order of two
+objects of a given class type.
+ { return iOrder; }
+// Class RPointerArray<T>
+Default C++ constructor.
+This constructs an array object for an array of pointers with default
+granularity, which is 8.
+template <class T>
+inline RPointerArray<T>::RPointerArray()
+ : RPointerArrayBase()
+ {}
+C++ constructor with granularity.
+This constructs an array object for an array of pointers with the specified
+@param aGranularity The granularity of the array.
+@panic USER 127, if aGranularity is not positive, or greater than or equal
+ to 0x10000000.
+template <class T>
+inline RPointerArray<T>::RPointerArray(TInt aGranularity)
+ : RPointerArrayBase(aGranularity)
+ {}
+C++ constructor with minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.
+This constructs an array object for an array of pointers with the specified
+minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.
+@param aMinGrowBy The minimum growth step of the array. Must be between 1 and
+ 65535 inclusive.
+@param aFactor The factor by which the array grows, multiplied by 256.
+ For example 512 specifies a factor of 2. Must be between 257
+ and 32767 inclusive.
+@panic USER 192, if aMinGrowBy<=0 or aMinGrowBy>65535.
+@panic USER 193, if aFactor<=257 or aFactor>32767.
+template <class T>
+inline RPointerArray<T>::RPointerArray(TInt aMinGrowBy, TInt aFactor)
+ : RPointerArrayBase(aMinGrowBy, aFactor)
+ {}
+template <class T>
+inline void RPointerArray<T>::Close()
+Closes the array and frees all memory allocated to it.
+The function must be called before this array object goes out of scope.
+Note that the function does not delete the objects whose pointers are contained
+in the array.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::Close();}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::Count() const
+Gets the number of object pointers in the array.
+@return The number of object pointers in the array.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::Count(); }
+template <class T>
+inline T* const& RPointerArray<T>::operator[](TInt anIndex) const
+Gets a reference to the object pointer located at the specified
+position within the array.
+The compiler chooses this option if the returned reference is used in
+an expression where the reference cannot be modified.
+@param anIndex The position of the object pointer within the array. The
+ position is relative to zero, i.e. zero implies the object
+ pointer at the beginning of the array.
+@return A const reference to the object pointer at position anIndex within
+ the array.
+@panic USER 130, if anIndex is negative, or is greater than the number of
+ objects currently in the array.
+ {return (T* const&)At(anIndex);}
+template <class T>
+inline T*& RPointerArray<T>::operator[](TInt anIndex)
+Gets a reference to the object pointer located at the specified
+position within the array.
+The compiler chooses this option if the returned reference is used in
+an expression where the reference can be modified.
+@param anIndex The position of the object pointer within the array. The
+ position is relative to zero, i.e. zero implies the object
+ pointer at the beginning of the array.
+@return A non-const reference to the object pointer at position anIndex within
+ the array.
+@panic USER 130, if anIndex is negative, or is greater than the number of
+ objects currently in the array.
+ {return (T*&)At(anIndex);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::Append(const T* anEntry)
+Appends an object pointer onto the array.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be appended.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::Append(anEntry); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::Insert(const T* anEntry, TInt aPos)
+Inserts an object pointer into the array at the specified position.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be inserted.
+@param aPos The position within the array where the object pointer is to be
+ inserted. The position is relative to zero, i.e. zero implies
+ that a pointer is inserted at the beginning of the array.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+@panic USER 131, if aPos is negative, or is greater than the number of object
+ pointers currently in the array.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::Insert(anEntry,aPos); }
+template <class T>
+inline void RPointerArray<T>::Remove(TInt anIndex)
+Removes the object pointer at the specified position from the array.
+Note that the function does not delete the object whose pointer is removed.
+@param anIndex The position within the array from where the object pointer
+ is to be removed. The position is relative to zero, i.e. zero
+ implies that a pointer at the beginning of the array is to be
+ removed.
+@panic USER 130, if anIndex is negative, or is greater than the number of
+ objects currently in the array.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::Remove(anIndex);}
+template <class T>
+inline void RPointerArray<T>::Compress()
+Compresses the array down to a minimum.
+After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is just
+sufficient for its contained object pointers.
+Subsequently adding a new object pointer to the array
+always results in a re-allocation of memory.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::Compress();}
+template <class T>
+inline void RPointerArray<T>::Reset()
+Empties the array.
+It frees all memory allocated to the array and resets the internal state so
+that it is ready to be reused.
+This array object can be allowed to go out of scope after a call to this
+Note that the function does not delete the objects whose pointers are contained
+in the array.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::Reset();}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::Find(const T* anEntry) const
+Finds the first object pointer in the array which matches the specified object
+pointer, using a sequential search.
+Matching is based on the comparison of pointers.
+The find operation always starts at the low index end of the array. There
+is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be found.
+@return The index of the first matching object pointer within the array.
+ KErrNotFound, if no matching object pointer can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::Find(anEntry); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::Find(const T* anEntry, TIdentityRelation<T> anIdentity) const
+Finds the first object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified
+object, using a sequential search and a matching algorithm.
+The algorithm for determining whether two class T objects match is provided
+by a function supplied by the caller.
+The find operation always starts at the low index end of the array. There
+is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be found.
+@param anIdentity A package encapsulating the function which determines whether
+ two class T objects match.
+@return The index of the first matching object pointer within the array.
+ KErrNotFound, if no suitable object pointer can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::Find(anEntry,anIdentity); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::FindReverse(const T* anEntry) const
+Finds the last object pointer in the array which matches the specified object
+pointer, using a sequential search.
+Matching is based on the comparison of pointers.
+The find operation always starts at the high index end of the array. There
+is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be found.
+@return The index of the last matching object pointer within the array.
+ KErrNotFound, if no matching object pointer can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::FindReverse(anEntry); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::FindReverse(const T* anEntry, TIdentityRelation<T> anIdentity) const
+Finds the last object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified
+object, using a sequential search and a matching algorithm.
+The algorithm for determining whether two class T objects match is provided
+by a function supplied by the caller.
+The find operation always starts at the high index end of the array. There
+is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be found.
+@param anIdentity A package encapsulating the function which determines whether
+ two class T objects match.
+@return The index of the last matching object pointer within the array.
+ KErrNotFound, if no suitable object pointer can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::FindReverse(anEntry,anIdentity); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::FindInAddressOrder(const T* anEntry) const
+Finds the object pointer in the array that matches the specified object
+pointer, using a binary search technique.
+The function assumes that object pointers in the array are in address order.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be found.
+@return The index of the matching object pointer within the array or KErrNotFound
+ if no suitable object pointer can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::FindIsqUnsigned((TUint)anEntry); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::FindInOrder(const T* anEntry, TLinearOrder<T> anOrder) const
+Finds the object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified
+object, using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
+The function assumes that existing object pointers in the array are ordered
+so that the objects themselves are in object order as determined by an algorithm
+supplied by the caller and packaged as a TLinearOrder<T>.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be found.
+@param anOrder A package encapsulating the function which determines the order
+ of two class T objects.
+@return The index of the matching object pointer within the array or KErrNotFound,
+ if no suitable object pointer can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::FindIsq(anEntry,anOrder); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::FindInAddressOrder(const T* anEntry, TInt& anIndex) const
+Finds the object pointer in the array that matches the specified object
+pointer, using a binary search technique.
+The function assumes that object pointers in the array are in address order.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be found.
+@param anIndex A TInt supplied by the caller. On return, contains an index
+ value:
+ If the function returns KErrNone, this is the index of the
+ matching object pointer within the array.
+ If the function returns KErrNotFound, this is the
+ index of the first object pointer within the array which
+ logically follows after anEntry.
+@return KErrNone, if a matching object pointer is found.
+ KErrNotFound, if no suitable object pointer can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::BinarySearchUnsigned((TUint)anEntry,anIndex); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::FindInOrder(const T* anEntry, TInt& anIndex, TLinearOrder<T> anOrder) const
+Finds the object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified
+object, using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
+The function assumes that existing object pointers in the array are ordered
+so that the objects themselves are in object order as determined by an
+algorithm supplied by the caller and packaged as a TLinearOrder<T>.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be found.
+@param anIndex A TInt supplied by the caller. On return, contains an
+ index value:
+ If the function returns KErrNone, this is the index of the
+ matching object pointer within the array.
+ If the function returns KErrNotFound, this is the index of
+ the first object pointer in the array whose object is larger
+ than the entry being searched for - if no objects pointed to in
+ the array are larger, then the index value is the same as the
+ total number of object pointers in the array.
+@param anOrder A package encapsulating the function which determines the order
+ of two class T objects.
+@return KErrNone, if a matching object pointer is found.
+ KErrNotFound, if no suitable object pointer can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::BinarySearch(anEntry,anIndex,anOrder); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::SpecificFindInAddressOrder(const T* anEntry, TInt aMode) const
+Finds the object pointer in the array that matches the specified object
+pointer, using a binary search technique.
+Where there is more than one matching element, it finds the first, the last
+or any matching element as specified by the value of aMode.
+The function assumes that object pointers in the array are in address order.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be found.
+@param aMode Specifies whether to find the first match, the last match or
+ any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
+@return KErrNotFound, if there is no matching element, otherwise the array
+ index of a matching element - what the index refers to depends on the
+ value of aMode:
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows
+ the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of
+ the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+@see TArrayFindMode
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::FindIsqUnsigned((TUint)anEntry, aMode); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::SpecificFindInOrder(const T* anEntry, TLinearOrder<T> anOrder, TInt aMode) const
+Finds the object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified
+object, using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
+Where there is more than one matching element, it finds the first, the last
+or any matching element as specified by the value of aMode.
+The function assumes that existing object pointers in the array are ordered
+so that the objects themselves are in object order as determined by an algorithm
+supplied by the caller and packaged as a TLinearOrder<T> type.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be found.
+@param anOrder A package encapsulating the function which determines the order
+ of two class T objects.
+@param aMode Specifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match,
+ as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
+@return KErrNotFound, if there is no matching element, otherwise the array
+ index of a matching element - what the index refers to depends on
+ the value of aMode:
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows
+ the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array,
+ then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+@see TArrayFindMode
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::FindIsq(anEntry,anOrder,aMode); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::SpecificFindInAddressOrder(const T* anEntry, TInt& anIndex, TInt aMode) const
+Finds the object pointer in the array that matches the specified object
+pointer, using a binary search technique.
+Where there is more than one matching element, it finds the first, the last
+or any matching element as specified by the value of aMode.
+The function assumes that object pointers in the array are in address order.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be found.
+@param anIndex A TInt type supplied by the caller. On return, it contains an
+ index value depending on whether a match is found and on the
+ value of aMode.
+ If there is no matching element in the array, then this is
+ the index of the first element in the array that is bigger than
+ the element being searched for - if no elements in the array are
+ bigger, then the index value is the same as the total number of
+ elements in the array. If there is a matching element, then what
+ the index refers to depends on the value of aMode:
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows the
+ last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array,
+ then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+@param aMode Specifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any
+ match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
+@return KErrNone, if a matching object pointer is found.
+ KErrNotFound, if no suitable object pointer can be found.
+@see TArrayFindMode
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::BinarySearchUnsigned((TUint)anEntry,anIndex,aMode); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::SpecificFindInOrder(const T* anEntry, TInt& anIndex, TLinearOrder<T> anOrder, TInt aMode) const
+Finds the object pointer in the array whose object matches the specified
+object, using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.
+Where there is more than one matching element, it finds the first, the last or any
+matching element as specified by the value of aMode.
+The function assumes that existing object pointers in the array are ordered
+so that the objects themselves are in object order as determined by an
+algorithm supplied by the caller and packaged as a TLinearOrder<T> type.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be found.
+@param anIndex A TInt type supplied by the caller. On return, it contains an
+ index value depending on whether a match is found and on the
+ value of aMode. If there is no matching element in the array,
+ then this is the index of the first element in the array
+ that is bigger than the element being searched for - if
+ no elements in the array are bigger, then the index value
+ is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+ If there is a matching element, then what the index refers to
+ depends on the value of aMode:
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows
+ the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element
+ of the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+@param anOrder A package encapsulating the function which determines the order
+ of two class T objects.
+@param aMode Specifies whether to find the first match, the last match or
+ any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
+@return KErrNone, if a matching object pointer is found.
+ KErrNotFound, if no suitable object pointer can be found.
+@see TArrayFindMode
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::BinarySearch(anEntry,anIndex,anOrder,aMode); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::InsertInAddressOrder(const T* anEntry)
+Inserts an object pointer into the array in address order.
+No duplicate entries are permitted. The array remains unchanged following
+an attempt to insert a duplicate entry.
+The function assumes that existing object pointers within the array are in
+address order.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be inserted.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful;
+ KErrAlreadyExists, if an attempt is being made
+ to insert a duplicate entry; otherwise one of the other system wide
+ error codes.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::InsertIsqUnsigned((TUint)anEntry,EFalse); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::InsertInOrder(const T* anEntry, TLinearOrder<T> anOrder)
+Inserts an object pointer into the array so that the object itself is in object
+The algorithm for determining the order of two class T objects is provided
+by a function supplied by the caller.
+No duplicate entries are permitted. The array remains unchanged following
+an attempt to insert a duplicate entry.
+The function assumes that the array is ordered so that the referenced objects
+are in object order.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be inserted.
+@param anOrder A package encapsulating the function which determines the order
+ of two class T objects.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful;
+ KErrAlreadyExists, if an attempt is being made
+ to insert a duplicate entry; otherwise one of the other system wide
+ error codes.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::InsertIsq(anEntry,anOrder,EFalse); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::InsertInAddressOrderAllowRepeats(const T* anEntry)
+Inserts an object pointer into the array in address order, allowing duplicates.
+If the new object pointer is a duplicate of an existing object pointer in
+the array, then the new pointer is inserted after the existing one. If more
+than one duplicate object pointer already exists in the array, then any new
+duplicate pointer is inserted after the last one.
+The function assumes that existing object pointers within the array are in
+address order.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be inserted.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::InsertIsqUnsigned((TUint)anEntry,ETrue); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::InsertInOrderAllowRepeats(const T* anEntry, TLinearOrder<T> anOrder)
+Inserts an object pointer into the array so that the object itself is in object
+order, allowing duplicates
+The algorithm for determining the order of two class T objects is provided
+by a function supplied by the caller.
+If the specified object is a duplicate of an existing object, then the new
+pointer is inserted after the pointer to the existing object. If more than
+one duplicate object already exists, then the new pointer is inserted after
+the pointer to the last one.
+@param anEntry The object pointer to be inserted.
+@param anOrder A package encapsulating the function which determines the order
+ of two class T objects.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::InsertIsq(anEntry,anOrder,ETrue); }
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+template <class T>
+inline RPointerArray<T>::RPointerArray(T** aEntries, TInt aCount)
+ : RPointerArrayBase((TAny **)aEntries, aCount)
+C++ constructor with a pointer to the first array entry in a pre-existing
+array, and the number of entries in that array.
+This constructor takes a pointer to a pre-existing set of entries of type
+pointer to class T, which is owned by another RPointerArray object. Ownership
+of the set of entries still resides with the original RPointerArray object.
+@param aEntries A pointer to the first entry of type pointer to class T in
+ the set of entries belonging to the existing array.
+@param aCount The number of entries in the existing array. The granularity of
+ this array is set to this value.
+@panic USER 156, if aCount is not positive.
+ {}
+template <class T>
+inline void RPointerArray<T>::GranularCompress()
+Compresses the array down to a granular boundary.
+After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is sufficient
+for its contained object pointers. Adding new object pointers to the array
+does not result in a re-allocation of memory until the the total number of
+pointers reaches a multiple of the granularity.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::GranularCompress();}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RPointerArray<T>::Reserve(TInt aCount)
+Reserves space for the specified number of elements.
+After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is sufficient
+to hold the number of object pointers specified. Adding new object pointers to the array
+does not result in a re-allocation of memory until the the total number of
+pointers exceeds the specified count.
+@param aCount The number of object pointers for which space should be reserved
+@return KErrNone If the operation completed successfully
+@return KErrNoMemory If the requested amount of memory could not be allocated
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::DoReserve(aCount); }
+template <class T>
+inline void RPointerArray<T>::SortIntoAddressOrder()
+Sorts the object pointers within the array into address order.
+ { HeapSortUnsigned(); }
+template <class T>
+inline void RPointerArray<T>::Sort(TLinearOrder<T> anOrder)
+Sorts the object pointers within the array.
+The sort order of the pointers is based on the order of the referenced objects.
+The referenced object order is determined by an algorithm supplied by the
+caller and packaged as a TLinerOrder<T>.
+@param anOrder A package encapsulating the function which determines the order
+ of two class T objects.
+ { HeapSort(anOrder); }
+template <class T>
+inline TArray<T*> RPointerArray<T>::Array() const
+Constructs and returns a generic array.
+@return A generic array representing this array.
+@see TArray
+ { return TArray<T*>(GetCount,GetElementPtr,(const CBase*)this); }
+template <class T>
+void RPointerArray<T>::ResetAndDestroy()
+Empties the array and deletes the referenced objects.
+It frees all memory allocated to the array and resets the internal state so
+that it is ready to be reused. The function also deletes all of the objects
+whose pointers are contained by the array.
+This array object can be allowed to go out of scope after a call to this function.
+ {
+ TInt c=Count();
+ T** pE=(T**)Entries();
+ ZeroCount();
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=0; i<c; i++)
+ {
+ delete *pE;
+ pE++;
+ }
+ Reset();
+ }
+// Specialization for RPointerArray<TAny>
+Default C++ constructor.
+This constructs an array object for an array of TAny pointers with default
+granularity, which is 8.
+inline RPointerArray<TAny>::RPointerArray()
+ : RPointerArrayBase()
+ {}
+C++ constructor with granularity.
+This constructs an array object for an array of TAny pointers with the specified
+@param aGranularity The granularity of the array.
+@panic USER 127, if aGranularity is not positive, or greater than or equal
+ to 0x10000000.
+inline RPointerArray<TAny>::RPointerArray(TInt aGranularity)
+ : RPointerArrayBase(aGranularity)
+ {}
+C++ constructor with minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.
+This constructs an array object for an array of TAny pointers with the specified
+minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.
+@param aMinGrowBy The minimum growth step of the array. Must be between 1 and
+ 65535 inclusive.
+@param aFactor The factor by which the array grows, multiplied by 256.
+ For example 512 specifies a factor of 2. Must be between 257
+ and 32767 inclusive.
+@panic USER 192, if aMinGrowBy<=0 or aMinGrowBy>65535.
+@panic USER 193, if aFactor<=257 or aFactor>32767.
+inline RPointerArray<TAny>::RPointerArray(TInt aMinGrowBy, TInt aFactor)
+ : RPointerArrayBase(aMinGrowBy, aFactor)
+ {}
+inline void RPointerArray<TAny>::Close()
+Closes the array and frees all memory allocated to it.
+The function must be called before this array object goes out of scope.
+Note that the function does not delete the objects whose pointers are contained
+in the array.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::Close();}
+inline TInt RPointerArray<TAny>::Count() const
+Gets the number of pointers in the array.
+@return The number of pointers in the array.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::Count(); }
+inline TAny* const& RPointerArray<TAny>::operator[](TInt anIndex) const
+Gets a reference to the pointer located at the specified
+position within the array.
+The compiler chooses this option if the returned reference is used in
+an expression where the reference cannot be modified.
+@param anIndex The position of the pointer within the array. The
+ position is relative to zero, i.e. zero implies the object
+ pointer at the beginning of the array.
+@return A const reference to the pointer at position anIndex within
+ the array.
+@panic USER 130, if anIndex is negative, or is greater than the number of
+ objects currently in the array.
+ {return At(anIndex);}
+inline TAny*& RPointerArray<TAny>::operator[](TInt anIndex)
+Gets a reference to the pointer located at the specified
+position within the array.
+The compiler chooses this option if the returned reference is used in
+an expression where the reference can be modified.
+@param anIndex The position of the pointer within the array. The
+ position is relative to zero, i.e. zero implies the object
+ pointer at the beginning of the array.
+@return A non-const reference to the pointer at position anIndex within
+ the array.
+@panic USER 130, if anIndex is negative, or is greater than the number of
+ objects currently in the array.
+ {return At(anIndex);}
+inline TInt RPointerArray<TAny>::Append(const TAny* anEntry)
+Appends an pointer onto the array.
+@param anEntry The pointer to be appended.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::Append(anEntry); }
+inline TInt RPointerArray<TAny>::Insert(const TAny* anEntry, TInt aPos)
+Inserts an pointer into the array at the specified position.
+@param anEntry The pointer to be inserted.
+@param aPos The position within the array where the pointer is to be
+ inserted. The position is relative to zero, i.e. zero implies
+ that a pointer is inserted at the beginning of the array.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+@panic USER 131, if aPos is negative, or is greater than the number of object
+ pointers currently in the array.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::Insert(anEntry,aPos); }
+inline void RPointerArray<TAny>::Remove(TInt anIndex)
+Removes the pointer at the specified position from the array.
+Note that the function does not delete the object whose pointer is removed.
+@param anIndex The position within the array from where the pointer
+ is to be removed. The position is relative to zero, i.e. zero
+ implies that a pointer at the beginning of the array is to be
+ removed.
+@panic USER 130, if anIndex is negative, or is greater than the number of
+ objects currently in the array.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::Remove(anIndex);}
+inline void RPointerArray<TAny>::Compress()
+Compresses the array down to a minimum.
+After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is just
+sufficient for its contained pointers.
+Subsequently adding a new pointer to the array
+always results in a re-allocation of memory.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::Compress();}
+inline void RPointerArray<TAny>::Reset()
+Empties the array.
+It frees all memory allocated to the array and resets the internal state so
+that it is ready to be reused.
+This array object can be allowed to go out of scope after a call to this
+Note that the function does not delete the objects whose pointers are contained
+in the array.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::Reset();}
+inline TInt RPointerArray<TAny>::Find(const TAny* anEntry) const
+Finds the first pointer in the array which matches the specified pointer, using
+a sequential search.
+Matching is based on the comparison of pointers.
+The find operation always starts at the low index end of the array. There
+is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.
+@param anEntry The pointer to be found.
+@return The index of the first matching pointer within the array.
+ KErrNotFound, if no matching pointer can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::Find(anEntry); }
+inline TInt RPointerArray<TAny>::FindReverse(const TAny* anEntry) const
+Finds the last pointer in the array which matches the specified pointer, using
+a sequential search.
+Matching is based on the comparison of pointers.
+The find operation always starts at the high index end of the array. There
+is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.
+@param anEntry The pointer to be found.
+@return The index of the last matching pointer within the array.
+ KErrNotFound, if no matching pointer can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::FindReverse(anEntry); }
+inline TInt RPointerArray<TAny>::FindInAddressOrder(const TAny* anEntry) const
+Finds the pointer in the array that matches the specified object
+pointer, using a binary search technique.
+The function assumes that pointers in the array are in address order.
+@param anEntry The pointer to be found.
+@return The index of the matching pointer within the array or KErrNotFound
+ if no suitable pointer can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::FindIsqUnsigned((TUint)anEntry); }
+inline TInt RPointerArray<TAny>::FindInAddressOrder(const TAny* anEntry, TInt& anIndex) const
+Finds the pointer in the array that matches the specified object
+pointer, using a binary search technique.
+The function assumes that pointers in the array are in address order.
+@param anEntry The pointer to be found.
+@param anIndex A TInt supplied by the caller. On return, contains an index
+ value:
+ If the function returns KErrNone, this is the index of the
+ matching pointer within the array.
+ If the function returns KErrNotFound, this is the index of the
+ last pointer within the array which logically
+ precedes anEntry.
+@return KErrNone, if a matching pointer is found.
+ KErrNotFound, if no suitable pointer can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::BinarySearchUnsigned((TUint)anEntry,anIndex); }
+inline TInt RPointerArray<TAny>::SpecificFindInAddressOrder(const TAny* anEntry, TInt aMode) const
+Finds the pointer in the array that matches the specified pointer, using a
+binary search technique.
+Where there is more than one matching element, it finds the first, the last
+or any matching element as specified by the value of aMode.
+The function assumes that pointers in the array are in address order.
+@param anEntry The pointer to be found.
+@param aMode Specifies whether to find the first match, the last match or
+ any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
+@return KErrNotFound, if there is no matching element, otherwise the array
+ index of a matching element - what the index refers to depends on the
+ value of aMode:
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows
+ the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of
+ the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+@see TArrayFindMode
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::FindIsqUnsigned((TUint)anEntry, aMode); }
+inline TInt RPointerArray<TAny>::SpecificFindInAddressOrder(const TAny* anEntry, TInt& anIndex, TInt aMode) const
+Finds the pointer in the array that matches the specified pointer, using a
+binary search technique.
+Where there is more than one matching element, it finds the first, the last
+or any matching element as specified by the value of aMode.
+The function assumes that pointers in the array are in address order.
+@param anEntry The pointer to be found.
+@param anIndex A TInt type supplied by the caller. On return, it contains an
+ index value depending on whether a match is found and on the
+ value of aMode.
+ If there is no matching element in the array, then this is
+ the index of the first element in the array that is bigger than
+ the element being searched for - if no elements in the array are
+ bigger, then the index value is the same as the total number of
+ elements in the array. If there is a matching element, then what
+ the index refers to depends on the value of aMode:
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows the
+ last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array,
+ then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+@param aMode Specifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any
+ match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
+@return KErrNone, if a matching pointer is found.
+ KErrNotFound, if no suitable pointer can be found.
+@see TArrayFindMode
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::BinarySearchUnsigned((TUint)anEntry,anIndex,aMode); }
+inline TInt RPointerArray<TAny>::InsertInAddressOrder(const TAny* anEntry)
+Inserts an pointer into the array in address order.
+No duplicate entries are permitted. The array remains unchanged following
+an attempt to insert a duplicate entry.
+The function assumes that existing pointers within the array are in
+address order.
+@param anEntry The pointer to be inserted.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful;
+ KErrAlreadyExists, if an attempt is being made
+ to insert a duplicate entry; otherwise one of the other system wide
+ error codes.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::InsertIsqUnsigned((TUint)anEntry,EFalse); }
+inline TInt RPointerArray<TAny>::InsertInAddressOrderAllowRepeats(const TAny* anEntry)
+Inserts an pointer into the array in address order, allowing duplicates.
+If the new pointer is a duplicate of an existing pointer in
+the array, then the new pointer is inserted after the existing one. If more
+than one duplicate pointer already exists in the array, then any new
+duplicate pointer is inserted after the last one.
+The function assumes that existing pointers within the array are in
+address order.
+@param anEntry The pointer to be inserted.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::InsertIsqUnsigned((TUint)anEntry,ETrue); }
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+inline RPointerArray<TAny>::RPointerArray(TAny** aEntries, TInt aCount)
+ : RPointerArrayBase((TAny **)aEntries, aCount)
+C++ constructor with a pointer to the first array entry in a pre-existing
+array, and the number of entries in that array.
+This constructor takes a pointer to a pre-existing set of entries of type TAny*,
+which is owned by another RPointerArray object. Ownership of the set of entries
+still resides with the original RPointerArray object.
+@param aEntries A pointer to the first entry of type TAny* in the set of entries
+ belonging to the existing array.
+@param aCount The number of entries in the existing array. The granularity of
+ this array is set to this value.
+@panic USER 156, if aCount is not positive.
+ {}
+inline void RPointerArray<TAny>::GranularCompress()
+Compresses the array down to a granular boundary.
+After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is sufficient
+for its contained pointers. Adding new pointers to the array
+does not result in a re-allocation of memory until the the total number of
+pointers reaches a multiple of the granularity.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::GranularCompress();}
+inline void RPointerArray<TAny>::SortIntoAddressOrder()
+Sorts the pointers within the array into address order.
+ { HeapSortUnsigned(); }
+inline TArray<TAny*> RPointerArray<TAny>::Array() const
+Constructs and returns a generic array.
+@return A generic array representing this array.
+@see TArray
+ { return TArray<TAny*>(GetCount,GetElementPtr,(const CBase*)this); }
+template <class T>
+inline RArray<T>::RArray()
+ : RArrayBase(sizeof(T))
+Default C++ constructor.
+This constructs an array object for an array of type class T objects with
+default granularity and key offset value. The default granularity is 8 and
+the defaul key offset value is zero.
+@panic USER 129, if the size of class T is not positive or is not less
+ than 640.
+ {}
+template <class T>
+inline RArray<T>::RArray(TInt aGranularity)
+ : RArrayBase(sizeof(T),aGranularity)
+C++ constructor with granularity.
+This constructs an array object for an array of type class T objects with
+a specified granularity and default key offset value. The default key offset
+value is zero.
+@param aGranularity The granularity of the array.
+@panic USER 129, if the size of class T is not positive or is not less
+ than 640.
+@panic USER 127, if aGranularity is not positive or the product of this
+ value and the size of class T is not less than 0x10000000.
+ {}
+template <class T>
+inline RArray<T>::RArray(TInt aGranularity, TInt aKeyOffset)
+ : RArrayBase(sizeof(T),aGranularity,aKeyOffset)
+C++ constructor with granularity and key offset.
+This constructs an array object for an array of type class T objects with
+a specified granularity and a specified key offset value.
+@param aGranularity The granularity of the array.
+@param aKeyOffset The key offset.
+@panic USER 129, if the size of class T is not positive or is not less
+ than 640.
+@panic USER 127, if aGranularity is not positive or the product of this
+ value and the size of class T is not less than 0x10000000.
+@panic USER 128, if aKeyOffset is not positive, or is not less than the
+ size of class T, or is not a multiple of 4.
+ {}
+C++ constructor with minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.
+This constructs an array object for an array of class T objects with the
+specified minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.
+@param aMinGrowBy The minimum growth step of the array. Must be between 1 and
+ 65535 inclusive.
+@param aKeyOffset The key offset.
+@param aFactor The factor by which the array grows, multiplied by 256.
+ For example 512 specifies a factor of 2. Must be between 257
+ and 32767 inclusive.
+@panic USER 129, if the size of class T is not positive or is not less than 640.
+@panic USER 128, if aKeyOffset is negative, or is not less than the
+ size of class T, or is not a multiple of 4.
+@panic USER 192, if aMinGrowBy<=0 or aMinGrowBy>65535.
+@panic USER 193, if aFactor<=257 or aFactor>32767.
+template <class T>
+inline RArray<T>::RArray(TInt aMinGrowBy, TInt aKeyOffset, TInt aFactor)
+ : RArrayBase(sizeof(T), aMinGrowBy, aKeyOffset, aFactor)
+ {}
+template <class T>
+inline RArray<T>::RArray(TInt aEntrySize,T* aEntries, TInt aCount)
+ : RArrayBase(aEntrySize,aEntries,aCount)
+C++ constructor with size of entry, a pointer to the first array entry in a
+pre-existing array, and the number of entries in that array.
+This constructor takes a pointer to a pre-existing set of entries of type
+class T objects owned by another RArray object. Ownership of the set of entries
+still resides with the original RArray object.
+This array is assigned a default granularity and key offset value. The default
+granularity is 8 and the default key offset value is zero.
+The purpose of constructing an array in this way is to allow sorting and
+finding operations to be done without further allocation of memory.
+@param aEntrySize The size of an entry in the existing array.
+@param aEntries A pointer to the first entry of type class T in the set of
+ entries belonging to the existing array.
+@param aCount The number of entries in the existing array.
+@panic USER 129, if aEntrySize is not positive or is not less than 640.
+@panic USER 156, if aCount is not positive.
+ {}
+template <class T>
+inline void RArray<T>::Close()
+Closes the array and frees all memory allocated to the array.
+The function must be called before this array object is destroyed.
+ {RArrayBase::Close();}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::Count() const
+Gets the number of objects in the array.
+@return The number of objects in the array.
+ {return RArrayBase::Count();}
+template <class T>
+inline const T& RArray<T>::operator[](TInt anIndex) const
+Gets a reference to an object located at a specified position within the array.
+The compiler chooses this function if the returned reference is used in an
+expression where the reference cannot be modified.
+@param anIndex The position of the object within the array. The position is
+ relative to zero, i.e. zero implies the object at the beginning
+ of the array.
+@return A const reference to the object at position anIndex within the array.
+@panic USER 130, if anIndex is negative or is greater than the number of
+ objects currently in the array
+ {return *(const T*)At(anIndex); }
+template <class T>
+inline T& RArray<T>::operator[](TInt anIndex)
+Gets a reference to an object located at a specified position within the array.
+The compiler chooses this function if the returned reference is used in an
+expression where the reference can be modified.
+@param anIndex The position of the object within the array. The position is
+ relative to zero, i.e. zero implies the object at the beginning
+ of the array.
+@return A non-const reference to the object at position anIndex within the array.
+@panic USER 130, if anIndex is negative or is greater than the number of
+ objects currently in the array
+ {return *(T*)At(anIndex); }
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::Append(const T& anEntry)
+Apends an object onto the array.
+@param anEntry A reference to the object of type class T to be appended.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+ {return RArrayBase::Append(&anEntry);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::Insert(const T& anEntry, TInt aPos)
+Inserts an object into the array at a specified position.
+@param anEntry The class T object to be inserted.
+@param aPos The position within the array where the object is to
+ be inserted. The position is relative to zero, i.e. zero
+ implies that an object is inserted at the beginning of
+ the array.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+@panic USER 131, if aPos is negative or is greater than the number of objects
+ currently in the array.
+ {return RArrayBase::Insert(&anEntry,aPos);}
+template <class T>
+inline void RArray<T>::Remove(TInt anIndex)
+Removes the object at a specified position from the array.
+@param anIndex The position within the array from where the object is to be
+ removed. The position is relative to zero, i.e. zero implies
+ that an object at the beginning of the array is to be removed.
+@panic USER 130, if anIndex is negative or is greater than the number of
+ objects currently in the array.
+ {RArrayBase::Remove(anIndex);}
+template <class T>
+inline void RArray<T>::Compress()
+Compresses the array down to a minimum.
+After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is just
+sufficient for its contained objects. Subsequently adding a new object to the
+array always results in a re-allocation of memory.
+ {RArrayBase::Compress();}
+template <class T>
+inline void RArray<T>::Reset()
+Empties the array, so that it is ready to be reused.
+The function frees all memory allocated to the array and resets the internal
+state so that it is ready to be reused.
+This array object can be allowed to go out of scope after a call to this function.
+ {RArrayBase::Reset();}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::Find(const T& anEntry) const
+Finds the first object in the array which matches the specified object using
+a sequential search.
+Matching is based on the comparison of a TInt value at the key offset position
+within the objects.
+The find operation always starts at the low index end of the array. There
+is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.
+@param anEntry A reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
+@return The index of the first matching object within the array.
+ KErrNotFound, if no matching object can be found.
+ {return RArrayBase::Find(&anEntry);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::Find(const T& anEntry, TIdentityRelation<T> anIdentity) const
+Finds the first object in the array which matches the specified object using
+a sequential search and a matching algorithm.
+The algorithm for determining whether two class T type objects match is provided
+by a function supplied by the caller.
+The find operation always starts at the low index end of the array. There
+is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.
+@param anEntry A reference to an object of type class T to be used
+ for matching.
+@param anIdentity A package encapsulating the function which determines whether
+ two class T type objects match.
+@return The index of the first matching object within the array.
+ KErrNotFound, if no matching object can be found.
+ {return RArrayBase::Find(&anEntry,anIdentity);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::FindReverse(const T& anEntry) const
+Finds the last object in the array which matches the specified object using
+a sequential search.
+Matching is based on the comparison of a TInt value at the key offset position
+within the objects.
+The find operation always starts at the high index end of the array. There
+is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.
+@param anEntry A reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
+@return The index of the last matching object within the array.
+ KErrNotFound, if no matching object can be found.
+ {return RArrayBase::FindReverse(&anEntry);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::FindReverse(const T& anEntry, TIdentityRelation<T> anIdentity) const
+Finds the last object in the array which matches the specified object using
+a sequential search and a matching algorithm.
+The algorithm for determining whether two class T type objects match is provided
+by a function supplied by the caller.
+The find operation always starts at the high index end of the array. There
+is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.
+@param anEntry A reference to an object of type class T to be used
+ for matching.
+@param anIdentity A package encapsulating the function which determines whether
+ two class T type objects match.
+@return The index of the last matching object within the array.
+ KErrNotFound, if no matching object can be found.
+ {return RArrayBase::FindReverse(&anEntry,anIdentity);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::FindInSignedKeyOrder(const T& anEntry) const
+Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary
+search technique.
+The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in signed
+key order.
+@param anEntry A reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
+@return The index of the matching object within the array, or KErrNotFound
+ if no matching object can be found.
+ {return RArrayBase::FindIsqSigned(&anEntry);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::FindInUnsignedKeyOrder(const T& anEntry) const
+Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary
+search technique.
+The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in unsigned
+key order.
+@param anEntry A reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
+@return The index of the matching object within the array, or KErrNotFound
+ if no matching object can be found.
+ {return RArrayBase::FindIsqUnsigned(&anEntry);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::FindInOrder(const T& anEntry, TLinearOrder<T> anOrder) const
+Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary
+search technique and an ordering algorithm.
+The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object
+order as determined by an algorithm supplied by the caller and packaged as
+a TLinearOrder<T>.
+@param anEntry A reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
+@param anOrder A package encapsulating the function which determines the order
+ of two class T objects.
+@return The index of the matching object within the array, or KErrNotFound if
+ no matching object can be found.
+ {return RArrayBase::FindIsq(&anEntry,anOrder);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::FindInSignedKeyOrder(const T& anEntry, TInt& anIndex) const
+Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary
+search technique.
+The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in signed
+key order.
+@param anEntry A reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
+@param anIndex On return contains an index value. If the function returns KErrNone,
+ this is the index of the matching object within the array.
+ If the function returns KErrNotFound, this is the index of the
+ first element in the array whose key is bigger than the key of the
+ element being sought. If there are no elements in the array with
+ a bigger key, then the index value is the same as the total
+ number of elements in the array.
+@return KErrNone if a matching object is found, or KErrNotFound if no matching
+ object can be found.
+ {return RArrayBase::BinarySearchSigned(&anEntry,anIndex);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::FindInUnsignedKeyOrder(const T& anEntry, TInt& anIndex) const
+Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary
+search technique.
+The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in unsigned
+key order.
+@param anEntry A reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
+@param anIndex On return contains an index value. If the function returns
+ KErrNone, this is the index of the matching object within the
+ array.
+ If the function returns KErrNotFound, this is the index of the
+ first element in the array whose key is bigger than the key of the
+ element being sought. If there are no elements in the array with
+ a bigger key, then the index value is the same as the total
+ number of elements in the array.
+@return KErrNone if a matching object is found, or KErrNotFound if no matching
+ object can be found.
+ {return RArrayBase::BinarySearchUnsigned(&anEntry,anIndex);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::FindInOrder(const T& anEntry, TInt& anIndex, TLinearOrder<T> anOrder) const
+Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary
+search technique and an ordering algorithm.
+The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object
+order as determined by an algorithm supplied by the caller and packaged as
+a TLinearOrder<T>.
+@param anEntry A reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
+@param anIndex On return contains an index value. If the function returns
+ KErrNone, this is the index of the matching object within the
+ array.
+ If the function returns KErrNotFound, this is the index of the
+ first element in the array that is bigger than the element being
+ searched for - if no elements in the array are bigger, then
+ the index value is the same as the total number of elements in
+ the array.
+@param anOrder A package encapsulating the function which determines the order
+ of two class T objects.
+@return KErrNone if a matching object is found. KErrNotFound if no matching
+ object can be found.
+ {return RArrayBase::BinarySearch(&anEntry,anIndex,anOrder);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::SpecificFindInSignedKeyOrder(const T& anEntry, TInt aMode) const
+Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary
+search technique.
+The element ordering is determined by a signed 32-bit word
+(the key) embedded in each array element. In the case that there is more than
+one matching element, finds the first, last or any match as specified by
+the value of aMode.
+The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in signed
+key order.
+@param anEntry A reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
+@param aMode Specifies whether to find the first match, the last match or
+ any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
+@return KErrNotFound, if there is no matching element, otherwise the array
+ index of a matching element - what the index refers to depends on the
+ value of aMode:
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows
+ the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of
+ the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+@see TArrayFindMode
+ {return RArrayBase::FindIsqSigned(&anEntry,aMode);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrder(const T& anEntry, TInt aMode) const
+Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary
+search technique.
+The element ordering is determined by an unsigned 32-bit word
+(the key) embedded in each array element. Where there is more than
+one matching element, it finds the first, last or any matching element
+as specified by the value of aMode.
+The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in unsigned
+key order.
+@param anEntry A reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
+@param aMode Specifies whether to find the first match, the last match or
+ any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
+@return KErrNotFound, if there is no matching element, otherwise the array
+ index of a matching element - what the index refers to depends on the
+ value of aMode:
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows the
+ last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array,
+ then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+@see TArrayFindMode
+ {return RArrayBase::FindIsqUnsigned(&anEntry,aMode);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::SpecificFindInOrder(const T& anEntry, TLinearOrder<T> anOrder, TInt aMode) const
+Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary
+search technique and an ordering algorithm.
+Where there is more than one matching element, it finds the first, the last
+or any matching element as specified by the value of aMode.
+The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object
+order as determined by an algorithm supplied by the caller and packaged as
+a TLinearOrder<T> type.
+@param anEntry A reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
+@param anOrder A package encapsulating the function which determines the order
+ of two class T objects.
+@param aMode Specifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any
+ match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
+@return KErrNotFound, if there is no matching element, otherwise the array index
+ of a matching element - what the index refers to depends on the value of
+ aMode:
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows
+ the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of
+ the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+ {return RArrayBase::FindIsq(&anEntry,anOrder,aMode);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::SpecificFindInSignedKeyOrder(const T& anEntry, TInt& anIndex, TInt aMode) const
+Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary
+search technique.
+The element ordering is determined by a signed 32-bit word
+(the key) embedded in each array element. Where there is more than
+one matching element, finds the first, last or any matching element as
+specified specified by the value of aMode.
+The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in signed
+key order.
+@param anEntry A reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
+@param anIndex A TInt type supplied by the caller. On return, it contains
+ an index value depending on whether a match is found and on the
+ value of aMode. If there is no matching element in the array,
+ then this is the index of the first element in the array that
+ is bigger than the element being searched for - if no elements
+ in the array are bigger, then the index value is the same as the
+ total number of elements in the array. If there is a matching
+ element, then what the index refers to depends on the value of aMode:
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows
+ the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of
+ the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+@param aMode Specifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match,
+ as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
+@return KErrNone, if a matching object pointer is found;
+ KErrNotFound, if no suitable object pointer can be found.
+ {return RArrayBase::BinarySearchSigned(&anEntry,anIndex,aMode);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrder(const T& anEntry, TInt& anIndex, TInt aMode) const
+Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary
+search technique.
+The element ordering is determined by an unsigned 32-bit word
+(the key) embedded in each array element. Where there is more than
+one matching element, it finds the first, last or any matching element as
+specified by the value of aMode.
+The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in unsigned
+key order.
+@param anEntry A reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
+@param anIndex A TInt type supplied by the caller. On return, it contains an index
+ value depending on whether a match is found and on the value of aMode.
+ If there is no matching element in the array, then this is the index
+ of the first element in the array that is bigger than the element
+ being searched for - if no elements in the array are bigger, then
+ the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+ If there is a matching element, then what the index refers to depends on
+ the value of aMode:
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows the
+ last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array,
+ then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+@param aMode Specifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match, as defined by one
+ of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
+@return KErrNone, if a matching object pointer is found; KErrNotFound, if no suitable object pointer can be found.
+@see TArrayFindMode
+ {return RArrayBase::BinarySearchUnsigned(&anEntry,anIndex,aMode);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::SpecificFindInOrder(const T& anEntry, TInt& anIndex, TLinearOrder<T> anOrder, TInt aMode) const
+Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary
+search technique and a specified ordering algorithm.
+Where there is more than one matching element, it finds the first, the last or
+any matching element as specified by the value of aMode.
+The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object
+order as determined by an algorithm supplied by the caller and packaged as
+a TLinearOrder<T> type.
+@param anEntry A reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
+@param anIndex A TInt type supplied by the caller. On return, it contains
+ an index value depending on whether a match is found and on the
+ value of aMode. If there is no matching element in the array,
+ then this is the index of the first element in the array that
+ is bigger than the element being searched for - if no elements
+ in the array are bigger, then the index value is the same as
+ the total number of elements in the array.
+ If there is a matching element, then what the index refers to
+ depends on the value of aMode:
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows
+ the last matching element - if the last matching element is also
+ the last element of the array, then the index value is the same as
+ the total number of elements in the array.
+@param anOrder A package encapsulating the function which determines the order
+ of two class T objects.
+@param aMode Specifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match,
+ as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
+@return KErrNone, if a matching object pointer is found;
+ KErrNotFound, if no suitable object pointer can be found.
+ {return RArrayBase::BinarySearch(&anEntry,anIndex,anOrder,aMode);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::InsertInSignedKeyOrder(const T& anEntry)
+Inserts an object into the array in ascending signed key order.
+The order of two class T type objects is based on comparing a TInt value
+located at the key offset position within the class T object.
+No duplicate entries are permitted. The array remains unchanged following
+an attempt to insert a duplicate entry.
+@param anEntry A reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful;
+ KErrAlreadyExists, if an attempt is being made
+ to insert a duplicate entry; otherwise one of the other system wide
+ error codes.
+ {return RArrayBase::InsertIsqSigned(&anEntry,EFalse);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::InsertInUnsignedKeyOrder(const T& anEntry)
+Inserts an object into the array in ascending unsigned key order.
+The order of two class T type objects is based on comparing a TUint value
+located at the key offset position within the class T object.
+No duplicate entries are permitted. The array remains unchanged following
+an attempt to insert a duplicate entry.
+@param anEntry A reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful;
+ KErrAlreadyExists, if an attempt is being made
+ to insert a duplicate entry; otherwise one of the other system wide
+ error codes.
+ {return RArrayBase::InsertIsqUnsigned(&anEntry,EFalse);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::InsertInOrder(const T& anEntry, TLinearOrder<T> anOrder)
+Inserts an object of into the array in object order.
+The algorithm for determining the order of two class T type objects is provided
+by a function supplied by the caller.
+No duplicate entries are permitted. The array remains unchanged following
+an attempt to insert a duplicate entry.
+The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object
+@param anEntry A reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.
+@param anOrder A package encapsulating the function which determines the order
+ of two class T objects.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful;
+ KErrAlreadyExists, if an attempt is being made
+ to insert a duplicate entry; otherwise one of the other system wide
+ error codes.
+ {return RArrayBase::InsertIsq(&anEntry,anOrder,EFalse);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::InsertInSignedKeyOrderAllowRepeats(const T& anEntry)
+Inserts an object into the array in ascending signed key order,
+allowing duplicates.
+The order of two class T type objects is based on comparing a TInt value
+located at the key offset position within the class T object.
+If anEntry is a duplicate of an existing object in the array, then the new
+object is inserted after the existing object. If more than one duplicate object
+already exists in the array, then any new duplicate object is inserted after
+the last one.
+@param anEntry A reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+ {return RArrayBase::InsertIsqSigned(&anEntry,ETrue);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::InsertInUnsignedKeyOrderAllowRepeats(const T& anEntry)
+Inserts an object into the array in ascending unsigned key order, allowing
+The order of two class T type objects is based on comparing a TUint value
+located at the key offset position within the class T object.
+If anEntry is a duplicate of an existing object in the array, then the new
+object is inserted after the existing object. If more than one duplicate object
+already exists in the array, then any new duplicate object is inserted after
+the last one.
+@param anEntry A reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+ {return RArrayBase::InsertIsqUnsigned(&anEntry,ETrue);}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::InsertInOrderAllowRepeats(const T& anEntry, TLinearOrder<T> anOrder)
+Inserts an object into the array in object order, allowing duplicates.
+The algorithm for determining the order of two class T type objects is provided
+by a function supplied by the caller.
+If anEntry is a duplicate of an existing object in the array, then the new
+object is inserted after the existing object. If more than one duplicate object
+already exists in the array, then anEntry is inserted after the last one.
+The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object
+@param anEntry A reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.
+@param anOrder A package encapsulating the function which determines the order
+ of two class T objects.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+ {return RArrayBase::InsertIsq(&anEntry,anOrder,ETrue);}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+template <class T>
+inline void RArray<T>::GranularCompress()
+Compresses the array down to a granular boundary.
+After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is sufficient
+for its contained objects. Adding new objects to the array does not result
+in a re-allocation of memory until the the total number of objects reaches
+a multiple of the granularity.
+ {RArrayBase::GranularCompress();}
+template <class T>
+inline TInt RArray<T>::Reserve(TInt aCount)
+Reserves space for the specified number of elements.
+After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is sufficient
+to hold the number of objects specified. Adding new objects to the array
+does not result in a re-allocation of memory until the the total number of
+objects exceeds the specified count.
+@param aCount The number of objects for which space should be reserved
+@return KErrNone If the operation completed successfully
+@return KErrNoMemory If the requested amount of memory could not be allocated
+ { return RArrayBase::DoReserve(aCount); }
+template <class T>
+inline void RArray<T>::SortSigned()
+Sorts the objects within the array; the sort order is assumed to be in signed
+integer order.
+ {HeapSortSigned();}
+template <class T>
+inline void RArray<T>::SortUnsigned()
+Sorts the objects within the array; the sort order is assumed to be in unsigned
+integer order.
+ {HeapSortUnsigned();}
+template <class T>
+inline void RArray<T>::Sort(TLinearOrder<T> anOrder)
+Sorts the objects within the array using the specified TLinearOrder.
+The sort order is determined by an algorithm supplied by the caller and
+packaged as a TLinerOrder<T>.
+@param anOrder A package encapsulating the function which determines the order
+ of two class T type objects.
+ {HeapSort(anOrder);}
+template <class T>
+inline TArray<T> RArray<T>::Array() const
+Constructs and returns a generic array.
+@return A generic array representing this array.
+ { return TArray<T>(GetCount,GetElementPtr,(const CBase*)this); }
+inline RArray<TInt>::RArray()
+ : RPointerArrayBase()
+Constructs an array object for an array of signed integers with
+default granularity.
+The default granularity is 8.
+ {}
+inline RArray<TInt>::RArray(TInt aGranularity)
+ : RPointerArrayBase(aGranularity)
+Constructs an array object for an array of signed integers with the specified
+@param aGranularity The granularity of the array.
+@panic USER 127, if aGranularity is not positive or is greater than or
+ equal to 0x10000000.
+ {}
+C++ constructor with minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.
+This constructs an array object for an array of signed integers with the
+specified minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.
+@param aMinGrowBy The minimum growth step of the array. Must be between 1 and
+ 65535 inclusive.
+@param aFactor The factor by which the array grows, multiplied by 256.
+ For example 512 specifies a factor of 2. Must be between 257
+ and 32767 inclusive.
+@panic USER 192, if aMinGrowBy<=0 or aMinGrowBy>65535.
+@panic USER 193, if aFactor<=257 or aFactor>32767.
+inline RArray<TInt>::RArray(TInt aMinGrowBy, TInt aFactor)
+ : RPointerArrayBase(aMinGrowBy, aFactor)
+ {}
+inline void RArray<TInt>::Close()
+Closes the array and frees all memory allocated to the array.
+The function must be called before this array object goes out of scope.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::Close();}
+inline TInt RArray<TInt>::Count() const
+Gets the number of signed integers in the array.
+@return The number of signed integers in the array.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::Count(); }
+inline const TInt& RArray<TInt>::operator[](TInt anIndex) const
+Gets a reference to the signed integer located at a specified position within
+the array.
+The compiler chooses this function if the returned reference is used in an
+expression where the reference cannot be modified.
+@param anIndex The position of the signed integer within the array. The
+ position is relative to zero, i.e. zero implies the entry
+ at the beginning of the array.
+@return A const reference to the signed integer at position anIndex within
+ the array.
+@panic USER 130, if anIndex is negative, or is greater than the number of
+ entries currently in the array.
+ {return (const TInt&)At(anIndex);}
+inline TInt& RArray<TInt>::operator[](TInt anIndex)
+Gets a reference to the signed integer located at a specified position within
+the array.
+The compiler chooses this function if the returned reference is used in an
+expression where the reference can be modified.
+@param anIndex The position of the signed integer within the array. The
+ position is relative to zero, i.e. zero implies the entry
+ at the beginning of the array.
+@return A non-const reference to the signed integer at position anIndex within
+ the array.
+@panic USER 130, if anIndex is negative, or is greater than the number of
+ entries currently in the array.
+ {return (TInt&)At(anIndex);}
+inline TInt RArray<TInt>::Append(TInt anEntry)
+Appends a signed integer onto the array.
+@param anEntry The signed integer to be appended.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::Append((const TAny*)anEntry); }
+inline TInt RArray<TInt>::Insert(TInt anEntry, TInt aPos)
+Inserts a signed integer into the array at the specified position.
+@param anEntry The signed integer to be inserted.
+@param aPos The position within the array where the signed integer is to be
+ inserted. The position is relative to zero, i.e. zero implies
+ that an entry is inserted at the beginning of the array.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+@panic USER 131, if aPos is negative, or is greater than the number of entries
+ currently in the array.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::Insert((const TAny*)anEntry,aPos); }
+inline void RArray<TInt>::Remove(TInt anIndex)
+Removes the signed integer at the specified position from the array.
+@param anIndex The position within the array from where the signed integer
+ is to be removed. The position is relative to zero, i.e. zero
+ implies that an entry at the beginning of the array is to be
+ removed.
+@panic USER 130, if anIndex is negative or is greater than the number of
+ entries currently in the array.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::Remove(anIndex);}
+inline void RArray<TInt>::Compress()
+Compresses the array down to a minimum.
+After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is just
+sufficient for its entries. Subsequently adding a new signed integer to the
+array always results in a re-allocation of memory.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::Compress();}
+inline void RArray<TInt>::Reset()
+Empties the array.
+The function frees all memory allocated to the array and
+resets the internal state so that it is ready to be reused.
+This array object can be allowed to go out of scope after a call to this
+ {RPointerArrayBase::Reset();}
+inline TInt RArray<TInt>::Find(TInt anEntry) const
+Finds the first signed integer in the array which matches the specified signed
+integer using a sequential search.
+The find operation always starts at the low index end of the array. There
+is no assumption about the order of entries in the array.
+@param anEntry The signed integer to be found.
+@return The index of the first matching signed integer within the array.
+ KErrNotFound, if no matching entry can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::Find((const TAny*)anEntry); }
+inline TInt RArray<TInt>::FindReverse(TInt anEntry) const
+Finds the last signed integer in the array which matches the specified signed
+integer using a sequential search.
+The find operation always starts at the high index end of the array. There
+is no assumption about the order of entries in the array.
+@param anEntry The signed integer to be found.
+@return The index of the last matching signed integer within the array.
+ KErrNotFound, if no matching entry can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::FindReverse((const TAny*)anEntry); }
+inline TInt RArray<TInt>::FindInOrder(TInt anEntry) const
+Finds the signed integer in the array that matches the specified signed integer
+using a binary search technique.
+The function assumes that the array is in signed integer order.
+@param anEntry The signed integer to find.
+@return The index of the matching signed integer within the array or KErrNotFound,
+ if no match can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::FindIsqSigned(anEntry); }
+inline TInt RArray<TInt>::FindInOrder(TInt anEntry, TInt& anIndex) const
+Finds the signed integer in the array that matches the specified signed integer
+using a binary search technique.
+The function assumes that the array is in signed integer order.
+@param anEntry The signed integer to find.
+@param anIndex A TInt suplied by the caller. On return contains an index value.
+ If the function returns KErrNone, this is the index of the
+ matching signed integer within the array.
+ If the function returns KErrNotFound, this is the index of the
+ first signed integer within the array that is bigger than the
+ signed integer being searched for - if no signed integers within
+ the array are bigger, then the index value is the same as the
+ total number of signed integers within the array.
+@return KErrNone if a matching signed integer is found.
+ KErrNotFound if no match can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::BinarySearchSigned(anEntry,anIndex); }
+inline TInt RArray<TInt>::SpecificFindInOrder(TInt anEntry, TInt aMode) const
+Finds the signed integer in the array that matches the specified signed integer
+using a binary search technique.
+Where there is more than one matching element, it finds the first, last or any
+matching element as specified by the value of aMode.
+The function assumes that the array is in signed integer order.
+@param anEntry The signed integer to be found.
+@param aMode Specifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any
+ match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
+@return KErrNotFound, if there is no matching element, otherwise the array
+ index of a matching element - what the index refers to depends on the
+ value of aMode:
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows
+ the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element
+ of the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in
+ the array.
+@see TArrayFindMode
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::FindIsqSigned(anEntry,aMode); }
+inline TInt RArray<TInt>::SpecificFindInOrder(TInt anEntry, TInt& anIndex, TInt aMode) const
+Finds the signed integer in the array that matches the specified signed integer
+using a binary search technique.
+Where there is more than one matching element, it finds the first, last or any
+matching element as specified by the value of aMode.
+The function assumes that the array is in signed integer order.
+@param anEntry The signed integer to be found.
+@param anIndex A TInt type supplied by the caller. On return, it contains an index
+ value depending on whether a match is found and on the value of aMode.
+ If there is no matching element in the array, then this is the index of
+ the first element in the array that is bigger than the element being
+ searched for - if no elements in the array are bigger, then the index
+ value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+ If there is a matching element, then what the index refers to depends
+ on the value of aMode:
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows
+ the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element
+ of the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+@param aMode Specifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match,
+ as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
+@return KErrNone, if a matching element is found;
+ KErrNotFound, if no suitable element can be found.
+@see TArrayFindMode
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::BinarySearchSigned(anEntry,anIndex,aMode); }
+inline TInt RArray<TInt>::InsertInOrder(TInt anEntry)
+Inserts a signed integer into the array in signed integer order.
+No duplicate entries are permitted. The array remains unchanged following
+an attempt to insert a duplicate entry.
+The function assumes that existing entries within the array are in signed
+integer order.
+@param anEntry The signed integer to be inserted
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful;
+ KErrAlreadyExists, if an attempt is being made
+ to insert a duplicate entry; otherwise one of the other system wide
+ error codes.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::InsertIsqSigned(anEntry,EFalse); }
+inline TInt RArray<TInt>::InsertInOrderAllowRepeats(TInt anEntry)
+Inserts a signed integer into the array in signed integer order,
+allowing duplicates.
+If anEntry is a duplicate of an existing entry in the array, then the new
+signed integer is inserted after the existing one. If more than one duplicate
+entry already exists in the array, then any new duplicate signed integer is
+inserted after the last one.
+The function assumes that existing entries within the array are in signed
+integer order.
+@param anEntry The signed integer to be inserted.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::InsertIsqSigned(anEntry,ETrue); }
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+inline RArray<TInt>::RArray(TInt* aEntries, TInt aCount)
+ : RPointerArrayBase((TAny**)aEntries, aCount)
+C++ constructor with a pointer to the first array entry in a
+pre-existing array, and the number of entries in that array.
+This constructor takes a pointer to a pre-existing set of entries of type
+TInt objects. Ownership of the set of entries does not transfer to
+this RArray object.
+The purpose of constructing an array in this way is to allow sorting and
+finding operations to be done without further allocation of memory.
+@param aEntries A pointer to the first entry of type class TInt in the set of
+ entries belonging to the existing array.
+@param aCount The number of entries in the existing array.
+ {}
+inline void RArray<TInt>::GranularCompress()
+Compresses the array down to a granular boundary.
+After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is sufficient
+for its contained entries. Adding new signed integers to the array does not
+result in a re-allocation of memory until the total number of entries reaches
+a multiple of the granularity.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::GranularCompress();}
+inline TInt RArray<TInt>::Reserve(TInt aCount)
+Reserves space for the specified number of elements.
+After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is sufficient
+to hold the number of integers specified. Adding new integers to the array
+does not result in a re-allocation of memory until the the total number of
+integers exceeds the specified count.
+@param aCount The number of integers for which space should be reserved
+@return KErrNone If the operation completed successfully
+@return KErrNoMemory If the requested amount of memory could not be allocated
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::DoReserve(aCount); }
+inline void RArray<TInt>::Sort()
+Sorts the array entries into signed integer order.
+ { HeapSortSigned(); }
+inline TArray<TInt> RArray<TInt>::Array() const
+Constructs and returns a generic array.
+@return A generic array representing this array.
+@see TArray
+ { return TArray<TInt>(GetCount,GetElementPtr,(const CBase*)this); }
+inline RArray<TUint>::RArray()
+ : RPointerArrayBase()
+Default C++ constructor.
+This constructs an array object for an array of unsigned
+integers with default granularity.
+The default granularity of the array is 8.
+ {}
+inline RArray<TUint>::RArray(TInt aGranularity)
+ : RPointerArrayBase(aGranularity)
+Constructs an array object for an array of unsigned integers with the specified
+@param aGranularity The granularity of the array.
+@panic USER 127, if aGranularity is not positive or is greater than or
+ equal to 0x10000000.
+ {}
+C++ constructor with minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.
+This constructs an array object for an array of unsigned integers with the
+specified minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.
+@param aMinGrowBy The minimum growth step of the array. Must be between 1 and
+ 65535 inclusive.
+@param aFactor The factor by which the array grows, multiplied by 256.
+ For example 512 specifies a factor of 2. Must be between 257
+ and 32767 inclusive.
+@panic USER 192, if aMinGrowBy<=0 or aMinGrowBy>65535.
+@panic USER 193, if aFactor<=257 or aFactor>32767.
+inline RArray<TUint>::RArray(TInt aMinGrowBy, TInt aFactor)
+ : RPointerArrayBase(aMinGrowBy, aFactor)
+ {}
+inline void RArray<TUint>::Close()
+Closes the array and frees all memory allocated to the array.
+The function must be called before this array object goes out of scope.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::Close();}
+inline TInt RArray<TUint>::Count() const
+Gets the number of unsigned integers in the array.
+@return The number of unsigned integers in the array.
+ {return RPointerArrayBase::Count(); }
+inline const TUint& RArray<TUint>::operator[](TInt anIndex) const
+Gets a reference to the unsigned integer located at the specified position
+within the array.
+The compiler uses this variant if the returned reference is used in an
+expression where the reference cannot be modified.
+@param anIndex The position of the unsigned integer within the array, relative
+ to zero, i.e. zero implies the entry at the beginning of
+ the array.
+@return A reference to the const unsigned integer at position anIndex within
+ the array.
+@panic USER 130, if anIndex is negative, or is greater than the number of
+ entries currently in the array.
+ {return (const TUint&)At(anIndex);}
+inline TUint& RArray<TUint>::operator[](TInt anIndex)
+Gets a reference to the unsigned integer located at the specified position
+within the array.
+The compiler uses this variant if the returned reference is used in an
+expression where the reference can be modified.
+@param anIndex The position of the unsigned integer within the array, relative
+ to zero, i.e. zero implies the entry at the beginning of
+ the array.
+@return A reference to the non-const unsigned integer at position anIndex
+ within the array.
+@panic USER 130, if anIndex is negative, or is greater than the number of
+ entries currently in the array.
+ {return (TUint&)At(anIndex);}
+inline TInt RArray<TUint>::Append(TUint anEntry)
+Appends an unsigned integer onto the array.
+@param anEntry The unsigned integer to be appended.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::Append((const TAny*)anEntry); }
+inline TInt RArray<TUint>::Insert(TUint anEntry, TInt aPos)
+Inserts an unsigned integer into the array at the specified position.
+@param anEntry The unsigned integer to be inserted.
+@param aPos The position within the array where the unsigned integer is to
+ be inserted. The position is relative to zero, i.e. zero
+ implies that an entry is inserted at the beginning of
+ the array.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+@panic USER 131, if aPos is negative, or is greater than the number of entries
+ currently in the array.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::Insert((const TAny*)anEntry,aPos); }
+inline void RArray<TUint>::Remove(TInt anIndex)
+Removes the unsigned integer at the specified position from the array.
+@param anIndex The position within the array from where the unsigned integer
+ is to be removed. The position is relative to zero, i.e. zero
+ implies that an entry at the beginning of the array is to be
+ removed.
+@panic USER 130, if anIndex is negative, or is greater than the number of
+ entries currently in the array.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::Remove(anIndex);}
+inline void RArray<TUint>::Compress()
+Compresses the array down to a minimum.
+After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is just
+sufficient for its entries. Subsequently adding a new unsigned integer to the
+array always results in a re-allocation of memory.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::Compress();}
+inline void RArray<TUint>::Reset()
+Empties the array.
+It frees all memory allocated to the array and resets the
+internal state so that it is ready to be reused.
+This array object can be allowed to go out of scope after a call to
+this function.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::Reset();}
+inline TInt RArray<TUint>::Find(TUint anEntry) const
+Finds the first unsigned integer in the array which matches the specified
+value, using a sequential search.
+The find operation always starts at the low index end of the array. There
+is no assumption about the order of entries in the array.
+@param anEntry The unsigned integer to be found.
+@return The index of the first matching unsigned integer within the array.
+ KErrNotFound, if no matching entry can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::Find((const TAny*)anEntry); }
+inline TInt RArray<TUint>::FindReverse(TUint anEntry) const
+Finds the last unsigned integer in the array which matches the specified
+value, using a sequential search.
+The find operation always starts at the high index end of the array. There
+is no assumption about the order of entries in the array.
+@param anEntry The unsigned integer to be found.
+@return The index of the last matching unsigned integer within the array.
+ KErrNotFound, if no matching entry can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::FindReverse((const TAny*)anEntry); }
+inline TInt RArray<TUint>::FindInOrder(TUint anEntry) const
+Finds the unsigned integer in the array which matches the specified value,
+using a binary search technique.
+The functions assume that existing entries within the array are in unsigned
+integer order.
+@param anEntry The unsigned integer to be found.
+@return This is either: the index of the matching unsigned integer within the
+ array;
+ KErrNotFound, if no suitable entry can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::FindIsqUnsigned(anEntry); }
+inline TInt RArray<TUint>::FindInOrder(TUint anEntry, TInt& anIndex) const
+Finds the unsigned integer in the array which matches the specified value,
+using a binary search technique.
+If the index cannot be found, the function returns the index of the last
+unsigned integer within the array which logically precedes anEntry.
+The functions assume that existing entries within the array are in unsigned
+integer order.
+@param anEntry The unsigned integer to be found.
+@param anIndex A TInt supplied by the caller. On return, contains an index
+ value.
+ If the function returns KErrNone, this is the index of the
+ matching unsigned integer within the array.
+ If the function returns KErrNotFound, this is the index of the
+ first unsigned integer within the array that is bigger than the
+ unsigned integer being searched for - if no unsigned integers within
+ the array are bigger, then the index value is the same as the
+ total number of unsigned integers within the array.
+@return KErrNone, if a matching unsigned integer is found.
+ KErrNotFound, if no suitable entry can be found.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::BinarySearchUnsigned(anEntry,anIndex); }
+inline TInt RArray<TUint>::SpecificFindInOrder(TUint anEntry, TInt aMode) const
+Finds the unsigned integer in the array that matches the specified unsigned integer
+using a binary search technique.
+In the case that there is more than one matching element, finds the first, last
+or any match as specified by the value of aMode.
+The function assumes that the array is in unsigned integer order.
+@param anEntry The unsigned integer to be found..
+@param aMode Specifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match,
+ as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
+@return KErrNotFound, if there is no matching element, otherwise the array index of
+ a matching element - what the index refers to depends on the value of
+ aMode:
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows
+ the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of
+ the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+@see TArrayFindMode
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::FindIsqUnsigned(anEntry,aMode); }
+inline TInt RArray<TUint>::SpecificFindInOrder(TUint anEntry, TInt& anIndex, TInt aMode) const
+Finds the unsigned integer in the array that matches the specified unsigned integer
+using a binary search technique.
+In the case that there is more than one matching element, finds the first, last or any match as specified.
+The function assumes that the array is in unsigned integer order.
+@param anEntry The unsigned integer to be found.
+@param anIndex A TInt type supplied by the caller. On return, it contains an index
+ value depending on whether a match is found and on the value of aMode.
+ If there is no matching element in the array, then this is the index
+ of the first element in the array that is bigger than the element being
+ searched for - if no elements in the array are bigger, then the index
+ value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+ If there is a matching element, then what the index refers to depends
+ on the value of aMode:
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements;
+ if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows
+ the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array,
+ then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
+@param aMode Specifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match, as defined by one
+ of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
+@return KErrNone, if a matching entry is found; KErrNotFound, if no matching entry exists.
+@see TArrayFindMode
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::BinarySearchUnsigned(anEntry,anIndex,aMode); }
+inline TInt RArray<TUint>::InsertInOrder(TUint anEntry)
+Inserts an unsigned integer into the array in unsigned integer order.
+No duplicate entries are permitted. The array remains unchanged following
+an attempt to insert a duplicate entry.
+The function assumes that existing entries within the array are in unsigned
+integer order.
+@param anEntry The unsigned integer to be inserted.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful;
+ KErrAlreadyExists, if an attempt is being made
+ to insert a duplicate entry; otherwise one of the other system wide
+ error codes.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::InsertIsqUnsigned(anEntry,EFalse); }
+inline TInt RArray<TUint>::InsertInOrderAllowRepeats(TUint anEntry)
+Inserts an unsigned integer into the array in unsigned integer order, allowing
+If the new integer is a duplicate of an existing entry in the array, then
+the new unsigned integer is inserted after the existing one. If more than
+one duplicate entry already exists in the array, then any new duplicate
+unsigned integer is inserted after the last one.
+The function assumes that existing entries within the array are in unsigned
+integer order.
+@param anEntry The unsigned integer to be inserted.
+@return KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system
+ wide error codes.
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::InsertIsqUnsigned(anEntry,ETrue); }
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+inline RArray<TUint>::RArray(TUint* aEntries, TInt aCount)
+ : RPointerArrayBase((TAny**)aEntries, aCount)
+C++ constructor with a pointer to the first array entry in a
+pre-existing array, and the number of entries in that array.
+This constructor takes a pointer to a pre-existing set of entries of type
+TUint objects. Ownership of the set of entries does not transfer to
+this RArray object.
+The purpose of constructing an array in this way is to allow sorting and
+finding operations to be done without further allocation of memory.
+@param aEntries A pointer to the first entry of type class TUint in the set of
+ entries belonging to the existing array.
+@param aCount The number of entries in the existing array.
+ {}
+inline void RArray<TUint>::GranularCompress()
+Compresses the array down to a granular boundary.
+After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is sufficient
+for its contained entries. Adding new unsigned integers to the array does not
+result in a re-allocation of memory until the total number of entries reaches
+a multiple of the granularity.
+ {RPointerArrayBase::GranularCompress();}
+inline TInt RArray<TUint>::Reserve(TInt aCount)
+Reserves space for the specified number of elements.
+After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is sufficient
+to hold the number of integers specified. Adding new integers to the array
+does not result in a re-allocation of memory until the the total number of
+integers exceeds the specified count.
+@param aCount The number of integers for which space should be reserved
+@return KErrNone If the operation completed successfully
+@return KErrNoMemory If the requested amount of memory could not be allocated
+ { return RPointerArrayBase::DoReserve(aCount); }
+inline void RArray<TUint>::Sort()
+Sorts the array entries into unsigned integer order.
+ { HeapSortUnsigned(); }
+inline TArray<TUint> RArray<TUint>::Array() const
+Constructs and returns a generic array.
+@return A generic array representing this array.
+@see TArray
+ { return TArray<TUint>(GetCount,GetElementPtr,(const CBase*)this); }
+Sets an argument to default value and type.
+inline void TIpcArgs::Set(TInt,TNothing)
+ {}
+Sets an argument value of TInt type.
+@param aIndex An index value that identifies the slot in the array of arguments
+ into which the argument value is to be placed.
+ This must be a value in the range 0 to 3.
+@param aValue The argument value.
+inline void TIpcArgs::Set(TInt aIndex,TInt aValue)
+ {
+ iArgs[aIndex] = aValue;
+ iFlags |= EUnspecified<<(aIndex*KBitsPerType);
+ }
+Sets an argument value of TAny* type.
+@param aIndex An index value that identifies the slot in the array of arguments
+ into which the argument value is to be placed.
+ This must be a value in the range 0 to 3.
+@param aValue The argument value.
+inline void TIpcArgs::Set(TInt aIndex,const TAny* aValue)
+ {
+ iArgs[aIndex] = (TInt)aValue;
+ iFlags |= EUnspecified<<(aIndex*KBitsPerType);
+ }
+Sets an argument value of RHandleBase type.
+@param aIndex An index value that identifies the slot in the array of arguments
+ into which the argument value is to be placed.
+ This must be a value in the range 0 to 3.
+@param aValue The argument value.
+inline void TIpcArgs::Set(TInt aIndex,RHandleBase aValue)
+ {
+ iArgs[aIndex] = (TInt)aValue.Handle();
+ iFlags |= EHandle<<(aIndex*KBitsPerType);
+ }
+Sets an argument value TDesC8* type.
+@param aIndex An index value that identifies the slot in the array of arguments
+ into which the argument value is to be placed.
+ This must be a value in the range 0 to 3.
+@param aValue The argument value.
+inline void TIpcArgs::Set(TInt aIndex,const TDesC8* aValue)
+ {
+ iArgs[aIndex] = (TInt)aValue;
+ iFlags |= EDesC8<<(aIndex*KBitsPerType);
+ }
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+Sets an argument value of TDesC16* type.
+@param aIndex An index value that identifies the slot in the array of arguments
+ into which the argument value is to be placed.
+ This must be a value in the range 0 to 3.
+@param aValue The argument value.
+inline void TIpcArgs::Set(TInt aIndex,const TDesC16* aValue)
+ {
+ iArgs[aIndex] = (TInt)aValue;
+ iFlags |= EDesC16<<(aIndex*KBitsPerType);
+ }
+Sets an argument value of TDes8* type.
+@param aIndex An index value that identifies the slot in the array of arguments
+ into which the argument value is to be placed.
+ This must be a value in the range 0 to 3.
+@param aValue The argument value.
+inline void TIpcArgs::Set(TInt aIndex,TDes8* aValue)
+ {
+ iArgs[aIndex] = (TInt)aValue;
+ iFlags |= EDes8<<(aIndex*KBitsPerType);
+ }
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+Sets an argument value of TDes16* type.
+@param aIndex An index value that identifies the slot in the array of arguments
+ into which the argument value is to be placed.
+ This must be a value in the range 0 to 3.
+@param aValue The argument value.
+inline void TIpcArgs::Set(TInt aIndex,TDes16* aValue)
+ {
+ iArgs[aIndex] = (TInt)aValue;
+ iFlags |= EDes16<<(aIndex*KBitsPerType);
+ }
+inline TIpcArgs::TArgType TIpcArgs::Type(TNothing)
+ { return EUnspecified; }
+inline TIpcArgs::TArgType TIpcArgs::Type(TInt)
+ { return EUnspecified; }
+inline TIpcArgs::TArgType TIpcArgs::Type(const TAny*)
+ { return EUnspecified; }
+inline TIpcArgs::TArgType TIpcArgs::Type(RHandleBase)
+ { return EHandle; }
+inline TIpcArgs::TArgType TIpcArgs::Type(const TDesC8*)
+ { return EDesC8; }
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+inline TIpcArgs::TArgType TIpcArgs::Type(const TDesC16*)
+ { return EDesC16; }
+inline TIpcArgs::TArgType TIpcArgs::Type(TDes8*)
+ { return EDes8; }
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+inline TIpcArgs::TArgType TIpcArgs::Type(TDes16*)
+ { return EDes16; }
+inline void TIpcArgs::Assign(TInt&,TIpcArgs::TNothing)
+ {}
+inline void TIpcArgs::Assign(TInt& aArg,TInt aValue)
+ { aArg = aValue; }
+inline void TIpcArgs::Assign(TInt& aArg,const TAny* aValue)
+ { aArg = (TInt)aValue; }
+inline void TIpcArgs::Assign(TInt& aArg,RHandleBase aValue)
+ { aArg = (TInt)aValue.Handle(); }
+inline void TIpcArgs::Assign(TInt& aArg,const TDesC8* aValue)
+ { aArg = (TInt)aValue; }
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+inline void TIpcArgs::Assign(TInt& aArg,const TDesC16* aValue)
+ { aArg = (TInt)aValue; }
+inline void TIpcArgs::Assign(TInt& aArg,TDes8* aValue)
+ { aArg = (TInt)aValue; }
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+inline void TIpcArgs::Assign(TInt& aArg,TDes16* aValue)
+ { aArg = (TInt)aValue; }
+// Structures for passing 64 bit integers and doubles across GCC/EABI boundaries
+inline SInt64::SInt64()
+ {}
+inline SInt64::SInt64(Int64 a)
+ {
+ iData[0] = (TUint32)((Uint64)a);
+ iData[1] = (TUint32)(((Uint64)a)>>32);
+ }
+inline SInt64& SInt64::operator=(Int64 a)
+ {
+ iData[0] = (TUint32)((Uint64)a);
+ iData[1] = (TUint32)(((Uint64)a)>>32);
+ return *this;
+ }
+inline SInt64::operator Int64() const
+ {
+ Int64 x;
+ TUint32* px = (TUint32*)&x;
+ px[0] = iData[0];
+ px[1] = iData[1];
+ return x;
+ }
+inline SUint64::SUint64()
+ {}
+inline SUint64::SUint64(Uint64 a)
+ {
+ iData[0] = (TUint32)a;
+ iData[1] = (TUint32)(a>>32);
+ }
+inline SUint64& SUint64::operator=(Uint64 a)
+ {
+ iData[0] = (TUint32)a;
+ iData[1] = (TUint32)(a>>32);
+ return *this;
+ }
+inline SUint64::operator Uint64() const
+ {
+ Uint64 x;
+ TUint32* px = (TUint32*)&x;
+ px[0] = iData[0];
+ px[1] = iData[1];
+ return x;
+ }
+inline SDouble::SDouble()
+ {}
+inline SDouble::SDouble(TReal a)
+ {
+ const TUint32* pa = (const TUint32*)&a;
+ iData[0] = pa[1];
+ iData[1] = pa[0]; // compiler puts MS word of double first
+ iData[0] = pa[0];
+ iData[1] = pa[1]; // compiler puts MS word of double second
+ }
+inline SDouble& SDouble::operator=(TReal a)
+ {
+ new (this) SDouble(a);
+ return *this;
+ }
+inline SDouble::operator TReal() const
+ {
+ TReal x;
+ TUint32* px = (TUint32*)&x;
+ px[1] = iData[0];
+ px[0] = iData[1]; // compiler puts MS word of double first
+ px[0] = iData[0];
+ px[1] = iData[1]; // compiler puts MS word of double second
+ return x;
+ }
+// TSecureId
+/** Default constructor. This leaves the object in an undefined state */
+inline TSecureId::TSecureId()
+ {}
+/** Construct 'this' using a TUint32
+@param aId The value for the ID */
+inline TSecureId::TSecureId(TUint32 aId)
+ : iId(aId) {}
+/** Convert 'this' into a TUint32
+inline TSecureId::operator TUint32() const
+ { return iId; }
+/** Construct 'this' using a TUid
+@param aId The value for the ID */
+inline TSecureId::TSecureId(TUid aId)
+ : iId(aId.iUid) {}
+/** Convert 'this' into a TUid
+inline TSecureId::operator TUid() const
+ { return (TUid&)iId; }
+// SSecureId
+inline const TSecureId* SSecureId::operator&() const
+ { return (const TSecureId*)this; }
+inline SSecureId::operator const TSecureId&() const
+ { return (const TSecureId&)iId; }
+inline SSecureId::operator TUint32() const
+ { return iId; }
+inline SSecureId::operator TUid() const
+ { return (TUid&)iId; }
+// TVendorId
+/** Default constructor which leaves the object in an undefined state */
+inline TVendorId::TVendorId()
+ {}
+/** Construct 'this' using a TUint32
+@param aId The value for the ID */
+inline TVendorId::TVendorId(TUint32 aId)
+ : iId(aId) {}
+/** Convert 'this' into a TUint32
+inline TVendorId::operator TUint32() const
+ { return iId; }
+/** Construct 'this' using a TUid
+@param aId The value for the ID */
+inline TVendorId::TVendorId(TUid aId)
+ : iId(aId.iUid) {}
+/** Convert 'this' into a TUid
+inline TVendorId::operator TUid() const
+ { return (TUid&)iId; }
+// SSecureId
+inline const TVendorId* SVendorId::operator&() const
+ { return (const TVendorId*)this; }
+inline SVendorId::operator const TVendorId&() const
+ { return (const TVendorId&)iId; }
+inline SVendorId::operator TUint32() const
+ { return iId; }
+inline SVendorId::operator TUid() const
+ { return (TUid&)iId; }
+// TSharedChunkBufConfigBase
+inline TSharedChunkBufConfigBase::TSharedChunkBufConfigBase()
+ {memset(this,0,sizeof(TSharedChunkBufConfigBase));}
+Default constructor. This leaves the set in an undefned state.
+inline TCapabilitySet::TCapabilitySet()
+ {}
+Construct a set consisting of a single capability.
+@param aCapability The single capability
+inline TCapabilitySet::TCapabilitySet(TCapability aCapability)
+ { new (this) TCapabilitySet(aCapability, aCapability); }
+Make this set consist of a single capability.
+@param aCapability The single capability.
+inline void TCapabilitySet::Set(TCapability aCapability)
+ { new (this) TCapabilitySet(aCapability, aCapability); }
+Make this set consist of two capabilities.
+@param aCapability1 The first capability.
+@param aCapability2 The second capability.
+inline void TCapabilitySet::Set(TCapability aCapability1, TCapability aCapability2)
+ { new (this) TCapabilitySet(aCapability1, aCapability2); }
+Default constructor. This leaves the object in an undefned state.
+inline TSecurityInfo::TSecurityInfo()
+ {}
+/** Constructs a TSecurityPolicy that will always fail, irrespective of the
+checked object's attributes.
+inline TSecurityPolicy::TSecurityPolicy()
+ { new (this) TSecurityPolicy(EAlwaysFail); }
+'Address of' operator which generates a TSecurityPolicy*
+@return A pointer of type TSecurityPolicy which refers to this object
+inline const TSecurityPolicy* TStaticSecurityPolicy::operator&() const
+ { return (const TSecurityPolicy*)this; }
+'Reference of' operator which generates a TSecurityPolicy&
+@return A reference of type TSecurityPolicy which refers to this object
+inline TStaticSecurityPolicy::operator const TSecurityPolicy&() const
+ { return *(const TSecurityPolicy*)this; }
+A method to explicity generate a TSecurityPolicy reference.
+@return A reference of type TSecurityPolicy which refers to this object
+inline const TSecurityPolicy& TStaticSecurityPolicy::operator()() const
+ { return *(const TSecurityPolicy*)this; }
+#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
+/** Checks this policy against the platform security attributes of aProcess.
+ When a check fails the action taken is determined by the system wide Platform Security
+ configuration. If PlatSecDiagnostics is ON, then a diagnostic message is emitted.
+ If PlatSecEnforcement is OFF, then this function will return ETrue even though the
+ check failed.
+@param aProcess The DProcess object to check against this TSecurityPolicy.
+@param aDiagnostic A string that will be emitted along with any diagnostic message
+ that may be issued if the policy check fails.
+ This string must be enclosed in the __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING macro
+ which enables it to be easily removed from the system.
+@return ETrue if all the requirements of this TSecurityPolicy are met by the
+platform security attributes of aProcess, EFalse otherwise.
+@panic KERN-COMMON 190 if 'this' is an invalid SSecurityInfo object
+inline TBool TSecurityPolicy::CheckPolicy(DProcess* aProcess, const char* aDiagnostic) const
+ {
+ return DoCheckPolicy(aProcess, aDiagnostic);
+ }
+/** Checks this policy against the platform security attributes of the process
+owning aThread.
+ When a check fails the action taken is determined by the system wide Platform Security
+ configuration. If PlatSecDiagnostics is ON, then a diagnostic message is emitted.
+ If PlatSecEnforcement is OFF, then this function will return ETrue even though the
+ check failed.
+@param aThread The thread whose owning process' platform security attributes
+are to be checked against this TSecurityPolicy.
+@param aDiagnostic A string that will be emitted along with any diagnostic message
+ that may be issued if the policy check fails.
+ This string must be enclosed in the __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING macro
+ which enables it to be easily removed from the system.
+@return ETrue if all the requirements of this TSecurityPolicy are met by the
+platform security parameters of the owning process of aThread, EFalse otherwise.
+@panic KERN-COMMON 190 if 'this' is an invalid SSecurityInfo object
+inline TBool TSecurityPolicy::CheckPolicy(DThread* aThread, const char* aDiagnostic) const
+ {
+ return DoCheckPolicy(aThread, aDiagnostic);
+ }
+/** Checks this policy against the platform security attributes of aProcess.
+ When a check fails the action taken is determined by the system wide Platform Security
+ configuration. If PlatSecDiagnostics is ON, then a diagnostic message is emitted.
+ If PlatSecEnforcement is OFF, then this function will return ETrue even though the
+ check failed.
+@param aProcess The DProcess object to check against this TSecurityPolicy.
+@param aDiagnostic A string that will be emitted along with any diagnostic message
+ that may be issued if the policy check fails.
+ This string must be enclosed in the __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING macro
+ which enables it to be easily removed from the system.
+@return ETrue if all the requirements of this TSecurityPolicy are met by the
+platform security attributes of aProcess, EFalse otherwise.
+@panic KERN-COMMON 190 if 'this' is an invalid SSecurityInfo object
+inline TBool TSecurityPolicy::CheckPolicy(DProcess* aProcess, OnlyCreateWithNull /*aDiagnostic*/) const
+ {
+ return DoCheckPolicy(aProcess);
+ }
+/** Checks this policy against the platform security attributes of the process
+owning aThread.
+ When a check fails the action taken is determined by the system wide Platform Security
+ configuration. If PlatSecDiagnostics is ON, then a diagnostic message is emitted.
+ If PlatSecEnforcement is OFF, then this function will return ETrue even though the
+ check failed.
+@param aThread The thread whose owning process' platform security attributes
+are to be checked against this TSecurityPolicy.
+@param aDiagnostic A string that will be emitted along with any diagnostic message
+ that may be issued if the policy check fails.
+ This string must be enclosed in the __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING macro
+ which enables it to be easily removed from the system.
+@return ETrue if all the requirements of this TSecurityPolicy are met by the
+platform security parameters of the owning process of aThread, EFalse otherwise.
+@panic KERN-COMMON 190 if 'this' is an invalid SSecurityInfo object
+inline TBool TSecurityPolicy::CheckPolicy(DThread* aThread, OnlyCreateWithNull /*aDiagnostic*/) const
+ {
+ return DoCheckPolicy(aThread);
+ }
+#endif // __KERNEL_MODE__