--- a/epoc32/include/fldbltin.h Tue Nov 24 13:55:44 2009 +0000
+++ b/epoc32/include/fldbltin.h Tue Mar 16 16:12:26 2010 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,273 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __FLDBLTIN_H__
+#define __FLDBLTIN_H__
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <fldbase.h>
+// Classes declared in this file
+class MFieldPageNumInfo;
+class MFieldNumPagesInfo;
+class MFieldFileNameInfo;
+// the built-in field types
+class CDateTimeField;
+class CPageNumField;
+class CNumPagesField;
+class CFileNameField;
+class TRomanNumeral;
+// Classes referenced
+class RReadStream;
+class RWriteStream;
+Specifies the mixin protocol for evaluating a current page number field.
+You should implement the UpdateFieldPageNum() function in a concrete derived
+class, then pass an object of the class to the page number field (using CPageNumField::SetPageNumInfo())
+before the field can be evaluated.
+class MFieldPageNumInfo
+ {
+ /** Implementations of this function should return the current page number.
+ @return The page number. */
+ virtual TInt UpdateFieldPageNum()const=0;
+ };
+Specifies the mixin protocol for evaluating a total number of pages field.
+You should implement the UpdateFieldNumPages() function in a concrete derived
+class, then pass an object of the class to the number of pages field (using
+CNumPagesField::SetNumPagesInfo()) before the field can be evaluated.
+class MFieldNumPagesInfo
+ {
+ /** Implementations of this function should return the number of pages in the current
+ document.
+ @return The total number of pages. */
+ virtual TInt UpdateFieldNumPages()const=0;
+ };
+Specifies the mixin protocol for evaluating a filename field.
+You should implement the UpdateFieldFileName() function in a concrete derived
+class, then pass an object of the derived class to the filename field (using
+CFileNameField::SetFileNameInfo()) before the field can be evaluated.
+class MFieldFileNameInfo
+ {
+ /** Implementations of this function should set aValueText to the current document's
+ filename, if the buffer is large enough. If not, the function should return
+ the length which is required to hold the filename.
+ @param aValueText Descriptor which on return contains the document's filename.
+ @return Zero if aValueText is long enough to hold the filename. Otherwise,
+ the length of the buffer which is required to hold the filename. */
+ virtual TInt UpdateFieldFileName(TPtr& aValueText)const=0;
+ };
+A date/time field.
+This may contain any or all components of the date and time, and can be formatted
+in a variety of ways. It stores a format string, which is used by the Value()
+function to format the current date/time. For information on date/time formatting,
+see TTime::FormatL().
+class CDateTimeField : public CTextField
+ {
+ IMPORT_C CDateTimeField();
+ IMPORT_C void SetFormat(const TDesC& aFormat);
+ // from TTextField
+ IMPORT_C virtual TInt Value(TPtr& aValueText);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream)const;
+ //
+ // Getters
+ IMPORT_C const TDesC& FormatString()const;
+ IMPORT_C TUid Type()const;
+ TBuf<64> iFormatString;
+ };
+Stores a style for displaying the value of numeric fields.
+This style is used when converting the integer value of numeric fields into
+a descriptor for display in another format, e.g. Arabic, Roman, alphabetic.
+This is the base class for the numeric fields, CPageNumField and CNumPagesField.
+class CPageFieldBase : public CTextField
+ {
+/** Numeric style */
+ enum TNumberStyle {
+ /** Arabic numeral, e.g. 1, 2, 3. */
+ EArabic, // 1,2,3
+ /** Upper case Roman numeral, e.g. I, II, III. */
+ ERomanUpper, // I,II,III
+ /** Lower case Roman numeral, e.g. i, ii, iii. */
+ ERomanLower, // i,ii,iii
+ /** Upper case alphabetic. */
+ EAlphabeticUpper, // A,B,C
+ /** Lower case alphabetic. */
+ EAlphabeticLower // a,b,c
+ };
+ /** Sets the numeric style.
+ @param aStyle The numeric style. */
+ inline void SetNumberStyle(TNumberStyle aStyle) { iStyle = aStyle; }
+ // from TTextField
+ IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
+ IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream)const;
+ //
+ // Getters
+ IMPORT_C TNumberStyle NumberStyle()const;
+ TInt InsertValue(TPtr& aValueText,TInt aValue);
+ TNumberStyle iStyle;
+ };
+A field which evaluates to the current page number in the document.
+Before the page number field can be evaluated, it must be passed a pointer
+to an object which implements the UpdateFieldPageNum() function.
+class CPageNumField : public CPageFieldBase
+ {
+ /** Sets the object which implements UpdateFieldPageNum(), to get the current page
+ number. SetPageNumInfo() must be called before the page number field can be
+ evaluated.
+ @param aInfo Pointer to an object which implements UpdateFieldPageNum(). */
+ inline void SetPageNumInfo(MFieldPageNumInfo* aInfo) { iPageNumInfo=aInfo; }
+ // from TTextField
+ IMPORT_C TInt Value(TPtr& aValueText);
+ IMPORT_C TUid Type()const;
+ MFieldPageNumInfo* iPageNumInfo;
+ };
+A field which evaluates to the number of pages in the document.
+Before the number of pages field can be evaluated, it must be passed a pointer
+to an object which implements the UpdateFieldNumPages() function.
+class CNumPagesField : public CPageFieldBase
+ {
+ /** Sets the object which implements UpdateFieldNumPages(), to get the number of
+ pages in the document. SetNumPagesInfo() must be called before the number
+ of pages field can be evaluated.
+ @param aInfo Pointer to an object which implements UpdateFieldNumPages(). */
+ inline void SetNumPagesInfo(MFieldNumPagesInfo* aInfo) { iNumPagesInfo=aInfo; }
+ // from TTextField
+ IMPORT_C TInt Value(TPtr& aValueText);
+ IMPORT_C TUid Type()const;
+ MFieldNumPagesInfo* iNumPagesInfo;
+ };
+A filename field.
+This is a field which evaluates to the filename of the current document. Before
+the filename field can be evaluated, it must be passed a pointer to an object
+which implements the UpdateFieldFileName() function.
+class CFileNameField : public CTextField
+ {
+ /** Sets the object which implements the UpdateFieldFileName() function, to get
+ the current document's filename. SetFileNameInfo() must be called before the
+ filename field can be evaluated.
+ @param aInfo Pointer to an object which implements the UpdateFieldFileName()
+ function. */
+ inline void SetFileNameInfo(MFieldFileNameInfo* aInfo) { iFileNameInfo=aInfo; }
+ // from TTextField
+ IMPORT_C virtual TStreamId StoreL(CStreamStore& aStore)const; // returns KNullStreamId
+ IMPORT_C virtual void RestoreL(const CStreamStore& aStore,TStreamId aId); // does nothing.
+ IMPORT_C virtual TInt Value(TPtr& aValueText);
+ /** Overrides the base class method to do nothing, because this class has no persistent
+ data. */
+ inline virtual void InternalizeL(RReadStream& /*aStream*/) {}; // stream the formatting
+ IMPORT_C TUid Type()const;
+ MFieldFileNameInfo* iFileNameInfo;
+ };