changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
parent 0 061f57f2323e
child 4 837f303aceeb
--- a/epoc32/include/gdi.inl	Tue Nov 24 13:55:44 2009 +0000
+++ b/epoc32/include/gdi.inl	Tue Mar 16 16:12:26 2010 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,718 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// TRgb
+inline TRgb::TRgb():
+	iValue(0xffffffff)
+	/**  Constructs a TRgb initialised to KRgbWhite.*/
+	{}
+inline TRgb::TRgb(TUint32 aValue):
+	iValue(((aValue & 0xff0000) >> 16) | (aValue & 0x00ff00) | ((aValue & 0x0000ff) << 16) | (0xff000000 - (aValue & 0xff000000)))
+/** Constructs a TRgb directly from a single 32-bit integer.
+The integer is of the form 0xaabbggrr, where bb is the hex number of blue, 
+gg is the hex number for green, and rr is the hex number for red, aa is the hex number of 
+alpha (0 means opaque, 255 means transparent). 
+For example, TRgb(2,4,8) using the 3 colour constructor is equal to TRgb(0x00080402) using 
+this constructor.
+The constructor is deprecated. Use others constructor or SetInternal() instead.
+@param aValue Integer representing colour value. Takes form 0x00bbggrr. 
+@deprecated  */
+	{}
+inline TRgb::TRgb(TUint32 aInternalValue, TInt aAlpha) :
+	iValue((aInternalValue & 0x00ffffff) | (aAlpha << 24))
+/** Constructs a TRgb from a 32-bit integer (which corresponds to a colour) and from an alpha value.
+The first parameter is of the form 0x00rrggbb, where rr is the hex number for red, 
+gg is the hex number for green, and bb is the hex number of blue. 
+The second parameter corresponds to an alpha channel (0 means transparent, 255 means opaque).
+For example, TRgb(2,4,8,255) using the 3 colour constructor is equal to TRgb(0x00020408, 255) using 
+this constructor.
+The constructor is a replacement for TRgb(TUint32 aValue).
+@param aInternalValue	Integer representing a colour value, which takes the form 0x00rrggbb.
+@param aAlpha		Alpha component of the colour (0 - 255).*/
+	{
+	}
+inline TRgb::TRgb(TInt aRed,TInt aGreen,TInt aBlue):
+	iValue(aRed<<16|aGreen<<8|aBlue|0xff000000)
+/** Constructs a TRgb from its three component colours.
+Each colour has a value between 0 and 255.
+@param aRed Red component of the colour (0 - 255). 
+@param aGreen Green component of the colour (0 -  255). 
+@param aBlue Blue component of the colour (0 - 255). */
+	{}
+/** Constructs a TRgb from its three colour components and alpha component.
+Each component has a value between 0 and 255.
+The fourth parameter corresponds to an alpha channel (0 means transparent, 255 means opaque).
+@param aRed Red component of the colour (0 - 255). 
+@param aGreen Green component of the colour (0 -  255). 
+@param aBlue Blue component of the colour (0 - 255).
+@param aAlpha Alpha component of the colour (0 - 255).*/
+inline TRgb::TRgb(TInt aRed,TInt aGreen,TInt aBlue, TInt aAlpha):
+	iValue(aRed<<16|aGreen<<8|aBlue|aAlpha<<24)
+	{}
+inline TInt TRgb::Red() const
+/** Gets the red component.
+@return The red component (0 - 255). */
+	{return((iValue&0xff0000)>>16);}
+inline TInt TRgb::Green() const
+/** Gets the green component.
+@return The green component (0 - 255). */
+	{return((iValue&0xff00)>>8);}
+inline TInt TRgb::Blue() const
+/** Gets the blue component.
+@return The blue component (0 - 255). */
+	{return(iValue&0xff);}
+inline TBool TRgb::operator==(const TRgb& aColor) const
+/** Compares this colour with the specified colour for equality.
+For two colours to be equal, their red, green and blue components must all 
+be equal.
+@param aColor Colour to be compared. 
+@return ETrue. if the colours are equal; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{return(iValue==aColor.iValue);}
+inline TBool TRgb::operator!=(const TRgb& aColor) const
+/** Compares this colour with the specified colour for inequality.
+Two colours are unequal if one at least one of their red, green and blue components 
+are unequal.
+@param aColor Colour to be compared. 
+@return ETrue, if the colours are not equal; EFalse, otherwise.
+ */
+	{return(!(*this==aColor));}
+inline TRgb& TRgb::operator&=(const TRgb& aColor)
+/** Logical AND assignment operator.
+The operator ANDs the first operand with the second and then assigns the result 
+back to the first operand.
+This operates in the TRgb domain. Graphics defines logical operations for 
+drawing primitives which operate in the device colour domain.
+@param aColor Colour to be compared. 
+@return First operand-contains result of logical AND. */
+	{iValue&=aColor.iValue;return(*this);}
+inline TRgb& TRgb::operator|=(const TRgb& aColor)
+/** Logical OR assignment operator.
+The operator ORs the first operand with the second and then assigns the result 
+back to the first operand.
+This operates in the TRgb domain. Graphics defines logical operations for 
+drawing primitives which operate in the device colour domain.
+@param aColor Colour to be compared. 
+@return First operand- contains result of logical OR. */
+	{iValue|=aColor.iValue;return(*this);}
+inline TRgb& TRgb::operator^=(const TRgb& aColor)
+/** Logical EXCLUSIVE OR assignment operator.
+The operator Exclusive ORs the first operand with the second and then assigns 
+the result back to the first operand.
+This operates in the TRgb domain. Graphics defines logical operations for 
+drawing primitives which operate in the device colour domain.
+@param aColor Colour to be compared. 
+@return First operand  contains result of logical Exclusive OR. */
+	{iValue^=aColor.iValue;iValue^=0xff000000; return(*this);}
+inline TUint32 TRgb::Value() const
+/** Gets the 32-bit value of the TRgb as an integer. 
+This function is deprecated. Use Internal() instead.
+@return The 32 bit value of the TRgb. Has the form 0xaabbggrr, where bb is the hex number of blue, 
+gg is the hex number for green, rr is the hex number for red and aa is the hex number of 
+alpha (0 means opaque, 255 means transparent). 
+@deprecated */			
+		//					rr							gg						bb								aa
+		{return (((iValue & 0xff0000) >> 16) | (iValue & 0x00ff00) | ((iValue & 0x0000ff) << 16) | (0xff000000 - (iValue & 0xff000000)));}
+inline TUint32 TRgb::Internal() const
+/** Gets the 32-bit value of the TRgb as an integer. 
+@return The 32 bit value of the TRgb. Has the form 0xaarrggbb. */
+		{return (iValue);}
+inline void TRgb::SetInternal(TUint32 aInternal)
+/** Sets the 32-bit value of the TRgb as a 32-bit integer.
+@param aInternal Colour internal representation. Has the form 0xaarrggbb. 
+		{iValue = aInternal;}
+inline TRgb TRgb::operator~() const
+/** Bitwise logical inversion operator.
+@return Contains results of logical inversion. */
+	{TRgb rgb; rgb.SetInternal(iValue^0x00ffffff); return rgb;}
+inline TRgb TRgb::operator&(const TRgb& aColor)
+/** Bitwise logical AND operator.
+@param aColor Colour to be compared. 
+@return Contains results of logical AND. */
+	{TRgb rgb; rgb.SetInternal(iValue&aColor.iValue); return rgb;}
+inline TRgb TRgb::operator|(const TRgb& aColor)
+/** Bitwise logical OR operator.
+@param aColor Colour to be compared. 
+@return Contains results of logical OR. */
+	{TRgb rgb; rgb.SetInternal(iValue|aColor.iValue); return rgb;}
+inline TRgb TRgb::operator^(const TRgb& aColor)
+/** Bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR operator
+@param aColor Colour to be compared. 
+@return Contains results of logical EXCLUSIVE OR. */
+	{TRgb rgb; rgb.SetInternal(iValue^aColor.iValue); return rgb;}
+/** Gets TRgb from 2 level grayscale. 
+The function takes a grayscale argument and return a TRgb whose red, green 
+and blue values are set to an appropriate level. 
+@param aGray2 Grayscale value to be converted. 
+@return Equivalent 24 bit colour. Gray2 has only 2 levels (black and white), 
+the function returns r=g=b=0 or r=g=b=255. */
+inline TRgb TRgb::_Gray2(TInt aGray2)
+	{
+	if(aGray2) return(TRgb(0xffffff, 0xff));
+	return(TRgb(0, 0xff));
+	}
+/** Gets TRgb from 4 level grayscale. 
+The function takes a grayscale argument and return a TRgb whose red, green 
+and blue values are set to an appropriate level.
+@param aGray4 Grayscale value to be converted. 
+@return Equivalent 24 bit colour. Gray4 has 4 levels-  the function returns 
+r=g=b=85*c, where c=0,1,2, or 3. */
+inline TRgb TRgb::_Gray4(TInt aGray4)
+	{
+	aGray4&=3;
+	aGray4|=aGray4<<2;
+	aGray4|=aGray4<<4;
+	return(TRgb(aGray4,aGray4,aGray4));
+	}
+/** Gets TRgb from 16 level grayscale. 
+The function takes a grayscale argument and return a TRgb whose red, green 
+and blue values are set to an appropriate level.
+@param aGray16 Grayscale value to be converted. 
+@return Equivalent 24 bit colour. Gray16 has 16 levels - the function returns 
+r=g=b=17*c, where c=0, 1, ... 15. */
+inline TRgb TRgb::_Gray16(TInt aGray16)
+	{
+	aGray16&=0xf;
+	aGray16|=aGray16<<4;
+	return(TRgb(aGray16,aGray16,aGray16));
+	}
+/** Gets TRgb from 256 level grayscale. 
+The function takes a grayscale argument and return a TRgb whose red, green 
+and blue values are set to an appropriate level.
+@param aGray256 Grayscale value to be converted. 
+@return Equivalent 24 bit colour. Gray256 has 256 levels- the function 
+returns r=g=b=c, where c=0, 1, ... 255. */
+inline TRgb TRgb::_Gray256(TInt aGray256)
+	{
+	aGray256&=0xff;
+	return(TRgb(aGray256,aGray256,aGray256));
+	}
+/** Gets TRgb from 4K colour index.
+The function takes a 12 bit index into a colour palette and returns a TRgb 
+whose red, green and blue values are set to an appropriate level.
+@param aColor4K 12 bit index into a colour palette 
+@return Equivalent 24 bit colour. */
+inline TRgb TRgb::_Color4K(TInt aColor4K)
+	{
+	TUint32 value = (aColor4K & 0xf00) << 8;
+	value |= (aColor4K & 0x0f0) << 4;
+	value |= (aColor4K & 0x00f);
+	return TRgb(value | (value << 4), 0xff);
+	}
+/** Gets TRgb from 64K colour index.
+The function takes a 16 bit index into a colour palette and returns a TRgb 
+whose red, green and blue values are set to an appropriate level.
+@param aColor64K 16 bit index into a colour palette 
+@return Equivalent 24 bit colour. */
+inline TRgb TRgb::_Color64K(TInt aColor64K)
+	{
+	TInt red = (aColor64K&0xF800)>>8;
+	red += red>>5;
+	TInt green = (aColor64K&0x07E0)>>3;
+	green += green>>6;
+	TInt blue = (aColor64K&0x001F)<<3;
+	blue += blue>>5;
+	return TRgb(red,green,blue);
+	}
+/** Gets TRgb from 16M colour index.
+The function takes a 24 bit index into a colour palette and returns the TRgb 
+whose red, green and blue values represent it exactly.
+@param a0RGB 24 bit index into a colour palette 
+@return The TRgb which represents the index exactly. */
+inline TRgb TRgb::_Color16M(TInt a0RGB)
+	{
+	return TRgb(a0RGB, 0xff);
+	}
+/** Gets TRgb from 16MU colour index.
+The function takes a 24 bit colour value with eight bits for each
+component, blue in the low byte, and returns the TRgb
+whose red, green and blue values represent it exactly.
+@param     a0RGB The color - 0, R, G, B bytes. / BGR0 - little endian format /
+@return    The TRgb which represents the index exactly. */
+inline TRgb TRgb::_Color16MU(TInt a0RGB)
+	{
+	return TRgb(a0RGB, 0xff);
+	}
+/** Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this,
+based on the matching display mode.
+@return    The index (0 - 1) representing the nearest TRgb. */	
+inline TInt TRgb::_Gray2() const
+	{
+	return(Gray256()>>7);
+	}
+/**Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this,
+based on the matching display mode.
+@return     The index (0 - 3) representing the nearest TRgb. */	
+inline TInt TRgb::_Gray4() const
+	{
+	return(Gray256()>>6);
+	}
+/** Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this,
+based on the matching display mode.
+@return     The index (0 - 15) representing the nearest TRgb.*/	
+inline TInt TRgb::_Gray16() const
+	{
+	return(Gray256()>>4);
+	}
+/** Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this,
+based on the matching display mode.
+@return     The index (0 - 255) representing the nearest TRgb.*/	
+inline TInt TRgb::_Gray256() const
+	{
+	return(((Red()<<1)+Green()+(Green()<<2)+Blue())>>3);
+	}
+/** Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this,
+based on the matching display mode.
+@return The index (0 - 4095) representing the nearest TRgb. */	
+inline TInt TRgb::_Color4K() const
+	{
+	TInt color4K = (iValue & 0x0000f0) >> 4;
+	color4K |= (iValue & 0x00f000) >> 8;
+	color4K |= (iValue & 0xf00000) >> 12;
+	return color4K;
+	} //0RGB
+/**  Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this,
+based on the matching display mode.
+@return The index (0 - 65535) representing the nearest TRgb.*/	
+inline TInt TRgb::_Color64K() const
+	{
+	TInt color64K = (iValue & 0x0000f8) >> 3;
+	color64K |= (iValue & 0x00fc00) >> 5;
+	color64K |= (iValue & 0xf80000) >> 8;
+	return color64K;
+	}
+/** Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this,
+based on the matching display mode.
+@return The index (0 - 16777215) representing the nearest TRgb.*/	
+inline TInt TRgb::_Color16M() const
+	{
+	return (iValue & 0xffffff);
+	// 0RGB
+	}
+/** Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
+@return   The index (0 - 16777215) representing the nearest TRgb. */
+inline TInt TRgb::_Color16MU() const
+	{
+	return (iValue & 0xffffff);
+	// 0RGB
+	}
+/** Gets the alpha component.
+@return The alpha component (0 - 255). */
+inline TInt TRgb::Alpha() const
+	{return (iValue >> 24);}
+/** Gets TRgb from 16MA colour index.
+The function takes a 32 bit colour value with eight bits for each
+component, blue in the low byte, and returns the TRgb
+whose red, green, blue and alpha values represent it exactly.
+@param     aARGB The color - A, R, G, B bytes. / BGR0 - little endian format /
+@return    The TRgb which represents the index exactly. */
+inline TRgb TRgb::_Color16MA(TUint aARGB)
+	{
+	TRgb col; col.SetInternal(aARGB); 
+	return col;
+	}
+/** Gets the index of the closest TRgb value to this, based on the matching display mode.
+@return   The index (0 - 16777215) representing the nearest TRgb. */
+inline TUint TRgb::_Color16MA() const
+	{
+	return (iValue);
+	// ARGB
+	}
+// CPalette
+inline TInt CPalette::Entries() const
+/** Gets the number of entries in the palette
+@return The number of entries in the palette. */
+	{return(iNumEntries);}
+// TColor256Utils
+inline TRgb TColor256Util::Color256(TInt aColor256) const
+/** Gets the TRgb value of the entry at the specified index in the colour lookup 
+@param aColor256 The index into the colour lookup table.
+@return The TRgb value of the entry at the specified index. */
+	{ return TRgb(iColorTable[aColor256]); }
+// TFontStyle
+inline TGlyphBitmapType TFontStyle::BitmapType() const
+/** Gets the anti-aliasing setting for the font, as set by SetBitmapType().
+@return Indicates whether or not this font should be drawn using anti-aliasing. */
+	{
+	return (TGlyphBitmapType)(iFlags >> 16);
+	}
+inline void TFontStyle::SetBitmapType(TGlyphBitmapType aBitmapType)
+/** Sets whether the font should be drawn using anti-aliasing. If set, this value 
+overrides the default setting (set by CFbsTypefaceStore::SetDefaultBitmapType()) 
+for this font.
+Anti-aliasing can only be used for scalable fonts. There is currently no anti-aliasing 
+support for bitmapped fonts.
+@param aBitmapType Indicates whether or not this font should be drawn using 
+anti-aliasing. */
+	{
+	iFlags &= 0xFFFF;
+	iFlags |= (aBitmapType << 16);
+	}
+// CBitmapDevice
+inline TInt CBitmapDevice::CreateBitmapContext(CBitmapContext*& aGC)
+/** Creates a bitmap context for this bitmap device.
+@param aGC On return, holds a pointer to the created bitmap context. 
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise, another of the system-wide error 
+codes. */
+	{return(CreateContext((CGraphicsContext*&)aGC));} // relies on CBitmapContext deriving _only_ from CGraphicsContext
+// TPictureCapability
+inline TPictureCapability::TPictureCapability(TScalingType aScalingType,TBool aCroppable):
+	iScalingType(aScalingType),iIsCroppable(aCroppable)
+/** Constructs the object setting the scaling-type and croppability properties.
+@param aScalingType Whether or not the picture is scalable. 
+@param aCroppable Whether or not the picture is croppable. */
+	{}
+// TZoomFactor
+inline TZoomFactor::TZoomFactor(const MGraphicsDeviceMap* aDevice):
+	iZoomFactor(TZoomFactor::EZoomOneToOne),
+	iDevice(aDevice)
+/** Constructs a zoom factor object for a specific graphics device map.
+The graphics map is either directly associated with a particular graphics 
+device itself, or is associated with a hierarchy of device maps whose root 
+map is associated with a particular graphics device.
+@param aDevice The graphics device map with which the zoom factor is associated. */
+	{}
+inline TZoomFactor::TZoomFactor(const TZoomFactor* aDevice):
+	iDevice(aDevice)
+	{ 
+	iZoomFactor=aDevice->iZoomFactor; 
+	}
+inline void TZoomFactor::SetGraphicsDeviceMap(const MGraphicsDeviceMap* aDevice)
+/** Sets the graphics device map for this zoom factor object.
+@param aDevice The graphics device map for this TZoomFactor. */
+	{iDevice=aDevice;}
+inline const MGraphicsDeviceMap* TZoomFactor::GraphicsDeviceMap() const
+/** Gets the graphics device map of this zoom factor object.
+@return The graphics device map of the TZoomFactor. */
+	{return(iDevice);}
+/** Gets the ascent of an ANSI capital letter in the font whether or not
+there are any ANSI capitals in the font.
+@return The positive distance from the font baseline to the top of a
+standard ANSI capital letter
+inline TInt CFont::FontCapitalAscent() const
+	{
+	return ExtendedFunction(KFontCapitalAscent);
+	}
+/** Gets the max ascent of any pre-composed glyph in the font. This will
+include accents or diacritics that form part of pre-composed glyphs. It is
+not guaranteed to cover the max ascent of composite glyphs that have to be
+created by a layout engine. This is also the recommended distance between
+the top of a text box and the baseline of the first line of text. 
+@return The positive distance from the font baseline to the top of the
+highest pre-composed glyph (including accents) above the baseline
+inline TInt CFont::FontMaxAscent() const
+	{
+	return ExtendedFunction(KFontMaxAscent);
+	}
+/** Gets the descent of an ANSI descending character in the font.
+Whether or not there are any ANSI descenders in the font.
+@return The positive distance from the font baseline to the bottom of the
+lowest ANSI descender
+inline TInt CFont::FontStandardDescent() const
+	{
+	return ExtendedFunction(KFontStandardDescent);
+	}
+/** Gets the max descent of any pre-composed glyph in the font. This will
+include accents or diacritics that form part of pre-composed glyphs. It is
+not guaranteed to cover the max descent of composite glyphs that have to be
+created by a layout engine.
+@return The positive distance from the font baseline to the bottom of the
+lowest pre-composed glyph (including accents) below the baseline
+inline TInt CFont::FontMaxDescent() const
+	{
+	return ExtendedFunction(KFontMaxDescent);
+	}
+/** Gets the suggested line gap for the font. This is the recommended
+baseline to baseline distance between successive lines of text in the font.
+@return The positive recommended gap between successive lines
+inline TInt CFont::FontLineGap() const
+	{
+	return ExtendedFunction(KFontLineGap);
+	}
+Gets the (positive) maximum height in pixels of the font.
+This may differ from the design height.
+@return The maximum height of the font.
+inline TInt CFont::FontMaxHeight() const
+	{
+	return FontMaxAscent() + FontMaxDescent();
+	}
+/** Utility function to check if a display mode has Alpha channel information
+@param aDisplayMode - the display mode being queried
+@return ETrue if display mode contains Alpha information.
+inline TBool IsAlphaChannel(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode)
+	{
+	if(aDisplayMode == EColor16MAP || aDisplayMode == EColor16MA) 
+		return ETrue;
+	else
+		return EFalse;
+	}
+inline TUint QuoteOrBracketPair(TUint code)
+	{
+	// given the opening/closing quote or bracket, return the corresponding closing/opening quote or bracket
+	switch(code)
+		{
+		case 0x0022: return 0x0022; // "..."
+		case 0x0027: return 0x0027; // '...'
+		case 0x0028: return 0x0029; // (...)
+		case 0x003c: return 0x003e; // <...>
+		case 0x005b: return 0x005d; // [...]
+		case 0x007b: return 0x007d; // {...}
+		case 0x2018: return 0x2019; // Single quotation marks
+		case 0x201b: return 0x2019; // Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark
+		case 0x201c: return 0x201d; // Double quotation marks
+		case 0x201f: return 0x201d; // Double high-reversed-9 quotation mark
+		case 0x2035: return 0x2032; // Single primes
+		case 0x2036: return 0x2033; // Double primes
+		case 0x2037: return 0x2034; // Triple primes
+		case 0x2039: return 0x203a; // Single left/right-pointing angle quotation marks
+		case 0x2045: return 0x2046; // Square brackets with quill
+		case 0x0029: return 0x0028; // (...)
+		case 0x003e: return 0x003c; // <...>
+		case 0x005d: return 0x005b; // [...]
+		case 0x007d: return 0x007b; // {...}
+		case 0x2019: return 0x2018; // Single quotation marks
+		case 0x201d: return 0x201c; // Double quotation marks
+		case 0x2032: return 0x2035; // Single primes
+		case 0x2033: return 0x2036; // Double primes
+		case 0x2034: return 0x2037; // Triple primes
+		case 0x203a: return 0x2039; // Single left/right-pointing angle quotation marks
+		case 0x2046: return 0x2045; // Square brackets with quill
+		default: return 0;
+		}
+	}
+inline TBool IsIgnoredCharacterForLocalisedProcFunc(TChar aCode)
+	{
+	// All Devanagari characters should be ignored until DrawTextWithContext is implemented
+	// The current GDI only implementation for localised punctuation only works for some
+	// Devanagari characters. Hence this function 'blocks' all Devanagari characters, for now.
+	if (aCode >= 0x0900 && aCode <= 0x0965)
+		return ETrue;
+	TChar::TBdCategory cat = aCode.GetBdCategory();
+	if ((cat == TChar::ELeftToRight ||
+		cat == TChar::ERightToLeft ||
+		cat == TChar::ERightToLeftArabic))
+		return EFalse;
+	return ETrue;
+	}