--- a/epoc32/include/gulbordr.h Tue Nov 24 13:55:44 2009 +0000
+++ b/epoc32/include/gulbordr.h Tue Mar 16 16:12:26 2010 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,348 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#if !defined(__GULBORDR_H__)
+#define __GULBORDR_H__
+#if !defined(__E32DEF_H__)
+#include <e32def.h>
+#if !defined(__GULDEF_H__)
+#include <guldef.h>
+#if !defined(__GDI_H__)
+#include <gdi.h>
+class TGulBorder
+/** Draws a border around a control.
+The rectangular areas enclosed by borders are typically working areas of the
+graphics context so the class supplies a number of methods which describe
+how it occupies the area.
+A distinction between descriptive and logical borders is made. For descriptive
+borders the appearance of the border is known and fixed. The type of border
+drawn is determined by flags which describe how it is to be constructed. These
+flags can be combined to achieve many different effects, and standard combinations
+have been supplied (see the TBorderType enumeration). For logical borders
+the use of the border is known and fixed but the appearance is not specified.
+The appearance and sizing functions must be supplied in custom written code.
+ {
+ class TColors
+ /** Represents the colours used within the border and for the optional single pixel
+ border outlines.
+ These colours are stored using TRgb values.
+ An object of this type can be populated using ColorUtils::GetRgbDerivedBorderColors().
+ The colours used inside the border are derived from iBack, the border's background
+ colour, so that border colours can be lighter or darker shades of the colour
+ used in the main body of the control they enclose. Different combinations
+ of light and dark shades are used to draw opposite border sides, to achieve
+ a raised or sunken effect. */
+ {
+ public:
+ IMPORT_C TColors();
+ public:
+ /** The line colour.
+ This is the colour used to draw the outlines on either side of the border.
+ Not all border types have an outline. By default, KRgbBlack. */
+ TRgb iLine;
+ /** The background colour for the border.
+ The other colours used in the border are derived from this.
+ By default, KRgbWhite. */
+ TRgb iBack;
+ /** The lightest colour.
+ By default, KRgbWhite. */
+ TRgb iLight;
+ /** The mid light colour.
+ This colour is midway between iBack and iLight. By default, KRgbWhite. */
+ TRgb iMidlight;
+ /** The mid dark colour.
+ This colour is midway between iBack and iDark. By default, KRgbDarkGray. */
+ TRgb iMid;
+ /** The darkest colour.
+ By default, KRgbDarkGray. */
+ TRgb iDark;
+ /** Not used. */
+ TRgb iInternalBack;
+ };
+ /** Defines the border outline style.
+ Note that not all border types have an outline. */
+ enum TOutlineStyle
+ {
+ /** The border has a single pixel outline, either solid (by default) or dotted. */
+ EWithOutline=0x01,
+ /** The border outline is drawn using a dotted pen. */
+ EDottedOutline=0x02
+ };
+ /** Defines whether or not the border has a single pixel interior border.
+ By default it does not. */
+ enum TInlineStyle
+ {
+ /** The border has an interior border. */
+ EWithInline=0x04
+ };
+ /** Defines the 3D border style. */
+ enum T3DStyle
+ {
+ /** A flat border. */
+ EFlat=0x10,
+ /** A 3D effect sunken border. */
+ ESunken=0x20,
+ /** A 3D effect raised border. */
+ ERaised=0x40
+ };
+ /** Defines the border's construction style. */
+ enum TConstructionStyle
+ {
+ /** One step border construction.
+ This type of border is drawn using the mid light and mid dark colours on opposite
+ sides of the border. */
+ EOneStep=0x100,
+ /** Two step border construction.
+ This type of border uses light and dark colours for the main border frame
+ (or mid light for the flat border), and an additional half frame using mid
+ light or mid dark colours. */
+ ETwoStep=0x200,
+ /** Three step border construction.
+ This type of border is drawn with an outer frame, a repeating one pixel band
+ in mid tones, and an inner frame. */
+ EThreeStep=0x400,
+ /** Inverted two step border construction.
+ This is the same as ETwoStep except that for raised and sunken borders, the
+ additional half frame is drawn on the opposite side to that used in ETwoStep. */
+ EInvertedTwoStep=0x800
+ };
+ /** Defines the number of pixels to add to the border thickness.
+ The border thickness is the central part of the border, coloured in the mid-tone
+ highlights and lowlights.
+ For two step-constructed borders, the additional pixels are only added to
+ either the top left or bottom right hand sides. */
+ enum TThickness
+ {
+ /** The border has one extra pixel. */
+ EAddOnePixel=0x1000,
+ /** The border has two extra pixels. */
+ EAddTwoPixels=0x2000,
+ /** The border has four extra pixels. */
+ EAddFourPixels=0x4000
+ };
+ /** Defines the number of pixels that are removed to produce rounded corners. */
+ enum TRounding
+ {
+ /** Border rounded by removing one extra pixel. */
+ EAddOneRoundingPixel=0x10000,
+ /** Border rounded by removing two extra pixels. */
+ EAddTwoRoundingPixels=0x20000,
+ /** Border rounded by by removing four extra pixels. */
+ EAddFourRoundingPixels=0x40000
+ };
+ enum TNull
+ {
+ ENoBorder=0x00
+ };
+ enum TLegacyStyle
+ {
+ EShallow=EAddOnePixel,
+ EDeep=EAddTwoPixels,
+ EThick=EAddFourPixels,
+ EHorizontal=0x100000,
+ EWithOverlap=0x200000,
+ EGray=0x400000,
+ EBlack=0x80000
+ };
+ enum TLogicalStyle
+ {
+ ELogical=0x800000
+ };
+ /** For logical borders, defines whether the border encloses a window, a container
+ control or a control. */
+ enum TLogicalFamily
+ {
+ /** Logical border around a window. */
+ EWindowFamily=ELogical|0x1,
+ /** Logical border around a container. */
+ EContainerFamily=ELogical|0x2,
+ /** Logical border around a control. */
+ EControlFamily=ELogical|0x3
+ };
+ /** Defines the descriptive border types. */
+ enum TBorderType
+ {
+ /** No border. */
+ ENone=ENoBorder,
+ /** Border is a 1 pixel wide grey outline. */
+ ESingleGray=EWithOutline|EGray,
+ /** Border is a 1 pixel wide black outline. */
+ ESingleBlack=EWithOutline|EBlack,
+ /** Border is a 1 pixel wide dotted outline. */
+ ESingleDotted=EWithOutline|EDottedOutline,
+ /** A 3D raised border, with 1 pixel thickness. */
+ EShallowRaised=ERaised|EOneStep|EAddOnePixel,
+ /** A 3D sunken border, with 1 pixel thickness. */
+ EShallowSunken=ESunken|EOneStep|EAddOnePixel,
+ /** A 3D raised border, with outline, and 2 pixel thickness. */
+ EDeepRaised=EWithOutline|ERaised|EOneStep|EAddTwoPixels,
+ /** The same as EDeepRaised. */
+ EDeepRaisedWithOutline=EWithOutline|ERaised|EOneStep|EAddTwoPixels,
+ /** A 3D sunken border, with outline, and 2 pixel thickness. */
+ EDeepSunken=EWithOutline|ESunken|EOneStep|EAddTwoPixels,
+ /** The same as EDeepSunken. */
+ EDeepSunkenWithOutline=EWithOutline|ESunken|EOneStep|EAddTwoPixels,
+ /** A 3D raised border, with outline, and 3 pixel thickness. */
+ EThickDeepRaisedWithOutline=EWithOutline|ERaised|EOneStep|EAddOnePixel|EAddTwoPixels,
+ /** A 3D raised border, with 2 pixels thickness and no outline on the left and
+ right hand sides. */
+ EVerticalBar=ERaised|EOneStep|EAddTwoPixels|EWithOverlap,
+ /** A 3D raised border, with 2 pixels thickness and no outline on the top and bottom. */
+ EHorizontalBar=ERaised|EOneStep|EAddTwoPixels|EHorizontal|EWithOverlap
+ };
+ /** Defines the logical border types. */
+ enum TLogicalType
+ {
+ // Window family
+ /** Raised border around a window. */
+ EWindow=EWindowFamily|ERaised,
+ // Container family
+ /** Flat border around a container. */
+ EFlatContainer=EContainerFamily|EFlat,
+ /** Raised border around a container. */
+ ERaisedContainer=EContainerFamily|ERaised,
+ /** Sunken border around a container. */
+ ESunkenContainer=EContainerFamily|ESunken,
+ // Control Family
+ /** Flat border around a control. */
+ EFlatControl=EControlFamily|EFlat,
+ /** Raised border around a control. */
+ ERaisedControl=EControlFamily|ERaised,
+ /** Sunken border around a control. */
+ ESunkenControl=EControlFamily|ESunken,
+ /** Raised border around a control with focus. */
+ EFocusedRaisedControl=EControlFamily|ERaised|0x100,
+ /** Sunken border around a control with focus. */
+ EFocusedSunkenControl=EControlFamily|ESunken|0x100
+ };
+ IMPORT_C TGulBorder();
+ IMPORT_C TGulBorder(TBorderType aType);
+ IMPORT_C TGulBorder(TBorderType aType,TGulAdjacent aAdjacent);
+ IMPORT_C TGulBorder(TInt aType);
+ IMPORT_C TGulBorder(TInt aType,TGulAdjacent aAdjacent);
+ IMPORT_C void Draw(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,const TColors& aBorderColors) const;
+ IMPORT_C void Draw(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect) const;
+ IMPORT_C TRect InnerRect(const TRect& aOuterRect) const;
+ IMPORT_C TRect OuterRect(const TRect& aInnerRect) const;
+ IMPORT_C void SetType(TInt aType);
+ IMPORT_C void SetAdjacent(TInt aAdjacent);
+ IMPORT_C TSize SizeDelta() const;
+ IMPORT_C TMargins Margins() const;
+ IMPORT_C TBool HasBorder() const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt Adjacent() const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt Type() const;
+public: // Internal to Symbian
+ IMPORT_C TInt Thickness() const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt Rounding() const;
+ TBool IsSunken() const;
+ TInt Depth() const;
+ void DrawOutline(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,TRgb aColor) const;
+ void DrawRectOutline(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect) const;
+ void DrawInline(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,TRgb aColor) const;
+ TMargins OutlineMargins() const;
+ TMargins BorderMargins() const;
+ TMargins InlineMargins() const;
+ TRect OutlineInnerRect(const TRect& aOuterRect) const;
+ TRect BorderInnerRect(const TRect& aOuterRect) const;
+ TInt BorderRounding() const;
+ TInt InlineRounding() const;
+ void DrawOneStep(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,TRgb aMidlight,TRgb aMid) const;
+ void DrawTwoStep(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,TRgb aLight,TRgb aMidlight,TRgb aMid,TRgb aDark) const;
+ void DrawInvertedTwoStep(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,TRgb aLight,TRgb aMidlight,TRgb aMid,TRgb aDark) const;
+ void DrawThreeStep(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,TRgb aBack,TRgb aLight,TRgb aMidlight,TRgb aMid,TRgb aDark) const;
+ void DrawTopLeft(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,TRgb aColor,const TInt aRounding) const;
+ void DrawRoundedTopLeft(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,const TInt aRounding) const;
+ void DrawBottomRight(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,TRgb aColor,const TInt aRounding) const;
+ void DrawRoundedBottomRight(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,const TInt aRounding) const;
+ void DrawRoundedCorner(CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TPoint& aStart,const TInt aRoundedLength, const TBool aUp, const TBool aRight) const;
+ TInt RoundingMargin(const TInt aRoundedLength) const;
+ inline TInt InternalType() const;
+ void TranslateLegacyTypes();
+ TInt iType;
+ };
+The MGulLogicalBorder class specifices an interface for logical borders.
+class MGulLogicalBorder
+ {
+ virtual void Draw(const TGulBorder& aBorder,CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TRect& aRect, const TGulBorder::TColors& aBorderColors) const=0;
+ virtual TMargins Margins(const TGulBorder& aBorder) const=0;
+ IMPORT_C virtual void MGulLogicalBorderReserved();
+ };
+The GulTls class sets and gets the thread local storage for EGul.
+class GulTls
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static void SetLogicalBorder(MGulLogicalBorder* aLogicalBorder);
+ IMPORT_C static const MGulLogicalBorder* LogicalBorder();
+ };