changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/epoc32/include/hcibase.h	Tue Mar 16 16:12:26 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1876 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This is the API that the bluetooth stack expects from the HCI layer.
+// It comprises an event notification interface and a command sending interface.
+// Implementations of the HCI must derive from CHCIBase.
+ @file
+ @publishedPartner
+ @released
+#ifndef BT_HCIBASE_H_
+#define BT_HCIBASE_H_
+#include <bttypes.h>
+#include <hcierrors.h>
+#include <hcitypes.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <bluetooth/hci/hciopcodes.h>
+#include <bluetooth/hci/aclpacketconsts.h>
+#include <bluetooth/hci/hciconsts.h>
+#include <bluetooth/hci/basebandpacketconsts.h>
+class CHCICommandFrame;
+class CHCIACLDataFrame;
+class CHCISCODataFrame;
+class CHCIBase;
+class MHCIEventObserver;
+class CESockIniData;
+/** Factory for creating CHCIBase derived class.
+To provide a new HCI implementation, re-implement this
+class in a DLL, which has a factory fucntion at oridnal 1
+which returns a TAny* to the instance of this factory.
+NewHCIL() will then be called on the factory to actually
+create the CHCIBase derived object.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CHCIFactory) : public CBase
+    {
+	CHCIFactory();
+    virtual TVersion Version() const;
+    virtual CHCIBase* NewHCIL(MHCIEventObserver* aParent, CESockIniData* aIni=0);
+	virtual CHCICommandFrame* NewHCICommandFrameL(THCIOpcode aOpcode);
+	virtual CHCIACLDataFrame* NewHCIACLDataFrameL(TUint16 aSize);
+	virtual CHCISCODataFrame* NewHCISCODataFrameL(TUint8 aSize);
+	};
+/** Abstract HCI Interface class.
+The Symbian Bluetooth stack uses this abstract class as the 
+polymorphic base through which it obtains host controller
+access. The actual implementation is dependent on the DLL
+loaded at run-time, as specified in the bt.bt.esk file.
+The concrete class derived from this should be returned
+by the CHCIFactory class, located through ordinal 1 in the
+polymorphic DLL.
+CHCI for detailed description of the functions.
+MHCIEventObserver for the callback interface for events received over HCI.
+	{
+	/** Writes command frame.
+	 @param aFrame command frame to write
+	 @return KErrBcspWriteCommandDataFailed on failure, KErrNone otherwise
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+	virtual TInt WriteCommand(const CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+	// HCI General exports
+	/** Sets option.
+	 @param aName option to set
+	 @param aData option value
+	 @return System wide error code
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual TInt SetOption(TUint aName,const TDesC8& aData)=0;
+    /** Gets option.
+	 @param aName option to set
+	 @param aData desriptor to be filled with option data
+	 @return System wide error code
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual TInt GetOption(TUint aName,TDes8& aData)=0;
+	// HCI Data Calls
+    /** Formats ACL Data.
+	 @param aFrame Reference to CHCIACLDataFrame which will be formatted with the data supplied in the other params
+	 @param aConnH Connection handle for this frame
+	 @param aFlags Flags to be set for this frame
+	 @param aData Data for this frame
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void FormatACLData(CHCIACLDataFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnH,TUint8 aFlags,const TDesC8& aData)=0;
+	/** Formats SCO Data.
+	 @param aFrame Reference to CHCISCODataFrame which will be formatted with the data supplied in the other params
+	 @param aConnH Connection handle for this frame
+	 @param aData Data for this frame
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void FormatSCOData(CHCISCODataFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnH, const TDesC8& aData)=0;
+    /** Writes ACL Data.
+	This forwards a write from link layer to host controller.  The descriptor in the frame is owned by the link layer.
+	 @param aFrame the formatted ACL payload from the linkmanager
+	 @return System wide error code
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual TInt WriteACLData(const CHCIACLDataFrame& aFrame)=0;
+	/** Writes SCO Data.
+	This forwards a write from link layer to host controller.  The descriptor in the frame is owned by the link layer.
+	 @param aFrame the formatted SCO payload from the linkmanager
+	 @return System wide error code
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual TInt WriteSCOData(const CHCISCODataFrame& aFrame)=0;
+	// HCI Frame information commands
+    /** Gets frame connection handle
+	 @param aFrame the frame to return the connection handle of
+	 @return the connection handle from aFrame
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual THCIConnHandle FrameConnectionHandle(const CHCIACLDataFrame& aFrame) const =0;
+	/** Gets frame opcode.
+	 @param aFrame the frame to return the opcode of
+	 @return the opcode of aFrame
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+	virtual THCIOpcode FrameOpcode(const CHCICommandFrame& aFrame) const =0;
+	// HCI Commands
+	/**	Commands the host controller to start looking for remote devices within range.
+	 The HCI client should not issue a second  Inquiry() before the first has 
+	 completed, because the HC cannot cope with this and will return a 
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aCode InquiryAccessCode (3 bytes)
+	 @param aLength InquiryLength N where N * 1.28s is the no. of seconds for inquiry
+	 @param aNumResponses Number of responses from inquiry before it is halted - default 0 is unlimited number of responses.
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void Inquiry(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const TUint aCode=KGIAC, const TUint8 aLength=10, const TUint8 aNumResponses=0)=0;
+    /** Cancels an ongoing inquiry.
+	 @param aFrame frame to apply any necessary formatting to for inquiry cancel.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void InquiryCancel(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+    /** Commands the host controller to enter periodic enquiry mode
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aMax MaxPeriodLength. The HC chooses a value between aMax and aMin. 
+	 @param aMin MinPeriodLength 
+	 @param aCode InquiryAccessCode (3 bytes)
+	 @param aLength InquiryLength (default N=2)
+	 @param aNumResponses Number of Responses (default=0)
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void PeriodicInquiryMode(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, TUint16 aMax,TUint16 aMin, const TUint aCode=0,const TUint8 aLength=2,const TUint8 aNumResponses=0)=0;
+	/** Exits the periodic inquiry.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void ExitPeriodicInquiryMode(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+	/**	Initiates connection to remote device using the specified baseband packet type.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aBdaddr remove device address
+	 @param aPacketType Packet Type
+	 @param aPageScanRepetitionMode pages scan repetition mode
+	 @param aPageScanMode page scan mode
+	 @param aClockOffset Offset between local and remote clock
+	 @param aAllowRoleSwitch Whether the remote device is allowed to role switch the local device
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void CreateConnection(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr,
+					TUint16 aPacketType=KDM1Packet, TUint8 aPageScanRepetitionMode=0,
+					TUint8 aPageScanMode=0, TUint16 aClockOffset=0, TUint8 aAllowRoleSwitch=1)=0;
+    /**	Add an SCO connection between the Host Controller and the remote device.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnHandle Connection handle
+	 @param aPacketType Packet Type
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void AddSCOConnection(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle,TUint16 aPacketType)=0;
+	/**
+	Adds a new or modifies an existing synchronous logical transport (SCO or eSCO)
+	@param aFrame The HCI frame to format	
+	@param aConnHandle Connection handle (2 bytes)
+	@param aTransmitBandwidth (4 bytes)
+	@param aReceiveBandwidth  (4 bytes)
+	@param aMaxLatency        (2 bytes)
+	@param aVoiceSettings     (2 bytes)
+	@param aRetransmissionEffort (1 bytes)	
+	@param aPacketType 		     (2 bytes)	
+	*/
+	virtual void SetupSynchronousConnectionCommand(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, TUint16 aConnHandle,
+						TUint aTransmitBandwidth,	TUint aReceiveBandwidth, TUint16 aMaxLatency,
+						TUint16 aVoiceSettings,	TUint8  aRetransmissionEffort,
+						TUint16 aPacketType)=0;
+	/**
+	Accepts an incoming connection request for an synchronous connection.
+	@param aFrame The HCI frame to format	
+	@param aBdaddr BDADDR (6 bytes)
+	@param aTransmitBandwidth (4 bytes)
+	@param aReceiveBandwidth  (4 bytes)
+	@param aMaxLatency        (2 bytes)
+	@param aContentFormat        (2 bytes)
+	@param aRetransmissionEffort (1 bytes)	
+	@param aPacketType           (2 bytes)
+	*/					
+	virtual void AcceptSynchronousConnectionRequestCommand(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr,
+						TUint aTransmitBandwidth,	TUint aReceiveBandwidth, TUint16 aMaxLatency,
+						TUint16 aContentFormat, TUint8  aRetransmissionEffort, TUint16 aPacketType)=0;
+	/**
+	Rejects the synchronous connction from thre remote device (aBdaddr).
+	@param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	@param aBdaddr BDADDR
+	@param THCIErrorCode Reject reason
+	*/					
+	virtual void RejectSynchronousConnectionRequestCommand(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr,THCIErrorCode aReason)=0;
+    /**	Accepts an incoming connection request.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aBdaddr bluetooth address of remote device
+	 @param aRole Role - 0x00=Master, 0x01=Slave.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void AcceptConnectionRequest(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr,TUint8 aRole)=0;
+    /**	Rejects the connection from the remote device.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aBdaddr Bluetooth address of remote device
+	 @param THCIErrorCode Reject reason
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void RejectConnectionRequest(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr,THCIErrorCode aReason)=0;
+    /**	Replies to the remote host with the supplied link key.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aBdaddr bluetooth address of remote device
+	 @param aLinkKey Link key (16 bytes)
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void LinkKeyRequestReply(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr,const TDesC8& aLinkKey)=0;
+    /**	Notifies the remote host that the link key was not accepted.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aBdaddr Bluetooth address of remote device
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void LinkKeyRequestNegativeReply(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr)=0;
+    /**	Returns to the remote host the requested PIN.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aBdaddr Bluetooth address of remote device
+	 @param aPIN PIN Code (up to 16 bytes)
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void PINCodeRequestReply(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr,const TDesC8& aPIN)=0; 
+    /**	Notifies the remote host that the PIN code was rejected.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aBdaddr Bluetooth address of remote device
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void PINCodeRequestNegativeReply(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr)=0; 
+    /**	Disconnect the ACL or SCO connection corresponding to the supplied handle.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnHandle Handle of connection to disconnect
+	 @param aReason Reason for disconnection
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void Disconnect(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle,THCIErrorCode aReason)=0;
+	/**	Changes baseband packet type (e.g DH1, DM3 etc.).
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnHandle Connection Handle
+	 @param aType Packet Type.  This should be one of the consts defined in hcibase.h e.g. KDM1Packet.
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+	virtual void ChangeConnectionPacketType(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle,TUint16 aType)=0;
+	/** Perform authenticaction request.	
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnHandle Connection Handle
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void AuthenticationRequest(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle)=0;
+    /** Sets connection encryption
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnHandle Connection Handle
+	 @param aEnable Enable flag ETrue=Enable link encryption, EFalse=Disable link encryption
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void SetEncryptionEnable(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle,TBool aEnable)=0;
+    /**	Notifies host of need to change connection key for the supplied connection handle.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnHandle Connection Handle
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ChangeConnectionLinkKey(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle)=0;
+    /**	Not used.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aKeyFlag Link Key Flag. Possible values are ETrue to use temporary link key or EFalse to  use regular link key
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void MasterLinkKey(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, TBool aKeyFlag)=0;
+    /**	Retrieves the remote hosts advertised hardware/firmware features.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnHandle Connection Handle
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReadRemoteSupportedFeatures(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle)=0;
+    /**	Retrieve remote hosts HW/Firmware revision information.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnHandle Connection Handle
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReadRemoteVersionInfo(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle)=0;
+	/** Request on human redable name of remote host.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aBdaddr The bluetooth address of device on which we seek to find a name
+	 @param aPageScanRepetitionMode Page scan repetition mode
+	 @param aPageScanMode Page scan mode
+	 @param aClockOffset Offset of remote device clock from local device clock
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void RemoteNameRequest(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr, TUint8 aPageScanRepetitionMode=0,
+					TUint8 aPageScanMode=0, TBasebandTime aClockOffset=0)=0;
+    /**	Retrieve offset of remote clock from local clock.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnHandle Connection Handle
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReadClockOffset(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle)=0;
+	// HCI Link Policy Commands 
+    /**	Write local link policy settings
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnHandle Connection Handle
+	 @param aSettings @see Bluetooth HCI specification
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void WriteLinkPolicySettings(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle, TUint16 aSettings)=0;
+	/**	Switch radio and host controller to Hold mode.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnHandle Connection Handle 
+	 @param aHoldMaxInterval Max Hold Interval N, where Time of Hold=N*0.625ms (1 baseband slot)
+	 @param aHoldMinInterval Min Hold interval N, as above (both up to 40.9 sec)
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void HoldMode(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle, TBasebandTime aHoldMaxInterval, 
+		TBasebandTime aHoldMinInterval)=0;
+	/**	Switch radio and host controller to Sniff mode.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnHandle Connection Handle
+	 @param aSniffMaxInterval Max Sniff length (Max number of acceptable slots in a sniff period) N, where the interval (time between sniffs)=N*0.625ms (1 baseband slot)
+	 @param aSniffMinInterval Min Sniff interval , as above
+	 @param aAttemptSlots Sniff Attempt - the period the slave will listen after each sniff interval
+	 @param aTimeOutSlots Sniff Timeout - time listening for packets as long as some arrive
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void SniffMode(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle,TBasebandTime aSniffMaxInterval,TBasebandTime
+		aSniffMinInterval, TBasebandTime aAttempSlots, TBasebandTime aTimeOutSlots)=0;
+	/**	Switch radio and host out of the Sniff mode.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnHandle Connection Handle
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void ExitSniffMode(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle)=0;
+	/**	Switch radio and host controller to the Park mode.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnHandle Connection Handle
+	 @param aBeaconMax Beacon Max Interval Length N where interval between beacons=N*0.625ms
+	 @param aBeaconMin Beacon Min Interval Length N where interval between beacons=N*0.625ms
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void ParkMode(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle, TBasebandTime aBeaconMaxInterval, 
+		TBasebandTime aBeaconMinInterval)=0;
+    /**	Switch radio and host controller off the Park mode.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+ 	 @param aConnHandle Connection Handle
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ExitParkMode(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle)=0;
+	/**	Initiate role discovery for the supplied connection handle.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnHandle Connection Handle
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void RoleDiscovery(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle)=0;
+	/**	Switch current role (master / slave) for the physical link associated with the bluetooth device address provided.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aRole New role 
+	 @param aAddr Bluetooth device address of remote device 
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+	virtual void SwitchRole(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, TBTBasebandRole aRole, const TBTDevAddr& aAddr)=0;
+	// HCI Host Controller and Baseband Commands 
+	/**	Sets the mask for the reception or the filtering-out of HCI events from the host controller.
+ 	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aMask Event Mask
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void SetEventMask(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const THCIEventMask& aMask)=0;
+    /**	Resets the Host Controller hardware state. 
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void Reset(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+    /**	Set the filter mask for remotely initiated  events.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aData Denotes the filter 'category' and its particular properties as such its 'category'/type may be EClearAllFilters, EInquiryResultFilter or EConnectionSetupFilter. Then its condition type (aData.iConditionType) can be as defined in the spec
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void SetEventFilter(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const THCIEventCondition& aData)=0;
+    /**	Flush buffers corresponding to the supplied connection handle.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnHandle Connection Handle
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void Flush(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnHandle)=0;
+    /**	Creates a new unit key in the host controller.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void CreateNewUnitKey(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+    /**	Reads out from the host controller the stored link key for given device address
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aBdaddr Bluetooth device address to read the link key for.
+	 @param aFlag Read all keys flag
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReadStoredLinkKey(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr,THCIReadAllKeysFlag aFlag)=0;
+	/**	Writes a Link Key to the Host Controllers volatile storage memory.  You can write as many keys as you want to storage - this function just does one at a time.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aNumOfKeysToWrite Number of keys to write to storage
+	 @param aBdaddr Bluetooth device address for the associated link key
+	 @param aLinkKey The Link Key
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void WriteStoredLinkKey(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, /*TUint8 aNumOfKeysToWrite,*/
+		const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr,const TDesC8& aLinkKey)=0;
+    /**	Delete the link key stored in the host controller's volatile storage.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aBdaddr Bluetooth device address associated with the link key to delete.
+	 @param aFlag Delete options flag
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void DeleteStoredLinkKey(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr,THCIDeleteAllKeysFlag aFlag)=0;
+    /**	Sets the local Bluetooth device name.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aName Local device name (max 248 characters as defined in bluetooth specification).
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ChangeLocalName(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const TDesC8& aName)=0;
+    /**	Reads out the stored local Bluetooth device name.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadLocalName(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+	/**	Reads out of the Bluetooth device the connection accept timeout, for incoming connections.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void ReadConnectionAcceptTimeout(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+    /**	Sets the connection accept timeout in the host controller.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aTimeout The connection timeout
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void WriteConnectionAcceptTimeout(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, TBasebandTime aTimeout)=0;
+    /**	Commands the Bluetooth hardware to respond with its Page Timeout.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadPageTimeout(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+	/**	Sets the page timeout in the host controller.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aTimeout Page Timeout.  This must be between KMaxPageTimeout and KMinPageTimeout.
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void WritePageTimeout(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, TBasebandTime aTimeout)=0;
+    /**	Read out of the host controller the scan options.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReadScanEnable(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+    /**	Sets the scan options on the host controller.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param  aScanEnable Scan enable options
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void WriteScanEnable(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIScanEnable aEnable=EInquiryAndPageScan)=0;
+    /**	Read out of the host controller the number of supported inquiry access codes.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadNumberOfSupportedIAC(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+	/**	Write to the host controller the lower address parts supplied.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aNumCurrentIAC The number of inquiry access code lower address parts being sent to the hardware
+	 @param aIAC_LAP The inquiry access code lower address parts - 3 bytes each: e.g: GIACLAP=0x9e8b33, LIACLAP=0x9e8b00
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void WriteCurrentIACLAP(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, TUint8 aNumCurrentIAC, TUint aIAC_LAP[])=0;
+    /**	Read out the inquiry access code lower address parts.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadCurrentIACLAP(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+	/**	Read out from the host controller whether authentication is enabled.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void ReadAuthenticationEnable(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+    /**	Set/Unset authentication.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aAuthEnable	Authentication Enable.  Possible values are EFalse for authentication disabled or ETrue for authentication enabled
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void WriteAuthenticationEnable(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, TBool aAuthEnable)=0;
+    /**	Read out the encryption mode.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReadEncryptionMode(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+    /**	Set/unset the encryption.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aFlag Whether to enable encryption.	 Possible values are EFalse to disable encryption or ETrue to enable encryption.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void WriteEncryptionMode(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIEncryptModeFlag aFlag)=0;
+    /**	Reads out the class of device of the local Bluetooth device.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReadClassOfDevice(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+    /**	Sets the local Bluetooth class of device.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aCoD Class Of Device
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void WriteClassOfDevice(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, TUint aCoD)=0;
+    /**	Read the Bluetooth hardware voice settings.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadVoiceSetting(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+	/**	Set the local Bluetooth device voice settings. 
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aVoiceChannelSetting	Voice channel settings as defined by the HCI specification.
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+	virtual void WriteVoiceSetting(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, TInt16 aVoiceChannelSetting)=0;
+	// HCI Informational Parameters Commands
+	/**	Retrieve local hardware/firmware revision info.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+	virtual void ReadLocalVersionInformation(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+	/**	Retrieve local hardware/firmware capabilities.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+	virtual void ReadLocalSupportedFeatures(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+	/**	Retrieve from the host controller its buffering capabilities.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void ReadBufferSize(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;  
+    /**	Retrieve the hardware's intended country code (for security/encryption issues). 
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadCountryCode(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+	/**	Retrieve local Bluetooth device address.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void ReadBDADDR(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+	// Host Controller to Host Data Flow Control
+    /**	Set/unset notification of delivery of packets, from the host controller to the host.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aFlowFlag Flow Control Enable flag
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void SetHostControllerToHostFlowControl(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, TBool aHC2HFlowFlag)=0;// may return KErrNoMemory
+    /** Notification to host controller of the number of packets that the above 
+	 layers (L2CAP) have consumed.  HostNumberOfCompletedPackets command to be 
+	 issued by L2CAP.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aNumHandles	Number of connectionhandles
+	 @param aConnH Connection handle 
+	 @param aCompletedPacketsNo	Host num of completed packets
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void HostNumberOfCompletedPackets(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, TUint8 aNumHandles, THCIConnHandle aConnH[], TUint16 aCompletedPacketsNo[])=0;
+	/**	Notifies the host controller of the hosts buffering capabilities.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aACLDataLength	Host's ACL Data Packet Length
+	 @param aSCODataLength	Host's SCO Data Packet Length   
+	 @param aTotalACLPackets Total Number of ACL Data Packets that the Host can handle
+	 @param aTotalSCOPackets Total Number of SCO Data Packets that the Host can handle
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+	virtual void HostBufferSize(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, TUint16 aACLDataLength,TUint8 aSCODataLength,
+        TUint16 aTotalACLPackets, TUint16 aTotalSCOPackets)=0;
+	/** Writes link supervision timeout.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnH Connection handle
+	 @param aTimeout Timeout to write
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+	virtual void WriteLinkSupervisionTimeout(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnH, TBasebandTime aTimeout)=0;
+	/** This call allows for a raw HCI command frame to be written to the HC.
+    This is intended for vendor specific commands for which the opcode 
+	field will be known to the HCI.
+    These raw frames should be constructed by calling the HCI factory
+    function with the opcode constructed of the vendor debug opcode group field
+	and the particular OCF required.  This function should then be called with the
+    appropriately formatted parameters which shall be placed into the frame's
+    payload.  It should be noted that the client need NOT to be concerned
+    with the HCTL framing at all.
+    The HCI will only then copy this frame to the host controller after putting 
+	it in an HCTL frame.
+    Note that the client is responsible for policing the size of the descriptor
+    passed to this function.  The length should be: 0 <= n <= KHCIMaxCommandLength
+     @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+     @param aData The frame parameters   
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+	virtual void WriteVendorRawFrameCommand(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const TDesC8& aData)=0;
+	// HCI Status Parameters Commands
+	// not here yet
+	// HCI Testing Commands
+	// not here yet 
+	/** Used for testing.
+	 @released
+	 @internalComponent
+	 */
+	virtual TAny *LogIndex() const=0;
+	// methods to allow stack to query HCI about its features
+	/** Reads ACL reporting interval.
+	 @return the ACL reporting interval.
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+	virtual TUint16 ReadACLReportingInterval() = 0; // Some hardware only reports on the nth ACL data packet being sent
+	                                                // this is an opportunity for the HCI to supply a minimum value of n
+													// to the Link Manager
+	/** Reads size of HCI framing overhead per frame.
+	 @return size of HCI framing overhead per frame.
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+	virtual TUint16 ReadACLFramingOverhead() = 0; // Size of HCI framing overhead per frame
+	// Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH)
+	/**	Notifies the host controller of channels that are known by the host to be bad or to be about to be bad.
+	 This allows those channels to be avoided if Adaptive Frequency Hopping is active on a connection.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aChannelClassification Bitwise representation of the bad channels
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void SetAFHHostChannelClassification(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, const TDesC8& aChannelClassification)=0;
+	/**	Retrieves the AFH channel map being used on the specified connection.
+	 If we are master this will be the local AFH channel map. If we are slave it 
+	 will be the remote master's AFH channel map.
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aConnH Connection handle 
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	*/
+	virtual void ReadAFHChannelMap(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, THCIConnHandle aConnH)=0;
+ 	/**	Notifies the host controller whether or not it is required to keep checking for busy channels..
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @param aEnable Check for busy channels if ETrue, otherwise don't
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void WriteAFHChannelAssessmentMode(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame, TBool aEnable)=0;
+ 	/**	Asks the host controller whether or not it is checking for busy channels..
+	 @param aFrame The HCI frame to format
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void ReadAFHChannelAssessmentMode(CHCICommandFrame& aFrame)=0;
+    /** HCI level Ioctl
+	 @param aLevel			The Ioctl level
+	 @param aName			The Ioctl function number
+	 @param aOption			Data associated with this Ioctl
+	 @param aStackSAP		A pointer to the SAP, used to track Ioctls
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void Ioctl(TUint aLevel,TUint aName, TDes8* aOption, TAny* aStackSAP) = 0;
+    /** Cancel HCI level Ioctl
+	 @param aLevel			The Ioctl level
+	 @param aName			The Ioctl function number
+	 @param aStackSAP		A pointer to the SAP, used to track Ioctls
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void CancelIoctl(TUint aLevel,TUint aName, TAny* aStackSAP) = 0;
+	};
+enum THCIErrorCode;
+/** Event handler mixin that must be implemented by the client of HCI.
+A class that implements this interface must be passed into the
+CHCIBase derived class on construction, and will be used by the HCI
+class to notify the client of events received over the HCI interface.
+class MHCIEventObserver
+    {   
+	// Interfaces to allow HCI to notify LL
+	/** This provides command credits.
+	 @param aCredits Provided command credits.
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+	virtual void SetCommandCredits(TUint16 aCredits)=0;
+	/** Informs of the ACL MTU for this host.
+	 @param aMTU Maximum size of ACL packet the host can send.
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+	virtual void HCIMaximumACLPacketSize(TUint16 aMTU)=0;
+	/** Called when transport channels have become free.
+	 @param aChannel Channel that is free.
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+	virtual void CanSend(THCITransportChannel aChannel = KHCITransportAllChannels)=0;
+	// Events as per spec
+	/** Called on an inquiry complete event.
+	 @param aNumResponses Number of responses received from the inquiry.  This is zero if not supported or there is an error.
+	 @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+	 @released
+	 @publishedPartner
+	 */
+    virtual void InquiryCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, TUint8 aNumResponses)=0;
+    /** Called on an inquiry result complete event.
+	 @param aEntry TInquiryLogEntry containing results of inquiry.
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void InquiryResultCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr,const TInquiryLogEntry& aEntry)=0;
+    /** Called on a connection complete event.
+	 @param aConn Contains information about the completed connection.
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ConnectionCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, const TBTConnect &aConn)=0;
+    /** Called on a connection request event.
+	 @param aConn Information about the device requesting the connection.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ConnectionRequestEvent(const TBTConnect &aConn)=0;
+    /** Called on a disconnection complete event.
+	 @param aConnH Connection handle
+	 @param aReason Reason for disconnection.
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void DisconnectionCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH, THCIErrorCode aReason)=0;
+    /** Called on an authentication complete event.
+	 @param aConnH Connection handle
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void AuthenticationCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH)=0;
+    /** Called on a remote name request complete event.
+	 @param aBdaddr Bluetooth address of remote device
+	 @param aBuf Name of remote device (max 248 bytes as defined by the bluetooth specification).
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void RemoteNameReqCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr, const TDesC8& aBuf)=0;
+    /** Called on encryption change event.
+	 @param aConnH Connection handle
+	 @param aEnable Whether encryption is enabled
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void EncryptionChangeEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH,TBool aEnable)=0;
+    /** Called on link key complete event.
+	 @param Connection handle
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ChangeLinkKeyCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH)=0;
+    /** Called on master link key complete event.
+	 @param aConnH Connection handle
+	 @param aKeyFlag See bluetooth specification
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void MasterLinkKeyCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH,TBool aKeyFlag)=0;
+    /** Called on read remote supported features complete event.
+	 @param aConnH Connection handle
+	 @param aBitMaskList LMP_Features Bit Mask List (8 bytes)
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH, TUint64 aBitMaskList)=0;
+    /**  Called  on read remote version info complete event.
+	 @param aConnH Connection handle
+	 @param aVer Information on remote hardware version
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadRemoteVersionInfoCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH, const TBTDevRemoteHwVersion& aVer)=0;
+    /** Called on QOS setup complete event.
+     @param  aQOS QOS information.
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @param aConnH Connection handle
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void QOSSetupCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH, TBTQOS aQOS)=0;
+    /**  Called on Command Complete Event.
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void CommandCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr,THCIOpcode aOpcode)=0;
+    /** Called on command status event.
+     @param aOpcode Opcode of the successfully completed event.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void CommandStatusEvent(THCIOpcode aOpcode)=0;
+    /** Called on Hardware Error Event.
+	 @param aHwCode Hardware code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void HardwareErrorEvent(TUint8 aHwCode)=0;
+    /** Called on Flush Occurred Event.
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @param aConnH Connection handle
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void FlushOccurredEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH)=0;
+    /** Called on Role Change Event.
+	 @param aRole New role.
+	 @param aBdaddr Bluetooth device address of remote device.
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void RoleChangeEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr,TBTBasebandRole aRole)=0;
+    /** Called on HCI Completed Packets event.
+     @param aConnH Connection handle
+	 @param aNumPacketsCompleted Number of packets completed.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void HCICompletedPackets(THCIConnHandle aConnH, TUint16 aNumPacketsCompleted)=0; //NumberCompletedPacketsEvent
+    /** Called on Mode Change Event.
+	 @param aMode Current mode.
+	 @param aInterval Interval defined according to current mode (see bluetooth specification).
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @param aConnH Connection handle
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ModeChangeEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH, TBTLinkMode aMode, TUint16 aInterval)=0;
+    /** Called on Return Link Keys Event.
+	 @param aBdaddr Bluetooth device address of remote device.
+	 @param aLinkKey Link key.
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReturnLinkKeysEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr,const TBTLinkKey& aLinkKey)=0;
+    /** Called on PIN Code Request Event.
+	 @param aBdaddr Bluetooth device address
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void PINCodeRequestEvent(const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr)=0;
+    /** Called on Link Key Request Event.
+	 @param aBdaddr Bluetooth device address
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void LinkKeyRequestEvent(const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr)=0;
+    /** Called on Link Key Notification Event.
+	 @param aBdaddr Bluetooth device address.
+	 @param aLinkKey Link key.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void LinkKeyNotificationEvent(const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr,const TBTLinkKey& aLinkKey)=0;
+    /** Called on Loopback Command Event.  Not currently supported.
+     @released
+     @internalTechnology
+     */
+	virtual void LoopbackCommandEvent()=0; //not supported yet
+    /** Called on Data Buffer Overflow Event. 
+	 @param aLinkType
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void DataBufferOverflowEvent(TUint8 aLinkType)=0;
+    /** Called on Max Slots Change Event.
+	 @param aMaxSlots New value of max slots.
+     @param aConnH Connection handle
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void MaxSlotsChangeEvent(THCIConnHandle aConnH, TUint8 aMaxSlots)=0;
+    /** Called on Read Clock Offset Result Event.
+	 @param aClockOffset Clock offset.
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @param aConnH Connection handle
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadClockOffsetResultEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr, THCIConnHandle aConnH, TBasebandTime aClockOffset)=0;
+    /** Called on Connection Packet Type Changed Event.
+	 @param aPacketType New packet type.
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @param aConnH Connection handle
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ConnectionPacketTypeChangedEvent(THCIErrorCode aErr,
+					THCIConnHandle aConnH, TUint16 aPacketType)=0;
+    /** Called on QOS Violation Event.
+     @param aConnH Connection handle
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void QOSViolationEvent(THCIConnHandle aConnH)=0;
+    /** Called on Page Scan Mode Change Event.
+	 @param aBdaddr Bluetooth device address.
+	 @param aPageScanMode New page scan mode
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void PageScanModeChangeEvent(const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr, TUint8 aPageScanMode)=0;
+    /** Called on Page Scan Repetition Mode Change Event.
+	 @param aBdaddr Bluetooth device address
+	 @param aPageScanRepetitionMode New page scan repetition mode
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void PageScanRepetitionModeChangeEvent(const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr, TUint8 aPageScanRepetitionMode)=0;
+    // data events
+    /** Called on ACLDataReceivedEvent.
+     @param aConnH Connection handle
+	 @param aData Received data
+	 @param aFlag See bluetooth specification
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ACLDataReceivedEvent(THCIConnHandle aConnH,TUint8 aFlag,const TDesC8& aData)=0;
+    /** Called on SCO Data Received Event.
+	 @param aData Recieved data.
+     @param aConnH Connection handle
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void SCODataReceivedEvent(THCIConnHandle aConnH, const TDesC8& aData)=0;
+	// complete events
+    /** Called on Reset Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ResetCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Write Link Supervision Timeout Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void WriteLinkSupervisionTimeoutCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Link Key Request Reply Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void LinkKeyRequestReplyCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Link Key Request Reply Negative Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void LinkKeyRequestReplyNegativeCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on PIN Code Request Reply Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void PINCodeRequestReplyCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on PIN Code Request Reply Negative Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void PINCodeRequestReplyNegativeCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Inquiry Cancel Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void InquiryCancelCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Periodic Inquiry Mode Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void PeriodicInquiryModeCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Exit Periodic Inquiry Mode Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ExitPeriodicInquiryModeCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Set Event Mask Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void SetEventMaskCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Set Event Filter Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void SetEventFilterCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Create New Unit Key Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void CreateNewUnitKeyCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Change Local Name Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ChangeLocalNameCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Write Authentication Enable Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void WriteAuthenticationEnableCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Write Encryption Mode Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void WriteEncryptionModeCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Write Page Timeout Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void WritePageTimeoutCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Write Connection Accept Timeout Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void WriteConnectionAcceptTimeoutCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Write Class Of Device Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void WriteClassOfDeviceCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Write Voice Setting Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void WriteVoiceSettingCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Write Current IAC LAP Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void WriteCurrentIACLAPCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Set Host Controller To Host Flow Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void SetHostControllerToHostFlowCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Host Buffer Size Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void HostBufferSizeCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Host Number Of Completed Packets Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void HostNumberOfCompletedPacketsCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Write Scan Enable Complete Event.
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void WriteScanEnableCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called on Write Link Policy Settings Complete Event.
+     @param aConnH Connection handle
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void WriteLinkPolicySettingsCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus, THCIConnHandle aConnH)=0;
+	// results of local commands
+    /** Called on Read Stored Link Key Result.
+	 @param aNumKeysRead Number of keys read
+	 @param aMaxNumKeys Max number of keys
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReadStoredLinkKeyResult(THCIErrorCode aErr,TUint16 aNumKeysRead,TUint16 aMaxNumKeys)=0;
+    /** Called on Write Stored Link Key Result.
+	 @param aNumKeysStored Number of keys stored
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void WriteStoredLinkKeyResult(THCIErrorCode aErr,TUint8 aNumKeysStored)=0;
+    /** Called on Delete Stored Link Key Result.
+	 @param aNumKeysDeleted Number of keys deleted
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void DeleteStoredLinkKeyResult(THCIErrorCode aErr,TUint8 aNumKeysDeleted)=0;
+    /** Called on Read Scan Enable Result.
+	 @param aEnable See bluetooth specification
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReadScanEnableResult(THCIErrorCode aErr,TUint8 aEnable)=0;
+    /** Called on Read Authentication Enable Result.
+	 @param aEnable See bluetooth specification
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReadAuthenticationEnableResult(THCIErrorCode aErr,TUint8 aEnable)=0;
+    /** Called on Read Encryption Enable Result.
+	 @param aEnable See bluetooth specification
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReadEncryptionEnableResult(THCIErrorCode aErr,THCIEncryptModeFlag aEnable)=0;
+    /** Called on Read Bdaddr Result.
+	 @param aBdaddr Bluetooth device address of remote device
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReadBdaddrResult(THCIErrorCode aErr,const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr)=0;
+    /** Called on Read Class Of Device Result.
+	 @param aCoD Class of device of remote device
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReadClassOfDeviceResult(THCIErrorCode aErr,TUint aCoD)=0;
+    /** Called on Read Voice Setting Result.
+	 @param aVoiceChannelSetting Voice channel setting
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadVoiceSettingResult(THCIErrorCode aErr,TUint16 aVoiceChannelSetting)=0;
+    /** Called on Read Local Name Result.
+	 @param aLocalName Local name
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadLocalNameResult(THCIErrorCode aErr,const TDesC8& aLocalName)=0;
+    /** Called on Read Timeout Result.
+	 @param aType See bluetooth specification
+	 @param aTimeout  See bluetooth specification
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReadTimeoutResult(THCIErrorCode aErr,THCITimeoutType aType,TBasebandTime aTimeout)=0;
+    /** Called on Read Local Version Info Result.
+	 @param aHCIVersion Version information of local device hardware
+	 @param aLMPVersion Version information of local LMP
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadLocalVersionInfoResult(THCIErrorCode aErr, TBTDevHCIVersion aHCIVersion, TBTDevLMPVersion aLMPVersion)=0;
+    /** Called on Read Local Supported Features Result.
+	 @param aBitMaskList See bluetooth specification
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadLocalSupportedFeaturesResult(THCIErrorCode aErr, TUint64 aBitMaskList)=0;
+    /** Called on Read Country Code Result.
+	 @param aCountryCode Country code
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadCountryCodeResult(THCIErrorCode aErr, TUint8 aCountryCode)=0;
+    /** Called on Read Number Of Supported IAC Result.
+	 @param aNumIACs  Number of IACs
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadNumberOfSupportedIACResult(THCIErrorCode aErr, TUint8 aNumIACs)=0;
+    /** Called on Read Discoverability Result.
+	 @param aNumIACs The number of concurrent IACs on which scanning is/would take place
+	 @param aIAC IAC_LAP array.
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadDiscoverabilityResult(THCIErrorCode aErr, TUint8 aNumIACs, TUint aIAC[])=0;
+    /** Called on Read Buffer Size Result.
+	 @param aAclMaxLen Maximum length of each ACL packet
+	 @param aScoMaxLen Maximum length of each SCO packet
+	 @param aNoACL Total number of ACL data packets
+	 @param aNoSCO Total number of SCO data packets
+     @param aErr HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void ReadBufferSizeResult(THCIErrorCode aErr,TUint16 aAclMaxLen,
+			      TUint8 aScoMaxLen,TUint16 aNoACL,TUint16 aNoSCO)=0;
+    /** Called on Read Role Discovery Result.
+	 @param aRole Current role
+     @param aStatus HCI specific or system wide error code.
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadRoleDiscoveryResult(THCIErrorCode aStatus, TBTBasebandRole aRole)=0;
+    /** Called on Vendor Specific Debug Event.
+	 @param aEventFrame The frame holds the event parameters and parameter length field
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void VendorSpecificDebugEvent(TPtrC8 aEventFrame)=0;
+	// Power off event
+    /** Called on Handle Power Status Change.
+	 @param aState New power state
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void HandlePowerStatusChange(TBTPowerState aState)=0;
+	// Results of Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH) commands
+    /** Called in response to a SetAFHHostChannelClassification command.
+	 @param aStatus The success or not of the SetAFHHostChannelClassification command
+	 @see SetAFHHostChannelClassification
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void SetAFHHostChannelClassificationCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called in response to a ReadAFHChannelMap command.
+	 @param aStatus The success or not of the ReadAFHChannelMap command
+	 @param aConnH Connection handle
+	 @param aAFHMode ETrue if AFH is enabled, EFalse if not
+	 @param aAFHChannelMap The AFH channel map being used on the specified connection
+	 @see ReadAFHChannelMap
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadAFHChannelMapCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus, THCIConnHandle aConnH, TBool aAFHMode, const TDesC8& aAFHChannelMap)=0;
+    /** Called in response to a WriteAFHChannelAssessmentMode command.
+	 @param aStatus The success or not of the WriteAFHChannelAssessmentMode command
+	 @see WriteAFHChannelAssessmentMode
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void WriteAFHChannelAssessmentModeCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus)=0;
+    /** Called in response to a ReadAFHChannelAssessmentMode command.
+	 @param aStatus The success or not of the ReadAFHChannelAssessmentMode command
+	 @param aChannelAssessmentMode The host controller is checking for busy channels if ETrue, otherwise it is not
+	 @see ReadAFHChannelAssessmentMode
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void ReadAFHChannelAssessmentModeCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus, TBool aChannelAssessmentMode)=0;
+    /** Called in response to a Flush command.
+	 @param aStatus The success or not of the Flush command
+	 @param aConnH  The connection handle
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void FlushCompleteEvent(THCIErrorCode aStatus, THCIConnHandle aConnH)=0;
+    /** Called on a synchronous connection complete event.  
+ 	@param aStatus
+    @param aConnH HCI connection handle
+    @param aBdaddr BT device address
+    @param aLinkType Link Type:SCO, Reserved or eSCO
+    @param aTransmissionInterval Transmission Interval
+    @param aRetransmissionWindow Retransmission Window
+    @param aRxPacketLength Rx Packet Length
+    @param aTxPacketLength Tx Packet Length
+    @param aAirMode Air Mode: uLaw, ALaw, CVSD or Transparent data
+    @released
+    @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void SynchronousConnectionCompleteEvent(const THCIErrorCode aErr,
+    												const THCIConnHandle aConnH,
+    												const TBTDevAddr& aBdaddr,
+    												const TLinkType aLinkType,
+    												const TUint8 aTransmissionInterval,
+    												const TUint8 aRetransmissionWindow,
+    												const TUint16 aRxPacketLength,
+    												const TUint16 aTxPacketLength,
+    												const TAirMode aAirMode)=0;
+    /** Called on a synchronous connection changed event
+ 	@param aStatus
+    @param aConnH HCI connection handle
+    @param aTransmissionInterval Transmission Interval
+    @param aRetransmissionWindow Retransmission Window
+    @param aRxPacketLength Rx Packet Length
+    @param aTxPacketLength Tx Packet Length
+    @released
+    @publishedPartner
+     */
+    virtual void SynchronousConnectionChangedEvent(const THCIErrorCode aErr,
+    											   const THCIConnHandle aConnH,
+   												   const TUint8 aTransmissionInterval,
+   												   const TUint8 aRetransmissionWindow,
+   												   const TUint16 aRxPacketLength,
+   												   const TUint16 aTxPacketLength)=0;
+    /** Called when an HCI level Ioctl completes.
+	 @param aLevel			The Ioctl level
+	 @param aName			The Ioctl function number
+	 @param aOption			Data associated with this Ioctl
+	 @param aErr			System-wide error code
+	 @param aStackSAP		A pointer to the SAP, used to track Ioctls
+     @released
+     @publishedPartner
+     */
+	virtual void CompleteIoctl(TUint aLevel,TUint aName,TDes8* aOption,TInt aErr, TAny* aStackSAP)=0;
+    };
+ * Constants used for Symbian's RHCIDirectAccess test functionality
+ */
+	// Test Ioctls
+	enum THCIDirectAccessTestIoctl
+		{
+		EHCIDirectAccessTestIoctlSetFlag1 = 0,
+		EHCIDirectAccessTestIoctlSetFlag2,
+		EHCIDirectAccessTestIoctlGetFlag1,
+		EHCIDirectAccessTestIoctlGetFlag2,
+		EHCIDirectAccessTestIoctlValidateFlag1,
+		EHCIDirectAccessTestIoctlValidateFlag2,
+		EHCIDirectAccessTestIoctlTimerFiveSeconds,
+		EHCIDirectAccessTestIoctlTimerEightSeconds,
+		EHCIDirectAccessTestIoctlTestDataPath,
+		EHCIDirectAccessTestIoctlNotifyOnEventX,
+		EHCIDirectAccessTestIoctlTriggerEventX,
+		};
+	// text strings for testing data path
+	_LIT8(KHCIDirectAccessTestExpectedText, "ExpectedText");
+	_LIT8(KHCIDirectAccessTestUnexpectedText, "UnexpectedText");