changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/epoc32/include/http/framework/cheadercodec.h	Tue Mar 16 16:12:26 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file CHeaderCodec.h
+ @warning : This file contains Rose Model ID comments - please do not delete
+#ifndef __CHEADERCODEC_H__
+#define __CHEADERCODEC_H__
+// System includes
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <http/framework/rheaderfield.h>
+// Forward declarations
+class CHeaderWriter;
+class CHeaderReader;
+class CHeaderCodec : public CBase
+An abstract HTTP header codec.  
+Each instance of a concrete subclass of CHeaderCodec is associated with, and owned
+by, a specific	CProtocolHandler.  It provides on-demand encoding/decoding of
+HTTP header data, between the generic format used by clients/filters to formulate
+requests and interpret responses, and the raw format used by
+the transport handlers (and origin servers/gateways/etc.)
+The CHeaderCodec has an associated instance of a sub-class of each of
+CHeaderReader and CHeaderWriter.  It delegates the actual encoding and
+decoding function to these instances.
+Header codecs provide a mechanism for extensibility whereby if one codec can't
+decode (or encode) a given header, it locates a codec that can, and then delegates
+the task to that codec instead.
+	{
+public: // methods
+	Intended Usage:	Destructor - cleans up and releases resources to the system.
+	//##ModelId=3C4C18850194
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CHeaderCodec();
+	Encode the supplied header field.  This method uses the associated
+	concrete CHeaderWriter object to do a conversion of the field into
+	raw form from the generic internal representation.
+	@param aHeader (in) A proxy for the header field to be encoded
+	@leave KErrNotSupported if a codec that supports encoding this header
+		   cannot be found
+	//##ModelId=3C4C1885018C
+	IMPORT_C void EncodeHeaderL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
+	Decode the supplied header field.  This method uses the associated
+	concrete CHeaderReader object to do a conversion of the field into
+	the generic internal representation from the raw form.
+	@param aHeader (in) A proxy for the header field to be decoded
+	@leave KErrNotSupported if a codec that supports decoding this header
+   		   cannot be found
+	//##ModelId=3C4C1885018A
+	IMPORT_C void DecodeHeaderL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
+	Intended Usage: Concrete header codec classes must implement this method to
+	indicate to the framework whether their concrete CHeaderWriter is
+	capable of encoding the named header field.
+	@param aHeaderField	(in) A proxy for the header field to be encoded
+	@return A flag indicating ETrue if the field can be encoded.
+	//##ModelId=3C4C18850181
+	virtual TBool CanEncode(RStringF aHeaderField) const = 0;
+	Intended Usage: Concrete header codec classes must implement this method to
+					indicate to the framework whether their concrete CHeaderReader is
+					capable of decoding the named header field.
+	@param			aHeaderField		(in) A proxy for the header field to be encoded
+	@return			A flag indicating ETrue if the field can be decoded.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C18850178
+	virtual TBool CanDecode(RStringF aHeaderField) const = 0;
+	Intended Usage: Concrete header codecs must be implement this method if they wish to
+					delegate the encoding/decoding of particular header fields to a
+					different codec.  
+					This would be done if the codec doesn't have the ability itself to
+					do the encode/decode but can locate an alternative that does. This 
+					function may leave with a Standard Symbian OS error code. eg. KErrNoMemory
+					The caller takes ownership of the returned codec.
+	@param aHeaderField (in) A proxy for the header field to be encoded
+	@return A pointer to the new CHeaderCodec, or NULL if one couldn't be found.
+	@leave KErrNoMemory, Not enough memory to create object.	
+	//##ModelId=3C4C18850176
+	virtual CHeaderCodec* FindDelegateCodecL(RStringF aHeaderField) const = 0;
+protected: // methods
+	Default constructor.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3A914DF20273
+	IMPORT_C CHeaderCodec();
+	Second phase construction in which any necessary allocation is done
+	Implementations of this interface may leave with standard erros like KErrNoMemory if there is
+	insufficient memory for allocation in the second phase.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C1885016E
+	IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
+protected: // attributes
+	/** The owned header writer object that does actual encoding of header fields.
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C18850164
+	CHeaderWriter* iWriter;
+	/** The owned header reader object that does actual decoding of header fields.
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C1885015A
+	CHeaderReader* iReader;
+private: // methods
+	Intended Usage:	Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C1885016D
+	inline virtual void Reserved1();
+	Intended Usage:	Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C1885016C
+	inline virtual void Reserved2();
+private: // attributes
+	/** The most recently-obtained delegate codec
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C18850150
+	mutable CHeaderCodec* iDelegateCodec;
+	};
+class CHeaderWriter : public CBase
+An abstract HTTP header encoder.  CHeaderWriter provides an interface used by its
+owning codec to do conversion of header data from the generic internal header
+representation to the raw representation used for a particular protocol/transport.
+Specific sub-classes of CHeaderWriter are associated with specific protocol handlers.
+	{
+public: // methods
+	Intended Usage:	Destructor - cleans up and release resources to the system.
+	//##ModelId=3C4C188601FC
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CHeaderWriter();
+	Intended Usage:	Encodes the supplied header field.  This method does a conversion
+					of the field into raw form from the generic internal representation.
+					Implementations of this interface may leave with any of KErrNotSupported, KErrHttpEncodeDoWWWAuthenticate,
+					KErrHttpEncodeAuthorization, KErrHttpEncodeDoAge, KErrHttpEncodeDoVary, KErrHttpEncodeDoContentLanguage.
+					Specific header writer sub-classes must implement this method.
+	@param			aHeader		(in) A proxy for the header field to be encoded
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C188601FA
+	virtual void EncodeHeaderL(RHeaderField& aHeader) = 0;
+protected: // methods
+	Default constructor.
+ */
+	IMPORT_C CHeaderWriter();
+	Second phase construction in which any necessary allocation is done
+	Implementations of this interface may leave with standard errors like KErrNoMemory.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C188601F9
+	IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
+private: // methods
+	Intended Usage:	Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C188601F1
+	inline virtual void Reserved1();
+	Intended Usage:	Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C188601F0
+	inline virtual void Reserved2();
+	};
+class CHeaderReader : public CBase
+An abstract HTTP header decoder.  CHeaderReader provides an interface used by its
+owning codec to do conversion of header data from the raw representation used for
+a particular protocol/transport to the generic internal header representation.
+Specific sub-classes of CHeaderWriter are associated with specific protocol
+	{
+public: // methods
+	Intended Usage:	Destructor - cleans up and release resources to the system.
+	//##ModelId=3C4C1886031E
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CHeaderReader();
+	Intended Usage:	Decodes the supplied header field.  This method does a conversion
+	of the field from the generic internal representation into raw form.
+	Specific header reader sub-classes must implement this method.
+	Implementations of this interface may leave with any of KErrHttpDecodeAccept, KErrHttpDecodeAcceptCharset, 
+	KErrHttpDecodeAcceptLanguage, KErrHttpDecodeAcceptEncoding, KErrNotSupported.
+	@param aHeader (in) A proxy for the header field to be decoded
+	//##ModelId=3C4C1886031C
+	virtual void DecodeHeaderL(RHeaderField& aHeader) = 0;
+protected: // methods
+	Default constructor.
+ */
+	IMPORT_C CHeaderReader();
+	Second phase construction in which any necessary allocation is done
+	Implementations of this interface may leave with standard errors like KErrNoMemory.
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C18860315
+	IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
+private: // methods
+	Intended Usage:	Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C18860314
+	inline virtual void Reserved1();
+	Intended Usage:	Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC
+ */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C18860313
+	inline virtual void Reserved2();
+	};
+inline void CHeaderCodec::Reserved1()
+	{}
+inline void CHeaderCodec::Reserved2()
+	{}
+inline void CHeaderWriter::Reserved1()
+	{}
+inline void CHeaderWriter::Reserved2()
+	{}
+inline void CHeaderReader::Reserved1()
+	{}
+inline void CHeaderReader::Reserved2()
+	{}
+#endif /* __CHEADERCODEC_H__ */