changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
parent 1 666f914201fb
child 4 837f303aceeb
--- a/epoc32/include/mw/akninputlanguageinfo.h	Tue Nov 24 13:55:44 2009 +0000
+++ b/epoc32/include/mw/akninputlanguageinfo.h	Tue Mar 16 16:12:26 2010 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,265 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:              
+*       Interface class providing information on available input languages
+*	    This header is exported
+#include <e32base.h>
+// For TBitFlags
+#include <eikdef.h>
+#include <bamdesca.h>
+#include <babitflags.h>
+// Typedefs
+typedef TBuf<32> TAknLanguageName;
+* Input language capabilities
+class TAknInputLanguageCapabilities
+	{
+    public:
+	    /**
+	    * These indices are used to set/clear capabilities.
+	    * Terms: 
+	    * - multitap refers to capability to enter alphabetic chars by pressing the same key repeatedly 
+	    * - predictive refers to the device matching (non-multitap) keypresses with potential words 
+	    *	in a dictionary. That is, what words would map to the current set of keypad presses
+	    * 
+	    * 
+	    */
+	    enum TAknInputLanguageCapabilityIndex
+	        {
+	        EMultitap =				0x00000000, 
+	        EPredictive =			0x00000001 
+	        };
+	    /**
+	    * C++ Constructor.  Initializes the internal state to "no capabilities"
+	    */
+	    IMPORT_C TAknInputLanguageCapabilities();
+	    /**
+	    * Sets the capability at a given index index to the logical value passed 
+	    *
+	    * @param aCapability	which capability to set
+	    * @param aSet			ETrue - enable the capability; EFalse - disable the capability
+	    */
+	    IMPORT_C void AssignCapability( TInt aCapabilityIndex, TBool aSet ); 
+	    /**
+	    * Tests a capability
+	    *
+	    * @param	aCapability		which capability to test
+	    * @return	EFalse if the capability is not present; not EFalse otherwise	
+	    */
+	    IMPORT_C TBool HasCapability( TInt aCapabilityIndex ) const;
+	    /**
+	    * Sets all capabilities (existing and potential)
+	    */
+	    IMPORT_C void SetAllCapabilities();
+	    IMPORT_C TAknInputLanguageCapabilities FilteredCapabilities( TAknInputLanguageCapabilities& aFilter) const;
+	    IMPORT_C TBool HasAnySupport() const;
+    private:
+	    // Holds the internal state
+	    TBitFlags32	iCapabilities;	
+	};
+* Input Language Item class.
+* This object bring together Symbian language code, a language name, and its capabilities
+* This method is not meant to be derived from.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknInputLanguageItem) : public CBase
+	{
+    public:
+	    /** 
+	    * static 2-stage construction of the object. The language name descriptor is copied 
+	    * by the time the method returns.
+	    *
+	    * Normally this is constructed by the class that supplies the language information.  It would 
+	    * not normally be called by clients who want to find out about system input languages
+	    *
+	    * @param	aLanguageCode	Symbian OS language code
+	    * @param	aName			Language name to be attached to code
+	    * @param	aCapabilities	Sets the capabilities
+	    * @return	Fully constructed input language item
+	    */
+	    static CAknInputLanguageItem* NewL( TLanguage aLanguageCode, const TDesC& aName, TAknInputLanguageCapabilities aCapabilities );
+	    /**
+	    * C++ destructor
+	    *
+	    */
+	    IMPORT_C ~CAknInputLanguageItem();
+	    IMPORT_C TLanguage LanguageCode() const;
+	    IMPORT_C TPtrC LanguageName() const;
+	    IMPORT_C TAknInputLanguageCapabilities Capabilities() const;
+    private:
+	    /**
+	    * Sets only the langauge code
+	    */
+	    CAknInputLanguageItem( TLanguage aLanguageCode);
+	    /**
+	    * 2nd stage construction.  This sets the name and the capabilies
+	    */
+	    void ConstructL( const TDesC& aName, TAknInputLanguageCapabilities aCapabilities );
+    private:
+	    TLanguage iLanguageCode;
+	    HBufC* iLanguageName;			// Owned
+	    TAknInputLanguageCapabilities	iCapabilities;
+	    TInt iSpare;					// for expansion
+	};
+* Class to hold a list of CAknInputLanguageItem objects
+class CAknInputLanguageList : public CArrayPtrFlat<CAknInputLanguageItem>, public MDesCArray
+    {
+    public:
+	    /**
+	    * C++ Constructor 
+	    *
+	    */
+	    IMPORT_C CAknInputLanguageList(TInt aGranularity);
+	    /**
+	    * Destructor
+	    *
+	    */
+	    IMPORT_C ~CAknInputLanguageList();
+    public: // from MDesCArray
+	    IMPORT_C TInt MdcaCount() const;
+	    IMPORT_C TPtrC MdcaPoint(TInt aIndex) const;
+    };
+* Input Language information interface.  This object is instantiated to create a standard interface
+* to the native input language services. 
+class CAknInputLanguageInfo : public CBase
+	{
+    public:
+	    /**
+	    * This method returns the input capabilities of a language. The capability object can then 
+	    * be queried to see what it is capable of.
+	    *
+	    * @param	aLanguageId		Symbian language code
+	    * @return	a structure indicating what the language is capable of
+	    */
+	    virtual TAknInputLanguageCapabilities LanguageCapabilitiesFromLanguage(TLanguage aLanguageId) = 0;
+	    /**
+	    * Get the language name that corresponds to the passed-in Symbian OS language code.
+	    * This name should be localized, or not, depending upon the policy decided for the product
+	    * 
+	    * @param	aLanguageCode	- language code for the language whose name is required
+	    * @return	TAknLanguageName - buffer containing 
+	    */
+	    virtual TAknLanguageName LanguageName( TLanguage aLanguageCode ) const = 0;
+	    /**
+	    * Provide a language list corresponding to the input list of SymbianOS language codes.
+	    * The order of the languages in the output list is that order implemented in the 
+	    * interface object, and the order of the input list of language codes is ignored.
+	    *
+	    * @param aInputLanguageList Append to this list; 
+	    * @param aLanguageCodeList	Append only languages whose code is in this list. If Null is passed, then no language code filtering is done
+	    * @param aCapabilityFilter	Append only languages with capabilities set in this filter.
+	    *							If a filter with no capabilities whatsoever is passed, then all capabilities are included
+	    *
+	    */ 
+	    virtual void AppendLanguagesL( 
+		    CAknInputLanguageList* aInputLanguageList, 
+		    CArrayFix<TInt>* aLanguageCodeList,
+		    TAknInputLanguageCapabilities& aCapabilityFilter ) = 0;
+	    /**
+	    * Appends to an externally owned array of CAknInputLanguageItem-s. These can be interrogated to provide 
+	    * information upon return.
+	    *
+	    * @param aInputLanguageList		Passed-in array is appended to by this method
+	    */
+	    virtual void AppendAvailableLanguagesL( CAknInputLanguageList* aInputLanguageList ) = 0;
+	    /**
+	    * Return a langauge that is suitable in the product for a URL input language
+	    *
+	    * @return	TLanguage	A language code for the designated URL language
+	    */
+	    virtual TLanguage UrlLanguage() const = 0;
+	};
+* This factory class exists to supply an available input language interface 
+class AknInputLanguageInfoFactory
+	{
+    public:
+	    /**
+	    * Factory method to return a generic object from which information on available
+	    * languages can be obtained.
+	    *
+	    * @return a pointer to a fully constructed object conformant to CAknInputLanguageInfo 
+	    */
+	    IMPORT_C static CAknInputLanguageInfo* CreateInputLanguageInfoL();
+	};
+// End of File