--- a/epoc32/include/prninf.h Tue Nov 24 13:55:44 2009 +0000
+++ b/epoc32/include/prninf.h Tue Mar 16 16:12:26 2010 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,254 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __PRNINF_H__
+#define __PRNINF_H__
+#if !defined(__E32STD_H__)
+#include <e32std.h>
+#if !defined(__GDI_H__)
+#include <gdi.h>
+#if !defined(__FLDBASE_H__)
+#include <fldbase.h>
+// Classes defined
+//class TPageNumbers;
+class CHeaderFooter;
+class TPrintParameters;
+class TPageMargins;
+class MPrintProcessObserver;
+// classes referenced
+class RReadStream;
+class RWriteStream;
+class CRichText;
+class CParaFormatLayer;
+class CCharFormatLayer;
+class MFieldFileNameInfo;
+class MFieldPageNumInfo;
+class MFieldNumPagesInfo;
+class TPrintParameters
+/** Print parameters.
+This data is associated with a particular print request, not with the document
+to be printed, so is separate from the print setup information.
+An object of this class is passed to CPrintSetup::StartPrintL() and to CPrintSetup::StartPreviewPrintL().
+@see CPrintSetup
+@released */
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TPrintParameters(); // sets to 1,0,0
+ /** The number of copies to print. */
+ TInt iNumCopies;
+ /** The first page to be printed.
+ This value should be less than or equal to iLastPage. Zero indicates the first page
+ in the document. */
+ TInt iFirstPage;
+ /** The last page to be printed.
+ This value should be greater than or equal to iFirstPage. Zero indicates the first
+ page in the document. */
+ TInt iLastPage;
+ };
+class TPageMargins
+/** Page margins.
+Page margins are accessed via the public iPageMarginsInTwips member of class
+CPrintSetup. A single margin settings object applies throughout a document,
+so that gutter margins are not supported.
+If the document contains headers and footers, they are located within the
+top and bottom margins respectively.
+@released */
+ {
+ IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
+ IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream)const;
+ /** The distance between the top of the header and the top of the page in twips
+ or pixels.
+ This must be less than the height of the top margin to ensure that the header
+ is visible. */
+ TInt iHeaderOffset;
+ /** The distance between the top of the footer and the top of the bottom margin
+ in twips or pixels.
+ This must be less than the height of the bottom margin to ensure that the
+ footer is visible. */
+ TInt iFooterOffset;
+ /** The widths of each of the four margins in twips or pixels.
+ @see TMargins */
+ TMargins iMargins;
+ };
+class CHeaderFooter : public CBase, private MTextFieldFactory
+/** A document header or footer.
+The header is located in the top page margin and the footer in the
+bottom page margin. No more than one header or footer can exist in a document.
+CHeaderFooter derives from MTextFieldFactory. This allows the insertion of
+various fields, including page number, current date or time and filename.
+Rich text manipulation and formatting functions can be accessed through
+the rich text object which is owned by the header/footer.
+The header and footer are retrieved using the CPrintSetup::Header() and Footer()
+functions and they are stored and restored together with the rest of the print
+setup information.
+@released */
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static CHeaderFooter* NewL();
+ IMPORT_C virtual ~CHeaderFooter();
+ //
+ IMPORT_C void CreateTextL();
+ IMPORT_C void SetFirstPageToPrintTo(TInt aPageNum); // allows the first few pages of a doc not to have a header on them
+ inline TInt FirstPageToPrintTo()const; // relative to the first page being numbered 0
+ //
+ // persistence
+ IMPORT_C TStreamId StoreL(CStreamStore& aStore)const;
+ IMPORT_C void RestoreL(const CStreamStore& aStore,TStreamId aStreamId,MPictureFactory* aFactory);
+ IMPORT_C void StoreComponentsL(CStreamStore& aStore,CStoreMap& aMap)const;
+ IMPORT_C void RestoreComponentsL(const CStreamStore& aStore,MPictureFactory* aFactory);
+ IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
+ IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
+ //
+ // text bits
+ IMPORT_C CRichText* Text()const;
+ IMPORT_C CParaFormatLayer* ParaFormat()const;
+ IMPORT_C CCharFormatLayer* CharFormat()const;
+ IMPORT_C void SetText(CRichText* aText); // takes ownership
+ IMPORT_C void SetParaFormat(CParaFormatLayer* aParaFormat); // takes ownership
+ IMPORT_C void SetCharFormat(CCharFormatLayer* aCharFormat); // takes ownership
+ //
+ // field bits
+ IMPORT_C void SetFileNameInfo(const MFieldFileNameInfo& aFileNameInfo); // call if you want headers/footers to support filename fields
+ IMPORT_C void SetNumPagesInfo(const MFieldNumPagesInfo& aNumPagesInfo); // call if you want headers/footers to support "total number of pages" fields
+ inline MFieldFileNameInfo* FileNameFieldInfo()const;
+ inline MFieldNumPagesInfo* NumPagesFieldInfo()const;
+ //
+ void SetPageNumInfo(const MFieldPageNumInfo& aPageNumInfo); // called by CPrintSetup
+ CHeaderFooter();
+ void CreateFormatLayersL();
+ // from MTextFieldFactory
+ CTextField* NewFieldL(TUid aFieldType);
+ TInt iFirstPageToPrintTo; // relative to the first page being numbered 0
+ MFieldFileNameInfo* iFileNameInfo;
+ MFieldPageNumInfo* iPageNumInfo;
+ MFieldNumPagesInfo* iNumPagesInfo;
+ CRichText* iText; // RichText Doc Handle
+ CParaFormatLayer* iParaLayer;
+ CCharFormatLayer* iCharLayer;
+ enum { ETextExists = 0x0001 };
+ };
+class MPrintProcessObserver
+/** Print progress and status notification interface class.
+The notification functions are called before, during and after a print or
+print preview operation, to give notification of its progress.
+The print process observer will often be the GUI's standard print progress
+or print preview dialog.
+An object of a class which implements this interface may be passed as a parameter
+to CPrintSetup::StartPrintL(), or to CPrintSetup::StartPreviewPrintL().
+@released */
+ {
+ /** Notifies that a print or print preview operation is about to begin.
+ It may be used to display information about the document to be printed. It
+ is called once, immediately before printing or print previewing begins.
+ When subclassing, add variables to store initialisation information as required.
+ @param aPrintParams The parameters for the print job. */
+ virtual void NotifyPrintStarted(TPrintParameters aPrintParams)=0;
+ /** Notifies that a band is about to be printed.
+ It may be used to display print progress information, including the current
+ page number. It is called immediately before each band is printed.
+ @param aPercentageOfPagePrinted The percentage of the page that has been printed.
+ @param aCurrentPageNum The number of the page currently being printed.
+ @param aCurrentCopyNum The number of the copy currently being printed (if multiple
+ copies are being printed). */
+ virtual void NotifyBandPrinted(TInt aPercentageOfPagePrinted, TInt aCurrentPageNum, TInt aCurrentCopyNum)=0;
+ /** Notifies that the print or print preview operation has completed.
+ It may be used to display information about how the operation completed, for
+ example any errors that occurred. It is called once, immediately after the
+ print job terminates.
+ @param anErrorCode KErrNone if the print job completed successfully, otherwise
+ another of the system-wide error codes. */
+ virtual void NotifyPrintEnded(TInt anErrorCode)=0;
+ //
+ };
+// inlines
+inline TInt CHeaderFooter::FirstPageToPrintTo()const
+/** Gets the first page on which the header or footer is to be printed.
+Page numbering begins at zero.
+@return The number of the first page on which the header or footer is to be
+printed. */
+ { return iFirstPageToPrintTo; }
+inline MFieldFileNameInfo* CHeaderFooter::FileNameFieldInfo()const
+/** Gets the object which implements the MFieldFileNameInfo interface, as set by
+@return The object which implements the MFieldFileNameInfo interface. */
+ { return iFileNameInfo; }
+inline MFieldNumPagesInfo* CHeaderFooter::NumPagesFieldInfo()const
+/** Gets the object which implements the MFieldNumPagesInfo interface, as set by
+@return The object which implements the MFieldNumPagesInfo interface. */
+ { return iNumPagesInfo; }