--- a/epoc32/include/s32stor.h Tue Nov 24 13:55:44 2009 +0000
+++ b/epoc32/include/s32stor.h Tue Mar 16 16:12:26 2010 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,482 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#if !defined(__S32STOR_H__)
+#define __S32STOR_H__
+#if !defined(__S32STD_H__)
+#include <s32std.h>
+#if !defined(__S32SHARE_H__)
+#include <s32share.h>
+#if !defined(__S32PAGE_H__)
+#include <s32page.h>
+class MIncrementalCollector;
+ * @publishedAll
+ * @released
+ * Provides the core abstract framework for stores allowing streams to be
+created and manipulated.
+class CStreamStore : public CBase
+ {
+ inline TStreamId ExtendL();
+ IMPORT_C void Delete(TStreamId anId);
+ IMPORT_C void DeleteL(TStreamId anId);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Commit();
+ inline void CommitL();
+ IMPORT_C void Revert();
+ inline void RevertL();
+ IMPORT_C TInt ReclaimL();
+ IMPORT_C TInt CompactL();
+ virtual IMPORT_C TStreamId DoExtendL();
+ virtual IMPORT_C void DoDeleteL(TStreamId anId);
+ /** Opens the requested stream for reading. The function should return a
+ stream buffer positioned at the beginning of this stream.
+ This function is called by the OpenL() and OpenLC() member functions of
+ RStoreReadStream.
+ @param anId The stream to be read.
+ @return A stream buffer positioned at the beginning of the stream to be read.
+ @see RStoreReadStream::OpenL()
+ @see RStoreReadStream::OpenLC() */
+ virtual MStreamBuf* DoReadL(TStreamId anId) const=0;
+ /** Creates a new stream in the store. The function gets the allocated
+ stream id in the anId parameter. A stream buffer for the stream should be
+ returned, ready to write into the new stream. This provides the
+ implementation for the RStoreWriteStream::CreateL() functions.
+ @param anId On return, contains the allocated stream id.
+ @return The stream buffer to be written to. */
+ virtual MStreamBuf* DoCreateL(TStreamId& anId)=0;
+ virtual IMPORT_C MStreamBuf* DoWriteL(TStreamId anId);
+ virtual IMPORT_C MStreamBuf* DoReplaceL(TStreamId anId);
+ virtual IMPORT_C void DoCommitL();
+ virtual IMPORT_C void DoRevertL();
+ virtual IMPORT_C MIncrementalCollector* DoReclaimL();
+ virtual IMPORT_C MIncrementalCollector* DoCompactL();
+ friend class RStoreReadStream;
+ friend class RStoreWriteStream;
+ friend class RStoreReclaim;
+ };
+ * @publishedAll
+ * @released
+ * Persistent store abstract base class. It provides the behaviour for setting
+and retrieving the root stream id.
+Before closing a persistent store, the root stream id must be set. After opening
+a persistent store, the first thing done is to look up the root stream id.
+The root stream can then be opened and data read from the store.
+@see CFileStore
+class CPersistentStore : public CStreamStore
+ {
+ inline TStreamId Root() const;
+ inline void SetRootL(TStreamId anId);
+ inline CPersistentStore();
+ virtual IMPORT_C void DoSetRootL(TStreamId anId);
+ TStreamId iRoot;
+ };
+ * @publishedAll
+ * @released
+ * Performs space reclamation or compaction on a permanent file store in
+incremental steps.
+Reclaiming unused space makes it available for re-use by the store. Compacting
+makes unused space available for re-use by the relevant system pool — for
+example, the filing system in the case of file-based stores.
+Once compaction is complete, the store must be committed.
+Space reclamation and compaction are only supported by the file store
+CPermanentFileStore and are not supported by embedded or direct file stores.
+Use active objects when implementing space reclamation or compaction
+This class performs incremental compaction/reclamation. These operations can
+be performed in a possibly long running single step using CStreamStore
+class RStoreReclaim
+ {
+ inline RStoreReclaim();
+ IMPORT_C void OpenL(CStreamStore& aStore,TInt& aCount);
+ IMPORT_C void OpenLC(CStreamStore& aStore,TInt& aCount);
+ IMPORT_C void CompactL(CStreamStore& aStore,TInt& aCount);
+ IMPORT_C void CompactLC(CStreamStore& aStore,TInt& aCount);
+ inline void Close();
+ IMPORT_C void Release();
+ IMPORT_C void ResetL(TInt& aCount);
+ IMPORT_C void NextL(TInt& aStep);
+ IMPORT_C void Next(TPckgBuf<TInt>& aStep,TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void NextL(TPckgBuf<TInt>& aStep,TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Next(TInt& aStep);
+ inline TInt Available() const;
+ MIncrementalCollector* iCol;
+ TPckgBuf<TInt> iAvail;
+ };
+ * @publishedAll
+ * @released
+ * Encapsulates an embedded store.
+The embedded store may contain an arbitrarily complex network of streams,
+but is viewed as simply another stream by the embedding store. This means
+that the embedded store can dealt with as a single stream for purposes of
+copying or deleting.
+Once streams within the embedded store have been committed and closed, they
+cannot subsequently be changed, i.e. streams cannot be replaced, deleted,
+extended or changed in any way.
+@see CPersistentStore
+class CEmbeddedStore : public CPersistentStore
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static CEmbeddedStore* FromL(RReadStream& aHost);
+ IMPORT_C static CEmbeddedStore* FromLC(RReadStream& aHost);
+ IMPORT_C static CEmbeddedStore* NewL(RWriteStream& aHost);
+ IMPORT_C static CEmbeddedStore* NewLC(RWriteStream& aHost);
+ inline static TStreamPos Position(TStreamId anId);
+ IMPORT_C void Detach();
+ inline void Reattach(MStreamBuf* aHost);
+ inline MStreamBuf* Host() const;
+ inline TStreamPos Start() const;
+ IMPORT_C CEmbeddedStore(MStreamBuf* aHost);
+ IMPORT_C void MarshalL(RReadStream& aStream);
+ IMPORT_C void ConstructL(RWriteStream& aStream);
+ IMPORT_C ~CEmbeddedStore();
+ IMPORT_C MStreamBuf* DoReadL(TStreamId anId) const;
+ IMPORT_C MStreamBuf* DoCreateL(TStreamId& anId);
+ IMPORT_C void DoSetRootL(TStreamId anId);
+ IMPORT_C void DoCommitL();
+ static CEmbeddedStore* DoNewLC(MStreamBuf* aHost);
+ __MUTABLE TStreamExchange iHost;
+ TStreamPos iStart;
+ };
+ * @publishedAll
+ * @released
+ * Dictionary store interface.
+This is an abstract class which provides the necessary interface for using
+concrete dictionary stores.
+A dictionary store is a store where a stream is accessed by UID (TUid), rather
+than directly by stream id (TStreamId).
+This type of store contains streams in the usual way but, in addition, the
+root stream is a stream dictionary. The stream dictionary provides a list
+of two-way associations between unique identifiers and stream ids.
+Note that a dictionary store object does not derive from CStreamStore, but
+owns a persistent store and a stream dictionary as part of its implementation.
+@see CStreamDictionary
+@see CPersistentStore
+@see CDictionaryFileStore
+@see TUid
+@see TStreamId
+class CDictionaryStore : public CBase
+ {
+ IMPORT_C TBool IsNullL() const;
+ IMPORT_C TBool IsPresentL(TUid aUid) const;
+ IMPORT_C void Remove(TUid aUid);
+ IMPORT_C void RemoveL(TUid aUid);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Commit();
+ IMPORT_C void CommitL();
+ IMPORT_C void Revert();
+ IMPORT_C void RevertL();
+ IMPORT_C ~CDictionaryStore();
+ IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
+ CStreamDictionary* DictionaryL() const;
+ MStreamBuf* GetSourceL(TUid aUid) const;
+ MStreamBuf* GetSinkL(TUid aUid);
+ CPersistentStore* iStore;
+ __MUTABLE CStreamDictionary* iDictionary;
+ TBool iDictionaryHasChanged;
+ friend class RDictionaryReadStream;
+ friend class RDictionaryWriteStream;
+ friend class HDictionaryStoreBuf;
+ };
+const TInt KDictionaryCommitThreshold = 1024;
+ * @publishedAll
+ * @released
+ * Supports the opening and manipulation of a stream in a dictionary store.
+Construct an object of this type to open an existing stream in a dictionary
+store for reading.
+@see CDictionaryStore
+class RDictionaryReadStream : public RReadStream
+ IMPORT_C void OpenL(const CDictionaryStore& aDictStore,TUid aUid);
+ IMPORT_C void OpenLC(const CDictionaryStore& aDictStore,TUid aUid);
+ };
+ * @publishedAll
+ * @released
+ * Supports the creation or replacement of a stream a dictionary store.
+@see CDictionaryStore
+class RDictionaryWriteStream : public RWriteStream
+ {
+ /** Constructs an uninitialised object. It is necessary because there are
+ also non-default constructors in this class. */
+ RDictionaryWriteStream() {}
+ inline RDictionaryWriteStream(const MExternalizer<TStreamRef>& anExter);
+ IMPORT_C void AssignL(CDictionaryStore& aDictStore,TUid aUid);
+ IMPORT_C void AssignLC(CDictionaryStore& aDictStore,TUid aUid);
+ };
+ * @publishedAll
+ * @released
+ * Persistent settings to use for a RStorePagePool.
+@see RStorePagePool
+class TStorePagePoolToken
+ {
+ /** Provides a TStorePagePoolToken initialisation flag. */
+ enum TEmpty
+ /** Initialise for an empty page pool flag. */
+ {EEmpty};
+ /** Default constructor. */
+ TStorePagePoolToken() {}
+ /** Constructor that intialises the TStorePagePoolToken for an empty page pool.
+ @param Intialises for an empty page pool */
+ inline TStorePagePoolToken(TEmpty);
+ inline void Touch();
+ inline TBool HasAvailable() const;
+ inline TBool IsEmpty() const;
+ IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
+ IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
+ inline TStorePagePoolToken(TStreamId aHead,TPageRef anAvail);
+ TStreamId iHead;
+ TPageRef iAvail;
+ friend class RStorePagePool;
+ };
+#if defined(__NO_CLASS_CONSTS__)
+#define KEmptyStorePagePoolToken TStorePagePoolToken(TStorePagePoolToken::EEmpty)
+/** Defines a TStorePagePoolToken object initialised for an empty page pool. */
+const TStorePagePoolToken KEmptyStorePagePoolToken=TStorePagePoolToken::EEmpty;
+ * @publishedAll
+ * @released
+ * Uses a store to implement the page pool interface MPagePool.
+Pages can be reclaimable (tracked by the page pool, so that they can be freed
+when required) or not (in which case they must be deleted explicitly): this
+is indicated by a flag of type TPageReclamation. Non-reclaimable pages each
+have their own stream in the store; reclaimable pages are bundled 15 to a
+stream. To track the reclaimable pages, the page pool has a separate token,
+type TStorePagePoolToken, that must be saved by the user of the pool.
+The store used must support CStreamStore::ExtendL(), CStreamStore::DeleteL()
+and allow streams to be re-written. CPermanentFileStore meets these conditions.
+A store page pool uses a cache to store pages in-memory and to cache frequently
+accessed pages. You should provide a cache object (CPageCache) to the pool
+for this purpose.
+@see CPageCache
+@see CPermanentFileStore
+@see CStreamStore
+@see TPageReclamation
+class RStorePagePool : public TCachePagePool
+ {
+ friend class StorePagePool;
+ IMPORT_C RStorePagePool();
+ IMPORT_C RStorePagePool(CPageCache& aCache);
+ IMPORT_C RStorePagePool(CStreamStore& aStore);
+ IMPORT_C RStorePagePool(CStreamStore& aStore,const TStorePagePoolToken& aToken);
+ IMPORT_C void Create(CStreamStore& aStore);
+ IMPORT_C void Open(CStreamStore& aStore,const TStorePagePoolToken& aToken);
+ IMPORT_C TStorePagePoolToken Token() const;
+ IMPORT_C void Close();
+ inline void Release();
+ inline TBool IsDirty() const;
+ inline void MarkCurrent();
+ inline void MarkDirty();
+ inline TBool HasAvailable() const;
+ inline void Discard();
+ inline TBool IsEmpty() const;
+ IMPORT_C TBool ReclaimL();
+ IMPORT_C void ReclaimAllL();
+ IMPORT_C TPageRef ExtendL(const TAny* aPage,TPageReclamation aReclamation);
+ IMPORT_C void WriteL(TPageRef aRef,const TAny* aPage,TPageChange aChange);
+ IMPORT_C void ReadL(TPageRef aRef,TAny* aPage);
+ IMPORT_C void DoDeleteL(TPageRef aRef);
+ inline void CacheDeleteL(TPageRef aRef);
+ CStreamStore* iStore;
+ TStreamId iHead;
+ TPageRef iAvail;
+ TBool iDirty;
+ };
+ * @publishedAll
+ * @released
+ * Interface for incrementally reclaiming or compacting space in a stream store.
+The interface allows these actions to be performed in small steps, so that
+applications can remain responsive while doing these potentially long-running
+An instance of a class derived from this interface is returned by
+StreamStore::DoReclaimL() and DoCompactL(). Each step is carried out in
+response to a call of DoNextL() and the object is released on completion of
+the last step.
+One-step reclaim using CStreamStore::ReclaimL() is actually implemented in
+terms of the incremental collector.
+A CStreamStore implementation will only need to implement a collector class
+if it supports reclamation or compaction.
+class MIncrementalCollector
+ {
+ inline void Close();
+ inline void Release();
+ inline void ResetL(TInt& aCount);
+ inline void NextL(TInt& aStep,TInt& aTotal);
+ inline void NextL(TPckgBuf<TInt>& aStep,TRequestStatus& aStatus,TPckgBuf<TInt>& aTotal);
+ /** Protected constructor. Protecting the constructor ensures that this
+ abstract class cannot be instantiated.
+ MIncrementalCollector(const MIncrementalCollector&);
+ MIncrementalCollector& operator=(const MIncrementalCollector&);
+ Private copy constructor and copy assignment to prevent */
+ MIncrementalCollector() {}
+ /** Protected constructor. Protecting the constructor ensures that this
+ abstract class cannot be instantiated.
+ MIncrementalCollector(const MIncrementalCollector&);
+ MIncrementalCollector& operator=(const MIncrementalCollector&);
+ Private copy constructor and copy assignment to prevent */
+ MIncrementalCollector(const MIncrementalCollector&);
+ MIncrementalCollector& operator=(const MIncrementalCollector&);
+ virtual IMPORT_C void DoRelease();
+ /** Implementation of the public ResetL() function. This signals that the
+ client wants to start or retsart the operation from the beginning. A new
+ progress count should be returned in aCount.
+ @param aCount On return, contains a progress count for the
+ reclamation/compaction process. */
+ virtual void DoResetL(TInt& aCount)=0;
+ /** Implementation of the public synchronous NextL() function. The next
+ step in the reclamation should be done, reporting progress in aStep and
+ aTotal.
+ @param aStep The progress value from either the last NextL() increment of
+ from ResetL() if the reclamation/compaction was restarted. On return,
+ should contain the new progress value, which can be used in subsequent
+ calls to NextL(). This must be equal to, or less than, the previous
+ value — a zero value must be used to indicate that the operation is
+ complete.
+ @param aTotal On return, should contain the total amount of free space in
+ the store. */
+ virtual void DoNextL(TInt& aStep,TInt& aTotal)=0;
+ virtual IMPORT_C void DoNextL(TPckgBuf<TInt>& aStep,TRequestStatus& aStatus,TPckgBuf<TInt>& aTotal);
+ };
+#include <s32stor.inl>