changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
parent 0 061f57f2323e
--- a/epoc32/include/t32wld.h	Tue Nov 24 13:55:44 2009 +0000
+++ b/epoc32/include/t32wld.h	Tue Mar 16 16:12:26 2010 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,376 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __T32WLD_H__
+#define __T32WLD_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <dial_consts.h>
+// Literal constants
+_LIT(KWorldServerName, "!WorldServer");
+_LIT(KWorldServerImageName, "WorldServer");
+const TUid KWorldServerUid = { 0x101F5025 };
+const TInt KWorldServerMajorVN=1;
+const TInt KWorldServerMinorVN=0;
+const TInt KWorldServerBuildVN=105;
+const TInt KMaxZoneName=3;
+/** Maximum length for TCityName. 
+const TInt KMaxCityName=25;  
+/** Maximum length for TCountryName. 
+const TInt KMaxCountryName=25;
+const TInt KMaxWorldRomTitle=32;
+const TInt KMaxWorldLatitudeMinutes=90*60;
+const TInt KMaxWorldLongitudeMinutes=180*60;
+const TInt KMaxWorldUniversalTimeOffsetMinutes=17*60;
+const TInt KISOCountryCodeLength=2;
+/** A buffer for a city name. 
+typedef TBuf<KMaxCityName> TCityName;
+/** A buffer for a country name. 
+typedef TBuf<KMaxCountryName> TCountryName;
+typedef TBuf<KISOCountryCodeLength> TISOCountryCode;
+/** Defines the distance units which can be used by the world server. 
+enum TWldDistanceUnits 
+	{
+	/** Miles. */
+	EWldMiles,
+	/** Kilometres. */
+	EWldKilometers,
+	/** Nautical miles. */
+	EWldNauticalMiles
+	};
+/** City search mode flags. These define whether a search for a city involves the 
+whole of the world database, or just a single country. 
+For example, the RWorldServer::NextCity() function returns either the next 
+city in the country, or the next city in the world, depending on which of these two 
+values is set in the TWorldId. 
+enum TWldSelect 
+	{
+	/** The search is within the whole world database. */
+	EWithinWorld,
+	/** The search is within the current country only. */
+	EWithinCountry
+	};
+/** Flags which indicate the reasons why the server cannot delete a  
+city or country. Bitmasks of these flags are returned by the RWorldServer 
+functions IsCityDeletable() and IsCountryDeletable(). 
+enum TWldDeleteDeniedFlags
+	{
+	/** The specified TWorldId is not found. */
+	EWldDelNotFound=0x01,
+	/** The specified TWorldId is in a read-only file. */
+	EWldDelDerivedFromRom=0x02,
+	/** The specified TWorldId is the home city or country. */
+	EWldDelHomeCityCountry=0x04,
+	/** The specified TWorldId is a capital city. */
+	EWldDelCapitalCity=0x08,
+	/** The specified TWorldId is the default country. */
+	EWldDelDefaultCountry=0x10,
+	/** The specified TWorldId cannot be deleted for all of the above reasons. */
+	EWldDelAll=0xff
+	};
+class TLatLong
+@deprecated Interface is deprecated and is available for backward compatibility reasons only
+    {
+	inline TInt MinutesLat() const; // North is +ve, South is -ve
+	inline TInt MinutesLong() const; // West is +ve, East is -ve
+	IMPORT_C void SetMinutesL(TInt aLat,TInt aLong); // North and West are +ve, South and East are -ve
+	IMPORT_C void SetMinutesCorrectingErrors(TInt aLat,TInt aLong); // North and West are +ve, South and East are -ve
+    TInt16 iLat;
+    TInt16 iLong;
+    };
+class TCityData
+/** City information.
+This class stores information about a city, including its name, country, 
+area code, daylight savings zone, latitude and longitude, map position and 
+UTC offset. 
+    {
+	/** The city name. */
+    TCityName iCity;
+	/** The country name. */
+    TCountryName iCountry;
+	/** The position of the city in pixels on a map on the screen. */
+    TPoint iMapPos;
+	/** The city's latitude and longitude. This is used to calculate the distance 
+	between cities, and the sunrise and sunset time. */
+    TLatLong iLatLong;
+	/** The local area code. */
+    TAreaCode iAreaCode;
+	/** The UTC offset in minutes. */
+    TInt iUniversalTimeOffset;
+	/** The daylight savings zone. */
+    TDaylightSavingZone iDaylightSavingZone;
+    };
+class TCountryData  
+/** Country information.
+This class stores information about a country. 
+    {
+	/** The country's name. */
+    TCountryName iCountry;
+	/** The country's national dialling code. */
+    TNatCode iNatCode;
+	/** The country's capital city. */
+    TCityName iCapital;
+	/** The national dialling prefix. */
+    TNatPrefCode iNatPref;
+	/** The country's international dialling prefix. */
+    TIntlPrefCode iIntlPref;
+    };
+class TWorldId
+/** World ID.
+This class stores the world ID for a city/country. This consists of the city 
+and country names. Unique IDs of this type are used to identify every city 
+in the world database.
+It also defines a field for setting whether city searches span the 
+whole database, or just the current country. 
+@deprecated Interface is deprecated and is available for backward compatibility reasons only
+    {
+    IMPORT_C TWorldId();
+    inline const TCityName& City() const;
+    inline const TCountryName& Country() const;
+    inline TWldSelect Select() const;
+	inline void SetSelect(TWldSelect aSelector);
+    TCityName iCity;
+    TWldSelect iSelect;
+    TCountryName iCountry;
+	friend class RWorldServer;
+    };
+class RWorldServer : public RSessionBase
+/** Defines the client side API to the world server.
+Clients can use this API to connect to the server, add, update and delete 
+cities/countries, retrieve city/country information, navigate and search the 
+world database, set the home city, default country, and the units used in 
+distance comparisons. In addition, clients can use the file handling functions 
+to import and export database data files. 
+@deprecated Interface is deprecated and is available for backward compatibility reasons only
+    {
+    IMPORT_C TInt Connect();
+	IMPORT_C TVersion Version() const;
+	IMPORT_C void RomTitle(TDes& aText) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt NumberCities() const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt NumberCountries() const;
+	//
+    IMPORT_C void NotifyOnChange(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+    IMPORT_C void NotifyOnChangeCancel();
+	//
+	IMPORT_C TInt ResetAllData();
+	IMPORT_C TInt DataFileSave();
+	IMPORT_C TInt DataFileRevertToSaved();
+	//
+    IMPORT_C TInt DefaultCountry(TWorldId& aCountry) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetDefaultCountry(const TWorldId& aId);
+    IMPORT_C TInt Home(TWorldId& aHome) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetHome(const TWorldId& aId);
+	//
+    IMPORT_C TInt AddCity(const TCityData& aCity);
+    IMPORT_C TInt AddCountry(const TCountryData& aCountry,const TCityData& aCapital);
+    IMPORT_C TInt CityData(TCityData& aCity,const TWorldId& aId) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt CountryData(TCountryData& aCountry,const TWorldId& aId) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt CalculateDistance(TInt& aDistance,const TWorldId& aLeft,const TWorldId& aRight) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt CalculateSunlight(TTime& aSunrise,TTime& aSunset,const TWorldId& aId,const TTime& aDate=Time::NullTTime()) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt DeleteCity(TWorldId& aId);
+    IMPORT_C TInt DeleteCountry(TWorldId& aId);
+    IMPORT_C TInt DistanceUnits(TWldDistanceUnits& aDistanceUnit) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetDistanceUnits(TWldDistanceUnits aUnit);
+    IMPORT_C TInt Find(TWorldId& aId,const TDesC& aCity,const TDesC& aCountry) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt FindCity(TWorldId& aCity,const TDesC& aPartialCity) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt FindCountry(TWorldId& aCountry,const TDesC& aPartialCountry) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt FirstCity(TWorldId& aId) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt FirstCountry(TWorldId& aId) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt IsCityDeletable(TInt& aDeleteDeniedFlags,const TWorldId& aId) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt IsCountryDeletable(TInt& aDeleteDeniedFlags,const TWorldId& aId) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt LastCity(TWorldId& aId) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt LastCountry(TWorldId& aId) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt NearestCity(const TPoint& aMapCoord,const TWorldId* aCityToBeat=NULL);
+    IMPORT_C TInt NextNearestCity(TWorldId& aId,TInt aMaxNumberToCompare=KMaxTInt);
+    IMPORT_C TInt NextCity(TWorldId& aId) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt NextCountry(TWorldId& aId) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt PrevCity(TWorldId& aId) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt PrevCountry(TWorldId& aId) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt UpdateCity(TWorldId& aId,const TCityData& aCity);
+    IMPORT_C TInt UpdateCountry(TWorldId& aId,const TCountryData& aCountry);
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetCountryNameByISOCode(const TDesC& aCode, TDes& aCountry) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetCollationLevelForFind(TInt aCollationLevel); // this is a per-client setting
+	IMPORT_C void __DbgFailAlloc(TInt aCount);
+	IMPORT_C void __DbgMarkEnd();
+	IMPORT_C void __DbgMarkHeap();
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetRomDatabaseToUse(const TDesC& aRomDatabaseToUse);
+	IMPORT_C TBool ReadOnlyDataIsInRAM() const;
+    };
+// TWorldId
+inline TWldSelect TWorldId::Select() const
+/** Gets the current city search mode. Clients can search for cities by country, 
+or over the whole world database.
+@return The current city search mode. */
+	{
+	return(iSelect);
+	}
+inline const TCityName& TWorldId::City() const
+/** Gets the city name in the current TWorldId.
+@return A reference to the city name. */
+	{
+	return(iCity);
+	}
+inline const TCountryName& TWorldId::Country() const
+/** Gets the country name in the current TWorldId.
+@return A reference to the country name. */
+	{
+	return(iCountry);
+	}
+inline void TWorldId::SetSelect(TWldSelect aSelector)
+/** Sets the city search mode. Clients can search for cities by country, or over 
+the whole world database.
+@param aSelector The city search mode. */
+	{
+	iSelect=aSelector;
+	}
+// TLatLong
+inline TInt TLatLong::MinutesLat() const
+	{
+	return(iLat);
+	}
+inline TInt TLatLong::MinutesLong() const
+	{
+	return(iLong);
+	}