changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/epoc32/include/tia637.h	Tue Mar 16 16:12:26 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Declares the constants and typedefs which come from TIA637-B.
+ @file
+ @publishedAll
+ @interim
+#if !(defined __TIA637_H__)
+#define __TIA637_H__
+#include <e32def.h>				// T Type  Definitions
+namespace tia637
+	{
+	/** Defines the Transport Layer Parameter Id from TIA/EIA-637-B table 3.4.3-1
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 TTpParameterId; // Note: if you change this type, you will have to change the
+									// Externalize and Internalize methods where this is used.
+		const TTpParameterId		KTeleserviceId				= 0;
+		const TTpParameterId		KServiceCategory			= 1;
+		const TTpParameterId		KOriginatingAddress			= 2;
+		const TTpParameterId		KOriginatingSubAddress		= 3;
+		const TTpParameterId		KDestinationAddress			= 4;
+		const TTpParameterId		KDestinationSubAddress		= 5;
+		const TTpParameterId		KBearerReplyOption			= 6;
+		const TTpParameterId		KCauseCode					= 7;
+		const TTpParameterId		KBearerData					= 8;
+		const TTpParameterId		KNumberOfParameterIds		= 9;	
+	/** Defines the Reply Sequence Number type from TIA/EIA-637-B
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 	TReplySequenceNum;	
+		const TReplySequenceNum		KMaxBearerReplySequenceNumber = 64;
+	/** Defines the ServiceCategory from TSB58-D Table 9.3.1-1
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint16 TServiceCategory;
+		const TServiceCategory	KUnknownServiceCategory			= 0;
+		const TServiceCategory	KEmergencyBroadcasts			= 1;
+		const TServiceCategory	KAdministrative					= 2;
+		const TServiceCategory	KMaintenance					= 3;
+		const TServiceCategory	KGeneralNewsLocal				= 4;
+		const TServiceCategory	KGeneralNewsRegional			= 5;
+		const TServiceCategory	KGeneralNewsNational			= 6;
+		const TServiceCategory	KGeneralNewsInternational		= 7;
+		const TServiceCategory	KBusinessFinancialNewsLocal		= 8;
+		const TServiceCategory	KBusinessFinancialNewsRegional	= 9;
+		const TServiceCategory	KBusinessFinancialNewsNational	= 10;
+		const TServiceCategory	KBusinessFinancialNewsIntl		= 11;
+		const TServiceCategory	KSportNewsLocal					= 12;
+		const TServiceCategory	KSportNewsRegional				= 13;
+		const TServiceCategory	KSportNewsNational				= 14;
+		const TServiceCategory	KSportNewsInternational			= 15;
+		const TServiceCategory	KEntertainmentNewsLocal			= 16;
+		const TServiceCategory	KEntertainmentNewsRegional		= 17;
+		const TServiceCategory	KEntertainmentNewsNational		= 18;
+		const TServiceCategory	KEntertainmentNewsInternational	= 19;
+		const TServiceCategory	KLocalWeather					= 20;
+		const TServiceCategory	KAreaTrafficReports				= 21;
+		const TServiceCategory	KLocalAirportFlightSchedules	= 22;
+		const TServiceCategory	KRestaruants					= 23;
+		const TServiceCategory	KLodgings						= 24;
+		const TServiceCategory	KRetailDirectoryAdvertisements	= 25;
+		const TServiceCategory	KAdvertisements					= 26;
+		const TServiceCategory	KStockQuotes					= 27;
+		const TServiceCategory	KEmploymentOpportunities		= 28;
+		const TServiceCategory	KMedicalHealthHospitals			= 29;
+		const TServiceCategory	KTechnologyNews					= 30;
+		const TServiceCategory	KMulticategory					= 31;
+		const TServiceCategory	KMaxCategory					= 31;
+	/** Defines the Teleservises Id from TIA/EIA-41-E Reballot version
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint16 TTeleserviceId;
+		const TTeleserviceId 	KTeleserviceNotUsed	= 0;   // Not Used
+		const TTeleserviceId 	KTeleserviceCMT91 	= 4096;// IS-91 Extended Protocol Enhanced Services
+		const TTeleserviceId	KTeleserviceWPT 	= 4097;// Wireless Paging Teleservice	
+		const TTeleserviceId	KTeleserviceWMT 	= 4098;// Wireless Messaging Teleservice
+		const TTeleserviceId	KTeleserviceVMN		= 4099;// Voice Mail Notification
+		const TTeleserviceId	KTeleserviceWAP		= 4100;// Wireless Application Protocol
+		const TTeleserviceId	KTeleserviceWEMT	= 4101;// Wireless Enhanced Messaging Teleservice
+		const TTeleserviceId 	KTeleserviceSCPT	= 4102;// Service Category Programming Teleservice
+		const TTeleserviceId 	KTeleserviceCATPT	= 4103;// Card Application Toolkit Protocol Teleservice
+		const TInt KNumberOfTelservices                     = 8;
+	/** Defines the Message Encoding from TSB58-D Table 9.1-1
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 TCdmaMessageEncoding;
+		const TCdmaMessageEncoding	KCdmaEncodingOctetUnspecified			=0x0;
+		const TCdmaMessageEncoding	KCdmaEncodingIS91ExtendedProtocolMessage=0x1;
+		const TCdmaMessageEncoding	KCdmaEncoding7BitASCII					=0x2;
+		const TCdmaMessageEncoding	KCdmaEncodingIA5						=0x3;
+		const TCdmaMessageEncoding	KCdmaEncodingUnicode					=0x4;
+		const TCdmaMessageEncoding	KCdmaEncodingShiftJIS					=0x5;
+		const TCdmaMessageEncoding	KCdmaEncodingKorean						=0x6;
+		const TCdmaMessageEncoding	KCdmaEncodingLatinHebrew				=0x7;
+		const TCdmaMessageEncoding	KCdmaEncodingLatin						=0x8;
+		const TCdmaMessageEncoding	KCdmaEncoding7BitGsm					=0x9;
+		const TCdmaMessageEncoding	KCdmaEncodingMax						=0x9;
+	/** Defines the Transport Layer Message Type from TIA/EIA-637-B Table 3.4-1
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 	TTpMessageType;
+		const TTpMessageType 	KTpSmsPointToPoint				= 0;
+		const TTpMessageType 	KTpSmsBroadCast					= 1;
+		const TTpMessageType 	KTpSmsAcknowldege				= 2;
+	/** Defines the CDMA Message Type from TIA/EIA-637-B Table 4.5.1-1
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 	TCdmaMessageType;
+		const TCdmaMessageType 	KTReserved					= 0;
+		const TCdmaMessageType 	KTDeliver					= 1;
+		const TCdmaMessageType 	KTSubmit					= 2;
+		const TCdmaMessageType	KTCancellation				= 3;
+		const TCdmaMessageType	KTDeliveryAcknowledgement	= 4;
+		const TCdmaMessageType	KTUserAcknowledgement		= 5;
+		const TCdmaMessageType	KTReadAcknowledgement		= 6;
+		const TCdmaMessageType	KTNumberOfMessageTypes		= 7;
+	/** Defines the SMS Cause code from TIA/EIA-41-E Reballot version
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8	TCauseCode;
+		// network problems
+		const TCauseCode 	KAddressVacant					= 0;
+		const TCauseCode 	KAddressTranslationFailure 		= 1;
+		const TCauseCode 	KNetworkResourceShortage		= 2;
+		const TCauseCode 	KNetworkFailure					= 3;
+		const TCauseCode 	KInvalidTeleserviceID			= 4;
+		const TCauseCode 	KOtherNetworkProblem			= 5; // and 7 to 31
+		const TCauseCode 	KUnsupportedNetworkInterface	= 6;
+		// terminal problems
+		const TCauseCode 	KNoPageResponse					= 32;
+		const TCauseCode 	KDestinationBusy				= 33;
+		const TCauseCode 	KNoAcknowledgment				= 34;
+		const TCauseCode 	KDestinationResourceShortage	= 35;
+		const TCauseCode 	KSMSDeliveryPostponed			= 36;
+		const TCauseCode 	KDestinationOutOfService		= 37;
+		const TCauseCode 	KDestinationNoLongerAtThisAddr	= 38;
+		const TCauseCode 	KOtherTerminalProblem			= 39; // up to 47, 48-63 as 36
+		// radio interface problems	
+		const TCauseCode 	KRadioInterfaceShortage			= 64;
+		const TCauseCode 	KRadioInterfaceIncompatibility	= 65;
+		const TCauseCode 	KOtherRadioInterfaceProblem		= 66; // and 68 to 95
+		const TCauseCode 	KUnsupportedBaseStationCapability= 67;
+		// general problems
+		const TCauseCode 	KEncodingProblem				= 96;
+		const TCauseCode 	KSMSOriginationDenied			= 97;
+		const TCauseCode 	KSMSTerminationDenied			= 98;
+		const TCauseCode 	KSuppServiceNotSupported		= 99;
+		const TCauseCode 	KServiceNotSupported			= 100;
+		// 101 Reserved
+		const TCauseCode 	KMissingExpectedParameter		= 102;
+		const TCauseCode 	KMissingMandatoryParameter		= 103;
+		const TCauseCode 	KUnrecognizedParameterValue		= 104;
+		const TCauseCode 	KUnexpectedParameterValue		= 105;
+		const TCauseCode 	KUserDataSizeError				= 106;
+		const TCauseCode 	KOtherGeneralProblems			= 107; // 109 to 223
+		const TCauseCode 	KSessionNotActive				= 108;
+		// 224-255 TIA/EIA reserved protocol extension as 107
+	/** Defines the Language Indicator from TSB58-D Table 9.2-1
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8	TLanguageIndicator;
+		const TLanguageIndicator	KLanguageUnknown 				= 0;
+		const TLanguageIndicator	KLanguageEnglish 				= 1;
+		const TLanguageIndicator	KLanguageFrench					= 2;  
+		const TLanguageIndicator	KLanguageSpanish				= 3;
+		const TLanguageIndicator	KLanguageJapanese				= 4;
+		const TLanguageIndicator	KLanguageKorean					= 5;
+		const TLanguageIndicator	KLanguageChinese				= 6;
+		const TLanguageIndicator	KLanguageHebrew					= 7;
+		const TLanguageIndicator	KLanguageMax					= 7;
+	/** Defines the different classes of errors, as defined in TIA/EIA-637-B.
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 TTpErrorClass;
+		/** For the case where there is no error. */
+		const TTpErrorClass KNoError            = 0;
+		// Reserved 1
+		/** The error is caused by a temporary condition. */
+		const TTpErrorClass KTemporaryCondition = 2;
+		/** The error is caused by a permanent condition. */
+		const TTpErrorClass KPermanentCondition = 3;
+	/** Defines the number type from TIA/EIA/IS-2000.5-A Table, 
+	see TIA/EIA-637-B section
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 TNumberType; 
+		// Number Type from TIA/EIA/IS-2000.5-A Table
+		const TNumberType	KNTIsdnUnknown					= 0;
+		const TNumberType	KNTIsdnInternationalNumber		= 1;
+		const TNumberType	KNTIsdnNationalNumber			= 2;
+		const TNumberType	KNTIsdnNetworkSpecificNumber	= 3;
+		const TNumberType	KNTIsdnSubscriberNumber			= 4;
+		// Reserved 5
+		const TNumberType	KNTIsdnAbbreviatedNumber		= 6;
+		// Reserved for extension 7
+		// Number Type from TIA/EIA-637-B Table
+		const TNumberType	KNTDataNetworkUnknown			= 0;
+		const TNumberType	KNTDataNetworkIP				= 1;
+		const TNumberType	KNTDataNetworkInternetEmailAddr	= 2;
+	/**	Defines the numbering plan from TIA/EIA/IS-2000.5-A Table, 
+	see TIA/EIA-637-B section
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 TNumberPlan; 
+		const TNumberPlan	KNPUnknown						= 0;
+		const TNumberPlan	KNPIsdnTelephony				= 1;
+		const TNumberPlan	KNPData							= 3;
+		const TNumberPlan	KNPTelex						= 4;
+		const TNumberPlan	KNPPrivate						= 9;
+		// Others are reserved
+	/** Defines the subaddress type as defined in TIA/EIA-637-B Table
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 TSubaddressType; 
+		const TSubaddressType	KSTNsap						= 0;
+		const TSubaddressType	KSTUserSpecified			= 1;
+	/** Defines the Bearer Data Subparameter Id from TIA/EIA-637-B Table 4.5-1
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 TSubParameterId;
+		const TSubParameterId KTMessageIdentifier				= 0; 
+		const TSubParameterId KTUserData						= 1;
+		const TSubParameterId KTUserResponseCode				= 2;
+		const TSubParameterId KTMessageCenterTimeStamp			= 3;	
+		const TSubParameterId KTValidityPeriodAbsolute			= 4;
+		const TSubParameterId KTValidityPeriodRelative			= 5;
+		const TSubParameterId KTDeferredDeliveryTimeAbsolute	= 6;
+		const TSubParameterId KTDeferredDeliveryTimeRelative	= 7;
+		const TSubParameterId KTPriorityIndicator				= 8;
+		const TSubParameterId KTPrivacyIndicator				= 9;
+		const TSubParameterId KTReplyOption						= 10;
+		const TSubParameterId KTNumberOfMessages				= 11;
+		const TSubParameterId KTAlertOnMessageDelivery			= 12;
+		const TSubParameterId KTLanguageIndicator				= 13;
+		const TSubParameterId KTCallBackNumber					= 14;
+		const TSubParameterId KTMessageDisplayMode				= 15;
+		const TSubParameterId KTMultipleEncodingUserData		= 16;
+		const TSubParameterId KTMessageDepositIndex				= 17;
+		const TSubParameterId KTServiceCategoryProgramData		= 18;
+		const TSubParameterId KTServiceCategoryProgramResults	= 19;
+		const TSubParameterId KTMessageStatus					= 20;
+		const TSubParameterId KTNumberOfSubParameters			= 21;
+	/** Defines the User Response Code as defined in TIA/EIA-637-B Section 4.5.3
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 	TResponseCode;
+	/** Defines the Relative time validity period as defined in TIA/EIA-637-B Section 4.5.6
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+		typedef TUint8 	TRelativeTimePeriod;
+		const TRelativeTimePeriod	KBdIndefinite               = 245;
+		const TRelativeTimePeriod	KBdImmediate                = 246;
+		const TRelativeTimePeriod	KBdValidUntilActiveInactive = 247; 
+		const TRelativeTimePeriod	KBdValidUntilAreaChanges   	= 248;
+		const TRelativeTimePeriod	KBdelativeTimePeriodMax		= 248;
+	/** Defines the Priority Indicator as defined in TIA/EIA-637-B Table 4.5.9-1
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 TPriorityIndicator;
+		const TPriorityIndicator	KBdNormal 		= 0;
+		const TPriorityIndicator	KBdInteractive 	= 1;
+		const TPriorityIndicator	KBdUrgent		= 2;
+		const TPriorityIndicator	KBdEmergency	= 3;
+		const TPriorityIndicator	KBdMaxPriority	= 3;
+	/** Defines the Privacy Indicator as defined in TIA/EIA-637-B Table 4.5.10-1
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 TPrivacy;
+		const TPrivacy	KBdNotRestricted	= 0;
+		const TPrivacy	KBdRestricted		= 1;
+		const TPrivacy	KBdConfidential		= 2;
+		const TPrivacy	KBdSecret			= 3;
+		const TPrivacy	KBdMaxPrivacy		= 3;
+	/** Defines the Alert Priority as defined in TIA/EIA-637-B Table 4.5.10-1
+	@publishedAll`
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 TAlertPriority;
+		const TAlertPriority	KBdUseMobileDefault 		= 0;
+		const TAlertPriority	KBdUseLowPriorityDefault 	= 1;
+		const TAlertPriority	KBdUseMediumPriorityAlert 	= 2;
+		const TAlertPriority	KBdUseHighPriorityAlert		= 3;
+		const TAlertPriority	KBdMaxAlert					= 3;
+	/** Defines the Message Display as defined in TIA/EIA-637-B Table 4.5.16-1
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 TBdMode;
+		const TBdMode KBdModeImmediate	= 0;
+		const TBdMode KBdModeDefault		= 1;
+		const TBdMode KBdModeUser		= 2;
+		const TBdMode KBdModeMax			= 2;
+	/** Defines the Error Class as defined in TIA/EIA-637-B Section 4.5.21
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 TMessageStatusErrorClass; 
+		const TMessageStatusErrorClass KBdNone 					= 0;
+		const TMessageStatusErrorClass KBdReservedErrorClass	= 1;		
+		const TMessageStatusErrorClass KBdTemporaryCondition	= 2;
+		const TMessageStatusErrorClass KBdPermanentCondition	= 3;
+		const TMessageStatusErrorClass KBdMaxErrorClass 		= 3; 
+	/** Defines the Message status code as defined in TIA/EIA-637-B Table 4.5.21-1
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 TMessageStatusCode;
+		// No Error
+		const TMessageStatusCode KBdAccepted 				= 0;
+		const TMessageStatusCode KBdDeposited 			= 1;
+		const TMessageStatusCode KBdDelivered				= 2;
+		const TMessageStatusCode KBdCancelled				= 3;
+		//  Temporary / Permanent Condition
+		const TMessageStatusCode KBdNetworkCongestion	 	= 4;
+		const TMessageStatusCode KBdNetworkError			= 5;
+		// Permanent Condition Only
+		const TMessageStatusCode KBdCancelFailed 			= 6;
+		const TMessageStatusCode KBdBlockedDestination	= 7;
+		const TMessageStatusCode KBdTextTooLong			= 8;
+		const TMessageStatusCode KBdDuplicateMessage		= 9;
+		const TMessageStatusCode KBdInvalidDestination	= 10;
+		const TMessageStatusCode KBdMessageExpired		= 11;
+		const TMessageStatusCode KBdUnknownError			= 31;
+		const TMessageStatusCode KBdMaxStatusCode			= 31;
+	/** Defines the Message deposit index as defined in TIA/EIA-637-B Section 4.5.18
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint16 TMessageDepositIndex;
+	/** Defines the Service Category Programming Result from TIA/EIA-637-B Table 4.5.20-1
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 TCategoryResult;
+		const TCategoryResult	KCRSuccess							= 0;
+		const TCategoryResult	KCRMemoryLimitExceeded				= 1;
+		const TCategoryResult	KCRServiceCategoryLimitExceeded		= 2;
+		const TCategoryResult	KCRCategoryAlreadyProgrammed		= 3;
+		const TCategoryResult	KCRCategoryNotPreviouslyProgrammed 	= 4;
+		const TCategoryResult	KCRInvalidMaxMessages				= 5;
+		const TCategoryResult	KCRInvalidAlertOption				= 6;
+		const TCategoryResult	KCRInvalidServiceCategoryName		= 7;
+		const TCategoryResult	KCRUnspecifiedProgrammingFailure	= 8;
+		const TCategoryResult	KCRMaxResult						= 8;
+	/** Defines the Operation Code from TIA/EIA-637-B Section 4.5.19
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 TOperationCode;
+		const TOperationCode	KOCDelete			= 0;
+		const TOperationCode	KOCAdd				= 1;
+		const TOperationCode	KOCClearAll			= 2;
+		const TOperationCode	KMaxOperationCode	= 2;
+	/** Defines the Service Category Alert Option from TIA/EIA-637-B Table 4.5.19-1
+	@publishedAll
+	@interim
+	*/
+	typedef TUint8 TAlertOption;
+		const TAlertOption		KNoAlert					= 0;
+		const TAlertOption		KMobileStationDefault		= 1;
+		const TAlertOption		KVibrateAlertOnce			= 2;
+		const TAlertOption		KVinrateAlertRepeat			= 3;
+		const TAlertOption		KVisualAlertOnce			= 4;
+		const TAlertOption		KVisualAlertRepeat			= 5;
+		const TAlertOption		KLowPriorityAlertOnce		= 6;
+		const TAlertOption		KLowPriorityAlertRepeat		= 7;
+		const TAlertOption		KMedPriorityAlertOnce		= 8;
+		const TAlertOption		KMedPriorityAlertRepeat		= 9;
+		const TAlertOption		KHighPriorityAlertOnce		= 10;
+		const TAlertOption		KHighPriorityAlertRepeat	= 11;
+		const TAlertOption		KMaxAlertOpton 				= 11;
+	typedef TUint8 TWapApplication;
+		const TWapApplication	KWdpApp			= 0;	/** @see WAP-259-WDP-20010614-a sec.6.5.2 */
+		const TWapApplication	KWcmpApp		= 1;	/** @see WAP-202-WCMP-20010624-a sec 5.4.4 */		
+		const TWapApplication	KUndefinedApp	= 0xFF;
+	typedef TUint16 TWapPortNumber;
+	}
+#endif //__TIA637_H__