--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/epoc32/include/uiklaf/private/lafenv.h Tue Mar 16 16:12:26 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __LAFENV_H__
+#define __LAFENV_H__
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <gulbordr.h>
+#include <gulalign.h>
+#include <lafmain.h>
+#include <apgcli.h>
+#include <eikinfomsgwin.h>
+#include <eikbusymsgwin.h>
+#include <eikmsg.h>
+class MParser;
+class CCoeEnv;
+class CFont;
+class TLogicalFont;
+class CLafSystemFont;
+class LafEnv
+/** Application environment level LAF functions.
+@released */
+ {
+ /** Creates an EText parser.
+ @param aIndex Index of parser to retrieve. A LAF can supply multiple parsers,
+ indexed from 0.
+ @return EText parser */
+ IMPORT_C static MParser* CreateTextParserL(TInt aIndex);
+ /** Draws a logical border.
+ @param aBorder Border specification to draw
+ @param aGc Graphics context to which to draw
+ @param aRect Drawing rectangle
+ @param aBorderColors Colours with which to draw */
+ IMPORT_C static void DrawLogicalBorder(const TGulBorder& aBorder,CGraphicsContext& aGc,const TRect& aRect,const TGulBorder::TColors& aBorderColors);
+ /** Gets the margins of a specified logical border.
+ @param aBorder Border specification
+ @return Border's margins */
+ IMPORT_C static TMargins LogicalBorderMargins(const TGulBorder& aBorder);
+ /** Populates an array with a set of system bitmaps.
+ CEikonEnv calls this to get system bitmaps, and uses the array in subsequent
+ calls to MatchBitmap().
+ @param aEnv Application's control environment
+ @param aBitmaps On return, array of system bitmaps */
+ IMPORT_C static void CreateSystemBitmapsL(CCoeEnv& aEnv, CArrayPtrFlat<CFbsBitmap>& aBitmaps);
+ /** Populates an array with a set of system fonts.
+ CEikonEnv calls this to get system fonts, and uses the array in subsequent
+ calls to MatchFont().
+ A minimum of one font must be created.
+ @param aEnv Application's control environment
+ @param aFonts On return, array of system fonts */
+ IMPORT_C static void CreateSystemFontsL(CCoeEnv& aEnv,CArrayPtr<CLafSystemFont>& aFonts);
+ /** Gets the nearest match in the specified fonts for a specified logical system
+ font.
+ The return value must be non-NULL.
+ @param aFonts Fonts from which to select the match
+ @param aLogicalFont The logical font to match
+ @return Font that is the best match to aLogicalFont */
+ IMPORT_C static const CFont* MatchFont(CArrayPtr<CLafSystemFont>& aFonts,const TLogicalFont& aLogicalFont);
+ /** Gets the nearest match in the specified bitmaps for a specified system bitmap
+ type.
+ The desired bitmap is specified by the identifer aBmpUid: for possible UIDs,
+ see KLafUidEikonTexturedVal etc.
+ The return value must be non-NULL.
+ @param aSystemBmps Bitmaps from which to select the match
+ @param aBmpUid The bitmap type to match
+ @return Bitmap that is the best match to aBmpUid */
+ IMPORT_C static CFbsBitmap* MatchBitmap(const CArrayPtrFlat<CFbsBitmap>& aSystemBmps, TUid aBmpUid);
+ /** Gets the corner of the screen which the busy message should appear in by default
+ on the device.
+ @return Default corner
+ @see CEikonEnv::BusyMsgL() */
+ IMPORT_C static TGulAlignment DefaultBusyMsgCorner();
+ /** Tests if the specified key corresponds to the hardware default key.
+ @param aCharCode Key to test
+ @return True if the key is the default */
+ IMPORT_C static TBool IsDefaultKey(TUint aCharCode);
+ /** Gets the default line spacing used to format text paragraphs.
+ @return Default line spacing in twips */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt DefaultLineSpacingInTwips();
+ /** Gets the height of single-line edit control for the system normal font.
+ @param aLafEnv Environment access
+ @return Height of single-line edit control */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt EditableControlStandardHeight(const MLafEnv& aLafEnv);
+ /** Sets any device-specific font attributes to be applied to the system character
+ formatting layer.
+ Applications can access the format layer through CEikonEnv::SystemCharFormatLayerL().
+ This format layer is also used in Edwins.
+ @param aCharFormat On return, the character formatting to apply
+ @param aCharFormatMask On return, the character formatting mask to apply */
+ IMPORT_C static void PrepareCharFormatAndMask(TCharFormat& aCharFormat,TCharFormatMask& aCharFormatMask);
+ /** Specifies (and creates if necessary) a default directory for documents.
+ The function is called on application startup. The parameters provided are
+ to allow an implementation to generate a document directory based on the application
+ being launched.
+ @param aFilePath On return, the default / generated directory path
+ @param aAppUid UID of application being launched
+ @param aLs Application's session with the Application Architecture server
+ @param aEnv Thread's control environment */
+ IMPORT_C static void GetDefaultPath(TDes& aFilePath,TUid aAppUid,RApaLsSession& aLs,CCoeEnv& aEnv);
+ /** Loads the system resource file.
+ The system resource file defines resources required by the system environment,
+ and which can also be used by applications. The function is called by CCoeEnv's
+ construction function.
+ @param aEnv Thread's control environment
+ @return System wide error code */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt LoadCoreResFileL(CCoeEnv& aEnv);
+ /** Loads the private resource file.
+ The private resource file defines resources required by the system environment,
+ but not intended for application use. The function is called by CCoeEnv's
+ construction function.
+ @param aEnv Thread's control environment
+ @return System wide error code */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt LoadPrivResFileL(CCoeEnv& aEnv);
+ /** Gets the name of the resource file that contains resources for the EIKCOCTL
+ component.
+ @return Resource file for the EIKCOCTL component */
+ IMPORT_C static const TDesC& CoctlResourceFile();
+ /** Allows the LAF to update the list of system bitmaps, in response to a colour
+ settings change.
+ @param aEnv Thread's control environment
+ @param aBitmaps On return, updated array of system bitmaps
+ @param aColorList New colour settings */
+ IMPORT_C static void UpdateSystemBitmapsL(CCoeEnv& aEnv, CArrayPtrFlat<CFbsBitmap>& aBitmaps, const CColorList& aColorList);
+ /** Performs the releasing of the fonts but doesn't delete the array itself
+ @param aSystemFontArray array of fonts to release
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static void ReleaseSystemFonts( CArrayPtr<CLafSystemFont>& aSystemFontArray);
+ /** Creates busy message window.
+ @param aEnv Thread's control environment
+ @return Busy message window */
+ IMPORT_C static MEikBusyMsgWin* NewBusyMsgWinL(CCoeEnv& aEnv);
+ /** Creates info message window.
+ @param aEnv Thread's control environment
+ @return Info message window */
+ IMPORT_C static MEikInfoMsgWin* NewInfoMsgWinL(CCoeEnv& aEnv);
+ /** Creates info message window, overridden function to allow another RWindowGroup to be
+ used rather the the the CCoeEnv's RootWin() function.
+ @param aEnv Thread's control environment
+ @param aWinGroup window group for displaying the Info Msg
+ @return Info message window */
+ IMPORT_C static MEikInfoMsgWin* NewInfoMsgWinL(CCoeEnv& aEnv, RWindowGroup& aWinGroup);
+ /** Asks if display of the task list is disabled during initialization
+ @return ETrue if task list is disabled, otherwise EFalse */
+ IMPORT_C static TBool IsTaskListDisabledAtInitialization();
+ /** Displays a one or two line alert as a notifier window customisable by the system GUI.
+ @param aMsg1 Line one of the message to be displayed.
+ @param aMsg2 Line two of the message to be displayed */
+ IMPORT_C static void DisplayAlertAsNotifier(const TDesC& aMsg1, const TDesC& aMsg2);
+ /** Updates an existing color list
+ @param aColorList The color list to be updated. */
+ IMPORT_C static void UpdateColorListL(CColorList* aColorList);
+ /** Plays an audible alert, if supported by the system GUI. */
+ IMPORT_C static void Beep();
+ /** Updates an existing array of system fonts.
+ @param aEnv Thread's control environment
+ @param aSystemFontArray The array of fonts to be updated */
+ IMPORT_C static void UpdateSystemFontsL(CCoeEnv* aEnv, CArrayPtr<CLafSystemFont>& aSystemFontArray);
+ /** A list of events that are handled by the HandleExtensionEventL() function.*/
+ enum TLafEnvExtensionEvent
+ {
+ /** Event sent in CEikonEnv::ConstructL right before CCoeEnv::ConstructL() */
+ ELafEnvPreCoeEnvConstructL,
+ /** Event sent in CEikonEnv::ConstructL right after CCoeEnv::ConstructL() */
+ ELafEnvPostCoeEnvConstructL
+ };
+ /** Handles events listed by TLafEnvExtensionEvent
+ @param aEnv The instance of CEikonEnv from which this function has been called
+ @param aEvent The event
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static void HandleExtensionEventL(CEikonEnv& aEnv, TLafEnvExtensionEvent aEvent);
+ /** Allows debug keys to display output.
+ @param aResourceId The resource to use for the note
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static void InfoNote(TInt aResourceId,...);
+ /** Creates a default system colour list.
+ @param aEnv The instance of CEikonEnv from which this function has been called
+ @return A list of colours
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CColorList* CreateColorListL(CEikonEnv& aEnv);
+ /** Gets the name of the clock DLL
+ @return The name of the clock DLL
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static const TDesC& ClockDllName();
+ /** The behaviour of CEikonEnv can be customized. This enum lists
+ the things that can be customized. */
+ enum TLafEnvPolicyItem
+ {
+ /** The action to take when there is an error during startup. */
+ ELafEnvPolicyExitIfErrorDuringStartup,
+ /** The action to take when the document is corrupt. */
+ ELafEnvPolicyDeleteCorruptDocumentAndContinue,
+ /** This affects the way the environment is deleted. */
+ ELAfEnvPolicyDeferredEnvironmentDeletion,
+ };
+ /** CEikonEnv will use this function to find out how it should behave.
+ The list of things that can be customized this way are listed by
+ TLafEnvPolicyItem.
+ @param aItem The policy item.
+ @return An integer that indicates what the action should be.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt PolicyItem(TLafEnvPolicyItem aItem);
+ inline static TInt ShadowHeight();
+ /** Defines types of constant setting relevant to LAFs. */
+ enum TConstantType
+ {
+ /** Window shadow height. */
+ EShadowHeight
+ };
+ /** Gets the value for a specified constant setting.
+ @param aConstant Type of constant setting to get
+ @return Value for the constant setting */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt Constant(TConstantType aConstant);
+ };
+// identifiers for legacy system fonts
+/** UID for the system "normal" font.
+@see TLogicalFont::iFontId
+@released */
+#define KLafUidNormalFontVal 0x10005F02
+/** UID for the system "title" font.
+@see TLogicalFont::iFontId
+@released */
+#define KLafUidTitleFontVal 0x10005F03
+/** UID for the system "annotation" font.
+@see TLogicalFont::iFontId
+@released */
+#define KLafUidAnnotationFontVal 0x10005F04
+/** UID for the system "legend" font.
+@see TLogicalFont::iFontId
+@released */
+#define KLafUidLegendFontVal 0x10005F05
+/** UID for the system "symbol" font.
+@see TLogicalFont::iFontId
+@released */
+#define KLafUidSymbolFontVal 0x10005F06
+/** UID for the system "dense" font.
+@see TLogicalFont::iFontId
+@released */
+#define KLafUidDenseFontVal 0x10005F07
+// identifiers for legacy system bitmaps
+/** UID for a textured block system bitmap.
+@see LafEnv::MatchBitmap()
+@released */
+#define KLafUidEikonTexturedVal 0x100048F4
+/** UID for a gray block system bitmap.
+@see LafEnv::MatchBitmap()
+@released */
+#define KLafUidEikonGrayVal 0x100048F5
+/** UID for a horizontal option button system bitmap.
+@see LafEnv::MatchBitmap()
+@released */
+#define KLafUidEikonOptiVal 0x100048F6
+/** UID for a highlighted horizontal option button system bitmap.
+@see LafEnv::MatchBitmap()
+@released */
+#define KLafUidEikonOptihVal 0x100048F7
+/** UID for a horizontal option button mask system bitmap.
+@see LafEnv::MatchBitmap()
+@released */
+#define KLafUidEikonOptimVal 0x100048F8
+// Inlines
+inline TInt LafEnv::ShadowHeight()
+/** Gets the height of shadows to apply to windows.
+@return Shadow height. */
+ {//static
+ return Constant(EShadowHeight);
+ }