changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
parent 0 061f57f2323e
--- a/epoc32/include/http/thttpevent.h	Tue Nov 24 13:55:44 2009 +0000
+++ b/epoc32/include/http/thttpevent.h	Tue Mar 16 16:12:26 2010 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,485 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file THTTPEvent.h
+ @warning : This file contains Rose Model ID comments - please do not delete
+#ifndef	__THTTPEVENT_H__
+#define	__THTTPEVENT_H__
+// System includes
+#include <e32std.h>
+The HTTP UID. This UID is used for all events defined here.
+const TUint KHTTPUid				= 0x1000A441;
+Wildcard Matching UID. When specified as part of an event then the UID event
+part of the match will be ignored.
+const TUint KHTTPMatchAnyEventUid	=  0x1000A44C;
+The base status code for transaction events. Any number above this but below
+KSessionEventBaseStatus is a transaction event.
+const TInt KTransactionEventBaseStatus		= 0;
+The base status code for transaction warning events.
+const TInt KTransactionWarningBaseStatus	= 10000;
+The base status code for session events. Any number above this is a session 
+const TInt KSessionEventBaseStatus			= 100000;
+The base status code for session warning events.
+const TInt KSessionWarningBaseStatus		= 110000;
+class THTTPEvent
+A HTTP status message. Status messages consist of a UID and a
+status code within that UID. Extension dlls that needs to create
+new status messages should use their own UID and create status codes
+within that UID.
+	{
+	/** The TStandardEvent type is used to specify a family of event types. Any
+		negative event number is used to convey error codes. All events are 
+		incoming (originate with the origin server) unless otherwise indicated. 
+		Outgoing messages will not be seen by the MHTTPTransactionCallback's 
+		MHFRunL.
+	 */
+	enum TStandardEvent
+		{
+		/** Used when registering filter to indicate the filter is instrested 
+			in ALL events, both transaction and session events.
+		 */
+		EAll					= KRequestPending + 1,
+		/** Used when registering filters to indicate the filter is interested
+			in any transaction event, from any direction.
+		 */
+		EAnyTransactionEvent	= KRequestPending,
+		/** Used when registering filters to indicate the filter is interested 
+			in any session event.
+		 */
+		EAnySessionEvent		= KSessionEventBaseStatus
+		};
+	/** The TTransactionEvents type defines the events that correspond to 
+		transactions. Outgoing events originate from the client or from filters.
+		The clients do not send these explicitly since the API methods of 
+		RHTTPTransaction do it on their behalf. Incoming events originate from 
+		the protocol handler or from filters, and clients should handle these.
+		The ESucceeded and EFailed events are mutually exclusive, but one will
+		always be sent to the client as the final event for a transaction.
+	 */
+	enum TTransactionEvent
+		{
+		/** The transaction is being submitted. An outgoing event.
+		*/
+		ESubmit						= KTransactionEventBaseStatus,
+		/** The transaction is being cancelled. An outgoing event. 
+		*/
+		ECancel						= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 1,
+		/** A new part of request body data is available for transmission. An
+			outgoing event
+		*/
+		ENotifyNewRequestBodyPart	= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 2,
+		/** The transaction is being closed. An outgoing event. 
+		*/
+		EClosed						= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 3,
+		/** All the response headers have been received. An incoming event. 
+		*/
+		EGotResponseHeaders			= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 4, 
+		/** Some (more) body data has been received (in the HTTP response). An 
+			incoming event.
+		*/
+		EGotResponseBodyData		= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 5,
+		/** The transaction's response is complete. An incoming event. 
+		*/
+		EResponseComplete			= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 6,
+		/** Some trailer headers have been received. An incoming event.
+		*/
+		EGotResponseTrailerHeaders	= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 7,
+		/** The transaction has succeeded. An incoming event.
+		*/
+		ESucceeded					= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 8,
+		/** The transaction has failed. This is a 'catch-all' for communicating
+			failures, and more details of the failure should have been notified
+			in previous messages or status codes. If the client could process 
+			these then it is possible that it should not consider the transaction
+			a failure. For instance a browser that displays the body of 404 
+			responses to the user would not consider a 404 response to be a 
+			failure, as it would display it just like a 200 response even though
+			a 404 will be flagged as a 'failure'. An incoming event.
+		*/
+		EFailed						= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 9, 
+		/** Generated from RHTTPTransaction::Fail(). A filter has failed in a 
+			way that prevents it from using the normal event mechanism to inform
+			the client of the error. This probably means it's run out of memory.
+			An incoming event.
+		*/
+		EUnrecoverableError			= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 10,
+		/** An event that indicates that there is too much request data to be 
+			sent. The transaction will subsequently be cancelled. An incoming 
+			event.
+		*/
+		ETooMuchRequestData			= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 11,
+		/** If the returned status code for a transaciton is either 301, 302 or 307
+            and the requested method is NOT a GET or HEAD, then the filter sends the 
+            client an event ERedirectRequiresConfirmation as stated in RFC2616.
+            On receiving this event, the transaction is already setup with the redirected URI
+            and the client is required to make the decision to whether to submit the 
+            transaction or close the transaction.
+            If the requested method is GET or HEAD the transaction is automatically 
+            redirected and this event is not used.
+        */
+		ERedirectRequiresConfirmation = KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 12,
+		/** A transaction has been specified to use a proxy and the request
+			requires a tunnel to be establised to the origin server.
+		*/
+		ENeedTunnel					= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 13,
+		/** The client wishes to view the current cipher suite.
+		*/
+		EGetCipherSuite				= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 14,
+		/** The transaction's request is complete. An incoming event. 
+		*/
+		ERequestComplete			= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 15,
+		/**An event to signal that 100 Continue response has been received.
+		*/
+		EReceived100Continue		= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 16,
+		/**An event to cancel the wait for a 100-Continue event.
+		*/
+		ECancelWaitFor100Continue	= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 17,
+		/**An event of Send Timeout for a Request.
+		*/
+		ESendTimeOut	= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 18,
+		/**An event of Receive Timeout for a Response.
+		*/
+		EReceiveTimeOut	= KTransactionEventBaseStatus + 19
+		};
+	/** The TDirection type defines the direction of an event. An outgoing event
+		originates from the client or from filters. The clients do not send these
+		explicitly since the API methods of RHTTPTransaction or RHTTPSession do 
+		it on their behalf. Incoming events originate from the protocol handler 
+		or from filters, and clients should handle these.
+	*/
+	enum TDirection
+		{
+		/** An event originating with the client (e.g. start transaction).
+		*/
+		EOutgoing,
+		/** An event originating with the server (e.g. something received). 
+		*/
+		EIncoming
+		};
+	/** The TTransactionWarning type indicates that something in a transaction 
+		may be incorrect but the transaction may continue. It may also indicate 
+		that something (e.g. a filter) may have performed an action that has 
+		changed the transaction and that the client should be informed of this.
+	*/
+	enum TTransactionWarning
+		{
+		/** An event indicating that the transaction has been redirected and the
+			original origin server indicated that it was a permanent redirection.
+			The URI for the transaction is now the redirected location. A 
+			permanent redirection may require further client behavior if the 
+			request came from a stored URI. This is to avoid further redirections 
+			on subsequent requests for this resource.
+		*/
+		ERedirectedPermanently			= KTransactionWarningBaseStatus,
+		/** An event indicating that the transaction has been redirected and the
+			original server indicated that it was a temporary redirection. 
+		*/
+		ERedirectedTemporarily			= KTransactionWarningBaseStatus + 1,
+		/** An event generated by the Protocol Handler when it receives a Content-
+			Length value that does not match the actual length of the body data.
+		*/
+		EMoreDataReceivedThanExpected	= KTransactionWarningBaseStatus + 2
+		};
+public:	// Methods
+	/** Constructor
+		@param aStatus	The status value.
+		@param aUID		The UID.
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C187402FB
+	inline THTTPEvent(TInt aStatus, TUint aUID = KHTTPUid);
+	/** Constructor (using a standard event and the HTTP UID)
+		@param aStatus	The standard event to use.
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C18740304
+	inline THTTPEvent(TStandardEvent aStatus = EAnyTransactionEvent);
+	/** Constructor (using a transaction event and the HTTP UID)
+		@param aStatus	The transaction event to use.
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C1874030C
+	inline THTTPEvent(TTransactionEvent aStatus);
+	/** Assigns a standard event code to an event object
+		@param aStatus	The standard event.
+		@return The HTTP event object.
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C187402EF
+	inline THTTPEvent& operator=(TStandardEvent aStatus);
+	/** Assigns a transaction event code to an event object
+		@param aStatus	The transaction event.
+		@return The HTTP event object.
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C187402F1
+	inline THTTPEvent& operator=(TTransactionEvent aStatus);
+	/** Equality operator
+		@param The HTTP event object to compare.
+		@return ETrue if the HTTP event objects are equal. 
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C187402DA
+	inline TBool operator==(THTTPEvent aThat) const;
+	/** Inequality operator
+		@param The HTTP event object to compare.
+		@return ETrue if the HTTP event objects are not equal. 
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C187402BD
+	inline TBool operator!=(THTTPEvent aThat) const;
+	/** Equality operator (compares with a standard event)
+		@param The standard event object to compare.
+		@return ETrue if the standard event objects are equal.
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C187402DC
+	inline TBool operator==(TStandardEvent aStatus) const;
+	/** Inequality operator (compares with a standard event)
+		@param The standard event object to compare.
+		@return ETrue if the standard event objects are not equal. 
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C187402C7
+	inline TBool operator!=(TStandardEvent aStatus) const;
+	/** Equality operator (compares with a transaction event)
+		@param The transaction event object to compare.
+		@return ETrue if the transaction event objects are equal. 
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C187402E4
+	inline TBool operator==(TTransactionEvent aStatus) const;
+	/** Inequality operator (compares with a transaction event)
+		@param The transaction event object to compare.
+		@return ETrue if the transaction event objects are not equal. 
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C187402D0
+	inline TBool operator!=(TTransactionEvent aStatus) const;
+	/** @return ETrue if the event is a session event
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C187402BC
+	inline TBool IsSessionEvent() const;
+public:	// Attributes
+	/** The status value.
+	 */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C187402B4
+	TInt iStatus;
+	/** The UID.
+	 */
+	//##ModelId=3C4C187402AA
+	TUint iUID;
+protected: // Attributes
+	/** Flag to indicate whether the event is a session event
+	*/
+	TBool iIsSessionEventFlag;
+	};
+class THTTPSessionEvent : public THTTPEvent
+A HTTP session status message. Status messages consist of a UID and a
+status code within that UID. Extension dlls that needs to create
+new status messages should use their own UID and create status codes
+within that UID.
+	{
+public: // Enumerations
+	/** The TSessionEvents type defines the evenst that correspond to the 
+		of a session entity. Outgoing events originate from the client or from
+		filters. Incoming events originate from the protocol handler or from 
+		filters, and clients should handle these. 
+	*/
+	enum TSessionEvent
+		{
+		/** A session connection should be initiated. An outgoing event.
+		*/
+		EConnect							= KSessionEventBaseStatus,
+		/** The session should be disconnected. An outgoing event.
+		 */
+		EDisconnect							= KSessionEventBaseStatus + 1,
+		/** The session has been successfully connected. None of the client 
+			requested capabilities were denied or reduced by the proxy. An 
+			incoming event.
+		*/
+		EConnectedOK						= KSessionEventBaseStatus + 2,
+		/** The session has been connected, but with one or more of the client 
+			requested capabilities denied or reduced by the proxy. An incoming 
+			event.
+		*/
+		EConnectedWithReducedCapabilities	= KSessionEventBaseStatus + 3,
+		/** The session has been disconnected. This either confirms an earlier 
+			EDisconnect event or indicates a forced disconnection by the proxy. 
+			An incoming event.
+		*/
+		EDisconnected						= KSessionEventBaseStatus + 4,
+		/** The authentication handshake succeeded with the automatic validation
+			of the (proxy) server certificate.
+		 */
+		EAuthenticatedOK					= KSessionEventBaseStatus + 5,
+		/** The authentication handshake failed.
+		*/
+		EAuthenticationFailure				= KSessionEventBaseStatus + 6,
+		/** The connection attempt to the proxy timed out.
+		*/
+		EConnectionTimedOut					= KSessionEventBaseStatus + 7
+		};
+	/**
+		HTTP session warning events.
+	 */
+	enum TSessionWarning
+		{
+		/** The client has requested a transaction event that requires a session
+			to be connected or the connection to be initiated, but neither is
+			currently true. The transaction event will be left pending until the
+			session is connected. An incoming event.
+		*/
+		ENotConnected						= KSessionWarningBaseStatus,
+		/** The proxy has sent some information that is not related to a 
+			transaction and has no effect on the state of the session. The 
+			information from the proxy is in the EProxyExceptionInfo property.
+		*/
+		EExceptionInfo						= KSessionWarningBaseStatus + 1,
+		/** The client connection request was (permanently) redirected to a new
+			WAP proxy address. The client should check the EWspProxyAddress 
+			property for the new address. The client's access-point database can
+			then be updated with this address. No notification is given of a 
+			temporary redirection.
+		*/
+		ERedirected							= KSessionWarningBaseStatus + 2,
+		/** The client has requested a session event that is not valid whilst
+			the WSP session is trying to establish a connection.
+		*/
+		EAlreadyConnecting					= KSessionWarningBaseStatus + 3,
+		/** The client has requested a session event that is not valid whilst
+			the WSP session is in the Connected state.
+		*/
+		EAlreadyConnected					= KSessionWarningBaseStatus + 4,
+		/** The client has requested a session event that is not valid whilst
+			the WSP session is trying to close the connection.
+		*/
+		EAlreadyDisconnecting				= KSessionWarningBaseStatus + 5,
+		/** The client has requested a session event that is not valid whilst
+			the WSP session is in the Null (or disconnected) state.
+		*/
+		EAlreadyDisconnected				= KSessionWarningBaseStatus + 6
+		};
+	/** Constructor
+		@param aStatus	The status value.
+		@param aUID		The UID.
+	*/
+	inline THTTPSessionEvent(TInt aStatus, TUint aUID = KHTTPUid);
+	/** Constructor (using a standard event and the HTTP UID)
+		@param aStatus	The standard event to use.
+	*/
+	inline THTTPSessionEvent(TStandardEvent aStatus = EAnySessionEvent);
+	/** Constructor (using a session event and the HTTP UID)
+		@param aStatus	The session event to use.
+	*/
+	inline THTTPSessionEvent(TSessionEvent aStatus);
+	/** Assigns a session event code to an event object
+		@param aStatus	The session event.
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3C4C187402F9
+	inline THTTPSessionEvent& operator=(TSessionEvent aStatus);
+	/// Equality operator (compares with a session event)
+	//##ModelId=3C4C187402E6
+	inline TBool operator==(TSessionEvent aStatus) const;
+	/// Inequality operator (compares with a session event)
+	//##ModelId=3C4C187402D2
+	inline TBool operator!=(TSessionEvent aStatus) const;
+	};
+#include <http/thttpevent.inl>
+#endif // __THTTPEVENT_H__