changeset 4 837f303aceeb
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/epoc32/include/bsul/clientmessage.h	Wed Mar 31 12:33:34 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Wrapper around RMessage2 that provides message validation and error handling
+// to improve robustness of system servers under IPC attack
+#if !defined(CLIENTMESSAGE_H)
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32debug.h>
+#include <babitflags.h>
+namespace BSUL
+	{
+	//Version number of the client server framework code
+	const TInt KClientMessageVersion = 0x1;
+	//Forward Declarations
+	class CMessageParameterBase;	
+	//Const Declarations
+	/**
+	Returned to caller to indicate that the requested message number is not
+	supported by the current server
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	const TInt KErrInvalidFunction 		= -1004; 
+	/**
+	Returned to caller if a message is passed in containing a non-descriptor
+	parameter which doesn't meet the constraints specified in the schema
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	const TInt KErrBadParameter 		= -1005; 
+	/**
+	Returned to caller in UREL mode when the server attempts to call a 
+	CMessageParameterBase function which is not defined for the given
+	parameter type. E.g. calling GetIntL() on a Descriptor parameter.
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	const TInt KErrWrongParameterType 		= -1006; 
+	/**
+	Returned to caller in UREL mode when a message is found to be
+	incorrectly defined in the message schema. 
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	const TInt KErrBadMessageSchema			= -1007; 
+	/**
+	Returned to caller to indicate that the requested parameter has not yet
+	been validated
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	const TInt KErrNotValidated			= -1008; //Server internal error
+	/**
+	Returned to caller to indicate that the ClientMessage framework has
+	not yet been initialised
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	const TInt KErrNotInitialised		= -1009; //Server internal error
+	//Enum Declarations
+	/**
+	This is the list of Panic codes used by the ClientMessage framework
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	enum
+		{
+		/**This panic is raised in UDEB mode when the server attempts to call a 
+		CMessageParameterBase function which is not defined for the given
+		parameter type. E.g. calling GetIntL() on a Descriptor parameter.
+		*/
+		ECMPanicWrongParameterType = 0,
+		/**This panic is raised when the server attempts to read from a
+		descriptor in the clients process and supplies a target descriptor
+		that is smaller than the client descriptor.
+		*/
+		ECMPanicBadDescriptor,
+		/**This panic is raised when a TParameterDetails structure for a 
+		given parameter is incorrectly defined in the message schema
+		*/
+		ECMPanicBadMessageSchema
+		};	
+	/**
+	This Enum lists the currently supported Parameter types.  
+	These enum values are used as indices to the Parameter Factory Function
+	which instantiates the appropriate CMessageParammeterBase derived
+	object to represent a given message parameter.
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	enum TParamType
+		{
+		EParamNull = 0,
+		EParamInt,
+		EParamDes8Read,
+		EParamDes8,
+		EParamPckg,
+		EParamDes16Read,
+		EParamDes16,
+		EParamPtr
+		};
+	/**
+	This enum lists the currently supported flags that can be passed to the server
+	in TClientMessageServerData::iFlags.  Note that internally this value is stored
+	in a TBitFlags32 type but this type cannot be statically initialised in a dll 
+	so the value is passed to the framework in a TInt. The bottom 16 bit flags are 
+	reserved for the framework's internal use.
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	enum TServerFlags
+		{
+		/** Default empty flag */
+		ESrvFlagNone = 0,
+		/** Setting this flag indicates that for bad message errors, request 
+		should be completed with error code rather than panicking the client */
+		ESrvFlagDoNotPanicClientOnBadMessageErrors = 0x40000000,
+		/** Indicates that bad messages should be logged in UDEB */
+		ESrvFlagLogBadMessages = 0x80000000
+		};
+	//Typedef Declarations
+	/**
+	This typedef is used to simplify the declaration of custom
+	parameter validation functions
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	typedef void (*TCustomValidationFn)(CMessageParameterBase* aParameter);
+	//Struct Declarations
+	/** 
+	This structure defines the format for storing information for an 
+	individual message parameter. 
+	 iType - This defines the parameter type and is used by the CMessageParameterBase
+	 			class to instantiate the appropriate derived class via the 
+	 			KParameterFactoryFunctions factory lookup table.
+	 iMin, iMax - These are two constraints that are used in the ValidateL 
+	 			method of a class derived from CMessageParameter to validate the message
+	 			as required by that parameter.  
+	 			The  constraints that are used depend on the type as follows:
+	 			EParamInt:
+	 				-iMin = Minimum int value accepted
+	 				-iMax = Maximum int value accepted. This must be > iMin
+	 				NOTE:	Currently unsigned integers are not explicitly supported,
+	 						however 16 bit unsigned integers are implicitly supported
+	 						by the EParamInt type.  Note that the constraint above
+	 						(iMax > iMin) means that the maximum supported value for an 
+	 						unsigned int is 0x7FFFFFFF.
+	 			EParamDes8Read:
+	 			EParamDes16Read:
+	 				-iMin = Minimum length of descriptor in  clients address space.
+	 						If no minimum restriction exists this should be set to 0 in
+	 						the schema. This must be >= 0
+	 				-iMax = Maximum length of descriptor in clients address space.  
+	 						The descriptor supplied by the client must not have a 
+	 						length that exceeds this value. This must be >= iMin
+	 			EParamDes8:
+	 			EParamDes16:
+	 				-iMin =  Minimum MaxLength of descriptor in clients address space.
+	 						 The descriptor supplied by the client must have a MaxLength
+	 						 that is at least as big as this value. This must be >= 0
+	 				-iMax =  Maximum length of descriptor in clients address space.  
+	 						The descriptor supplied by the client must not have a 
+	 						length that exceeds this value. This must be >= 0.
+	 				NOTE: 	As the EParamDes* types use MaxLength() as a restriction
+	 						They cannot be used if the client intends to pass a TDesC 
+	 						derived descriptor.  If the client intends read only use 
+	 						then the explicit EParamDes*Read types should be used instead.
+	 			EParamPckg:
+	 				-iMin = Minimum length of descriptor in  clients address space.
+	 						If no minimum restriction exists this should be set to 0 in
+	 						the schema. This must be >= 0
+	 				-iMax = Maximum length of descriptor in clients address space.  
+	 						The descriptor supplied by the client must not have a 
+	 						length that exceeds this value. This must be >= iMin
+	 			EParamPtr:
+	  				-iMin = Unused
+	 				-iMax = Unused
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	struct TParameterDetails
+		{
+		const TInt iType;
+		const TInt iMin;
+		const TInt iMax;	
+		};
+	/**
+	This struct is used to represent a single message from the client.
+	It defines the function number corresponding to the message, the security 
+	policy for the message, the number of paramaters that are passed to the 
+	function and the type and constraint information for each of the parameters 
+	as described above. The server must define an array of these objects to be 
+	used by CClientMessage to validate all incoming messages.
+	NOTE: It is assumed that the message parameters are contiguous. I.E. if there is one
+	parameter it is assumed to be located at index 0, if there are 2 parameters they 
+	are located at index 0,1 etc.
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	struct TClientMessageSchema
+		{
+		//Version number of the framework
+		const TInt iVersion;
+		//The message number described by this schema
+		const TInt iFunction;
+		//The security policy for this message. The CClientMessage framework 
+		//uses this security policy to police incoming messages.
+		const TStaticSecurityPolicy& iPolicy;
+		//The number of parameters expected by this message
+		const TInt iParamCount;	
+		//The array of TParameterDetails structs describing the 
+		//parameter types and constraints for this message
+		const TParameterDetails* iParams;
+		//Reserved values for future proofing
+		const TInt iReserved1;
+		const TInt iReserved2;
+		};	
+	/**
+	This struct is used to initialise the ClientMessage Framework.
+	This struct provides the framework with the message schema and
+	the custom validation functions for the server as well as the server 
+	name and flags.
+	The struct should be populated by the server using the SERVER_DATA 
+	macro defined below.
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	struct TClientMessageServerData
+		{
+		//Version number of this structure
+		const TInt iVersion;
+		//The number of messages accepted by this server
+		const TInt iMessageCount;
+		//The array of TClientMessageSchema structs defining the schema for
+		//each message accpeted by this server
+		const TClientMessageSchema* iMessageSchema;
+		//The number of custom validation fucntions suplpied by this server
+		const TInt iValidationFnCount;
+		//The array of custom validation functions supplied by this server.
+		//These validation functions are called from ValidateL to provide 
+		//customised validation of any parameter type.
+		const TCustomValidationFn* iCustomValidationFns;
+		//The name of the server using the framework.  This string is used both
+		//in logging bad messages and in panicing the client or the server.
+		//In line with Panic category strings, this value should be 16 characters or less.
+		const TUint8* iServerName;
+		//Flags used to pass settings info into the framework. The supported values are
+		//defined in the TServerFlags enum above. 
+		const TInt iFlags;
+		//Reserved values for future proofing
+		const TInt iReserved1;
+		const TInt iReserved2;
+		};
+	//Macro Definitions
+	/**
+	This macro is used to simplify declaration of TClientMessageSchema entries.
+	The function number, security policy and pointer to array of TParameterDetails
+	structures is converted into the expected format for the declaration of a
+	TClientMessageSchema structure.
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/	
+	#define MESSAGE_SCHEMA(Function,Policy,Params) {KClientMessageVersion,Function,Policy,sizeof(Params)/sizeof(TParameterDetails),Params,0,0}
+	/**
+	This TParameterDetails structure is used to represent a message with no 
+	parameters.  This is required as the schema expects a const TParameterDetails*.
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	const TParameterDetails KNoParams[1] = {{EParamNull,0,0}};	
+	/**
+	This macro is used to simplify declaration of TClientMessageSchema entries
+	for functions with no parameters. Because the number of parameters is set 
+	to 0, a CMessageParameterBase derived object is not instantiated for this 
+	parameter type.
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	#define MESSAGE_SCHEMA_NO_PARAMS(Function,Policy) {KClientMessageVersion,Function,Policy,0,KNoParams,0,0}
+	/**
+	This macro is used to simplify declaration of the TClientMessageServerData structure.
+	The pointer to the array of TClientMessageSchemas, pointer to array of 
+	TCustomValidationFns, server name and server flags are converted into the 
+	expected format for the declaration of a TClientMessageServerData structure.
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/	
+	#define SERVER_DATA(ClientMessages,ValidationFns,ServerName,Flags){KClientMessageVersion,sizeof(ClientMessages)/sizeof(TClientMessageSchema),ClientMessages,sizeof(ValidationFns)/sizeof(TCustomValidationFn),ValidationFns,(TUint8*)ServerName,Flags,0,0}
+	//Class Declarations
+	/**
+	This is the abstract base class for all message parameter classes. 
+	The class defines one pure virtual function, ValidateL, which all derived classes 
+	must implement.  This class also defines default implementation for the access
+	methods which should be properly defined in all derived classes.
+	This class is not intended for external derivation.
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CMessageParameterBase) : public CBase
+	{
+	public:
+		static CMessageParameterBase* CreateL(const TParameterDetails& aParam, TInt aParamIndex,
+							const RMessage2& aMessage);
+		virtual void ValidateL() = 0;
+		virtual ~CMessageParameterBase(){};
+		virtual TInt GetIntL();
+		virtual const TAny* GetPtrL();
+		virtual const TDesC8& GetDes8L();
+		virtual const TDesC& GetDes16L();
+		virtual TInt GetDesLengthL();
+		virtual TInt GetDesMaxLengthL();
+		virtual void ReadL(TDes8& aDes, TInt aOffset);
+		virtual void ReadL(TDes& aDes, TInt aOffset);
+		virtual void WriteL(const TDesC8& aDes, TInt aOffset);
+		virtual void WriteL(const TDesC& aDes, TInt aOffset);
+		virtual TInt Min();
+		virtual TInt Max();
+	protected:
+		CMessageParameterBase(const TParameterDetails& aParam, TInt aParamIndex,
+					const RMessage2& aMessage, TCustomValidationFn aValidationFn);
+	private:
+	static TCustomValidationFn GetValidationFunctionL(const TParameterDetails& aParam);
+	protected:	
+		//The index of this parameter within the corresponding RMessage2 object
+		TInt iIndex;
+		//A reference to the RMessage2 object that contains this parameter
+		const RMessage2& iMessage;
+		//A reference to the structure that defines the expected type
+		//and constraints for this parameter
+		const TParameterDetails& iParamDetails; 
+		//A custom validation function to allow user defined validation
+		//this function is called from ValidateL
+		TCustomValidationFn iValidationFn;
+	};
+	/**
+	This class is used by a server to sanitise incoming messages.  
+	The class provides a wrapper around an RMessage2 object and provides a method 
+	for validation of the message against the constraints defined in the message schema.  
+	This class also provides methods for safely accessing the message arguments, 
+	and for error handling and logging of bad messages.
+	This class is not intended for derivation.
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CClientMessage) : public CBase
+	{
+	public:
+		IMPORT_C static void InitialiseFrameworkL(const TClientMessageServerData& aServerData);
+		IMPORT_C static CClientMessage* NewL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+		IMPORT_C virtual ~CClientMessage();
+		IMPORT_C TInt Function();
+		IMPORT_C const RMessage2& Message();
+		IMPORT_C virtual void ValidateL();
+		IMPORT_C virtual void ValidateL(TInt aParam);
+		IMPORT_C virtual void CompleteRequestL(TInt aError);
+		IMPORT_C virtual void PanicClient(const TDesC& aServer, TInt aPanic);
+		IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetIntL(TInt aParam);		
+		IMPORT_C virtual const TAny* GetPtrL(TInt aParam);		
+		IMPORT_C virtual const TDesC8& GetDes8L(TInt aParam);
+		IMPORT_C virtual const TDesC& GetDes16L(TInt aParam);
+		IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetDesLengthL(TInt aParam);
+		IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetDesMaxLengthL(TInt aParam);	
+		IMPORT_C virtual void ReadL(TInt aParam, TDes8& aDes, TInt aOffset = 0);
+		IMPORT_C virtual void ReadL(TInt aParam, TDes16& aDes, TInt aOffset = 0);
+		IMPORT_C virtual void WriteL(TInt aParam, const TDesC8& aDes, TInt aOffset = 0);
+		IMPORT_C virtual void WriteL(TInt aParam, const TDesC16& aDes, TInt aOffset = 0);		
+	private:
+		virtual void LogBadMessageL(TInt aError);
+		virtual void CheckSecurityPolicyL(const TSecurityPolicy& aPolicy);	
+		CClientMessage(const RMessage2& aMessage,const TClientMessageServerData& aServerData);
+		void ConstructL();
+		const TClientMessageSchema* FindMessageSchema();
+		void CheckValidatedL(TInt aParam);
+		TBool LogBadMessages();
+	private:
+		//Array of pointers to CMessageParameterBase Derived parameter objects used
+		// to validate and access the individual message arguments
+		RPointerArray <CMessageParameterBase> iParameters;
+		//Reference to the underlying RMessage2 wrapped by this object
+		const RMessage2& iMessage;
+		//Reference to TClientMessageServerData structure stored in TLS for
+		//this thread.  This structure is passed in to the framework by the server
+		//on initialisation.
+		const TClientMessageServerData& iServerData;
+		//Bit flags for use internally within CClientMessage.
+		TBitFlags32 iFlags;
+	};
+	/**
+	This class is used for Base64 based encoding and decoding .
+	This class provides a method  for encoding and decoding
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	*/
+	class Base64Codec 
+	{
+		// base64 and UU coding defines.
+		/**
+		This is the list of Bitmask used for encoding and decoding
+		@publishedPartner
+		@released
+		*/
+		enum EMaskValues
+			{ 
+			ESixBitMask = 0x3F, 
+			EEightBitMask = 0xFF 
+			};
+		/**
+		This is the list of shift values used for encoding and decoding
+		@publishedPartner
+		@released
+		*/
+		enum EMaskShiftValues
+			{ 
+			ESix = 6, 
+			EFour = 4, 
+			ETwo = 2, 
+			EZero = 0
+			};
+		/**
+		This enum is used as padding charcter
+		@publishedPartner
+		@released
+		*/
+		enum
+		{ 
+		EPadChar = 64 
+		};
+	public:
+		IMPORT_C static TInt Encode(const TDesC8& aSrcString, TDes8& aDestString);
+		IMPORT_C static TInt Decode(const TDesC8& aSrcString, TDes8& aDestString);
+	};
+	}//namespace